This Blogger nailed it...

The only tear I will shed for her is that she allowed herself to be caught up in the wrong movement that led her down the wrong path

I consider what those people did yesterday to be an attack on America and our foundations of our democracy. If a Democrat did this, they would deserve death. If a foreign actor did this, they would deserve death.

What happened yesterday is a dark stain on our nation's history.
No its not, there are much darker stains on our nation's past and present. What they did... right, wrong or indifferent is the same acts that led to the American revolution. Those "traitors" to the crown did the same damn thing. What everyone seems to be overlooking is the fact of regardless who walks those halls or sits in the seats, it all belongs to the American tax paying citizens. As much as I despise all protestors they had as much right to be there and break a few windows as the mongrels in every other major city in the U.S. had a right to loot, pillage and burn. Not to mention a citizens blood was spilled in your hallowed halls of democracy. Every one wants to play the race card, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but I have yet to read where law enforcement has shot a minority or female protester for breaking the laws of arson, grand larceny, destruction of private and government property, acts of terrorism and tyranny to local government, hostile take over of police stations and federal buildings. We as individuals will always see a different side of the coin, and that's ok. Its also ok to have the ability to continue to separate ourselves from animals and be able to talk of our differing opinions and walk away with a hand shake agreeing to disagree.
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