Sometimes ya just wish Trump would stop talking

Well you know he does have a penchant for being his own worse enemy.
I'm afraid he has cut his own throat with the Vance pick.
I wasn't going to respond because this won't go anywhere, but decided maybe you don't realize what you are doing (and it's too common here).

I wasn't trolling but responding to a comment made about Trump which I thought was valid. Your response doesn't say I was wrong, so if you agree with it why does the subject always get changed?
Interesting considering your support of DEI.
& giving the left media new sound bytes to fuel the Trump dictator forever "he'll never step down" narrative. It's like dude, just know you will always be taken out of context & your words used to further scare the highly scared. & Used to scare independent voters you still have a shot with

'try try as one may"

still can't find a point.

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I dont.

Both are bad for the country in various ways...but one is bad for the things I hold dear, the institutions I love and the causes I represent.

Trump has turned measured conservatism into rabid populism, the moral majority into christian nationalists, the republican party into a personality cult. Rather than appeal to our nobler virtues, he has indulged our baser emotions. He has lowered the moral standard for everything he has touched. He has done irreparable damage to the conservative movement and the Christian cause. His personlity cult has driven nearly every respectable leader off of the national stage and left the vacuum to be filled with the likes of Gaetz, MTG and Boeber... I mean, when he is gone, this is what we will be left with.

Kamala is bad for the country. Trump is destroying the last vestiges of morality in this country... I see this as far worse.

So yes, I have far higher expectations for those who would lead me, my instutions and the causes for which I fight, especially when we are supposed to be the side of morality and truth.

fools are often blinded by their fears.
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Not sure why this is complicated. The only expectation I was referencing, was the one you brought up, about communication.

You said people should be able to understand what a Presidential candidate candidate is saying, in reference to Trump.

Do you feel the same way about Kamala Harris.

Thats all i want to know.
Of course. The same with the VP candidates since they are next in line.

When they speak to the country it should be clear what they are saying.
I dont.

Both are bad for the country in various ways...but one is bad for the things I hold dear, the institutions I love and the causes I represent.

Trump has turned measured conservatism into rabid populism, the moral majority into christian nationalists, the republican party into a personality cult. Rather than appeal to our nobler virtues, he has indulged our baser emotions. He has lowered the moral standard for everything he has touched. He has done irreparable damage to the conservative movement and the Christian cause. His personlity cult has driven nearly every respectable leader off of the national stage and left the vacuum to be filled with the likes of Gaetz, MTG and Boeber... I mean, when he is gone, this is what we will be left with.

Kamala is bad for the country. Trump is destroying the last vestiges of morality in this country... I see this as far worse.

So yes, I have far higher expectations for those who would lead me, my instutions and the causes for which I fight, especially when we are supposed to be the side of morality and truth.
I was enjoying some middle ground posting from you till this one. How someone can think this one sided is beyond me. And now the other posts in this thread seem completely disingenuous.

Did you vote for Biden? If you did, did you not notice he wasn’t fully there. That should be the first expectation for a president. Numero uno. I am assuming a month ago you were still voting for him too.

We have already seen a trump presidency. We have now seen what a far left puppet presidency looks like. And what kind of massive damage it can cause. I don’t want Trump but there is no choice. You can’t vote for a socialist and the most liberal candidate ever just because trump has pissed people off along the way. It doesn’t surprise me people within his cabinet and employees are unhappy. He told you he would do that, and They should be uncomfortable. It is the most ignorant argument out there. Lazy and appointed for quotas has worked so well right?

How has it worked as far as incompetence when no one gets fired. Biden didn’t even fire the head of the ss when the Walmart security could have come up with a better plan than she had. This is why mayorkas is a train wreck and refused to be replaced. Booty juice is awful. He didn’t replace him. Hell, kamala was not even going to be in the ticket if it were up to Nancy and others. Joe refused to get rid of her too. This isn’t because she did a good job, but the worse polled job ever for someone in her position.

So we had someone who did a good job running the country until he felt like the election was stolen from him. He isn’t the first to lose it over an election. Instead you want to pass off voting for a man who is totally compromised. We have been telling you this for four years. Not fit to run a food truck. Or a woman who is so bad at her job she polled the worst ever to do it. But hey, no one got fired or is unhappy. They all pull in the same direction despite their incompetence. That sounds like a sound voting plan to me.

Damn this board drives me crazy. I can’t believe there are human beings that think this way. I do agree with you compromise is so necessary. Not sure either side will do this, but trump governed from the middle. Sorry. His record proves that. Kamala is left of left of left. Dangerously so. And the media will not check her. It is about policy and competence.

You want to dig your company out of a bad spot. Are you really hiring Kamala to do that? I don’t have the words for that line of thinking. Are you going to have her negotiate deals for you with other countries and leaders. Would you let her negotiate you next home sale? Not in a million years.
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Just so I'm clear.

Harris and Trump are both running for President. But you have higher expectations for Trump, because you think he

I was enjoying some middle ground posting from you till this one. How someone can think this one sided is beyond me. And now the other posts in this thread seem completely disingenuous.

Did you vote for Biden? If you did, did you not notice he wasn’t fully there. That should be the first expectation for a president. Numero uno. I am assuming a month ago you were still voting for him too.

We have already seen a trump presidency. We have now seen what a far left puppet presidency looks like. And what kind of massive damage it can cause. I don’t want Trump but there is no choice. You can’t vote for a socialist and the most liberal candidate ever just because trump has pissed people off along the way. It doesn’t surprise me people within his cabinet and employees are unhappy. He told you he would do that, and They should be uncomfortable. It is the most ignorant argument out there. Lazy and appointed for quotas has worked so well right?

How has it worked as far as incompetence when no one gets fired. Biden didn’t even fire the head of the ss when the Walmart security could have come up with a better plan than she had. This is why mayorkas is a train wreck and refused to be replaced. Booty juice is awful. He didn’t replace him. Hell, kamala was not even going to be in the ticket if it were up to Nancy and others. Joe refused to get rid of her too. This isn’t because she did a good job, but the worse polled job ever for someone in her position.

So we had someone who did a good job running the country until he felt like the election was stolen from him. He isn’t the first to lose it over an election. Instead you want to pass off voting for a man who is totally compromised. We have been telling you this for four years. Not fit to run a food truck. Or a woman who is so bad at her job she polled the worst ever to do it. But hey, no one got fired or is unhappy. They all pull in the same direction despite their incompetence. That sounds like a sound voting plan to me.

Damn this board drives me crazy. I can’t believe there are human beings that think this way. I do agree with you compromise is so necessary. Not sure either side will do this, but trump governed from the middle. Sorry. His record proves that. Kamala is left of left of left. Dangerously so. And the media will not check her. It is about policy and competence.

You want to dig your company out of a bad spot. Are you really hiring Kamala to do that? I don’t have the words for that line of thinking. Are you going to have her negotiate deals for you with other countries and leaders. Would you let her negotiate you next home sale? Not in a million years.
I never said I voted for Biden or would vote for Kamala. I stated that yes, I have higher expectations for Trump and hold him to a higher standard... why? Because he has stepped forward to represent conservatism, and lead the political Christian right. I came of age listening to my leaders tell me, "Character matters, character is destiny". I thought they believed it and I bought it. Trump, I believe has done far more damage than good...because personally I believe it is far more important to stand for truth with integrity than to possess political power. Who cares if you win the battle if you lose the war... or in the words of Scripture, what profit is it if you gain the world and lose your soul.
The Republican party along with the evangelical right has sold its soul for a little political power... I would have preferred we not done that.

And... I know absolutely no one will agree with this...but there is a higher value than the United States of America. I might could support Trump if the USA was my highest value...but its not...and I wont sell my soul.
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& giving the left media new sound bytes to fuel the Trump dictator forever "he'll never step down" narrative. It's like dude, just know you will always be taken out of context & your words used to further scare the highly scared. & Used to scare independent voters you still have a shot with

Laura Ingraham tees up multiple opportunities for Trump to clarify what he was saying about elections and he can’t quite do it. All he needs to say is that, of course, we will have elections in 2028 and my administration will have been so successful that the GOP will win the next election in a landslide. Simple. Is he really incapable of just saying it?

I was enjoying some middle ground posting from you till this one. How someone can think this one sided is beyond me. And now the other posts in this thread seem completely disingenuous.

Did you vote for Biden? If you did, did you not notice he wasn’t fully there. That should be the first expectation for a president. Numero uno. I am assuming a month ago you were still voting for him too.

We have already seen a trump presidency. We have now seen what a far left puppet presidency looks like. And what kind of massive damage it can cause. I don’t want Trump but there is no choice. You can’t vote for a socialist and the most liberal candidate ever just because trump has pissed people off along the way. It doesn’t surprise me people within his cabinet and employees are unhappy. He told you he would do that, and They should be uncomfortable. It is the most ignorant argument out there. Lazy and appointed for quotas has worked so well right?

How has it worked as far as incompetence when no one gets fired. Biden didn’t even fire the head of the ss when the Walmart security could have come up with a better plan than she had. This is why mayorkas is a train wreck and refused to be replaced. Booty juice is awful. He didn’t replace him. Hell, kamala was not even going to be in the ticket if it were up to Nancy and others. Joe refused to get rid of her too. This isn’t because she did a good job, but the worse polled job ever for someone in her position.

So we had someone who did a good job running the country until he felt like the election was stolen from him. He isn’t the first to lose it over an election. Instead you want to pass off voting for a man who is totally compromised. We have been telling you this for four years. Not fit to run a food truck. Or a woman who is so bad at her job she polled the worst ever to do it. But hey, no one got fired or is unhappy. They all pull in the same direction despite their incompetence. That sounds like a sound voting plan to me.

Damn this board drives me crazy. I can’t believe there are human beings that think this way. I do agree with you compromise is so necessary. Not sure either side will do this, but trump governed from the middle. Sorry. His record proves that. Kamala is left of left of left. Dangerously so. And the media will not check her. It is about policy and competence.

You want to dig your company out of a bad spot. Are you really hiring Kamala to do that? I don’t have the words for that line of thinking. Are you going to have her negotiate deals for you with other countries and leaders. Would you let her negotiate you next home sale? Not in a million years.
I think I rambeled to much, so let me state it succeintly.

I believe it is far more important to have conservative institutions with integrity, to have a healthy church and Christian witness, and to have a political party that truly adheres to principle...than to have politcal power. One gives you a long and enduring witness / influence in the culture, the other gives you four years of the bully pulpit and then nothing remains.

What we have sacrificed for Trump, we may never get back.
I think I rambeled to much, so let me state it succeintly.

I believe it is far more important to have conservative institutions with integrity, to have a healthy church and Christian witness, and to have a political party that truly adheres to principle...than to have politcal power. One gives you a long and enduring witness / influence in the culture, the other gives you four years of the bully pulpit and then nothing remains.

What we have sacrificed for Trump, we may never get back.
Tell that to Laken Riley’s parents. My daughters run that same track. We haven’t sacrificed anything for Trump in reality. Maybe he can shock us so much reality might be something we look toward.

the middle paragraph I get. Problem is it didn’t work. We had guys like Romney and McCain. Good men for the most part. The represented exactly what you said. It is too boring for what votes in this country today. They got trounced. People got sick of not being heard and one side telling you how to live, why you can say, and how you can react. Trump was spawned from this is. He criticized Obama. Obama decided to slam him very publicly. And here we are.

I would love to have a healthy church. But that is long gone and anyone shoving that down the left’s throat will only get the same treatment Vance is getting right now. He is the only person on either ticket that even resembles what you are saying. But he is a 40 year old white Christian. The media has made him the devil. Commercials make 40 year old white men the idiots who can’t invest. Or do much of anything without help. Tv shows make them the killer, the racist, the bigot more often than not.

The party under Trump has become way more inclusive than it ever has been. One positive. But it also isn’t boring. That is the only thing giving it a chance. Going forward imo, the pubs better continue to embrace diversity. Because this is the only way, they can get back what they lost imo.
Laura Ingraham tees up multiple opportunities for Trump to clarify what he was saying about elections and he can’t quite do it. All he needs to say is that, of course, we will have elections in 2028 and my administration will have been so successful that the GOP will win the next election in a landslide. Simple. Is he really incapable of just saying it?

He also said (paraphrasing) of course I'll leave, I left the last time.
I think I rambeled to much, so let me state it succeintly.

I believe it is far more important to have conservative institutions with integrity, to have a healthy church and Christian witness, and to have a political party that truly adheres to principle...than to have politcal power. One gives you a long and enduring witness / influence in the culture, the other gives you four years of the bully pulpit and then nothing remains.

What we have sacrificed for Trump, we may never get back.

This helps. I wasn't understanding what you meant, in your earlier post.

I agree with your beliefs, but not your conclusion.

The Democrats bring on even worse sacrifices. Trump isn't my ideal candidate. But it is either going to be him or Kamala Harris, whether we like it or not. I'll take Trump
I think I rambeled to much, so let me state it succeintly.

I believe it is far more important to have conservative institutions with integrity, to have a healthy church and Christian witness, and to have a political party that truly adheres to principle...than to have politcal power. One gives you a long and enduring witness / influence in the culture, the other gives you four years of the bully pulpit and then nothing remains.

What we have sacrificed for Trump, we may never get back.
Sounds to me like you are allowing good to be the enemy of great. Yes, absolutely I wish there was a Trump platform wrapped in a better package but I can also understand why that better package isn't trusted by Trump's base. You mentioned Romney and McCain as those types of candidates you like but both of those guys betrayed conservative initiatives on multiple occasions.

When I look at Trump I see a man that is deeply flawed (of course about 50% of our modern POTUSs have been very flawed) but I also see a guy that TRIED to delivery on the promises he made during the campaign. From judges to border security to getting a repeal of a purely fascist health care model repealed to lowering regulation and trying to lessen the influence of the administrative state and protecting religious rights, he's a lot closer to what you described than the current radical left.

So, based on the choices we have today, I'll take the guy that supports local police when they are trying to do a tough job and won't get involved with inciting riots with words like he looks like me or hands up don't shoot. I'll take the guy that wants the strongest military on the planet but is as reluctant as hell to use them. I'll take the guy that has no problem identifying a terror state and a democratic ally. I'll take the guy that will appoint judges that can tell the difference between a man and a woman and also recognizes parental rights over a teacher's right to indoctrinate children. Imo, if conservative values are your goal, you have to cast a vote against Harris even if you don't like her opponent.
I think I rambeled to much, so let me state it succeintly.

I believe it is far more important to have conservative institutions with integrity, to have a healthy church and Christian witness, and to have a political party that truly adheres to principle...than to have politcal power. One gives you a long and enduring witness / influence in the culture, the other gives you four years of the bully pulpit and then nothing remains.

What we have sacrificed for Trump, we may never get back.

cry me a River.

Sounds to me like you are allowing good to be the enemy of great. Yes, absolutely I wish there was a Trump platform wrapped in a better package but I can also understand why that better package isn't trusted by Trump's base. You mentioned Romney and McCain as those types of candidates you like but both of those guys betrayed conservative initiatives on multiple occasions.

When I look at Trump I see a man that is deeply flawed (of course about 50% of our modern POTUSs have been very flawed) but I also see a guy that TRIED to delivery on the promises he made during the campaign. From judges to border security to getting a repeal of a purely fascist health care model repealed to lowering regulation and trying to lessen the influence of the administrative state and protecting religious rights, he's a lot closer to what you described than the current radical left.

So, based on the choices we have today, I'll take the guy that supports local police when they are trying to do a tough job and won't get involved with inciting riots with words like he looks like me or hands up don't shoot. I'll take the guy that wants the strongest military on the planet but is as reluctant as hell to use them. I'll take the guy that has no problem identifying a terror state and a democratic ally. I'll take the guy that will appoint judges that can tell the difference between a man and a woman and also recognizes parental rights over a teacher's right to indoctrinate children. Imo, if conservative values are your goal, you have to cast a vote against Harris even if you don't like her opponent.

Yeah, I don't understand the idea of...."I want Christian conservative values, but I can't support Trump".

Its going to be Trump or Harris.
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I never said I voted for Biden or would vote for Kamala. I stated that yes, I have higher expectations for Trump and hold him to a higher standard... why? Because he has stepped forward to represent conservatism, and lead the political Christian right. I came of age listening to my leaders tell me, "Character matters, character is destiny". I thought they believed it and I bought it. Trump, I believe has done far more damage than good...because personally I believe it is far more important to stand for truth with integrity than to possess political power. Who cares if you win the battle if you lose the war... or in the words of Scripture, what profit is it if you gain the world and lose your soul.
The Republican party along with the evangelical right has sold its soul for a little political power... I would have preferred we not done that.

And... I know absolutely no one will agree with this...but there is a higher value than the United States of America. I might could support Trump if the USA was my highest value...but its not...and I wont sell my soul.

You don't like Trump. You think he's bad for the country. Fine. But don't you realize, that if you don't support him, you are going to get someone far worse?

Who is more conservative, Harris or Trump?
Who will do more, to protect the unborn? Harris or Trump?
Who will stand against the LGBTQ+ agenda? Harris or Trump?
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You don't like Trump. You think he's bad for the country. Fine. But don't you realize, that if you don't support him, you are going to get someone far worse?

Who is more conservative, Harris or Trump?
Who will do more, to protect the unborn? Harris or Trump?
Who will stand against the LGBTQ+ agenda? Harris or Trump?
Just think, had the GOP been as courageous as the Dems and replaced their incredibly flawed candidate with a better perhaps they wouldn't be looking down the barrel of a Harris Presidency
Just think, had the GOP been as courageous as the Dems and replaced their incredibly flawed candidate with a better perhaps they wouldn't be looking down the barrel of a Harris Presidency
LOL...the Dems would be screaming bloody murder if Trump had been replaced like Biden.

And if the Dems were so "courageous", they would have never nominated that senile old bastard the first time. 😂
Not going to keep rehashing the same argument... its obvious few agree.

I just don't see how supporting / condoning / defending an immoral man that has redefined and lowered every moral and ethical standard held by the conservative right isn't doing more longterm damage to the culture than a four-year term president.

I honestly believe that whatever damage done by a democratic president in their four years, could be overcome with a strong and healthy national culture. We used to be able to count on about half the country to contribute to this "moral and healthy" culture...but no longer. Trump has destroyed that.
Yeah, I don't understand the idea of...."I want Christian conservative values, but I can't support Trump".

Its going to be Trump or Harris.
Its easy. I want Christian conservative values, so I won't support a man who is the personified antithesis of those values.
Just think, had the GOP been as courageous as the Dems and replaced their incredibly flawed candidate with a better perhaps they wouldn't be looking down the barrel of a Harris Presidency
Or if you blind voters realized you were electing a vege, trump would be finishing his last term. Jan 6th never happens. Putin never attacks the Ukraine. OPEC doesn’t give us the middle finger. We would be done with trump. Two new candidates not named Clinton, Trump, Biden Obama or Harris would be in the middle of campaigning. You guys would for sure be the favorites right. You could stack, pack and rack the courts. Let in 50 billion illegals. Let five year olds transition. Have men become women mma and boxing champs.

All bs aside. Wouldn’t it be interesting to see where we would be now if you guys realized Biden was a vege. You would have voted for him anyway, but had Trump won. No illegals. No Jan 6th. What in the hell would @willdup be doing with himself with no Jan 6th to talk about.

The funny thing is. You would likely be talking about how corrupt pence is right about now.
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Not going to keep rehashing the same argument... its obvious few agree.

I just don't see how supporting / condoning / defending an immoral man that has redefined and lowered every moral and ethical standard held by the conservative right isn't doing more longterm damage to the culture than a four-year term president.

I honestly believe that whatever damage done by a democratic president in their four years, could be overcome with a strong and healthy national culture. We used to be able to count on about half the country to contribute to this "moral and healthy" culture...but no longer. Trump has destroyed that.
This is the tds angle. Because you believe kamala or Biden is less immoral than Trump. Kamala has a well earned rep. Biden was a fifty year politician who was thrown out of an election for lying. Is a bigot of the highest order and likely sold out our country.

The evil comparison between the two is at best even up. Kamala has straight up said she wants to redistribute wealth. Our country was never founded on that being an option.

I get where you are coming from. Your opinions are sound. But tds has your brain turned sideways. You aren’t alone. But if you think he is anymore evil than Joe or Kamala. Go look at her legal record of letting criminals slide and hiding evidence. Forget about what she did to help herself up the ladder. The rest is bad enough. Comes down to policy. Problem is tds trumps(lack of a better word) policy for a lot of people on this board. So the prison raping of the country will likely continue
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Not going to keep rehashing the same argument... its obvious few agree.

I just don't see how supporting / condoning / defending an immoral man that has redefined and lowered every moral and ethical standard held by the conservative right isn't doing more longterm damage to the culture than a four-year term president.

I honestly believe that whatever damage done by a democratic president in their four years, could be overcome with a strong and healthy national culture. We used to be able to count on about half the country to contribute to this "moral and healthy" culture...but no longer. Trump has destroyed that.
Just one area is appointment of federal judges and SCOTUS justices. That one area alone will have an impact on society far beyond 4 yrs.

Next is border security. The argument isn't really whether 10 million illegals needing a pathway to citizenship, it's spawn of OBL could sneak across the border and start building paramilitary groups. Huge numbers of illegals allowed into the country will have permanent consequences and won't disappear in 4 yrs.

Finally, Trump is very wary of entering foreign wars but knows how to wield military power without putting boots on the ground.

Having the luxury of voting on character issues is great but in this election neither candidate is a paragon of virtue and eliminating one but not the other seems counter productive if you are indeed wanting conservative policies advanced.
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This is the tds angle. Because you believe kamala or Biden is less immoral than Trump. Kamala has a well earned rep. Biden was a fifty year politician who was thrown out of an election for lying. Is a bigot of the highest order and likely sold out our country.

The evil comparison between the two is at best even up. Kamala has straight up said she wants to redistribute wealth. Our country was never founded on that being an option.

I get where you are coming from. Your opinions are sound. But tds has your brain turned sideways. You aren’t alone. But if you think he is anymore evil than Joe or Kamala. Go look at her legal record of letting criminals slide and hiding evidence. Forget about what she did to help herself up the ladder. The rest is bad enough. Comes down to policy. Problem is tds trumps(lack of a better word) policy for a lot of people on this board. So the prison raping of the country will likely continue
Its not about which candidate is more immoral...its about the corrupting influence of each candidate and who they represent.

Kamala corrupts their instutions and lies while represting them. There is then, no need for me to distance myself.

Trump corrupts my institutions and lies while representing me. I thus have to distance myself.
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Just one area is appointment of federal judges and SCOTUS justices. That one area alone will have an impact on society far beyond 4 yrs.

Next is border security. The argument isn't really whether 10 million illegals needing a pathway to citizenship, it's spawn of OBL could sneak across the border and start building paramilitary groups. Huge numbers of illegals allowed into the country will have permanent consequences and won't disappear in 4 yrs.

Finally, Trump is very wary of entering foreign wars but knows how to wield military power without putting boots on the ground.

Having the luxury of voting on character issues is great but in this election neither candidate is a paragon of virtue and eliminating one but not the other seems counter productive if you are indeed wanting conservative policies advanced.
I understand your view... but these issues are complicated and nuanced. Trump has shown he only has the ability to be a rabid populist mouthpiece for the mob. He doesn't address these issues with traditional conservative and American values and he certainly hasn't shown the willingness to do the dirty work of affecting policy...and at least as border security is concerned, sacrificed good legislation for campaign fodder.
Its not about which candidate is more immoral...its about the corrupting influence of each candidate and who they represent.

Kamala corrupts their instutions and lies while represting them. There is then, no need for me to distance myself.

Trump corrupts my institutions and lies while representing me. I thus have to distance myself.
I get it. You keep voting for people like her and your institutions won’t be around to worry over. You said in the post I responded to he was immoral. That is why I included that word. It is tds. You sound like a really good guy. A good person. You remind me of @mitchelldawg. I misjudged him originally. You can’t get past the guy. Despite the other side being diametrically opposed to everything you tend to believe in. I have always understood the stance. I just don’t like it.
No and I dont support her.

Jimmy Fallon Ok GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
I get it. You keep voting for people like her and your institutions won’t be around to worry over. You said in the post I responded to he was immoral. That is why I included that word. It is tds. You sound like a really good guy. A good person. You remind me of @mitchelldawg. I misjudged him originally. You can’t get past the guy. Despite the other side being diametrically opposed to everything you tend to believe in. I have always understood the stance. I just don’t like it.
Well, he is already started the "stealing election" con show again.
Telling a Minn crowd at yesterday's rally that if he loses the state of Minn (a state no Rep has won since 1972), it will be because of cheating.
Why the Rep made the choice to die on a hill for this guy, is something I will never understand.
Of all the Rep that ran in the primaries, he is the ONLY one that Kamala has a chance to beat.
We shall see.
Well, he is already started the "stealing election" con show again.
Telling a Minn crowd at yesterday's rally that if he loses the state of Minn (a state no Rep has won since 1972), it will be because of cheating.
Why the Rep made the choice to die on a hill for this guy, is something I will never understand.
Of all the Rep that ran in the primaries, he is the ONLY one that Kamala has a chance to beat.
We shall see.
I wish he would avoid the topic all together as well. He did a good job sidestepping it during the debates. I felt the same way. Anyone else would beat Joe or Kamala. I am not so sure. You look at the last two run of the mill pubs who ran. They got trounced. Despite how you feel, a lot of us were sick and tired of our pub leadership rolling over for the Dems at every turn. Trump has stopped that and if you can point to one positive that is it. Mitchell like him or not, policies now mean something. The country isn’t in a status quo anymore. People are skipping meals just to live. Our credit card debt is at an all time high. We are mortgaged to the hilt. Home prices going up gave folks a way to keep the economy going. It is a balloon that will pop.

I will give you one example of what I am talking about. Work is kicking my ass at the moment or I would give you more. The border bill recently. This was the best the two parties could do in Congress working together because the Dems won’t ever admit there is a real issue. And only would work on a border bill if it included money to the Ukraine. It was a shitty bill. Anyone with a brain should know 5000 max a day isn’t a damn compromise. They made the problem and wanted to claim they solved it with a bill that does nothing. While also getting money for overseas. This bill was a complete and utter victory for the left. And yet some of the shithead, moron bend the knee pubs said it is a great bill. Who was that. The morons who worked on it and thought it was a good idea.

What resulted. It tied the border around Biden’s neck. It made him do something real to stop the flow of people into this country. It started to wreck him at the polls. And right now it will be the single most effective point made at any debate and in any sanctuary state. Kamala can’t avoid it either now. They are literally bold face lying about her being the border czar. Trying everything possible to get that topic from around her neck too. If we listened to the wussified bunch they would still be touting the victory at every stop.

You don’t like him. Fine. But we don’t need another run of the mill pub. We need someone not afraid to be a villain. We need a negotiater as well. One of the things trump is best at. I think we need him to get us out of the next four years. Kamala will bring more wars. More of the same for the economy. She has admitted to the world she wants to eliminate the middle class and make the poor dependent. That is her goal. They asked her about the economy. She said she is focused on elderly care and making child care cheaper. wtf?

(Still recovering from three hours at top golf last night. Taking advantage of half priced Tuesdays when I can. Up four mph so far ;) )
I think I rambeled to much, so let me state it succeintly.

I believe it is far more important to have conservative institutions with integrity, to have a healthy church and Christian witness, and to have a political party that truly adheres to principle...than to have politcal power. One gives you a long and enduring witness / influence in the culture, the other gives you four years of the bully pulpit and then nothing remains.

What we have sacrificed for Trump, we may never get back.
Have you been paying any attention at all to the type of behavior that the left forces down our throats under the guise of "tolerance" and "acceptance." Did you see any of the disgusting behavior taking place at the San Francisco pride events? Do you know which party is totally cool with putting statues of satan in our government buildings? Do you seriously think the democrats are the morally superior bunch? Can you even say that with a straight face?

Yea I'm not voting for that
I wish he would avoid the topic all together as well. He did a good job sidestepping it during the debates. I felt the same way. Anyone else would beat Joe or Kamala. I am not so sure. You look at the last two run of the mill pubs who ran. They got trounced. Despite how you feel, a lot of us were sick and tired of our pub leadership rolling over for the Dems at every turn. Trump has stopped that and if you can point to one positive that is it. Mitchell like him or not, policies now mean something. The country isn’t in a status quo anymore. People are skipping meals just to live. Our credit card debt is at an all time high. We are mortgaged to the hilt. Home prices going up gave folks a way to keep the economy going. It is a balloon that will pop.

I will give you one example of what I am talking about. Work is kicking my ass at the moment or I would give you more. The border bill recently. This was the best the two parties could do in Congress working together because the Dems won’t ever admit there is a real issue. And only would work on a border bill if it included money to the Ukraine. It was a shitty bill. Anyone with a brain should know 5000 max a day isn’t a damn compromise. They made the problem and wanted to claim they solved it with a bill that does nothing. While also getting money for overseas. This bill was a complete and utter victory for the left. And yet some of the shithead, moron bend the knee pubs said it is a great bill. Who was that. The morons who worked on it and thought it was a good idea.

What resulted. It tied the border around Biden’s neck. It made him do something real to stop the flow of people into this country. It started to wreck him at the polls. And right now it will be the single most effective point made at any debate and in any sanctuary state. Kamala can’t avoid it either now. They are literally bold face lying about her being the border czar. Trying everything possible to get that topic from around her neck too. If we listened to the wussified bunch they would still be touting the victory at every stop.

You don’t like him. Fine. But we don’t need another run of the mill pub. We need someone not afraid to be a villain. We need a negotiater as well. One of the things trump is best at. I think we need him to get us out of the next four years. Kamala will bring more wars. More of the same for the economy. She has admitted to the world she wants to eliminate the middle class and make the poor dependent. That is her goal. They asked her about the economy. She said she is focused on elderly care and making child care cheaper. wtf?

(Still recovering from three hours at top golf last night. Taking advantage of half priced Tuesdays when I can. Up four mph so far ;) )
Nice!......I played yesterday as well.
The course took over an inch of rain the night before. When the sun came out yesterday, the humidity would literally take your breath!
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