Sometimes ya just wish Trump would stop talking


War Daddy
Gold Member
Jun 22, 2018
& giving the left media new sound bytes to fuel the Trump dictator forever "he'll never step down" narrative. It's like dude, just know you will always be taken out of context & your words used to further scare the highly scared. & Used to scare independent voters you still have a shot with

& giving the left media new sound bytes to fuel the Trump dictator forever "he'll never step down" narrative. It's like dude, just know you will always be taken out of context & your words used to further scare the highly scared. & Used to scare independent voters you still have a shot with

You might be on to something here.
& giving the left media new sound bytes to fuel the Trump dictator forever "he'll never step down" narrative. It's like dude, just know you will always be taken out of context & your words used to further scare the highly scared. & Used to scare independent voters you still have a shot with

taken out of context? By the way, how often does this "Christian" go to church?
Sometimes I think Trump does it intentionally just to tweak the crazy leftist media.
probably but he gives them endless fuel to actually influence middle of the road voters who Trump is trying to win over. The previous never trumpers who are actually considering voting for him.

he's not his own worst enemy but sometimes he sure tries to be
taken out of context? By the way, how often does this "Christian" go to church?
As a Christian myself, if he's Christian or not won't impact my vote. I hope he is and more people are saved than not because I want that for them but we all make personal choices. Furthermore, some of the best Christians I know haven't been to any church in years. Attending church is not any form of measurement I care about.

And whether Trump is a Christian or not, doesn't impact my vote for him. even if not a Christian, he can still be an ally for Christians. I would have gladly voted for Vivek
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& giving the left media new sound bytes to fuel the Trump dictator forever "he'll never step down" narrative. It's like dude, just know you will always be taken out of context & your words used to further scare the highly scared. & Used to scare independent voters you still have a shot with

Wish in one hand and…..

I also wish he’d quit associating with total losers like Laura Loomer. But nay, it will never happen.
When the mainstream media doesn’t just take things out of context, they outright •
LIE to push their agenda what does it really matter?
When the mainstream media doesn’t just take things out of context, they outright •
LIE to push their agenda what does it really matter?
while true, people can listen to his actual clips and say "yes he actually did say that". now what he means is open to interpretation but why say questionable things on camera when you don't need give the left media any addiitonal fuel

is your goal to be elected president, or to make it as close to a photo finish as possible?
As a Christian myself, if he's Christian or not won't impact my vote. I hope he is and more people are saved than not because I want that for them but we all make personal choices. Furthermore, some of the best Christians I know haven't been to any church in years. Attending church is not any form of measurement I care about.

And whether Trump is a Christian or not, doesn't impact my vote for him. even if not a Christian, he can still be an ally for Christians. I would have gladly voted for Vivek
Both parties are controlled by the extremes who apply purity litmus tests. It's a problem.
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Trump is a political advisors worst nightmare, that it's good to unleash him 80 percent of the time because it's effective,..but 20 percent he ventures off into protecting his ego, for instance calling a female CNN reporters face akin to a horses face,'s like a house cat that behaves very well right before tearing down the Christmas tree,...but even still, it's variable insanity that is manageable, and not full time bat-sh@t activity of national self-destruction of th last 3 1/2 years
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no doubt. Trump is the opposite of the establishment swamp which is why every 3 letter agency and instution constantly attacks him
I agree but I'm talking more about attacks from within the party. For example, the far right demands that only their preferred VP choice be selected by Trump. The far left demands unfettered abortion and elimination of the 2A. Neither side is open to any discussion. But 80-85% of the country are more open than the far right and more conservative than the far left. Recently, the Ds have been better about sticking together but that appears to be changing as the country seems to believe we've gone too far left.
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while true, people can listen to his actual clips and say "yes he actually did say that". now what he means is open to interpretation but why say questionable things on camera when you don't need give the left media any addiitonal fuel

is your goal to be elected president, or to make it as close to a photo finish as possible?
I get what you are saying, but if you expect to lead your country they need to understand what you are saying.
Actually this clip of Trump is out of context as well. He was talking about Christians who do not vote. He was encouraging them to come out and vote in this election. And then in future elections they can go back to their non voting ways. It's amazing to me that there are Christians who don't vote, but the number must be significant or he wouldn't have mentioned it.
while true, people can listen to his actual clips and say "yes he actually did say that". now what he means is open to interpretation but why say questionable things on camera when you don't need give the left media any addiitonal fuel

is your goal to be elected president, or to make it as close to a photo finish as possible?
If he was capable of acting like a halfway normal human being he'd still be president.
Actually this clip of Trump is out of context as well. He was talking about Christians who do not vote. He was encouraging them to come out and vote in this election. And then in future elections they can go back to their non voting ways. It's amazing to me that there are Christians who don't vote, but the number must be significant or he wouldn't have mentioned it.
Wow amount of rationalization from you.
I get what you are saying, but if you expect to lead your country they need to understand what you are saying.
That's true but what he is really saying isn't that hard to decipher and if 3/4 of the media and 1/2 of the grifters in DC didn't take things out of context in order to try to mislead or simply make stories up, we'd all be better off. For example, I think everyone can agree that the media has overblown the Trump/dictator story. The man was speaking about XOs issued on day one and it wasn't really a bigger story. However, it made for good entertainment and pulled viewers so the TDS media ran with the line while the pro Trump media played it up to their audience as well.

Otoh, we literally have a POTUS candidate that has publicly supported equity (as in we all receive the same financial outcomes) as well as defunding the police and instead of exploring what she meant, the videos get scrubbed from the internet and outlets that literally ran border czar headlines now run articles that she was never the border czar. These issues aren't throw away lines uttered during an interview, these are real issues that can give us a glimpse into KH's philosophy on governing. That doesn't mean partisan hit pieces are warranted but it does mean anyone calling themselves a journo should be trying to dig into the real story.
no doubt. Trump is the opposite of the establishment swamp which is why every 3 letter agency and instution constantly attacks him
Alternative theory - goverment is filled with thousands of good middle class citizens who perform their job every day regardless of the letter beside the President. These people are as good at their job as you are at yours...and they know Trump is clown.

Exhibit A - Anyone who has ever worked closely with literally every. single. one of them, has come away convinced the guy is a clown.
I agree but I'm talking more about attacks from within the party. For example, the far right demands that only their preferred VP choice be selected by Trump. The far left demands unfettered abortion and elimination of the 2A. Neither side is open to any discussion. But 80-85% of the country are more open than the far right and more conservative than the far left. Recently, the Ds have been better about sticking together but that appears to be changing as the country seems to believe we've gone too far left.

I think this is the biggest problem in our country currently. It transcends political parties and it transcends politics. We have lost the ability to disagree and shunned the art of compromise. We are unwilling to study and concede nuance, we characterize disagreement as the most extreme example of our dissidents...and our country is drifting further and further apart. To me, fixing this is more important than winning the culture war...if we are to have a future.
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Alternative theory - goverment is filled with thousands of good middle class citizens who perform their job every day regardless of the letter beside the President. These people are as good at their job as you are at yours...and they know Trump is clown.

Exhibit A - Anyone who has ever worked closely with literally every. single. one of them, has come away convinced the guy is a clown.
The majority of his cabinet, the highly vetted people that Trump hand-picked to report directly to him, refuse to endorse him now and some are quite loud in their warnings about what a threat Trump is. That’s how bad he is.
Wow amount of rationalization from you.
@MRDAWG - I listened to the snippets of the speech for the 1st time this morning after reading the uproar. I can't say for 100% what he meant but the explanation by @oldmandawg seems reasonable. The line itself seems a little odd but i picked up nothing before or after the line to make it nefarious or of bad intent. Trump has said some crazy stuff before and have no issues with him being called out for it, but this appears to be rambling in a speech where words and overall intent can be stretched to meet an agenda.
The majority of his cabinet, the highly vetted people that Trump hand-picked to report directly to him, refuse to endorse him now and some are quite loud in their warnings about what a threat Trump is. That’s how bad he is.
"Both of Donald Trump’s defense secretaries have warned in no uncertain terms about how dangerous he is, with one recently calling him a “threat to democracy.” One of his attorneys general has called the criminal evidence against him “damning” and warned that he would abuse his power. A chief of staff keeps confirming the ugliest anonymously sourced reports about him. And now his vice president has said he can’t possibly endorse him."

And we should give this guy another 4 years when 2/3 of his former cabinet refuse to endorse him or say out right he's a threat to democracy. These aren't Dems but Republicans who worked directly with Trump. This disgusting POS who denigrate the ultimate sacrifice of those military members who gave their life for this country...FDT
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The majority of his cabinet, the highly vetted people that Trump hand-picked to report directly to him, refuse to endorse him now and some are quite loud in their warnings about what a threat Trump is. That’s how bad he is.
Interesting you bring up the cabinet not supporting him, although i don't think its the majority there were certainly too many. Also interesting is some that I respect (Pompeop, Mnuchin, Barr) are still voting for him. Regardless, that is not my point of comparison.

Biden's cabinet was apparently much more loyal and was willing to keep their mouth shut and vote / support Biden. Are the more conformist or just don't care if Biden is functional or not?

I don't think either reflects good on Biden or Trump. Just find it interesting one group keeps their mouth shut and is in lock step and one group does not. I wouldn't want to work in either administration.
Alternative theory - goverment is filled with thousands of good middle class citizens who perform their job every day regardless of the letter beside the President. These people are as good at their job as you are at yours...and they know Trump is clown.

Exhibit A - Anyone who has ever worked closely with literally every. single. one of them, has come away convinced the guy is a clown.
The 3 letter agencies are filled with good honest people. The leadership at the top is corrupt & everyone is just following orders.

How many embarrassing examples do you need of the FBI, DOJ, HS, etc showing either complete corruption or simply incompetence?

Look no further than the assassination attempt of Trump or the handling of our border or pullout of Afghanistan or the FBI ignoring years of allegations against Larry Nasser or the fast & furious scandal, the CIA & Mossad being completely oblivious to the Hamas terror attack, DHS being completely unprepared for J6 despite reports ahead of time & requests for national guard & police, 13 dead Marines because valuable intelligence was not related to troops on the ground in Afghanistan of the suicide bombing threat by the CIA, the handling of COVID from the very start or the lab creation of it in the first place, FEMAs pathetic responses to Puerto Rico hurricane & Maui wildfire, complete indifference to the Summer of Love deadly riots that lasted months, NSA illegally spying on US citizens, FBI ignoring warnings about the Pulse Nightclub shooter, Clinton email investigation, Hunter Biden laptop story silencing before the election, Trump being a "Russian asset" impeachment hoax, FBI having reports of Boston Marathon bombing info before the incident, Bengazi attack, drone attacks on weddings & an American teenager, the Epstein saga
Alternative theory - goverment is filled with thousands of good middle class citizens who perform their job every day regardless of the letter beside the President. These people are as good at their job as you are at yours...and they know Trump is clown.

Exhibit A - Anyone who has ever worked closely with literally every. single. one of them, has come away convinced the guy is a clown.
You can call Trump a clown but America was a helluva better for actual Americans under Trump than it is now after 3.5 years of the Biden Harris clown show
You can call Trump a clown but America was a helluva better for actual Americans under Trump than it is now after 3.5 years of the Biden Harris clown show
No matter how much you repeat the's still just that, a lie.

"But the economic numbers expose a far more complicated reality during Trump’s time in the White House. His tax cuts never delivered the promised growth. His budget deficits surged and then stayed relatively high under Biden. His tariffs and trade deals never brought back all of the lost factory jobs.

And there was the pandemic, an event that caused historic job losses for which Trump accepts no responsibility as well as low inflation — for which Trump takes full credit."

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You almost had me riled up. Then I realized you have to be trolling. Because nobody with two eyes, one bung-hole, and half sense would talk about Trump, and ignore Kamala's incoherent ramblings.
I wasn't going to respond because this won't go anywhere, but decided maybe you don't realize what you are doing (and it's too common here).

I wasn't trolling but responding to a comment made about Trump which I thought was valid. Your response doesn't say I was wrong, so if you agree with it why does the subject always get changed?
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No matter how much you repeat the's still just that, a lie.

"But the economic numbers expose a far more complicated reality during Trump’s time in the White House. His tax cuts never delivered the promised growth. His budget deficits surged and then stayed relatively high under Biden. His tariffs and trade deals never brought back all of the lost factory jobs.

And there was the pandemic, an event that caused historic job losses for which Trump accepts no responsibility as well as low inflation — for which Trump takes full credit."

Have you been to the grocery store later? Have you noticed the situation at the border? Have you noticed 2 proxy wars with the potential for China to bubble up any moment? Have you noticed failing recruitment goals & morale in the military?

I guess you missed Trump trying to slow the spread from Asia to stop COVID & sounding the alarm while Pelosi mocked him in SF by visiting China town & saying COVID was not a concern. They called him racist, a xenophobe, and fear mongerer. They also said they would not take his vaccine only a few weeks after the election mandating we all take it

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I wasn't going to respond because this won't go anywhere, but decided maybe you don't realize what you are doing (and it's too common here).

I wasn't trolling but responding to a comment made about Trump which I thought was valid. Your response doesn't say I was wrong, so if you agree with it why does the subject always get changed?

I want to know if you are consistent.

We have 2 Presidential candidates. I want to know if you have the same expectations for both.
I want to know if you are consistent.

We have 2 Presidential candidates. I want to know if you have the same expectations for both.

I dont.

Both are bad for the country in various ways...but one is bad for the things I hold dear, the institutions I love and the causes I represent.

Trump has turned measured conservatism into rabid populism, the moral majority into christian nationalists, the republican party into a personality cult. Rather than appeal to our nobler virtues, he has indulged our baser emotions. He has lowered the moral standard for everything he has touched. He has done irreparable damage to the conservative movement and the Christian cause. His personlity cult has driven nearly every respectable leader off of the national stage and left the vacuum to be filled with the likes of Gaetz, MTG and Boeber... I mean, when he is gone, this is what we will be left with.

Kamala is bad for the country. Trump is destroying the last vestiges of morality in this country... I see this as far worse.

So yes, I have far higher expectations for those who would lead me, my instutions and the causes for which I fight, especially when we are supposed to be the side of morality and truth.
I dont.

Both are bad for the country in various ways...but one is bad for the things I hold dear, the institutions I love and the causes I represent.

Trump has turned measured conservatism into rabid populism, the moral majority into christian nationalists, the republican party into a personality cult. Rather than appeal to our nobler virtues, he has indulged our baser emotions. He has lowered the moral standard for everything he has touched. He has done irreparable damage to the conservative movement and the Christian cause. His personlity cult has driven nearly every respectable leader off of the national stage and left the vacuum to be filled with the likes of Gaetz, MTG and Boeber... I mean, when he is gone, this is what we will be left with.

Kamala is bad for the country. Trump is destroying the last vestiges of morality in this country... I see this as far worse.

So yes, I have far higher expectations for those who would lead me, my instutions and the causes for which I fight, especially when we are supposed to be the side of morality and truth.

Just so I'm clear.

Harris and Trump are both running for President. But you have higher expectations for Trump, because you think he's worse?
Nither candidate makes my heart jump for joy, but there is no way under the sun that I could vote for Harris. You better buckle your seatbelt as the ride is going to be dangerous. Trump can win this if he can just keep his trap shut as he is his own worst enemy. Too many voters are sitting on the fence and the negative vibes are just turn-offs. Just my opinion.
Nither candidate makes my heart jump for joy, but there is no way under the sun that I could vote for Harris. You better buckle your seatbelt as the ride is going to be dangerous. Trump can win this if he can just keep his trap shut as he is his own worst enemy. Too many voters are sitting on the fence and the negative vibes are just turn-offs. Just my opinion.
Some of the negative vibes are intentional misrepresentation and / or intentional manipulatied comments of Trump by media to sway public opinion, I would say one mentioned here is a great example. Not as sinister at the media made Trump’s Charlestville comment but in the same area code. Trump says enough crazy stuff for sure, but don’t think this is one of them.
I want to know if you are consistent.

We have 2 Presidential candidates. I want to know if you have the same expectations for both.
I don't know if that is the right question and exactly what you mean by expectations so let me try a definition. Expectations are what I hope the President will do or accomplish. First let me state that the President is not support to have the same powers as the head of a company because many things need to be accomplished by Congress. A main expectation is that we do something about the immigrant situation which is not only those now coming over the border and those that have come in recent years, but also those that came before and during Trump's Presidency. But this is one of the items that Congress doesn't want to deal with. I also have an expectation that the President will put the country above themselves. Parts of our economy depend on immigrants and this seems to be ignored sometimes. While the economy has been a problem so many things have effected this so I don't have an expectation of a simple solution. The country has been in worst situation before and manages to recover and seems to be on track. I would love to see a President bring the country closer together but that's just not happening in the next four years. I also have an expectation that either candidate can be a leader in times of crisis. Someone that the majority of the country thinks is getting us through whatever crisis we might have. So I expect the same of both.

But based on Trump's past he has been a failure in some of these areas. His continuing insistence that he won the election is what has split our country apart with his refusal to accept responsibility for January 6th even to this day is a big negative. I don't put much stock in promises that candidates make and Trump is an example. He didn't do anything that changed the immigration problem - bottom line. I didn't think he or Biden were capable of being President and one is now out of the way. Based on what people who worked closely with him during his term in office, he is basically a loose cannon and should not be allowed back in the White House.

So whatever you want to say about expectations, it's an easy choice that Trump should not be President again. That's my answer.
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I don't know if that is the right question and exactly what you mean by expectations so let me try a definition. Expectations are what I hope the President will do or accomplish. First let me state that the President is not support to have the same powers as the head of a company because many things need to be accomplished by Congress. A main expectation is that we do something about the immigrant situation which is not only those now coming over the border and those that have come in recent years, but also those that came before and during Trump's Presidency. But this is one of the items that Congress doesn't want to deal with. I also have an expectation that the President will put the country above themselves. Parts of our economy depend on immigrants and this seems to be ignored sometimes. While the economy has been a problem so many things have effected this so I don't have an expectation of a simple solution. The country has been in worst situation before and manages to recover and seems to be on track. I would love to see a President bring the country closer together but that's just not happening in the next four years. I also have an expectation that either candidate can be a leader in times of crisis. Someone that the majority of the country thinks is getting us through whatever crisis we might have. So I expect the same of both.

But based on Trump's past he has been a failure in some of these areas. His continuing insistence that he won the election is what has split our country apart with his refusal to accept responsibility for January 6th even to this day is a big negative. I don't put much stock in promises that candidates make and Trump is an example. He didn't do anything that changed the immigration problem - bottom line. I didn't think he or Biden were capable of being President and one is now out of the way. Based on what people who worked closely with him during his term in office, he is basically a loose cannon and should not be allowed back in the White House.

So whatever you want to say about expectations, it's an easy choice that Trump should not be President again. That's my answer.

Not sure why this is complicated. The only expectation I was referencing, was the one you brought up, about communication.

You said people should be able to understand what a Presidential candidate candidate is saying, in reference to Trump.

Do you feel the same way about Kamala Harris.

Thats all i want to know.

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