True but ID for voting was specifically not a requirement for the very reason the GOP wants it now.
True but ID for voting was specifically not a requirement for the very reason the GOP wants it now.
I feel so violated when they ask me for ID when I am at my bank! Damn racist pigs! That is a perfect example of how the left blows common sense out of the water with half-truths and delusional thought patterns. It is clearly meant to keep multiple votes from the same person or dead folks (maybe even zombies)!Pal again, NAME ONE? How does anything suppress voters? Religious freedoms? Its a CONSTITUTIONAL right. Those laws about religion you're tallking about think, who knows....protect religious freedom, what's wrong with that? Fck pal are you really this freaking ......well you're a walking cliche. Please though, tell me about voter suppression. you mean having an ID??? Is that it?
The laws were proposed or passed to protect the ones who are being persecuted, for the sake of fairness from your people! That is YOUR constitution at work not the one our founding fathers came up with (by divine Intervention)! I have seen downs syndrome folks with better comprehension than you show on these chats.Some are ID laws. in NC they decided that college students now have to go back to their home county to vote instead of casting a ballot where their school is. But you know all this, and you know the intent. As for religious freedom, and you know this as well unless you live with your head even deeper in the sand than I reviously suspected, these are laws designed to allow a business to discriminate based on religious reasons. Not the intent of Constitutional religious protection but very effective in highlighting the true state of American Christianity.
Some are ID laws. in NC they decided that college students now have to go back to their home county to vote instead of casting a ballot where their school is. But you know all this, and you know the intent. As for religious freedom, and you know this as well unless you live with your head even deeper in the sand than I reviously suspected, these are laws designed to allow a business to discriminate based on religious reasons. Not the intent of Constitutional religious protection but very effective in highlighting the true state of American Christianity.
Other examples recently have included reducing the number of polling places or times in certain areas, creating requirements for being on the ballot (including being a landowner in one Texas case), canceling elections when the 'wrong' kind of candidates qualified (Mississippi). It's really not a secret strategy.Pal again, NAME ONE? How does anything suppress voters? Religious freedoms? Its a CONSTITUTIONAL right. Those laws about religion you're tallking about think, who knows....protect religious freedom, what's wrong with that? Fck pal are you really this freaking ......well you're a walking cliche. Please though, tell me about voter suppression. you mean having an ID??? Is that it?
That is asinine! The intent is to prevent voter fraud, nothing more. You know the libs get the vans and buses out to bring the votes to the precincts on election day.True but ID for voting was specifically not a requirement for the very reason the GOP wants it now.
True but ID for voting was specifically not a requirement for the very reason the GOP wants it now.
Some are ID laws. in NC they decided that college students now have to go back to their home county to vote instead of casting a ballot where their school is. But you know all this, and you know the intent. As for religious freedom, and you know this as well unless you live with your head even deeper in the sand than I reviously suspected, these are laws designed to allow a business to discriminate based on religious reasons. Not the intent of Constitutional religious protection but very effective in highlighting the true state of American Christianity.
Where to start. Oh, haven't been a college kid since Grad School almost 20 years ago but thanks for provoking happy memories, and using terms like fruits and deviants just makes my point. That was easier than I anticipated.You know what. Ur a fcking moron. There is no having a discussion with you. You're a kid who thinks because he's in college knows everything. You're as uninformed as anyone I've ever run across. Those laws do no such thing, not even close, they make sure that some poor old woman who has been doing business with fruits for years, doesn't have to be apart of their "wedding" because its AGAINST HER RELIGOUS beliefts, these fruits knew exactly what they were doing, Now ppl are putting an end to their disgusting taking advantage of being a deviant. I don't know about NC, But guess what. You can absentee vote. You don't have to go home.
Where to start. Oh, haven't been a college kid since Grad School almost 20 years ago but thanks for provoking happy memories, and using terms like fruits and deviants just makes my point. That was easier than I anticipated.
Equal Protection ring a bell? 'Your rights end where mine begin' a phase you're familiar with? If your particular brand of delusion tells you not to have a same-sex marriage, don't have one. Open a business that caters to those who wish to marry...treat them equally as the real law, regardless of what Sharia Law says, dictates.Good liberal spin. You stick with that argument, but it is much more complicated than that. The courts ruled in the Hobby Lobby case that you don't lose your right to practice your religion just because you own a business. The constitution was written to allow one to practice his religion free from government interference. As for the recent flare up, the issue is the forced participation in something that some feel violates their religious principals. Of course, you already know this. The thing is that there are other services out there that provide what (in this case gays) are looking for. It is just that they want these people to bow to their demands. There is that leftest tolerance again.
Well not the kind of 'common' sense you're used to anyway, that pinched, sour, breathlessly awaiting the big a apocalypse and doing all one can to assure that others are as narrow-minded and bigoted as you feel the need and divine right to be, kind of 'common' sense that is all too common in certain areas of this country. Nope, don't have that.How does it prove your point? Deviants have every right you and I have. And that's what they are isn't it? And if you aren't a kid, Lord help you. Because you dont have a lick of common sense....or sense in general it seems. You just feel everything, you are what ppl call a mile wide and an inch deep
Citations for instances of voter fraud (look if you want but you won't be happy with what you find)?Its a requirement because DemocRATS commit voter fraud and have for decades. When ur party wants to bring in millions of ILLEGALS and when democrats areas are having 130% of voter turn out, there's a problem. But again, it doesn't surppress the vote now does it? Everyone has an ID
Its a requirement because DemocRATS commit voter fraud and have for decades. When ur party wants to bring in millions of ILLEGALS and when democrats areas are having 130% of voter turn out, there's a problem. But again, it doesn't surppress the vote now does it? Everyone has an ID
Equal Protection ring a bell? 'Your rights end where mine begin' a phase you're familiar with? If your particular brand of delusion tells you not to have a same-sex marriage, don't have one. Open a business that caters to those who wish to marry...treat them equally as the real law, regardless of what Sharia Law says, dictates.[/QUOTE
Your funny. Personally, I am a Libertarian. To each his own. However, there are two competing interests here and I find that one side wants to run roughshod over the other. As to your point, no one is debating in this case their right to be together, to be married, etc. The issue is the forced participation mandated by government. It's funny you make the Sharia Law comment, because recently you guys seemed more worried about everyone bowing to Gay demands than the first amendment right to free speech in your attacks on Pamela Gellar.
Citations for instances of voter fraud (look if you want but you won't be happy with what you find)?
Equal Protection ring a bell? 'Your rights end where mine begin' a phase you're familiar with? If your particular brand of delusion tells you not to have a same-sex marriage, don't have one. Open a business that caters to those who wish to marry...treat them equally as the real law, regardless of what Sharia Law says, dictates. for instances of voter fraud (look if you want but you won't be happy with what you find)?
Well not the kind of 'common' sense you're used to anyway, that pinched, sour, breathlessly awaiting the big a apocalypse and doing all one can to assure that others are as narrow-minded and bigoted as you feel the need and divine right to be, kind of 'common' sense that is all too common in certain areas of this country. Nope, don't have that.
Well, credible citation would be nice (Breitbart!? Seriously?) Loyola Law did a big study a while back and found I think 31 fraudulent ballots out of a billion cast. Interesting that they noted that this would be an extremely difficult way to impact an election, especially for a significant office, compared to more sophisticated methods that wouldn't be impacted by ID laws...but then reducing fraud was never the point of the laws, was it.
Want more?
Um, who's a Libretarian (also known as Republicans willing to admit a fondness for pot and hookers...a bit too long for a party name).You've made all kind of accusations here, calling Tea Party ppl racist, because of ID're just a fool really, you've come up with nothing of substance. Its typical, You lose, then we're racist. Its really quite boring and a refuge for stupid ppl. Funny when you demand things, there are nothing bigoted or racist about it, you simple demand others comply, and if not ....well....WE'RE RACISTS. Sweet how that works. Libertarian my ass. Hell you're just a typical liberal moonbat
A) my gay married friends would be interested to hear that they're not married;It has nothing to do with equal protection. Damn. There is no such thing as "GAY MARRIAGE" you want to change the definition? Fruits have every right the rest of us do, they're less than 2% of the population and cause all these headaches because ppl like you are too ignorant to understand the debate. You want to force use to change a defination that has been around since the begining,...yet OTOH you also want to force ppl to discard their religious beliefs and cater these functions that we see as being against our're so tolerant
I think a 6 year old has a better understanding of common sense issues than your intolerant deviant theft by taking comrades!W
Um, who's a Libretarian (also known as Republicans willing to admit a fondness for pot and hookers...a bit too long for a party name).
Well, credible citation would be nice (Breitbart!? Seriously?) Loyola Law did a big study a while back and found I think 31 fraudulent ballots out of a billion cast. Interesting that they noted that this would be an extremely difficult way to impact an election, especially for a significant office, compared to more sophisticated methods that wouldn't be impacted by ID laws...but then reducing fraud was never the point of the laws, was it.
I'm, personally, not very tolerant of stupid; it's a character flaw.
I'll let them know; they're generally very concerned about their reputation amongst the extended Hatfield clan.I think a 6 year old has a better understanding of common sense issues than your intolerant deviant theft by taking comrades!
Where are they in your padded sound proofed basement? You sick little perv!I'll let them know; they're generally very concerned about their reputation amongst the extended Hatfield clan.
Suppress the vote HOW? By requiring ID to enter the voters booth? Let's see, you need an Id to attend the Democratic National Convention, to get on an airplane, apply for welfare, buy a fishing license, etc, etc, etc, but the most important thing you can do as a citizen........nope, it's okay. No need to show ID. This is one of the biggest strawmen of our generation. What's wrong? Worried that without your party's trademark voter fraud, you might lose some more elections? Good Grief. Once again, have some faith in your own God given (oops, sorry), Tree Goddess abilities, and your won't need Big Brother to provide for your every need. What happened in your life that made you hate the best idea (yes, America is an idea) ever dreamed up?Since you asked so nicely or what I assume is nicely in Bugtussle, 22 states have passed laws that suppress the vote since 2010 with North Carolina, if memory seven, being the most brazen. Religious freedom laws in Indiana, Oklahoma, Louisiana etc, with more to come as states try to prove who's (necks are) redder,
Wow, so many trite, Foxian over simplifications and cliches in one post! I'm guessing no one has ever accused you of being a nuanced or original thinker.Suppress the vote HOW? By requiring ID to enter the voters booth? Let's see, you need an Id to attend the Democratic National Convention, to get on an airplane, apply for welfare, buy a fishing license, etc, etc, etc, but the most important thing you can do as a citizen........nope, it's okay. No need to show ID. This is one of the biggest strawmen of our generation. What's wrong? Worried that without your party's trademark voter fraud, you might lose some more elections? Good Grief. Once again, have some faith in your own God given (oops, sorry), Tree Goddess abilities, and your won't need Big Brother to provide for your every need. What happened in your life that made you hate the best idea (yes, America is an idea) ever dreamed up?
I guessing no one has ever accused you of being a thinker period!Wow, so many trite, Foxian over simplifications and cliches in one post! I'm guessing no one has ever accused you of being a nuanced or original thinker.
Well, credible citation would be nice (Breitbart!? Seriously?) Loyola Law did a big study a while back and found I think 31 fraudulent ballots out of a billion cast. Interesting that they noted that this would be an extremely difficult way to impact an election, especially for a significant office, compared to more sophisticated methods that wouldn't be impacted by ID laws...but then reducing fraud was never the point of the laws, was it.
Um, who's a Libretarian (also known as Republicans willing to admit a fondness for pot and hookers...a bit too long for a party name).
The New Wave of Election Regulation: Burden without Benefit, Justin Leven, June 2012Lord have mercy, I gave you SEVERAL links, Doesn't matter if the facts are the facts....Loyala study link?? You sure don't expect us to take your word on it. But it makes little difference to guys like you, you really don't care if your guys are corrupt, dishonest lying sacks of long as you get yours. The ends justify the means huh pal?
The New Wave of Election Regulation: Burden without Benefit, Justin Leven, June 2012
You can find it on a or just Google it. One of the things you learn when writing opinion for something a bit more formal than a chat room, as I'm sure you know, is that sources matter, their credibility matters. I'm sorry, but Breitbart et all are not credible sources.
Actually I do care, and what exactly is this of mine I'm getting?
The New Wave of Election Regulation: Burden without Benefit, Justin Leven, June 2012
You can find it on a or just Google it. One of the things you learn when writing opinion for something a bit more formal than a chat room, as I'm sure you know, is that sources matter, their credibility matters. I'm sorry, but Breitbart et all are not credible sources.
Actually I do care, and what exactly is this of mine I'm getting?
Yeah, that is an example. More were highlighted by Newsweek, Bill Moyers, and a study by the University of Washington called 2010 Multi-State Survey of Race and Politics. All are available online.I'm still waiting on the example of racisim by the Tea Party and Republicans......Unless voter ID was your which case. Well, bless ur heart
Read it ,did you?More absolute bullshit. I mean good Lord man. If this is your idea of a serious response to you accusations your made. You're one fcked up moonbat. Burden without benefit? WTF? Showing an ID is a burden. Damn that fcking stupid
Wow, so many trite, Foxian over simplifications and cliches in one post! I'm guessing no one has ever accused you of being a nuanced or original thinker.
Bil Moyers? Newsweek? LMAO, pal you have to be pulling our legs here. I'm sorry for getting on you, this is really pretty funny, and you've pulled it offYeah, that is an example. More were highlighted by Newsweek, Bill Moyers, and a study by the University of Washington called 2010 Multi-State Survey of Race and Politics. All are available online.
Read it ,did you?