This is CNN

It sounds like he died of cancer or Covid or some other untreatable disease. Why can’t they say he was murdered? Amazing how they go out of their way to alter stories to hide the whole truth. And it’s not just CNN. But they are particularly egregious.
Playing right into the hands of terrorists. There is absolutely no other way to interpret it: murdering these innocent people who were abducted almost a year ago is working to their political advantage. Because like clockwork, the media and the Biden admin are blaming Bibi for it. Not the terrorists. It is literally like giving your dog a T-bone steak every time it mauls a child.
His parents spoke at the DNC, Hamas has zero respect for this administration. Biden didn't know the guy was murdered, he was sitting on a beach.

-President Biden appeared to mistakenly claim on Monday that he “spoke to” the American hostage who was found dead in a Hamas tunnel over the weekend — adding to his string of uncomfortable gaffes in the last months of his presidency.

It happened after Biden, 81, was asked if he had a message for the families of six hostages who were discovered dead in a Hamas tunnel by the Israel Defense Forces on Saturday.

One of the hostages was Israeli American Hersh Goldberg-Polin, who had been held hostage for nearly 11 months since he was abducted from a music festival on Oct. 7.
“I’ve spoken to the American hostage,” Biden said in apparent reference to Goldberg-Polin. “I spoke to his mom and dad, and we’re not giving up. We’re going to continue to push as hard as we can.”

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