Bill Gates has become partial owner of an upstart environmental company "Deep Sky". Deep Sky has developed a supposed method of capturing CO2 from the air and depositing the captured CO2 beneath ground so as to save humanity. They are based in Canada.
Here is the fun part.....deep sky gives away 'carbon credits" for any corporation who wants to donate to capturing carbon through them. Deep Sky has a supposed system of calculating X units of carbon captured, and giving away carbon credits on a scale based on if a corporation donated 500k or 10 million dollars. The hope is that the carbon credits become an asset that can be bought directly from deep sky or exchanged between corporations.
Microsoft and the Royal Bank of Canada have kicked started things off by investing millions in tradable carbon credits assets to deep sky in return for a carbon credit plaque of appreciation
Why would a corporation want 'carbon credits' from deep sky? Well, it boosts their "environmental sustainability" rankings among banking watchdogs such as the Soros funded HRC (Human Rights Campaign). HRC exists to provide credit scores of wokeness in which banks (especially the IMF and world bank) take into consideration to consider if they want to lend to a certain company and how much.
So, 'carbon credits' lower your interest rates as a corporation if you are seeking a loan from a corrupted lender,
Fortunately this corrupt environmentalist cabal has been damaged the last 2 years in Europe and the USA because of their own tyrannical overreach, but the bubbles are still percolating to the surface, it has not drown quit yet.
Here is the fun part.....deep sky gives away 'carbon credits" for any corporation who wants to donate to capturing carbon through them. Deep Sky has a supposed system of calculating X units of carbon captured, and giving away carbon credits on a scale based on if a corporation donated 500k or 10 million dollars. The hope is that the carbon credits become an asset that can be bought directly from deep sky or exchanged between corporations.
Microsoft and the Royal Bank of Canada have kicked started things off by investing millions in tradable carbon credits assets to deep sky in return for a carbon credit plaque of appreciation
Why would a corporation want 'carbon credits' from deep sky? Well, it boosts their "environmental sustainability" rankings among banking watchdogs such as the Soros funded HRC (Human Rights Campaign). HRC exists to provide credit scores of wokeness in which banks (especially the IMF and world bank) take into consideration to consider if they want to lend to a certain company and how much.
So, 'carbon credits' lower your interest rates as a corporation if you are seeking a loan from a corrupted lender,
Fortunately this corrupt environmentalist cabal has been damaged the last 2 years in Europe and the USA because of their own tyrannical overreach, but the bubbles are still percolating to the surface, it has not drown quit yet.