First the good:
- I love that he says what he thinks and doesn't really care about the establishment. (more on this below)
- I love many of his ideas. I'll go all in redneck here and say "hell yeah, I'm all for building a wall".
- His slogan of "make america great again" is pure genius! There are tons of comparisons to the way Obama used "hope and change". Smart on Trumps part, really smart.
- Trump has managed to tap into that "hell yeah, Make America Great Again", "Merica" group. Again, genius. Don't get me wrong. I like that group and actually, this is why I think he can win. He's converted some of that blue collar, hard working portion of the population to believers.
- I believe IF (and that's still a big if) he gets the Republican nomination, he will win. Maybe I'm being a homer here, but, I don't believe we will elect a criminal or a socialist. (but hey, we elected a racist, muslim?)
- This will be the lowest turn out for blacks voting in 12 years.
The bad:
- The real scary scenario is Trump NOT getting the nomination. I 100% believe he'll run as an Independent and Ross Perot this election.
- Even with all the "good" above, I"m not sure Trump is the guy I want with his finger on the button for the US. I know it's a little over played. But, I'd prefer a more steady hand.
- Saying what you think is one thing, being an A hole is another. Trump doesn't know where to draw the line.
The Ugly:
- I just can't comprehend how any red blooded american can vote for Hilary or Bern. I just don't see it.
- Sure, I see the college kids, the tree huggers and the Black LIves Matter crew voting for them. But, let's be honest, it's the crossover votes that really elected Obama. When I say was those whites that wanted to prove they weren't racist and were looking for "hope and change". Boy, did we ever get it.
- I love that he says what he thinks and doesn't really care about the establishment. (more on this below)
- I love many of his ideas. I'll go all in redneck here and say "hell yeah, I'm all for building a wall".
- His slogan of "make america great again" is pure genius! There are tons of comparisons to the way Obama used "hope and change". Smart on Trumps part, really smart.
- Trump has managed to tap into that "hell yeah, Make America Great Again", "Merica" group. Again, genius. Don't get me wrong. I like that group and actually, this is why I think he can win. He's converted some of that blue collar, hard working portion of the population to believers.
- I believe IF (and that's still a big if) he gets the Republican nomination, he will win. Maybe I'm being a homer here, but, I don't believe we will elect a criminal or a socialist. (but hey, we elected a racist, muslim?)
- This will be the lowest turn out for blacks voting in 12 years.
The bad:
- The real scary scenario is Trump NOT getting the nomination. I 100% believe he'll run as an Independent and Ross Perot this election.
- Even with all the "good" above, I"m not sure Trump is the guy I want with his finger on the button for the US. I know it's a little over played. But, I'd prefer a more steady hand.
- Saying what you think is one thing, being an A hole is another. Trump doesn't know where to draw the line.
The Ugly:
- I just can't comprehend how any red blooded american can vote for Hilary or Bern. I just don't see it.
- Sure, I see the college kids, the tree huggers and the Black LIves Matter crew voting for them. But, let's be honest, it's the crossover votes that really elected Obama. When I say was those whites that wanted to prove they weren't racist and were looking for "hope and change". Boy, did we ever get it.