This article is on point...

"You sir are and idiot."

What does that even mean? That you're too lazy to proofread, and you think you can judge others?

OOOO you got me. You are such an idiot you think the hildabeast is as clean as snow in the artic. Pure white! Only problem, we have proven facts showing she is a criminal and a liar. All you dimidiots have is a repeated fantasy wish that Trump is guilty of something,,, you don't know what but you keep throwing poop on the wall hoping something will stick.

My typo changes nothing.. You are an idiot, brainwashed by a lying media and a political class that will say or do anything to be in power. You are as uninformed as a tribe of Indians in the rain forest.

Keep on lying to yourself. You have proven just how stupid your side is.. and no matter how many times you accuse me or anyone else of having no logic... everyone here but you and trim and the couple of other dimwits on this site know better. You proved your logic with the statement that we had to prove your medias fake news is fake...HOW DUMB CAN ONE GET? (That's rhetorical, you are here to prove how dumb one can get)
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Typical right-wing nut-job response.

Devoid of reason, emotionally-motivated, and simple.

Not emotional at all,,, not without reason,, you have proved to be a liar, simple, yes,, the truth is usually very simple... and the truth is, you and the dims and media lie for a living.
OOOO you got me. You are such an idiot you think the hildabeast is as clean as snow in the artic. Pure white! Only problem, we have proven facts showing she is a criminal and a liar. All you dimidiots have is a repeated fantasy wish that Trump is guilty of something,,, you don't know what but you keep throwing poop on the wall hoping something will stick.

My typo changes nothing.. You are an idiot, brainwashed by a lying media and a political class that will say or do anything to be in power. You are as uninformed as a tribe of Indians in the rain forest.

Keep on lying to yourself. You have proven just how stupid your side is.. and no matter how many times you accuse me or anyone else of having no logic... everyone here but you and trim and the couple of other dimwits on this site know better. You proved your logic with the statement that we had to prove your medias fake news is fake...HOW DUMB CAN ONE GET? (That's rhetorical, you are here to prove how dumb one can get)

Never was my intent to get into your head, but it appears I have.

When did this thread become a prosecution of Hillary Clinton? Can you point me to my overly-ardent defense of her, because I'm not finding it.

That's all you can go to, because you cannot (or will not) defend trump. You've come to believe anything that doesn't fit within the narrow version of understanding they've given you must be completely pro-Hillary, and thus attacked with vigor!

I really didn't expect grown adults (I'm assuming, forgive me if you're a petulant juvenile) to disregard critical thinking in the fashion you and others have demonstrated.
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Not emotional at all,,, not without reason,, you have proved to be a liar, simple, yes,, the truth is usually very simple... and the truth is, you and the dims and media lie for a living.

Your arguments are not rationale, thus they must be emotionally-based, particularly when you resort to the rhetoric you've (attempted) to use.
My favorite description of democracy is that it's a never-ending experiment. Those passionate about democracy seek to improve it continuously. That's the way it's been for generations in the US - each one building on the success of those who came before.

Until now.

Your statement is proof that you are equal parts clueless and ignorant as to what democracy means.

I can imagine your "ance-stray" ninety years ago, scoffing at Henry Ford: "You like the Model T so much you're trying to change it....huh?"

It's called progress.
My favorite description of democracy is that it's a never-ending experiment. Those passionate about democracy seek to improve it continuously. That's the way it's been for generations in the US - each one building on the success of those who came before.

Until now.

Your statement is proof that you are equal parts clueless and ignorant as to what democracy means.

I can imagine your "ance-stray" ninety years ago, scoffing at Henry Ford: "You like the Model T so much you're trying to change it....huh?"

It's called progress.

Oh, bless your heart. You don't even know what government you reside under. We are NOT a Democracy. Progress is what politicians sell you on as they are assuming more control over your life. You may desire that but the majority of Americans don't. Like Obama said, "We live in the greatest country on earth and with your help we can fundamentally change it".


A government of the masses. Authority derived through mass meeting or any other form of "direct" expression. Results in mobocracy. Attitude toward property is communistic--negating property rights. Attitude toward law is that the will of the majority shall regulate, whether is be based upon deliberation or governed by passion, prejudice, and impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences. Results in demogogism, license, agitation, discontent, anarchy


Authority is derived through the election by the people of public officials best fitted to represent them. Attitude toward law is the administration of justice in accord with fixed principles and established evidence, with a strict regard to consequences. A greater number of citizens and extent of territory may be brought within its compass. Avoids the dangerous extreme of either tyranny or mobocracy. Results in statesmanship, liberty, reason, justice, contentment, and progress. Is the "standard form" of government throughout the world. A republic is a form of government under a constitution which provides for the election of

(1) an executive and (2) a legislative body, who working together in a representative capacity, have all the power of appointment, all power of legislation, all power to raise revenue and appropriate expenditures, and are required to create (3) a judiciary to pass upon the justice and legality of their government acts and to recognize (4) certain inherent individual rights.
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Oh, bless your heart. You don't even know what government you reside under. We are NOT a Democracy. Progress is what politicians sell you on as they are assuming more control over your life. You may desire that but the majority of Americans don't. Like Obama said, "We live in the greatest country on earth and with your help we can fundamentally change it".


A government of the masses. Authority derived through mass meeting or any other form of "direct" expression. Results in mobocracy. Attitude toward property is communistic--negating property rights. Attitude toward law is that the will of the majority shall regulate, whether is be based upon deliberation or governed by passion, prejudice, and impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences. Results in demogogism, license, agitation, discontent, anarchy


Authority is derived through the election by the people of public officials best fitted to represent them. Attitude toward law is the administration of justice in accord with fixed principles and established evidence, with a strict regard to consequences. A greater number of citizens and extent of territory may be brought within its compass. Avoids the dangerous extreme of either tyranny or mobocracy. Results in statesmanship, liberty, reason, justice, contentment, and progress. Is the "standard form" of government throughout the world. A republic is a form of government under a constitution which provides for the election of

(1) an executive and (2) a legislative body, who working together in a representative capacity, have all the power of appointment, all power of legislation, all power to raise revenue and appropriate expenditures, and are required to create (3) a judiciary to pass upon the justice and legality of their government acts and to recognize (4) certain inherent individual rights.

Good God, moron.

Each time I think you can't be more ignorant, more unaware, you continually surprise me.

I guess you see Paul Ryan as I already do, an idiot. He claimed "We are the oldest democracy".

Oh snap! I guess you need to condemn Reagan, too: "Democracy is worth dying for, because it's the most deeply honorable form of government ever devised by man."

Uh, oh...You better put the hurt on old Abe: "As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy. Whatever differs from this, to the extent of the difference, is no democracy."

It'd be fun to have a discussion with someone who can conduct themselves intelligently. You are not that person.
You two fags are perfect for each other. The US would instantly be a better place without you two oxygen thieves.

Yup, that last Zima did it. Now you're just giving guys at the water treatment plant something to do.
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Great article which describes the nasty, vile, evil intent, of the means justifies the ends crowd. The dems are all a bunch of America hating, party of what can you do for me as there has ever been. There is a real fighter who actually GIVES a shit about the USA and its hard working producers in the white house. It is quite refreshing to see someone who truly fights for the heart of america. The hillary's are more concerned with trading favors and money for votes and power. I wish I could see the day when that evil twisted bitch faces GOD. All of her socialist training will not prepare her for that meeting, where nothing but truth prevails.
The left has been on their heels since Trump stormed onto the campaign trail, and there is no end in sight for them. Thank GOD for a fighter that is trying to break the crooked machine in Washington D.C.
He's not trying to break the crooked machine, he's improving it to make it the Mother Of All Crooked Machines (MOACM).
Nevertheless, he's still better than Hillary, and he would still beat her today. And, Obama is still an arrongant, narcissistic POS who screwed the working man and Israel.

Trump is imperfect, to be sure, but he's better than those aholes.
Great article which describes the nasty, vile, evil intent, of the means justifies the ends crowd. The dems are all a bunch of America hating, party of what can you do for me as there has ever been. There is a real fighter who actually GIVES a shit about the USA and its hard working producers in the white house. It is quite refreshing to see someone who truly fights for the heart of america. The hillary's are more concerned with trading favors and money for votes and power. I wish I could see the day when that evil twisted bitch faces GOD. All of her socialist training will not prepare her for that meeting, where nothing but truth prevails.
The left has been on their heels since Trump stormed onto the campaign trail, and there is no end in sight for them. Thank GOD for a fighter that is trying to break the crooked machine in Washington D.C.
How can you say he's fighting for American? He didn't even fight for the GOP healthcare bill. All he did was send out a couple of tweets that's it. Tweets don't push policy plan and simple. You guys put him in office because he was this great deal maker that would get thing done and he himself said the same thing but when the chips are down he chokes and his supporters choose to deflect and pass blame to anyone but 45. I thought the Right was all about accountability. When is the GOP going to hold Trump accountable for anything?
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Nevertheless, he's still better than Hillary, and he would still beat her today. And, Obama is still an arrongant, narcissistic POS who screwed the working man and Israel.

Trump is imperfect, to be sure, but he's better than those aholes.

Most of America disagrees with you.

That's reality.
This ain't the damn writer's guild, pussy. Now roll over and cuddle bmpbmp again before y'all catch a chill.

Most people here went to college, and as such, have sufficient knowledge to formulate words and sentences correctly. It's unfortunate that your education didn't enable you in that regard, as it has others.

Instead, you make excuses and deflections. Sad.
Ha! You're a f'ing idiot! Professional writing skills are nearly nonexistent in most college graduates. NO ONE emphasizes or cares about those skills. It's people like you that are ruining our country. Shut your damn boner grarage and leave this country. You're a useless, socialist pussy.

Most people here went to college, and as such, have sufficient knowledge to formulate words and sentences correctly. It's unfortunate that your education didn't enable you in that regard, as it has others.

Instead, you make excuses and deflections. Sad.
Ha! You're a f'ing idiot! Professional writing skills are nearly nonexistent in most college graduates. NO ONE emphasizes or cares about those skills. It's people like you that are ruining our country. Shut your damn boner grarage and leave this country. You're a useless, socialist pussy.

See, right there. All you have is nasty words. You're poorly educated. One would think you'd want to pull yourself up by the bootstraps and strive to be the best ya daddy you can be. But no, you're satisfied with being an under-achieving snowflake for trump.

Dare yourself to be better.. to improve.

What's a grarage?
This ain't the damn writer's guild, pussy. Now roll over and cuddle bmpbmp again before y'all catch a chill.
We all know this isn't the writers guild as "your" fourth grade education posts easily point this out. Tough coming off you two Zima high isn't it?
It's really sweet now you two lovers support each other. you really need to get over "your" anger issues and try to better yourself. Maybe take some online courses and surely you could get your "Uncle Dave" to pay for it.
Your arguments are not rationale, thus they must be emotionally-based, particularly when you resort to the rhetoric you've (attempted) to use.

Me using rhetoric? LOL,, We have facts to support my opinion of the hildabeast and odumba. All you have is the repeated lies of the msm and folks dim pol's in DC.

I asked you to show proof of Trumps collusion. You can't. Your side has been trying to find something for a year. The most horrendous stuff found is don jr. looking for dirt on the beast. Same as they dims did to trump. POOOOOREST LOSERS in the history of the world.

Now lets take about all the slime of your party. How about Libya, or Fast and Furious, of if you like you Dr. you can keep him/her, and my premiums will go down. How about Loretta meeting with slick willy in AZ, or maybe the beast email lies, and cover ups... there are many many more. YOU are the only one that has not one rational thought, if in the face of all the evidence,(factual evidence against the dims), you think that socialist party is better for this country.

You may be more educated than everyone on this site, but, it only served to brain wash you. You have no reasoning skills. You only preach what some egg head socialist professor taught you and claim to be more enlightened than the masses.

I'll take the masses over you and your type any day. The masses are the only reason we still have a country. Leave it up to you and your egg head socialist friends and we will be a 3 world Hispanic Muslim country before too many years go by.

Now just go away until you want to talk about FACTS, not your dim liberal cry baby non reasoning illogical irrational talking points derived from huff po and the dimwit national party of socialist.
You're all talk, pussy bitch. you really need to get over "your" anger issues and try to better yourself. Maybe take some online courses and surely you could get your "Uncle Dave" to pay for it.
You're all talk, pussy bitch.
Whatever you say gayboy (not that there's anything wrong with that. I'm sure you make a great companion fetching Zima's for him).

Edit: You're showing some real promise using "You're" in the correct way. Bonus point for you.
Me using rhetoric? LOL,, We have facts to support my opinion of the hildabeast and odumba. All you have is the repeated lies of the msm and folks dim pol's in DC.

I asked you to show proof of Trumps collusion. You can't. Your side has been trying to find something for a year. The most horrendous stuff found is don jr. looking for dirt on the beast. Same as they dims did to trump. POOOOOREST LOSERS in the history of the world.

Now lets take about all the slime of your party. How about Libya, or Fast and Furious, of if you like you Dr. you can keep him/her, and my premiums will go down. How about Loretta meeting with slick willy in AZ, or maybe the beast email lies, and cover ups... there are many many more. YOU are the only one that has not one rational thought, if in the face of all the evidence,(factual evidence against the dims), you think that socialist party is better for this country.

You may be more educated than everyone on this site, but, it only served to brain wash you. You have no reasoning skills. You only preach what some egg head socialist professor taught you and claim to be more enlightened than the masses.

I'll take the masses over you and your type any day. The masses are the only reason we still have a country. Leave it up to you and your egg head socialist friends and we will be a 3 world Hispanic Muslim country before too many years go by.

Now just go away until you want to talk about FACTS, not your dim liberal cry baby non reasoning illogical irrational talking points derived from huff po and the dimwit national party of socialist.
I told one of your moron peers last week all you've got to do is read juniors emails (not the fox news version, where they redacted pertinent content). He admitted intent to collude himself.

Hate to break it to you, but the "masses" as you say, they side with my viewpoints.
Bitch ass pussy. Keep hiding behind that keyboard.

Whatever you say gayboy (not that there's anything wrong with that. I'm sure you make a great companion fetching Zima's for him).

Edit: You're showing some real promise using "You're" in the correct way. Bonus point for you.

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