This is what happens


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Dec 11, 2017
When you supports terrorists and pay for our people to come with $6 bil. This is the definition of soft. Never would have happened if we had big balls in DC and not paid for Iran to support Hamas.

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When you supports terrorists and pay for our people to come with $6 mil. This is the definition of soft. Never would have happened if we had big balls in DC and not paid for Iran to support Hamas.

The $6B was never given to Iran or Hamas. It’s sitting in Qatar banks, controlled by the US and only able to be transferred to 3rd parties engaged in humanitarian aid work.

Also, none has been spent.
The current avalanche of lies from the right regarding the $6b is shameful, even for them.
The $150 Billion ( I think that is the total)Obama gave Iran back on 2015 has certainly flowed to their nuclear program and to the West Bank to terrorist. Now Biden’s recent unfreezing of funds, probably not. So there is some truth to rights comments. Regardless, surprised Israel got caught that unprepared or off guard. They will unleash HELL as they should.
Israel does not need any U.S. help at the moment other than stay the HELL out of the way while they unleash HELL on the South Bank. Not a Tubberfield fan but just go around him, Senate did recently and has plenty of time while the House is out of session. It’s an equal stretch that any of these appointments would have made any difference or that Biden’s release of $$$ had an impact .
The current avalanche of lies from the right regarding the $6b is shameful, even for them.
Even if you believe biden has the nuts to actually enforce the "only for food and medicine stipulation on the money via accounts in Quater, LMBO,,, they just found 6 billion they would have spent for food and medicine in their regular budget suddenly available for terror..... Dims are the most gullible head in sand creatures on earth.
Israel does not need any U.S. help at the moment other than stay the HELL out of the way while they unleash HELL on the South Bank. Not a Tubberfield fan but just go around him, Senate did recently and has plenty of time while the House is out of session. It’s an equal stretch that any of these appointments would have made any difference or that Biden’s release of $$$ had an impact .
The $150 Billion ( I think that is the total)Obama gave Iran back on 2015 has certainly flowed to their nuclear program and to the West Bank to terrorist. Now Biden’s recent unfreezing of funds, probably not. So there is some truth to rights comments. Regardless, surprised Israel got caught that unprepared or off guard. They will unleash HELL as they should.

This situation, like every situation in the ME, is extremely complex and there is never a simple explanation for any development.

My comment was in response to the specific lie yesterday (from Fox and more extreme Republican politicians) regarding the $6b including US taxpayer dollars and funding this current attack.

The funds consist entirly of the proceeds of oils sales to South Korea that the Trump administration allowed and not one dollar has even been spent yet for the designated purpose of purchasing humanitarian aid only.

Contributors to this situation include Iran, current Israeli leadership and US policy across multiple administrations. But not many people are talking about Putin, who absolutely has a significant hand in this attack.

Chaos in the ME distracts from Ukraine and may very well weaken resolve and funding in support of Ukraine.

Putin has a stated goal of reestablishing Soviet territorial boundaries and Russian influence in the world and creating international chaos as a means of weakening his foreign adversaries is perhaps the single most important component of that plan. I seriously doubt Iran facilitates this attack without the help and support of Putin.

BTW, Putin’s efforts to be a chaos agent and sow devision in the West is why Russia made extensive efforts to aid Trump in the 2020 election and why they are doing the same now. It’s not by chance that Trump, DeSantis and Ramaswamy all support a “resolution” in Ukraine that would be considered highly favorable by Putin.
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... not one dollar has even been spent yet for the designated purpose of purchasing humanitarian aid only.

That's a distinction without a difference and completely ignores the fungible nature of money.

Here's a thorough de-bunking of that talking point from a former State Department Advisor on Iran, with receipts:

The $6B was never given to Iran or Hamas. It’s sitting in Qatar banks, controlled by the US and only able to be transferred to 3rd parties engaged in humanitarian aid work.

Also, none has been spent.
Or so we’re told. Hard to believe anything that comes from corporately controlled “official information sources” anymore. Marketing & politics are loyal blood brothers.
That's a distinction without a difference and completely ignores the fungible nature of money.

Here's a thorough de-bunking of that talking point from a former State Department Advisor on Iran, with receipts:

The most pertinent of many great points the guy made: “So please, don't take the administration's claims at face value. They are talking points without a grounding in truth.”
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That's a distinction without a difference and completely ignores the fungible nature of money.

Here's a thorough de-bunking of that talking point from a former State Department Advisor on Iran, with receipts:

A few thoughts.

So is the premise that the as yet untapped $6b was directly responsible for the attack yesterday? That’s what was being suggesting yesterday by right-wing pols and media. Of course they were also saying that $6b is US money, which it absolutely a lie.

Of course, if the $6b is responsible for Iran funding the attack, that suggests that Putin played zero role in any of this, which is absolutely false. Iran is primarily armed by Russia, China and North Korea. Which of those three benefit greatly from a new conflict to distract from their failing invasion of another country? Very conveniently timed just as Congress fails to approve continued funding for Ukraine and the leading GOP presidential candidate and a meaningful part of the party leadership openly calls for capitulation. What a wild coincidence, right?

And let’s go ahead and address the biggest elephant (joke intended) in the room. The reason yesterday was such a massive temporary success for Hammas was the total failure of of every aspect of Israeli intelligence. Absolutely no one can reasonably explain how a country that has practically established the global standard for intelligence could suffer such a total failure.

I think it’s safe to say that Iran shoring up their budget less than a year ago did not allow them to break Israeli intelligence in a way that no one has accomplished in fifty years.

I’m sure there’s no chance that this has any relationship at all to the largest intelligence breach in the history of our country. It’s definitely not relevant that we know Trump already shared Israeli intelligence with Russia back in 2017, so it’s happened before.

There has to be a reason that Trump risked serious jail time to hold on to and lie about extremely sensitive documents when his lawyers made clear that the potential repercussions included serious jail time.

Regardless, I stand behind my comment that the right was lying about the $6b because they were. Whether it played a role in yesterday’s events has yet to be determined, but as I also said, there is no such thing as a simple explanation for anything that happens in the ME and that includes yesterday.

Keep on eye on the Russia connection. They may have benefited more than anyone else yesterday, which is likely not a coincidence.
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A few thoughts.

So is the premise that the as yet untapped $6b was directly responsible for the attack yesterday? That’s what was being suggesting yesterday by right-wing pols and media. Of course they were also saying that $6b is US money, which it absolutely a lie.

Of course, if the $6b is responsible for Iran funding the attack, that suggests that Putin played zero role in any of this, which is absolutely false. Iran is primarily armed by Russia, China and North Korea. Which of those three benefit greatly from a new conflict to distract from their failing invasion of another country? Very conveniently timed just as Congress fails to approve continued funding for Ukraine and the leading GOP presidential candidate and a meaningful part of the party leadership openly calls for capitulation. What a wild coincidence, right?

And let’s go ahead and address the biggest elephant (joke intended) in the room. The reason yesterday was such a massive temporary success for Hammas was the total failure of of every aspect of Israeli intelligence. Absolutely no one can reasonably explain how a country that has practically established the global standard for intelligence could suffer such a total failure.

I think it’s safe to say that Iran shoring up their budget less than a year ago did not allow them to break Israeli intelligence in a way that no one has accomplished in fifty years.

I’m sure there’s no chance that this has any relationship at all to the largest intelligence breach in the history of our country. It’s definitely not relevant that we know Trump already shared Israeli intelligence with Russia back in 2017, so it’s happened before.

There has to be a reason that Trump risked serious jail time to hold on to and lie about extremely sensitive documents when his lawyers made clear that the potential repercussions included serious jail time.

Regardless, I stand behind my comment that the right was lying about the $6b because they were. Whether it played a role in yesterday’s events has yet to be determined, but as I also said, there is no such thing as a simple explanation for anything that happens in the ME and that includes yesterday.

Keep on eye on the Russia connection. They may have benefited more than anyone else yesterday, which is likely not a coincidence.
That's a lot of response to not refute any of what I posted: that "marking" the $6B for "humanitarian" needs doesnt keep any of that $ away from terrorists.
It’s definitely not relevant that we know Trump already shared Israeli intelligence with Russia back in 2017, so it’s happened before.

Wait, are you talking about when he shared Israeli-gathered intelligence about ISIS and a laptop bomb threat? To tie that in here as some evidence of something inappropriate is quite a stretch.

It shouldn't be difficult to say: "The terrorist attacks were bad & recent US relief for the #1 financer of Hamas is not a positive development here", without trying to tie it into Trump & Russia. You've posted a ton of speculation when there's plenty of things that should not be difficult to deny: e.g. helping Iran get more money can lead to things like yesterday.
A few thoughts.

So is the premise that the as yet untapped $6b was directly responsible for the attack yesterday? That’s what was being suggesting yesterday by right-wing pols and media. Of course they were also saying that $6b is US money, which it absolutely a lie.

Of course, if the $6b is responsible for Iran funding the attack, that suggests that Putin played zero role in any of this, which is absolutely false. Iran is primarily armed by Russia, China and North Korea. Which of those three benefit greatly from a new conflict to distract from their failing invasion of another country? Very conveniently timed just as Congress fails to approve continued funding for Ukraine and the leading GOP presidential candidate and a meaningful part of the party leadership openly calls for capitulation. What a wild coincidence, right?

And let’s go ahead and address the biggest elephant (joke intended) in the room. The reason yesterday was such a massive temporary success for Hammas was the total failure of of every aspect of Israeli intelligence. Absolutely no one can reasonably explain how a country that has practically established the global standard for intelligence could suffer such a total failure.

I think it’s safe to say that Iran shoring up their budget less than a year ago did not allow them to break Israeli intelligence in a way that no one has accomplished in fifty years.

I’m sure there’s no chance that this has any relationship at all to the largest intelligence breach in the history of our country. It’s definitely not relevant that we know Trump already shared Israeli intelligence with Russia back in 2017, so it’s happened before.

There has to be a reason that Trump risked serious jail time to hold on to and lie about extremely sensitive documents when his lawyers made clear that the potential repercussions included serious jail time.

Regardless, I stand behind my comment that the right was lying about the $6b because they were. Whether it played a role in yesterday’s events has yet to be determined, but as I also said, there is no such thing as a simple explanation for anything that happens in the ME and that includes yesterday.

Keep on eye on the Russia connection. They may have benefited more than anyone else yesterday, which is likely not a coincidence.
Also, I'd be happy to read anything you allege above, beyond someone's wild conjecture. Even if it's just thoughtful analysis. Thanks.
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Israel should push all the troublemakers in Gaza over the line to Egypt. Maybe build their own wall between Israel and Egypt. What would we do if the Mexicans started firing rockets across the border in the US? And if trouble starts in the West Bank they should clean that out too. It’s been going on too long.
Also, I'd be happy to ready anything you allege above, beyond someone's wild conjecture. Even if it's just thoughtful analysis. Thanks.
Here are a few things to review.

Biased source but regarding comments by Polish president.

Russia did not condemn the attack and called on pre-1967 borders.

This situation, like every situation in the ME, is extremely complex and there is never a simple explanation for any development.

My comment was in response to the specific lie yesterday (from Fox and more extreme Republican politicians) regarding the $6b including US taxpayer dollars and funding this current attack.

The funds consist entirly of the proceeds of oils sales to South Korea that the Trump administration allowed and not one dollar has even been spent yet for the designated purpose of purchasing humanitarian aid only.

Contributors to this situation include Iran, current Israeli leadership and US policy across multiple administrations. But not many people are talking about Putin, who absolutely has a significant hand in this attack.

Chaos in the ME distracts from Ukraine and may very well weaken resolve and funding in support of Ukraine.

Putin has a stated goal of reestablishing Soviet territorial boundaries and Russian influence in the world and creating international chaos as a means of weakening his foreign adversaries is perhaps the single most important component of that plan. I seriously doubt Iran facilitates this attack without the help and support of Putin.

BTW, Putin’s efforts to be a chaos agent and sow devision in the West is why Russia made extensive efforts to aid Trump in the 2020 election and why they are doing the same now. It’s not by chance that Trump, DeSantis and Ramaswamy all support a “resolution” in Ukraine that would be considered highly favorable by Putin.
Typical shallow thought process.
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Contributors to this situation include Iran, current Israeli leadership and US policy across multiple administrations. .
Contributors to this situation are solely the disgusting animals who have made it their sole mission to annihilate a group of people for no other reason than bigotry. Blaming Israel or the US for these unprovoked abhorrent acts of terror against INNOCENT HUMAN BEINGS is either pure ignorance or raging antisemitism or a combination of both
Contributors to this situation are solely the disgusting animals who have made it their sole mission to annihilate a group of people for no other reason than bigotry. Blaming Israel or the US for these unprovoked abhorrent acts of terror against INNOCENT HUMAN BEINGS is either pure ignorance or raging antisemitism or a combination of both
I spent many years around Palestinians in Egypt, Sudan, Jordan and other dumps. They are mostly a sordid bunch. Some are professionals like accountants. Most are tea boys and broom pushers. They look through the fence from their slovenly shithole and see the prosperous Israelis and they hate them. They see the Israeli F-15s, 16s, and even F-35s buzzing overhead and feel powerless and hate the Americans who built them and assist Israel. They rely on others, even the Israelis, for basic needs like water, food, and utilities and they hate the producers because they produce little more than rudimentary missiles with no guidance which they use to murder Israelis indiscriminately. The neighboring Muslim countries do not want them in their countries for good reason, so they throw money at them to shut them up, and so they hate them too for being rich.

So, I agree with you; there’s nobody to blame here but the savages who attacked Israel, again, and again, and again. The situation can be analyzed to death by those looking to place blame on others besides their precious Palestinians. Who funds them, who gains politically, whose policies have caused their downtrodden state? It’s all bullshit. The blame lies solely with their scuzzy asses. They are more than happy to act as Iran’s proxy and attack Israel because they are filled with hate and have nothing better to do.
Contributors to this situation are solely the disgusting animals who have made it their sole mission to annihilate a group of people for no other reason than bigotry. Blaming Israel or the US for these unprovoked abhorrent acts of terror against INNOCENT HUMAN BEINGS is either pure ignorance or raging antisemitism or a combination of both
After yesterday, I’m entirely comfortable with Israeli security forces eradicating every last member of Hammas. There is zero justification for what Hammas did, I agree they are animals and they deserve no mercy.

That doesn’t mean that policy choices by Israel, the US and others have not contributed to the situation. Working to understand contributing factors does not mean you are tacitly justifying inhuman behavior.
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Also, I'd be happy to ready anything you allege above, beyond someone's wild conjecture. Even if it's just thoughtful analysis. Thanks.
Here’s one additional article for consideration. It’s an interesting read, although from the New Yorker so liberal disclaimers attached.

After yesterday, I’m entirely comfortable with Israeli security forces eradicating every last member of Hammas. There is zero justification for what Hammas did, I agree they are animals and they deserve no mercy.

That doesn’t mean that policy choices by Israel, the US and others have not contributed to the situation. Working to understand contributing factors does not mean you are tacitly justifying inhuman behavior.
The closest thing to policy choices by Israel causing this is Israel’s caving to the pressure of antisemitic groups such as the AP and the UN in the past and not completely annihilating this terrorist organization because this terrorist organization CHOOSES to put their own civilians in harms way to help create the antisemitic propaganda that Israel is somehow in the wrong. Hopefully this time Israel tells the international antisemites to F themselves and completely destroy this terrorist organization and retake control of Gaza so they can police and prevent extremist groups from forming in the future
The $6B was never given to Iran or Hamas. It’s sitting in Qatar banks, controlled by the US and only able to be transferred to 3rd parties engaged in humanitarian aid work.

Also, none has been spent.
They’re still using the $ Obama sent them…and just mo, but I expect Iran and maybe via Qatar or one of the other Islamic renegades via corruption to use part of that $ with force against Isreal…nor do I rule out parts of any govt from being corrupt. Biden and his handlers are idiotic…just my thinking but do you think not?
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The $6B was never given to Iran or Hamas. It’s sitting in Qatar banks, controlled by the US and only able to be transferred to 3rd parties engaged in humanitarian aid work.

Also, none has been spent.
Iran and its proxies are enabling attacks on US troops in Syria through weapons shipments hidden within humanitarian aid sent for the devastating earthquake that hit Syria and Turkey in February and killed tens of thousands, the Washington Post reported on Sunday citing leaked classified US intelligence.

Washington Post Story (may be behind paywall)

Times of Israel Story

And straight from the horse's mouth:

Even Wolf Blitzer gets it:
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Iran and its proxies are enabling attacks on US troops in Syria through weapons shipments hidden within humanitarian aid sent for the devastating earthquake that hit Syria and Turkey in February and killed tens of thousands, the Washington Post reported on Sunday citing leaked classified US intelligence.

Washington Post Story (may be behind paywall)

Times of Israel Story

And straight from the horse's mouth:

Even Wolf Blitzer gets it:
Yes. Period. Any spin tried here within this thread is complete and utter bs. This is the truth. Accept it. Democrats are very much accountable here.
The closest thing to policy choices by Israel causing this is Israel’s caving to the pressure of antisemitic groups such as the AP and the UN in the past and not completely annihilating this terrorist organization because this terrorist organization CHOOSES to put their own civilians in harms way to help create the antisemitic propaganda that Israel is somehow in the wrong. Hopefully this time Israel tells the international antisemites to F themselves and completely destroy this terrorist organization and retake control of Gaza so they can police and prevent extremist groups from forming in the future
When I say policy choices by Israel and the US have contributed to the current situation, this is the kind of thing I’m referring to. The ME is endlessly complex and every government involved there has made mistakes.

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When I say policy choices by Israel and the US have contributed to the current situation, this is the kind of thing I’m referring to. The ME is endlessly complex and every government involved there has made mistakes.

Interesting that this kind of corroborating works for you here. Yet doesn’t work for you with other issues. Duly noted. I forgot. It is bush’s fault. Smh
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Interesting that this kind of corroborating works for you here. Yet doesn’t work for you with other issues. Duly noted. I forgot. It is bush’s fault. Smh
I’m not sure exactly what you mean, but if you are suggesting that the decision to invade and depose one of the primary counterweights to Iran’s influence in the region based on contrived and manufactured evidence didn’t contribute to the current state of the ME, there probably isn’t much I can say to change your mind. I would have thought that this was universally accepted at this point.

Every administration after Carter has made significant missteps in the ME, including Clinton, Obama and Biden. But the Iraq invasion is likely at the very top of the list and continues to have repercussions to this day.

And I’ll say it again, Putin was definitely involved in the events of the last few days and a war in the ME is extremely helpful in his efforts to force the West away from continuing support for Ukraine. The timing of this event so close to the House failing to approve more funding for Ukraine is one mighty big and convenient coincidence for Putin.

Israel and Iran will likely be at war soon. Where things go from there is anyone’s guess, but it isn’t good. It would be helpful if we had more senior military leadership and ambassadors currently in place.

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I’m not sure exactly what you mean, but if you are suggesting that the decision to invade and depose one of the primary counterweights to Iran’s influence in the region based on contrived and manufactured evidence didn’t contribute to the current state of the ME, there probably isn’t much I can say to change your mind. I would have thought that this was universally accepted at this point.

Every administration after Carter has made significant missteps in the ME, including Clinton, Obama and Biden. But the Iraq invasion is likely at the very top of the list and continues to have repercussions to this day.

And I’ll say it again, Putin was definitely involved in the events of the last few days and a war in the ME is extremely helpful in his efforts to force the West away from continuing support for Ukraine. The timing of this event so close to the House failing to approve more funding for Ukraine is one mighty big and convenient coincidence for Putin.

Israel and Iran will likely be at war soon. Where things go from there is anyone’s guess, but it isn’t good. It would be helpful if we had more senior military leadership and ambassadors currently in place.

This is a terrorist attack. Yes there have been issues over there for a really long time. Not denying that. But trying to spin it this way is a really bad look at the moment. But please. Continue on.

You just said definitely. You don’t know that. Neither does anyone else. Could it be true. Sure. But don’t spin it like you know what happened.

The spin coming is this is the pubs fault. Right. Because some were opposed to sending more money to the ukraine. Give me a freaking break.
Every administration after Carter has made significant missteps in the ME, including Clinton, Obama and Biden. But the Iraq invasion is likely at the very top of the list and continues to have repercussions to this day.

And I’ll say it again, Putin was definitely involved in the events of the last few days and a war in the ME is extremely helpful in his efforts to force the West away from continuing support for Ukraine. The timing of this event so close to the House failing to approve more funding for Ukraine is one mighty big and convenient coincidence for Putin.

Israel and Iran will likely be at war soon. Where things go from there is anyone’s guess, but it isn’t good. It would be helpful if we had more senior military leadership and ambassadors currently in place.
Clueless or complicit?

I’m not sure exactly what you mean, but if you are suggesting that the decision to invade and depose one of the primary counterweights to Iran’s influence in the region based on contrived and manufactured evidence didn’t contribute to the current state of the ME, there probably isn’t much I can say to change your mind. I would have thought that this was universally accepted at this point.

Every administration after Carter has made significant missteps in the ME, including Clinton, Obama and Biden. But the Iraq invasion is likely at the very top of the list and continues to have repercussions to this day.

And I’ll say it again, Putin was definitely involved in the events of the last few days and a war in the ME is extremely helpful in his efforts to force the West away from continuing support for Ukraine. The timing of this event so close to the House failing to approve more funding for Ukraine is one mighty big and convenient coincidence for Putin.

Israel and Iran will likely be at war soon. Where things go from there is anyone’s guess, but it isn’t good. It would be helpful if we had more senior military leadership and ambassadors currently in place.

I will take yours and nice along with others, next step. Donald trump caused this. He told putin he would get some of his supporters to oppose ukraine funding. Cause issues in the house. So he could rally support elsewhere encouraging and paying hamas to attack Israel. Dear god man. Is there a word stronger than predictable? The media will be running with this line of thinking by Wednesday. Biden will be saying you aren’t Jewish if you vote for trump soon enough.
This is a terrorist attack. Yes there have been issues over there for a really long time. Not denying that. But trying to spin it this way is a really bad look at the moment. But please. Continue on.

You just said definitely. You don’t know that. Neither does anyone else. Could it be true. Sure. But don’t spin it like you know what happened.

The spin coming is this is the pubs fault. Right. Because some were opposed to sending more money to the ukraine. Give me a freaking break.
It is mighty frustrating trying to communicate anything with any nuance on here. I said that there is no justification for what happened and that Israel should hunt down and kill every member of Hamas they can find.

I pointed out that nothing in the ME lends itself to simple explanations and was accused of being an antisemite.

You and others on here are the ones saying that a deal that was approved about a month ago is a primary contributor to an attack that had to require many months of planning given the scale and counterintelligence required to pull it off. That’s highly simplistic thinking.

Regarding Putin, we know that Russia and Iran are close military allies and that Putin benefits greatly from the distraction away from Ukraine created by chaos in the ME. As I said before, this attack happening just as resolve for US aid to Ukraine is publicly weakening is a hell of a coincidence, don’t you think? No, I don’t know for sure, but I also don’t believe in that kind of coincidence when it involves a character like Putin. I think that’s a reasonable position to take.
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Notice who the dims always blame for issues. Starts with the USA. They prove how much they hate their own country with every breath they take. Look at how the dims hear the New Yorker, the NYT, Vanity Fair etc blame us and Israel and oh yeah, Donald Trumps pal Russia Russia Russia. Lol the very party that enabled terrorist in America, (antifa, blm) come out guns blazing defending Iran and the 2 last dim presidents both releasing billions to Muslim terrorist. Obama even did it with pallets of cash.

Be very careful if you are unfortunate enough to live in a predominantly dim area. They love them some scum and murdering terrorist. Open the borders so they can just walk right on in.
It is mighty frustrating trying to communicate anything with any nuance on here. I said that there is no justification for what happened and that Israel should hunt down and kill every member of Hamas they can find.

I pointed out that nothing in the ME lends itself to simple explanations and was accused of being an antisemite.

You and others on here are the ones saying that a deal that was approved about a month ago is a primary contributor to an attack that had to require many, months of planning given the scale and counterintelligence required to pull it off. That’s highly simplistic thinking.

Regarding Putin, we know that Russia and Iran are close military allies and that Putin benefits greatly from the distraction away from Ukraine created by chaos in the ME.
You are the one defending Iran because your stupid party keeps giving billions to terrorist. You can’t bring yourself to say Biden screwed up making that money available so you have to blame israel and the us and Donald trumps besty lmbo at you and the New Yorker and vanity fair and the atlantic. Your problem is you get your info from America hating terrorist loving propagandist.
If people want to see Democrat true colors, look at NYC, mainstream media blaming everyone but Hamas and the corrupt WHouse.

To read this crap on hear of people saying this and saying that. There should be no conversation. Women and children were murdered. Slaughtered. And you people want to debate? There is no debate. Kill every last one of them. Hunt them down and kill the bastards. I did that after 9/11. Hunted their asses down. You don’t negotiate with terrorists. You don’t pay them. We are the USA. You don’t give us back our people, we come get them and crush your country. It’s simple.

If we had nuts in the Chair, this would have never happened.

Complete Democrat definition being laid out before us.

Mind-blowing to see the Squad, AOC, and all the people laying blame elsewhere other than where it solely lies. If you are too stupid and asinine to see who should be blamed, that is your fault. You are a part of the problem.

Not linking any articles. Not linking tweets. Don’t give a shit what those idiots say. This is frucking common sense. Right before our eyes.