Surest sign Trump will win

Sure thing. Since you used ChatGPT to craft this, I’ll reply with a ChatGPT response of my own. I’m curious as to the prompt you gave it?

1. **Public Claims**: Supporters of President Trump argue that his concerns about voter fraud were justified given the unprecedented circumstances of the 2020 election, which saw a massive increase in mail-in voting due to the COVID-19 pandemic. They believe these changes created vulnerabilities in the electoral system that warranted scrutiny and investigation to ensure electoral integrity.

2. **Legal Challenges**: Trump's legal efforts were seen as a legitimate pursuit of justice and electoral transparency. Challenging the results in court is seen as a fundamental right and an essential process in a democratic system, especially when there are perceived inconsistencies or irregularities that could affect the election's outcome.

3. **Pressure on State Officials**: The calls to state officials were attempts to ensure that every legal vote was counted and any illegal votes were discarded. These actions are viewed as part of the due process in safeguarding the integrity of the election, rather than as undue pressure.

4. **Delay Certification**: Trump's efforts to delay certification are viewed as a necessary step to address unresolved legal challenges and alleged irregularities. Ensuring the accuracy and fairness of the election results is crucial before finalizing the electoral outcome, especially in closely contested states.

5. **Electoral College Challenge**: Many Trump supporters believe that the rally on January 6 was intended to be a peaceful protest to express concern over the election results. They argue that President Trump did not incite violence and that the actions of a few should not overshadow the intentions of the many who were there to legally protest. They also emphasize that Trump eventually called for peace and respect for law and order once the situation escalated.
University instructors are dealing with rampant plagiarism and proper use of AI generators (they are here to stay), I pay (not the free ones) for one of the best AI content detectors available for researchers and educational institutions. Lets just say All 5 of @willdup points above are rated as 100% AI generated. All he had to do is put a footnote giving credit to to where credit is due and he would have been fine. Like you did @MassachusettsDawg. You did give credit. 👍

It also shows why you CANNOT trust these AI generators for accurate unbiased accuracy - they respond to human input - in other-words, BIAS and further refinement of biased prompts. Wildup receives an "F" and possible disciplinary action by the CHAT board of directors. :cool:
University instructors are dealing with rampant plagiarism and proper use of AI generators (they are here to stay), I pay (not the free ones) for one of the best AI content detectors available for researchers and educational institutions. Lets just say All 5 of @willdup points above are rated as 100% AI generated. All he had to do is put a footnote giving credit to to where credit is due and he would have been fine. Like you did @MassachusettsDawg. You did give credit. 👍

It also shows why you CANNOT trust these AI generators for accurate unbiased accuracy - they respond to human input - in other-words, BIAS and further refinement of biased prompts. Wildup receives an "F" and possible disciplinary action by the CHAT board of directors. :cool:
Poochpup, I use ChatGPT, Perplexity, Copilot and other AI solutions regularly to save time. While AI can "hallucinate" facts in certain circumstances, there isn't anything I posted from ChatGPT on this topic that was inaccurate.

This isn't school or work and I'll pass on your suggested requirement for footnotes. If something I post isn't accurate, you are free to prove me wrong with your own facts or links.
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Poochpup, I use ChatGPT, Perplexity, Copilot and other AI solutions regularly to save time. While AI can "hallucinate" facts in certain circumstances, there isn't anything I posted from ChatGPT on this topic that was inaccurate.

This isn't school or work and I'll pass on your suggested requirement for footnotes. If something I post isn't accurate, you are free to prove me wrong with your own facts or links.
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