The cult…


National Champion
Gold Member
Jun 11, 2007
Sporting their dictator gear…

I dont think they are joking. I have become more and more convinced that Americans (both poliitcal sides) dont truly want freedom. They want the power to tell the other half how to live.

Our problem isnt Democrats or Republicans...its the Karen's on both sides.
And laughing at all the woke who have no sense of awareness and humor.

The man plays the liberals like children and they bite because he understands that to the liberal media, words are more important to angst over than actual actions and results.
Its a great way to lead a Nation...don't believe what I say, I'm just trolling half of the citizens.

What a fool.
Karen, is that you? The other side plays a similar game as I am sure you are aware. It is all division, all the time. Government, media, politics, etc.
So definetly particpate in the kindergarden tit for tat. Try not to be a mature statesman in your community. Be no example for your children. Expect nothing better of your leaders. Participate in the cesspool and throw wisdom to the wind.
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So definetly particpate in the kindergarden tit for tat. Try not to be a mature statesman in your community. Be no example for your children. Expect nothing better of your leaders. Participate in the cesspool and throw wisdom to the wind.
So much to unpack here, but I am late for school.

We have no leaders and we barely have a country. If you weren't so blinded by TDS and a captured pawn of the media complex you would see that.
If you needed another reminder of how much liberals hate you and your family see OP’s post.

This isn’t policy disagreements.
Agree and I am glad you pointed this out. It is clear OP thinks he is in the "elite class" and considers all useless eaters lesser than him distasteful. He is probably mean to dogs too...
The Cult of Camela you must mean. You’ll end up with a candidate who’ll spend 8 years avoiding a press conference.
She will talk to the press on her own time, probably more beginning next week, but I confess I don't quite understand this fascination with press conferences TBH.

1) Even for sitting politicians, they aren't great sources of insight - generally only useful when clarifying policy or reax to events, and they have become less useful as social media has skewed the power towards headline writers vs. reporters.
2) They depend on the mainstream media you guys profess to hate asking good questions and dealing with the answers honestly.
3) Are they traditional for candidates? I don't remember that really being a thing in past elections - could be my bias toward just not caring about them - Trump likes them because he gets to bluster, but (see point 1) they are basically useless for him and for us. What have we learned from either of the couple he's done except that he rambles just as pointlessly as he does during his speeches.

If she's elected, I am sure Harris will do more than Biden has, but I don't think we'll ever

With that said, I don't really care, do you?

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