Not that Trump will beat her, but if he did, there would probably be a Dem-majority House and Senate and Dem president in 2021. If Hillary wins, Congress stays in GOP's control.
You guys saying Trump can't/won't win are in for a big surprise.Not that Trump will beat her, but if he did, there would probably be a Dem-majority House and Senate and Dem president in 2021. If Hillary wins, Congress stays in GOP's control.
What do you think the GOP-controlled Congress could have gotten done with Obama in the WH? Their job was to play defense and hope for a Repub to win in 2016. On that, they probably did about as well as they could.what good has the gop control of congress done for the country ? that is what folks are angry about , the gop has let them down . i'm beginning to think maybe a third party is the answer . if trump did win , you don't think repub senators would ride the repub presidents' coattail to reelection ? i'm not a trump supporter ; but i hate to see anybody being ganged up on by radicals and the establishment , the man has a right to state his position . when we don't have freedom of speech , we have tyranny !
What makes you think he can win, or do you just want him to win? I think one recent poll of Repub primary voters found that 40% would be dissatisfied if Trump were the nominee. How that translates into Republican voters staying home - and make no mistake, plenty will - remains to be seen. However, unless Trump can put NY in play (April 19 will be very interesting), he has to flip Florida, Ohio, and Virginia back to the GOP. Maybe he can, but I haven't seen any numbers that spell trouble for Dems yet.You guys saying Trump can't/won't win are in for a big surprise.
What makes you think he can win, or do you just want him to win? I think one recent poll of Repub primary voters found that 40% would be dissatisfied if Trump were the nominee. How that translates into Republican voters staying home - and make no mistake, plenty will - remains to be seen. However, unless Trump can put NY in play (April 19 will be very interesting), he has to flip Florida, Ohio, and Virginia back to the GOP. Maybe he can, but I haven't seen any numbers that spell trouble for Dems yet.
What do you think the GOP-controlled Congress could have gotten done with Obama in the WH? Their job was to play defense and hope for a Repub to win in 2016. On that, they probably did about as well as they could.
What could the Repubs in Congress do about the EPA? Pass a law curtailing it? Sue the President? The Repubs tried to do something in 2013 by shutting the gov't down and got raked over the coals for it. It is a losing strategy. Neither party can get anything done anymore if it doesn't have the WH, the House, and 67 senators because it's political suicide to even talk about compromise with the other side. Maybe Trump will win and the whole thing will get burned to the ground. If Obama was a boon for gun manufacturers, just wait and see what happens if Trump wins.The republican elite resisted Reagan saying he was too conservative to carry Pennsylvania, etc. Not saying Trump is another Reagan but when has the repub establishment been correct. They also think Cruz is even less electable than Trump because Trump brings in millions of working/middle class whites who have been left behind. The party elites are right now eating their own.
For starters,the repubs helped BO on the Iran Nuke bill,they funded the central American kids refugees, DACA & relocation of Syrian refugees, they helped BO pass the TPP, Repubs have not resisted the expanded EPA authority, they let the IRS off the hook on the tea party 501C3 scandal. They have really poorly negotiated spending bills giving in before the negotiations even started.
What could the Repubs in Congress do about the EPA? Pass a law curtailing it? Sue the President? The Repubs tried to do something in 2013 by shutting the gov't down and got raked over the coals for it. It is a losing strategy. Neither party can get anything done anymore if it doesn't have the WH, the House, and 67 senators because it's political suicide to even talk about compromise with the other side. Maybe Trump will win and the whole thing will get burned to the ground. If Obama was a boon for gun manufacturers, just wait and see what happens if Trump wins.
Any rescission would be vetoed by Obama. States are already suing the administration over EPA regulations. Maybe Congress is letting that play out first. This article from January claims that Congress deserves credit for what it has done to try to reign in the EPA.The EPA passes rules and regulations that could be rescinded by Congress thru legislation. One other thing that needs to be done is to discontinue federal funds to sanctuary cities.