Thoughts on Trump...


Pillar of the DawgVent
Jul 26, 2001
First the good:

- I love that he says what he thinks and doesn't really care about the establishment. (more on this below)
- I love many of his ideas. I'll go all in redneck here and say "hell yeah, I'm all for building a wall".
- His slogan of "make america great again" is pure genius! There are tons of comparisons to the way Obama used "hope and change". Smart on Trumps part, really smart.
- Trump has managed to tap into that "hell yeah, Make America Great Again", "Merica" group. Again, genius. Don't get me wrong. I like that group and actually, this is why I think he can win. He's converted some of that blue collar, hard working portion of the population to believers.
- I believe IF (and that's still a big if) he gets the Republican nomination, he will win. Maybe I'm being a homer here, but, I don't believe we will elect a criminal or a socialist. (but hey, we elected a racist, muslim?)
- This will be the lowest turn out for blacks voting in 12 years.

The bad:

- The real scary scenario is Trump NOT getting the nomination. I 100% believe he'll run as an Independent and Ross Perot this election.
- Even with all the "good" above, I"m not sure Trump is the guy I want with his finger on the button for the US. I know it's a little over played. But, I'd prefer a more steady hand.
- Saying what you think is one thing, being an A hole is another. Trump doesn't know where to draw the line.

The Ugly:

- I just can't comprehend how any red blooded american can vote for Hilary or Bern. I just don't see it.
- Sure, I see the college kids, the tree huggers and the Black LIves Matter crew voting for them. But, let's be honest, it's the crossover votes that really elected Obama. When I say was those whites that wanted to prove they weren't racist and were looking for "hope and change". Boy, did we ever get it.
First the good:

- I love that he says what he thinks and doesn't really care about the establishment. (more on this below) - I like politicians that say what they think. I don't like it when "what they think" changes significantly from year to year. Trump tends to be all over the place on issues given a relatively short (say 5 year) window.
- I love many of his ideas. I'll go all in redneck here and say "hell yeah, I'm all for building a wall". - He does't tend to give much information on HOW he'll accomplish his ideas. Saying you'll make Mexico pay for the wall is fine... but tell us exactly how you think you'll make that happen.
- His slogan of "make america great again" is pure genius! There are tons of comparisons to the way Obama used "hope and change". Smart on Trumps part, really smart. - It was Reagan's slogan in 1980. I suppose he didn't "own it"... but it wasn't Trump's idea.
- Trump has managed to tap into that "hell yeah, Make America Great Again", "Merica" group. Again, genius. Don't get me wrong. I like that group and actually, this is why I think he can win. He's converted some of that blue collar, hard working portion of the population to believers.
- I believe IF (and that's still a big if) he gets the Republican nomination, he will win. Maybe I'm being a homer here, but, I don't believe we will elect a criminal or a socialist. (but hey, we elected a racist, muslim?) - I honestly don't see how he can win. I see him possibly turning the Democratic share of the Hispanic vote into what they get from the Black vote. That makes it impossible for the GOP to win Florida... and while they have to do more than just win Florida... if they lose Florida the election is over.
- This will be the lowest turn out for blacks voting in 12 years. - If you mean lower than 2008 and 2012... sure. It will probably mirror the 11% of the voters that AA's had in most elections from 1980-2004 rather than the 13% that showed up for Obama. In the grand scheme of things... that actually doesn't have a huge impact in most swing states where blacks are generally 10-15% of the general population. Maybe in NC and VA where it's closer to 20% that 1-2% difference could cause a problem

The bad:

- The real scary scenario is Trump NOT getting the nomination. I 100% believe he'll run as an Independent and Ross Perot this election. - I have my doubts he would... but you're right in that if he did it would sink the GOP.
- Even with all the "good" above, I"m not sure Trump is the guy I want with his finger on the button for the US. I know it's a little over played. But, I'd prefer a more steady hand.
- Saying what you think is one thing, being an A hole is another. Trump doesn't know where to draw the line. - I think Trump has narcissistic personality disorder. Lance Armstrong would be another example of someone with the same traits. The inability to be able to admit when you were wrong is a problem in a president.

The Ugly:

- I just can't comprehend how any red blooded american can vote for Hilary or Bern. I just don't see it. - Easy. Red-blooded hispanics will vote for them because they don't like the current GOP line on immigration. Particularly Trump's brand of "us vs them" rhetoric that seems to make many GOP followers act anti-hispanic as opposed to anti-illegal. Red-blooded blacks will vote for them largely because of history (GOP opposition to the civil rights act of 1964 by GOP presidential candidate Barry Goldwater). Since that election, no GOP candidate has gotten more than 15% of the black vote. The GOP has been paying for the Goldwater mistake for 50 years. They may be paying for the Trump mistake dealing with immigration with Hispanic voters for another 50 years.
- Sure, I see the college kids, the tree huggers and the Black LIves Matter crew voting for them. But, let's be honest, it's the crossover votes that really elected Obama. When I say was those whites that wanted to prove they weren't racist and were looking for "hope and change". Boy, did we ever get it.
-It really wasn't the crossover voters. That got him states like Indiana and North Carolina in 2008... but in 2012 those crossover voters were gone. Obama won the presidency with just 39% of white voters supporting him. By comparison, Dukakis got 40% of white voters in 1988 and got crushed by Bush. The difference is minorities made up 15% of the electorate in 1988 and made up 28% of the electorate in 2012. They're projected to be 30% of the electorate this year. A democratic candidate who can get 75-80% of the minority vote only needs 35-40% of the white vote to win. And hardcore liberal whites give you 25-30% of white voters as a starting point. There's a reason Hillary's campaign is geared toward minorities rather than the white liberals that are behind Bernie. She believes that they are the key to winning a general election and securing democratic dominance (at least in presidential election years when minorities turn out to vote in numbers).
I just can't comprehend how any red blooded american can vote for Hilary or Bern. I just don't see it.

I can't comprehend how anyone could vote from Trump. He's an assclown of epic proportions. A racist, misogynist, clueless douche bag who can't even answer one single question competently. The least presidential bastard on planet Earth. A man who has filed corporate bankruptcy 4 times is not a great leader or businessman.

I would vote for Rand Paul, but he has not shot. I don't know who I'll vote for.
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“Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”

Donald Trump will steal all the Pope’s followers with his next miracle; Behold! He doth turn water into urine! A miracle indeed!!