Yep, the group with all the professional people and the money. LOL, It must be hell to be a "victim" all your life.
And the best way for a low info lefty who thinks George Strait is a land bridge from Russia to Alaska to ID a MAROON is a quick glance into the nearest mirror. BTW, there is hope even for the lost ball in high weeds extreme left. Sickened by organized rapes and assaults on women, stabbings, wanton murderous rampages and demands for sharia law left wing dominated and governed Sweden announces plans to DEPORT 80,000 middle eastern immigrants. Denmark is seizing their assets over $1,500 to discourage their coming there and Germany, although not governed by the left is slowing down and in some places stopping immigration to get control in the wake of wide spread riots over importing the middle east to their front porch. Have a nice day.....
The latest research I've seen was by Pew last April.
It ran about like most all polls of this sort do.
Dems are strongest with..
Well educated adults
Republicans are strongest with..
Less educated white males.
The trends are not good long term in national elections for republicans if They persist in insulting the majority of American voters. Gerrymandered Congressional districts are saving Them now in Congressional races.
So go on strutting and playing 50s white man's world if You want left out of the future direction of OUR Country. Personally I think everybody should get whatever has crawled up Their asses removed and learn to share governance.
I take major exception with "well educated adults". Democrats know the majority of their voters are as dumb as stumps. They are 100% symbolism no substance. A society wher nobody fails; even DA's like Pug.The latest research I've seen was by Pew last April.
It ran about like most all polls of this sort do.
Dems are strongest with..
Well educated adults
Republicans are strongest with..
Less educated white males.
The trends are not good long term in national elections for republicans if They persist in insulting the majority of American voters. Gerrymandered Congressional districts are saving Them now in Congressional races.
So go on strutting and playing 50s white man's world if You want left out of the future direction of OUR Country. Personally I think everybody should get whatever has crawled up Their asses removed and learn to share governance.
Can't be true. Democrats depend on stupid ppl. I can prove it. Look at the meme above. How can anyone listen to a Democrat and say..." Yea that speaks to me" They talk down to ppl. If they thought their followers were intelligent they'd never get elected. See democrats depend on ppl being dependent. That's why their put forth policies to do exactly that.
What do you think would happen if everyone was self sufficient? What would you need democRATS for???? Name a single democRAT policy that has ever worked as proposed? And didn't intend to create a dependent? Or force a regulation on producers?
I take major exception with "well educated adults". Democrats know the majority of their voters are as dumb as stumps. They are 100% symbolism no substance. A society wher nobody fails; even DA's like Pug.
That's the thing with people like You Rolo, Your ideas are ruled by Your prejudices.
All research shows ''professionals'' are more likely to vote for democrats. The biggest concern for Republicans should be the lack of appeal to minorities and getting crushed with the 33 and under voters of all stripes.
Keep fooling Yourselves with that BS and You won't have a voice in national politics in the fairly near future. Trends are clear. Trump nor anybody else is going to kick out minorities and give white males the key to the country back, You will have to come up with a REAL plan, or fall to the wayside.
Why of course. Yawn, you just proved my point. You ppl can't hold up your end. So anyone winning an argument with a liberal is a racist, bigot, homophobe etc......because its your way of ending the debate. So in short. Liberals by definition aren't very smart. Democrats are a coalition of the fruits, nuts and misfits. This will be a landslide election.
Why are you such a racist? You seem driven by skin color?
It's Your political funeral. If You can't get past Your very obvious prejudices it's best You get left out anyway.
We need smart flexible government, and I sure don't see that coming from the way You think.
It's You Who constantly use the word ''racist''. Race however is simply reality. If You believe Your way of thinking is inclusive, You're not living in the real world.
And you're going to get that from DemocRATS? ROTFLMFAO!!! Seriously. But you are no doubt a liberal. Liberals like excluding anyone that disagree's with them from the process. Hitler, Stalin, Mao. Tyrant away pal...Its the only way liberals succeed...kill the other side and enslave the population.....
So, Freedom, lower taxes, less regulation are not inclusive? Interesting, but then you are a Tyrant type..
You're SO OBVIOUS dude. I really wouldn't have to point it out, You do a far better job of showing Your prejudices than I can.
By the way, an economist ran the math and of the nearly 70 million Americans Who voted for Obama, if every welfare recipient voted and every one of their votes went to Obama, it would only have been 3% of the total votes he got.
I know, that doesn't compute with the notions in Your head.
Yes, I am a tyrant type, and You're a genius.
Why then is the left always demonizing the "Greedy, Rich republicans?" You can not have it both ways. The core of conservative values is self reliance and less big government to get in the way of commerce and the pursuit of happiness. If the majority of conservatives are stupid as you proclaim, how do they lead and run Fortune 500 companies? I guess it is just dumb luck that the majority of these companies are run by and employ conservative thinkers. Think before you post, it will save you some embarrassment next time. Oh but I forgot you can not embarrass a liberal. Have a good day anyway.The latest research I've seen was by Pew last April.
It ran about like most all polls of this sort do.
Dems are strongest with..
Well educated adults
Republicans are strongest with..
Less educated white males.
The trends are not good long term in national elections for republicans if They persist in insulting the majority of American voters. Gerrymandered Congressional districts are saving Them now in Congressional races.
So go on strutting and playing 50s white man's world if You want left out of the future direction of OUR Country. Personally I think everybody should get whatever has crawled up Their asses removed and learn to share governance.
Those numbers are skewed, just like the unemployment figures and the national debt, and the number of immigrants, and the success of obamacare. Any questions? We know you can not trust ANY figures out of Washington or their paid for media.You're SO OBVIOUS dude. I really wouldn't have to point it out, You do a far better job of showing Your prejudices than I can.
By the way, an economist ran the math and of the nearly 70 million Americans Who voted for Obama, if every welfare recipient voted and every one of their votes went to Obama, it would only have been 3% of the total votes he got.
I know, that doesn't compute with the notions in Your head.
Well since you're obvious one of those highly intelligent voters. Tell me exactly how and why you believe you'll get a " smart flexible government" from democRATS.
I've tried to engage you before to no avail. So I'll do it again for everyone here to see. Shall we begin?
I'm most surely smarter than you are. I've thrown the gauntlet. Lets see if you pick it up. We'll let the views see how smart you are.
Those numbers are skewed, just like the unemployment figures and the national debt, and the number of immigrants, and the success of obamacare. Any questions? We know you can not trust ANY figures out of Washington or their paid for media.
Why then is the left always demonizing the "Greedy, Rich republicans?" You can not have it both ways. The core of conservative values is self reliance and less big government to get in the way of commerce and the pursuit of happiness. If the majority of conservatives are stupid as you proclaim, how do they lead and run Fortune 500 companies? I guess it is just dumb luck that the majority of these companies are run by and employ conservative thinkers. Think before you post, it will save you some embarrassment next time. Oh but I forgot you can not embarrass a liberal. Have a good day anyway.
That's funny. Let the views begin.
By the way, prejudice isn't always about race, it's just where Your head is stuck.
You have very limited range in Your views,
I rarely hear Democrats use the word ''greedy'' to describe the average Republican.
I do hear a lot of straw man fake arguments coming from both sides.
Old line industries like oil and autos do favor republicans, mostly because they want things from the government.
New tech however favors democrats, forward looking and all of that.
Also show Me where Republicans have done anything other than run up debt in the past 35 years. They talk more than they walk.
Whatever. So about that smart flexible government" from democRATS.????
I said I favor smart flexible government. The context was in regards to both sides actually working towards good government instead of throwing shit and posing, but that concept is likely beyond You. You obviously prefer to throw around stale dogma, or dog shit.
Isn't that exactly what's been happening the last 7 years? Would telling the opposing party " I won" and doing whatever you want with out them be what you're talking about? I'm trying to engage you in substance. You do what you always do, deflect.
Where does the whole class warfare and income gaps widening from the Upper class and the everything below the upper class come from? You either can not face the facts or are really ignorant of the past 7 years of obama's plans to narrow the income gap. If you have not heard of wealthy people being demonized as greedy (hummm Trump perhaps) even before he was in the race, you are choosing to ignore the facts. Republicans are just democrat light as far as I have observed, they are all hell bent on taking our money and distributing it to their voters to insure re-election at the proper times. Ronald Reagan Brought the debt down by lowering the tax rates and the Citizens were able to spend there extra money on products and services that most can not afford at this time. I see a parallel between communism and the lack of choices for consumers, and today's choices being foisted on us by BIg brother. It is really easy to see if you look at the facts and follow the money. I love my country, but fear my government. The government should fear its constituents not the other way around.I rarely hear Democrats use the word ''greedy'' to describe the average Republican.
I do hear a lot of straw man fake arguments coming from both sides.
Old line industries like oil and autos do favor republicans, mostly because they want things from the government.
New tech however favors democrats, forward looking and all of that.
Also show Me where Republicans have done anything other than run up debt in the past 35 years. They talk more than they walk.
obama has subverted the congress in his seven years and then claimed the congress would not work with him. Bold face Lies!If anything was to get done, it had to be without Republicans. They have played obstructionist to historic levels.
The truth is neither side is at Their best now. When a Republican does work with Dems You guys claim it's choosing politics, which is 180 degrees backwards.
If anything was to get done, it had to be without Republicans. They have played obstructionist to historic levels.
The truth is neither side is at Their best now. When a Republican does work with Dems You guys claim it's choosing politics, which is 180 degrees backwards.
Isn't that exactly what's been happening the last 7 years? Would telling the opposing party " I won" and doing whatever you want with out them be what you're talking about? I'm trying to engage you in substance. You do what you always do, deflect.
That's the thing with people like You Rolo, Your ideas are ruled by Your prejudices.
All research shows ''professionals'' are more likely to vote for democrats. The biggest concern for Republicans should be the lack of appeal to minorities and getting crushed with the 33 and under voters of all stripes.
rolo, you have got to give him time to work with google to get his responses, if you push too hard he can only call everybody names .
Where does the whole class warfare and income gaps widening from the Upper class and the everything below the upper class come from? You either can not face the facts or are really ignorant of the past 7 years of obama's plans to narrow the income gap. If you have not heard of wealthy people being demonized as greedy (hummm Trump perhaps) even before he was in the race, you are choosing to ignore the facts. Republicans are just democrat light as far as I have observed, they are all hell bent on taking our money and distributing it to their voters to insure re-election at the proper times. Ronald Reagan Brought the debt down by lowering the tax rates and the Citizens were able to spend there extra money on products and services that most can not afford at this time. I see a parallel between communism and the lack of choices for consumers, and today's choices being foisted on us by BIg brother. It is really easy to see if you look at the facts and follow the money. I love my country, but fear my government. The government should fear its constituents not the other way around.
Yea that's all he has. Every time I try to engage him he runs off, deflects or makes some simple minded retort
The sad reality is that those segments historically have a hard time remembering/caring to vote then finding and getting to the polls. Maybe we the people are supposed to do all that for them, too? As has been said, most of us are not opposed to helping the "helpless," but guiding/coddling/spoon feeding the "clueless" is way past any reasonable/logical expiration date.