The left is so screwed, one candidate that their own party

Does not trust and the other an angry old man who makes promises no one can keep.

Fricking hilarious.

Looks like Trump or Cruz will win and carpet bomb the crap out of the establish RINOs.


Better than an egomaniac clown with thin skin making a bunch of wild ass statements about what he's going to do, then never giving any details about how he's going to do it. For the sake of the Republican party, anyone other than Cruz or Trump better win. I don't see it happening though. Trump is a buffoon and an idiot and Cruz is an asshat that nobody likes.

I preferred Kasich and Paul the most, but they never had a prayer in hell of winning.

As for trust, anyone who trusts any politician from either side is a fool. They're all corrupt as hell.
Better than an egomaniac clown with thin skin making a bunch of wild ass statements about what he's going to do, then never giving any details about how he's going to do it. For the sake of the Republican party, anyone other than Cruz or Trump better win. I don't see it happening though. Trump is a buffoon and an idiot and Cruz is an asshat that nobody likes.

I preferred Kasich and Paul the most, but they never had a prayer in hell of winning.

As for trust, anyone who trusts any politician from either side is a fool. They're all corrupt as hell.

I like Kasich, He just seems too soft sell when faced with a room filled with clowns tooting Their horns.
Better than an egomaniac clown with thin skin making a bunch of wild ass statements about what he's going to do, then never giving any details about how he's going to do it. For the sake of the Republican party, anyone other than Cruz or Trump better win. I don't see it happening though. Trump is a buffoon and an idiot and Cruz is an asshat that nobody likes.

I preferred Kasich and Paul the most, but they never had a prayer in hell of winning.

As for trust, anyone who trusts any politician from either side is a fool. They're all corrupt as hell.

Kasich? really. I guess you like the old Chain smoking orange crybaby Speaker too? Or old mushy middle Bush who claims ppl break the law for Love? Come on man. Haven't you had enough of politics as usual? Kasich won't do anything different than democrats...oh he'll say he will, but then when he gets there...oh man he tried, just didn't have enough support to get it done. Enough with these wishy washy jokes.......BTW, Did you know that John Kasich dad was a mailman? Wow, amazing huh?
Better than an egomaniac clown with thin skin making a bunch of wild ass statements about what he's going to do, then never giving any details about how he's going to do it. For the sake of the Republican party, anyone other than Cruz or Trump better win. I don't see it happening though. Trump is a buffoon and an idiot and Cruz is an asshat that nobody likes.

I preferred Kasich and Paul the most, but they never had a prayer in hell of winning.

As for trust, anyone who trusts any politician from either side is a fool. They're all corrupt as hell.
You better hope Trump or Cruz win. It's the moderate repub along with the dims that have gotten our country in the mess that it is in.
Walker was my early favorite. What the heck happened to him that he dropped out before I'd really started. He polled #1 in early Iowa polling.
Does not trust and the other an angry old man who makes promises no one can keep.

Fricking hilarious.

Looks like Trump or Cruz will win and carpet bomb the crap out of the establish RINOs.


Unless something changes quick it probably won't matter who the democrats nominate... they'll win.

Trump and Cruz are making it virtually impossible for a GOP candidate to win the Hispanic vote. Obama won the presidency in 2012 with just 39% of the white vote going his way... because he took over 75% of the non-white voters. Even if one of the more moderate GOP candidates on immigration wins the nomination like Bush or Rubio, I don't know if the GOP brand can come back from where Cruz and Trump have taken it. Hispanic voters do NOT like the talk about deporting all illegals and building a wall. They've shown time and again that they'll vote against the parties who say that sort of thing.

To win with the share of minority voters the GOP got in 2012, they'll need to win 65% of the white vote. Essentially... they'll have to get Reagan level support among whites. And none of these candidates is capable of that.

Until the GOP remedies their image among hispanics... I can't see them winning any national election.
Unless something changes quick it probably won't matter who the democrats nominate... they'll win.

Trump and Cruz are making it virtually impossible for a GOP candidate to win the Hispanic vote. Obama won the presidency in 2012 with just 39% of the white vote going his way... because he took over 75% of the non-white voters. Even if one of the more moderate GOP candidates on immigration wins the nomination like Bush or Rubio, I don't know if the GOP brand can come back from where Cruz and Trump have taken it. Hispanic voters do NOT like the talk about deporting all illegals and building a wall. They've shown time and again that they'll vote against the parties who say that sort of thing.

To win with the share of minority voters the GOP got in 2012, they'll need to win 65% of the white vote. Essentially... they'll have to get Reagan level support among whites. And none of these candidates is capable of that.

Until the GOP remedies their image among hispanics... I can't see them winning any national election.

Seriously? Um you're in for a rude awakening. You act as if these two buffoons are some how mainstream. You have two of the biggest radical leftist you can find.

You're what I call a racialist. You need to Balkanize the Country. You're not really and American, you're a member of a group. The law or the Constitution don't really matter to you. How can any AMERICAN have an issue with enforcing our immigration law? Damn its just dumb.

And regardless of who the GOP puts up. This will be a landslide not seen since Reagan.
Seriously? Um you're in for a rude awakening. You act as if these two buffoons are some how mainstream. You have two of the biggest radical leftist you can find.

You're what I call a racialist. You need to Balkanize the Country. You're not really and American, you're a member of a group. The law or the Constitution don't really matter to you. How can any AMERICAN have an issue with enforcing our immigration law? Damn its just dumb.

And regardless of who the GOP puts up. This will be a landslide not seen since Reagan.

Okay champ, whatever you say.

This sounds very similar to the talk I heard from 2012 prior to the election. All of you experts thought Romney would win because the majority of people you knew hated Obama and wouldn't vote for him.

And they didn't... Obama got the lowest percentage of the white vote for a victorious presidential candidate EVER. But when you discount non-whites in today's politics... you get a very poor view of what is going to happen.

Thanks to Trump and Cruz, the democrat is going to set record highs for Hispanic voters. A yellow dog could be on the ticket as a democrat and it would win 75% of the hispanic vote because they aren't Republican. And the GOP can't win with a "whites only" formula anymore.

You can insult me and try to put forward your own odd-ball views of what a moderate or liberal believes into my mouth... but it doesn't change the demographics of the nation nor the math of the upcoming election.

The GOP either needs to take a percentage of white voters higher than Reagan got... or make inroads with hispanic voters. I can't see any evidence of either happening.
Okay champ, whatever you say.

This sounds very similar to the talk I heard from 2012 prior to the election. All of you experts thought Romney would win because the majority of people you knew hated Obama and wouldn't vote for him.

And they didn't... Obama got the lowest percentage of the white vote for a victorious presidential candidate EVER. But when you discount non-whites in today's politics... you get a very poor view of what is going to happen.

Thanks to Trump and Cruz, the democrat is going to set record highs for Hispanic voters. A yellow dog could be on the ticket as a democrat and it would win 75% of the hispanic vote because they aren't Republican. And the GOP can't win with a "whites only" formula anymore.

You can insult me and try to put forward your own odd-ball views of what a moderate or liberal believes into my mouth... but it doesn't change the demographics of the nation nor the math of the upcoming election.

The GOP either needs to take a percentage of white voters higher than Reagan got... or make inroads with hispanic voters. I can't see any evidence of either happening.

So telling the truth about you is an insult? If I'm wrong tell me where>

Here I'll try this with you. Lets see if you can hold up your end of argument with substance.

Where Am I wrong about anything I just posted? What is it you believe Hillary or Bernie will do that will make the Country a better place. I mean my any objective measure it hasn't become better under the current empty suit. Did you see where they just (again) revised down last qtrs growth rate? And did you know that they've done the same thing in almost every qtr. So lets have at it. No name calling. You in?
I think we should put fear into other country be realy nice with Israel and other country's. But others that don't like us then screw tou
So telling the truth about you is an insult? If I'm wrong tell me where>

Here I'll try this with you. Lets see if you can hold up your end of argument with substance.

Where Am I wrong about anything I just posted? What is it you believe Hillary or Bernie will do that will make the Country a better place. I mean my any objective measure it hasn't become better under the current empty suit. Did you see where they just (again) revised down last qtrs growth rate? And did you know that they've done the same thing in almost every qtr. So lets have at it. No name calling. You in?

Where are you wrong? Your post:

Seriously? Um you're in for a rude awakening. You act as if these two buffoons are some how mainstream. You have two of the biggest radical leftist you can find.

- You have an argument for Bernie... but HIllary isn't leftist. Neither was Obama for that matter... both are centrist candidates. Guys like Dennis Kucinich or Elizabeth Warren are left wing. Clinton and Obama are not.

You're what I call a racialist.
- not true. I put forward statistics on race because that's what the statistics show as being relevant. I believe in demographics.

You need to Balkanize the Country.
- nope

You're not really and American, you're a member of a group.
- I'm both. I'm a white male college educated professional of slavic descent in his 30's with 1 child who's black. I'm also an American. But statistical groupings are how you predict political elections... you find groupings that correlate with voting results and use those correlations to determine how future elections might end up.

The law or the Constitution don't really matter to you. How can any AMERICAN have an issue with enforcing our immigration law? Damn its just dumb.
- Not true. I favor CHANGING immigration law. The constitution allows for changing the law... even the laws in the constitution itself. And the laws that were passed by congress allow the executive branch to prioritize which people are targeted by immigration enforcement. Obama has deported more illegals than any other president. He's certainly not ignoring the law... but he's prioritizing which groups for law enforcement to target... those committing non-immigration crimes as opposed to families leading a non-disruptive life. Congress has passed laws ALLOWING him to set that prioritization.

And regardless of who the GOP puts up. This will be a landslide not seen since Reagan.
- I see nothing suggesting that. I'll call you incorrect about it after the election.

As far as Hillary or Bernie making America better... we have different views on what "better" is. I believe that wider access to college education for those with lower incomes is good. I believe the same when it comes to healthcare access. I think that tax reform (particularly eliminating corporate tax credits and deductions) and cuts to some of the more obscene military spending programs can help to lower budget deficits. I believe that having a president who'll nominate justices and judges who support a woman's right to choose and who don't believe in religious exceptions to the law is important as well.

I realize you probably hate all of those.

Here are some numbers for you.

While I know you may not agree with the employment rate calculation, the same math has been used for pretty much every president since Reagan. There was a slight shift in the calculation during Reagan's presidency, but the numbers before that were static as well.

Only 1 GOP president has left office with a lower unemployment rate than when they took office. Ronald Reagan.

NO Democratic president has ever left offices with a higher unemployment rate than when they took office. The worst was Carter who had the same rate when he left as when he took office... every other democrat has presided over a decrease in unemployment rate (going back to WW2).

As for growth... it's been slow and steady. Using the S&P method of calculation, in no calendar year was the US GDP negative under Obama (even in 2009 he hit 0.11% growth). It's been above 3% every other year. Your statement about adjustments is incorrect... the adjustments constantly happen but move both up and down. The idea that it always gets adjusted down is not correct. For example in the follow up reports to the 3rd quarter GDP growth report, it was revised up .6%. That was the one before this latest one in case you missed it. The latest report did NOT adjust numbers down for the 4th quarter or any prior quarter. It was the initial release and the prior quarters numbers don't generally ever move once the most recent quarter gets published. Adjustments will follow but the initial numbers just came out.

I think you're confusing the unemployment with GDP numbers.
Where are you wrong? Your post:

Seriously? Um you're in for a rude awakening. You act as if these two buffoons are some how mainstream. You have two of the biggest radical leftist you can find.

- You have an argument for Bernie... but HIllary isn't leftist. Neither was Obama for that matter... both are centrist candidates. Guys like Dennis Kucinich or Elizabeth Warren are left wing. Clinton and Obama are not.

You're what I call a racialist.
- not true. I put forward statistics on race because that's what the statistics show as being relevant. I believe in demographics.

You need to Balkanize the Country.
- nope

You're not really and American, you're a member of a group.
- I'm both. I'm a white male college educated professional of slavic descent in his 30's with 1 child who's black. I'm also an American. But statistical groupings are how you predict political elections... you find groupings that correlate with voting results and use those correlations to determine how future elections might end up.

The law or the Constitution don't really matter to you. How can any AMERICAN have an issue with enforcing our immigration law? Damn its just dumb.
- Not true. I favor CHANGING immigration law. The constitution allows for changing the law... even the laws in the constitution itself. And the laws that were passed by congress allow the executive branch to prioritize which people are targeted by immigration enforcement. Obama has deported more illegals than any other president. He's certainly not ignoring the law... but he's prioritizing which groups for law enforcement to target... those committing non-immigration crimes as opposed to families leading a non-disruptive life. Congress has passed laws ALLOWING him to set that prioritization.

And regardless of who the GOP puts up. This will be a landslide not seen since Reagan.
- I see nothing suggesting that. I'll call you incorrect about it after the election.

As far as Hillary or Bernie making America better... we have different views on what "better" is. I believe that wider access to college education for those with lower incomes is good. I believe the same when it comes to healthcare access. I think that tax reform (particularly eliminating corporate tax credits and deductions) and cuts to some of the more obscene military spending programs can help to lower budget deficits. I believe that having a president who'll nominate justices and judges who support a woman's right to choose and who don't believe in religious exceptions to the law is important as well.

I realize you probably hate all of those.

Here are some numbers for you.

While I know you may not agree with the employment rate calculation, the same math has been used for pretty much every president since Reagan. There was a slight shift in the calculation during Reagan's presidency, but the numbers before that were static as well.

Only 1 GOP president has left office with a lower unemployment rate than when they took office. Ronald Reagan.

NO Democratic president has ever left offices with a higher unemployment rate than when they took office. The worst was Carter who had the same rate when he left as when he took office... every other democrat has presided over a decrease in unemployment rate (going back to WW2).

As for growth... it's been slow and steady. Using the S&P method of calculation, in no calendar year was the US GDP negative under Obama (even in 2009 he hit 0.11% growth). It's been above 3% every other year. Your statement about adjustments is incorrect... the adjustments constantly happen but move both up and down. The idea that it always gets adjusted down is not correct. For example in the follow up reports to the 3rd quarter GDP growth report, it was revised up .6%. That was the one before this latest one in case you missed it. The latest report did NOT adjust numbers down for the 4th quarter or any prior quarter. It was the initial release and the prior quarters numbers don't generally ever move once the most recent quarter gets published. Adjustments will follow but the initial numbers just came out.

I think you're confusing the unemployment with GDP numbers.

If Obama and Clinton are centrist, the Democratic party has slid off the left side of the globe.
Where are you wrong? Your post:

Seriously? Um you're in for a rude awakening. You act as if these two buffoons are some how mainstream. You have two of the biggest radical leftist you can find.

- You have an argument for Bernie... but HIllary isn't leftist. Neither was Obama for that matter... both are centrist candidates. Guys like Dennis Kucinich or Elizabeth Warren are left wing. Clinton and Obama are not.

You're what I call a racialist.
- not true. I put forward statistics on race because that's what the statistics show as being relevant. I believe in demographics.

You need to Balkanize the Country.
- nope

You're not really and American, you're a member of a group.
- I'm both. I'm a white male college educated professional of slavic descent in his 30's with 1 child who's black. I'm also an American. But statistical groupings are how you predict political elections... you find groupings that correlate with voting results and use those correlations to determine how future elections might end up.

The law or the Constitution don't really matter to you. How can any AMERICAN have an issue with enforcing our immigration law? Damn its just dumb.
- Not true. I favor CHANGING immigration law. The constitution allows for changing the law... even the laws in the constitution itself. And the laws that were passed by congress allow the executive branch to prioritize which people are targeted by immigration enforcement. Obama has deported more illegals than any other president. He's certainly not ignoring the law... but he's prioritizing which groups for law enforcement to target... those committing non-immigration crimes as opposed to families leading a non-disruptive life. Congress has passed laws ALLOWING him to set that prioritization.

And regardless of who the GOP puts up. This will be a landslide not seen since Reagan.
- I see nothing suggesting that. I'll call you incorrect about it after the election.

As far as Hillary or Bernie making America better... we have different views on what "better" is. I believe that wider access to college education for those with lower incomes is good. I believe the same when it comes to healthcare access. I think that tax reform (particularly eliminating corporate tax credits and deductions) and cuts to some of the more obscene military spending programs can help to lower budget deficits. I believe that having a president who'll nominate justices and judges who support a woman's right to choose and who don't believe in religious exceptions to the law is important as well.

I realize you probably hate all of those.

Here are some numbers for you.

While I know you may not agree with the employment rate calculation, the same math has been used for pretty much every president since Reagan. There was a slight shift in the calculation during Reagan's presidency, but the numbers before that were static as well.

Only 1 GOP president has left office with a lower unemployment rate than when they took office. Ronald Reagan.

NO Democratic president has ever left offices with a higher unemployment rate than when they took office. The worst was Carter who had the same rate when he left as when he took office... every other democrat has presided over a decrease in unemployment rate (going back to WW2).

As for growth... it's been slow and steady. Using the S&P method of calculation, in no calendar year was the US GDP negative under Obama (even in 2009 he hit 0.11% growth). It's been above 3% every other year. Your statement about adjustments is incorrect... the adjustments constantly happen but move both up and down. The idea that it always gets adjusted down is not correct. For example in the follow up reports to the 3rd quarter GDP growth report, it was revised up .6%. That was the one before this latest one in case you missed it. The latest report did NOT adjust numbers down for the 4th quarter or any prior quarter. It was the initial release and the prior quarters numbers don't generally ever move once the most recent quarter gets published. Adjustments will follow but the initial numbers just came out.

I think you're confusing the unemployment with GDP numbers.

Hard to follow, would you go back and put in the [/QUOTE] in so I can follow better?
If Obama and Clinton are centrist, the Democratic party has slid off the left side of the globe.

I don't know how much you really want to learn about this... and I know you won't believe me if I post it...

but if you ever want to actually see how things have changed politically make a list of Reagan's policy positions and Obama's and compare the two objectively.

There's a much smaller gap than you might imagine. People forget that Reagan supported amnesty for illegal immigrants. They forget he supported many gun control measures in both California as Governor and as president... banning open carry, banning the sale of automatic weapons and mandating background checks.

The type of welfare reform that Reagan advocated was the type that Bill Clinton signed into law when AFDC was replaced with TANF. He didn't want to do away with welfare like many conservatives today.

Reagan was free trade... and so are most democrats today including Obama and Hillary. Back then... almost no democrats were free trade. He signed extensions of the civil rights act, expanded the fair housing act of 1968.

I'm by no means saying that Obama or Clinton had the same views as Reagan... they certainly did not. But when you look at Reagan's views and that of his democratic opposition compared to the GOP views and the policies of Obama... you'll find that the current orientation is much further to the right. Obama and Hillary would both be moderate democrats or even moderate republicans by 1980's standards. Both the GOP and democrat party have slid way to the right. So much so that Reagan would likely be run out of the GOP as a RINO.
Amnesty under Reagan was just different. Many of those folks came through Carters policy's and frankly it was a pretty small amount of immigrants who want to be us citizens.

Move ahead to today, there is mass migration here, many just want to bilk the system and frankly it encourages more to come illegally.

My in laws spent a lot of money to come here legally from Australia, it is insanely unfair to allow people who did everything wrong to benefit the same as those that did it legally.
Amnesty under Reagan was just different. Many of those folks came through Carters policy's and frankly it was a pretty small amount of immigrants who want to be us citizens.

Move ahead to today, there is mass migration here, many just want to bilk the system and frankly it encourages more to come illegally.

My in laws spent a lot of money to come here legally from Australia, it is insanely unfair to allow people who did everything wrong to benefit the same as those that did it legally.

I think he's trying to say that POSOTUS exe order is the same as Reagan's. Its not, its not even close

Oh and BTW. Reagan's amnesty not only is almost word for word what POSOTUS wants today.....It too promised that it would be the last time and the boarders would be secure....
Amnesty under Reagan was just different. Many of those folks came through Carters policy's and frankly it was a pretty small amount of immigrants who want to be us citizens.

Move ahead to today, there is mass migration here, many just want to bilk the system and frankly it encourages more to come illegally.

My in laws spent a lot of money to come here legally from Australia, it is insanely unfair to allow people who did everything wrong to benefit the same as those that did it legally.

Depends on what you're talking about.

There's the amnesty in the immigration act of 1986 which covered a much wider range of candidates (though a smaller actual number of people) then anything Obama has supported.

Then there's the executive order that gave temporary legal status using the waiver process created in 1986, which isn't amnesty... it's legal status. REagan and Bush used that to force congress to act... and both orders were only in shape for short periods of time before Congress put them into law. Though when Bush did it the Senate had passed immigration reform including it and the House was dragging their feat on having a vote... similar to Obama with DACA where the Senate had passed immigration reform including it and the HOuse was dragging their feat on having a vote. The difference is with Bush the house approved the bill and the order went away. With Obama the House didn't ever approve it and it's still in place. But the section of the 1986 statute used to be able to pass the executive order was the same.

As for the "others had to suffer so these people should too" justification... I don't buy it. People used to have to use outhouses as children... that doesn't mean we should force all kids to have to use outhouses because it's unfair that they get the benefit of indoor plumbing when our grandparents didn't.

Either we want the people here (and we make them legal) or we don't (and we try to deport them). It's not a matter of making them suffer the same or worse than others... it's do we want/need them here or not. I just don't buy that justification as a reason to support or oppose amnesty.

Some of my ancestors didn't have to do much of anything to become US citizens... they moved before rules on immigration kept them out. The same idea of "fairness" says that those who immigrated after they limited immigration in the early 1900's should have been treated the same as those who came in before. I'm very lucky... my grandfather beat the restrictions on eastern europeans being put in place by 2 years. Had his family waited a bit longer to come from Czechoslovakia, they wouldn't have been allowed in.

It's not always fair.... sometimes you get lucky.
I don't know how much you really want to learn about this... and I know you won't believe me if I post it...

but if you ever want to actually see how things have changed politically make a list of Reagan's policy positions and Obama's and compare the two objectively.

There's a much smaller gap than you might imagine. People forget that Reagan supported amnesty for illegal immigrants. They forget he supported many gun control measures in both California as Governor and as president... banning open carry, banning the sale of automatic weapons and mandating background checks.

The type of welfare reform that Reagan advocated was the type that Bill Clinton signed into law when AFDC was replaced with TANF. He didn't want to do away with welfare like many conservatives today.

Reagan was free trade... and so are most democrats today including Obama and Hillary. Back then... almost no democrats were free trade. He signed extensions of the civil rights act, expanded the fair housing act of 1968.

I'm by no means saying that Obama or Clinton had the same views as Reagan... they certainly did not. But when you look at Reagan's views and that of his democratic opposition compared to the GOP views and the policies of Obama... you'll find that the current orientation is much further to the right. Obama and Hillary would both be moderate democrats or even moderate republicans by 1980's standards. Both the GOP and democrat party have slid way to the right. So much so that Reagan would likely be run out of the GOP as a RINO.

I agree that Reagan would be more centrist today in the Republican party, but JFK would be as well. That tells me how far the Dems have turned left.
I agree that Reagan would be more centrist today in the Republican party, but JFK would be as well. That tells me how far the Dems have turned left.

Pre-civil rights presidents have to be looked at with a different eye than post civil rights presidents. Prior to the civil rights act the democrats embraced the social conservative movement while being fiscally liberal and the GOP was the opposite.

When JFK and then LBJ behind him embraced the civil right movement... it changed. The Democrats went socially liberal, jettisoning the dixiecrat element of the party. Meanwhile in order to compete, the Republican party embraced the dixiecrats and evangelicals and became the party of both fiscal and social conservatism.

Modern political parties start with Nixon's presidency.... those prior to that don't fit into the single axis left/right pidgeon hole we use today.

JFK was socially liberal, conservative on foriegn policy issues (though he did create the peace corps) and fairly moderate on domestic financial policies (he endorsed universal healthcare and created the pilot for the food stamps program on one side but lowered taxes on the other). To be honest he would probably be seen as similar to Hillary Clinton in terms of political views. She was brought into politics by his leadership.

LBJ took the democrats very far to the left on everything aside from foriegn policy... then guys like Robert and Ted Kennedy took them even further. From about 1970 on the Democratic party (and the GOP as well) have been both sliding consistently to the right.
It was not just Dixiecrats, they jettisoned huge segments in Boston, NY, Chicago, LA...that hated bussing policies.

The Democrats are without a doubt the most racist party over the course of their existent.
Where are you wrong? Your post:

Seriously? Um you're in for a rude awakening. You act as if these two buffoons are some how mainstream. You have two of the biggest radical leftist you can find.

- You have an argument for Bernie... but HIllary isn't leftist. Neither was Obama for that matter... both are centrist candidates. Guys like Dennis Kucinich or Elizabeth Warren are left wing. Clinton and Obama are not.

You're what I call a racialist.
- not true. I put forward statistics on race because that's what the statistics show as being relevant. I believe in demographics.

You need to Balkanize the Country.
- nope

You're not really and American, you're a member of a group.
- I'm both. I'm a white male college educated professional of slavic descent in his 30's with 1 child who's black. I'm also an American. But statistical groupings are how you predict political elections... you find groupings that correlate with voting results and use those correlations to determine how future elections might end up.

The law or the Constitution don't really matter to you. How can any AMERICAN have an issue with enforcing our immigration law? Damn its just dumb.
- Not true. I favor CHANGING immigration law. The constitution allows for changing the law... even the laws in the constitution itself. And the laws that were passed by congress allow the executive branch to prioritize which people are targeted by immigration enforcement. Obama has deported more illegals than any other president. He's certainly not ignoring the law... but he's prioritizing which groups for law enforcement to target... those committing non-immigration crimes as opposed to families leading a non-disruptive life. Congress has passed laws ALLOWING him to set that prioritization.

And regardless of who the GOP puts up. This will be a landslide not seen since Reagan.
- I see nothing suggesting that. I'll call you incorrect about it after the election.

As far as Hillary or Bernie making America better... we have different views on what "better" is. I believe that wider access to college education for those with lower incomes is good. I believe the same when it comes to healthcare access. I think that tax reform (particularly eliminating corporate tax credits and deductions) and cuts to some of the more obscene military spending programs can help to lower budget deficits. I believe that having a president who'll nominate justices and judges who support a woman's right to choose and who don't believe in religious exceptions to the law is important as well.

I realize you probably hate all of those.

Here are some numbers for you.

While I know you may not agree with the employment rate calculation, the same math has been used for pretty much every president since Reagan. There was a slight shift in the calculation during Reagan's presidency, but the numbers before that were static as well.

Only 1 GOP president has left office with a lower unemployment rate than when they took office. Ronald Reagan.

NO Democratic president has ever left offices with a higher unemployment rate than when they took office. The worst was Carter who had the same rate when he left as when he took office... every other democrat has presided over a decrease in unemployment rate (going back to WW2).

As for growth... it's been slow and steady. Using the S&P method of calculation, in no calendar year was the US GDP negative under Obama (even in 2009 he hit 0.11% growth). It's been above 3% every other year. Your statement about adjustments is incorrect... the adjustments constantly happen but move both up and down. The idea that it always gets adjusted down is not correct. For example in the follow up reports to the 3rd quarter GDP growth report, it was revised up .6%. That was the one before this latest one in case you missed it. The latest report did NOT adjust numbers down for the 4th quarter or any prior quarter. It was the initial release and the prior quarters numbers don't generally ever move once the most recent quarter gets published. Adjustments will follow but the initial numbers just came out.

I think you're confusing the unemployment with GDP numbers.
This is really hilarious. I wish that I had like five full days to educate you and this is coming from an Irish/German American Indian for whatever that has to do with it.
It was not just Dixiecrats, they jettisoned huge segments in Boston, NY, Chicago, LA...that hated bussing policies.

The Democrats are without a doubt the most racist party over the course of their existent.

Yes... embracing the civil rights movement = racist... because the GOP says so.