To demand abortion as a right

is simply telling God He is a liar. There is no escape clause in the Bible that permits it. Nothing, nada, zero.

We have placed our perceived “rights” ahead of God, telling him we are more important than Him. We were created in His image to worship Him.

That is the Christian perspective. You can disagree on the basis that there is no God to justify the Holy value of human life. But if you believe in God. If you believe in Jesus Christ, what He is, who He was, and what He did, and why He did it, abortion is not even a conceivable thought.

To say one is a Christian and believes that abortion is valid, makes no sense at all. Sin is sin and we can’t dictate to God what He means.

So my point is to go this direction. To openly riot and threaten life on behalf of the pro abortion movement is about as demonic and vulgar as I could even imagine. It is an act of flipping God off.

Today, we honor the Hallmark corporation by celebrating Mothers Day. All kidding aside, I believe those women who have given of their lives to birth us, raise us and love us unconditionally should be praised. The sacrifice of motherhood is incredible. It isn’t an interchangeable part, it is a holy bond. It is a beautiful expression of God’s incredible creation.

Thoughts please if you don’t agree. The degree of relativism in our society and world often discourages truth. Opinion becomes truth. It’s not, but is what we are sold.

We have become so self important, that we do not believe we are capable of holding anyone accountable for anything they do.

But God has always been clear in His Word. Self importance in regards to sin has consequence.

God Bless our moms. And may their lives and sacrifice move us to protect the very process in which brought us here to be loved and to honor our creator.

If you disagree, we will just have to disagree and move on. That is how this free will thing works.

I just wanted, in something more than a thought, to honor my Mom today. She was a fine woman who deserved far more than I ever gave her. She honored God in what he demanded from her, and did it selflessly.

Thanks for allowing me the soapbox. May God bless us all.
Or pretend to be concerned about deaths by guns or covid while supporting abortion.
@cherrydawg you are making incorrect assumptions about my beliefs. I actually support restrictions on abortion subject to protecting the life of the mother and allowing a prompt choice after a rape. I am just weary of arguments made by those who only selectively inject their religious views into politics. Both of your messages righteously support the unborn but show no empathy for the living.

I am not singling you out. Our politics are replete with that approach. Millions support your view. I don't and I may be in the minority.

Steven Colbert observed: "If this is going to be a Christian nation that does not help the poor either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit we don't want to do it."

I know you will bash me because Colbert is a liberal late night comedian. That is fine. But his quote encapsulates my thinking well. If you disagree -- we just see our faith differently.
I don't selectively inject my religious views into politics. I do have empathy for the living. You come into these discussions only knowing part of the story. I live my empathy. I work at a food giveaway for the poor weekly. I give to my church which has a food pantry, provides living expenses for the truly needy, provides coats in winter for needy children, we do yard work for widows and invalid older men, etc etc etc.

Again, the whole point of my first reply to you was to point out all the billions and trillions wasted by the federal gov. which could be used for some of the priorities you seem to use as excuse for killing babies. The federal gov is not the answer to ANYTHING other than the military and roads.

Here is a fact for you. Conservatives and especially conservative Christians give way more of their time and money for the good of society. Liberals do lip service to "caring" but for the most part give much less percentage wise. Liberals for what ever reason worship at the alter of the gov. They want the gov to take everyone's money and do the work for them.

Govt wastes more money than is actually spent on the poor and needy even in the programs that are intended to help them. Govt is not the answer. Killing babies for any reason is just that,, killing babies.
Why is this so hard? Unless you are an atheist, and don't believe in the creation by God, this is easy.

If God created us and set up our form of procreation, which He did, then life per God begins and conception. It is His plan and His will. No argument by man can set this aside. Your argument is with God.
How many times was God mentioned in the US Constitution again?
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@cherrydawg you are making incorrect assumptions about my beliefs. I actually support restrictions on abortion subject to protecting the life of the mother and allowing a prompt choice after a rape. I am just weary of arguments made by those who only selectively inject their religious views into politics. Both of your messages righteously support the unborn but show no empathy for the living.

I am not singling you out. Our politics are replete with that approach. Millions support your view. I don't and I may be in the minority.

Steven Colbert observed: "If this is going to be a Christian nation that does not help the poor either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit we don't want to do it."

I know you will bash me because Colbert is a liberal late night comedian. That is fine. But his quote encapsulates my thinking well. If you disagree -- we just see our faith differently.
Jesus said many things about our personal choices in helping the poor or those who are in need. It is clear that each person who has plenty is commanded to do what he can.
However, liberals such as yourself and Colbert try to extrapolate that into Him saying our government should do that.
He said no such thing.
Government is not and cannot be an extension of religion. That is why I disagree with many anti-abortion conservatives. Interjecting religious beliefs into government is a recipe for disaster. The exact same goes for you and your belief that government should dole out rewards for bad behavior. It is, in effect, your religious conclusion.
That is why our founders so judiciously separated the two. Our government has two legitimate functions and only two.
1) maintain a standing army to defend against attacks from outside our borders
2) maintain the peace within our borders
Whether or not we give alms to the poor or do less or more is a personal matter between us and our God.
Just because I support a Lakota school at Wounded Knee, Tunnels to Towers, a Catholic school for orphaned children and several other charities gives me absolutely no right to demand that you or anyone else do the same or that our tax dollars go to such endeavours.
The most liberal state in the country, California, basically bans abortions after the point of viability, which is 24-26 weeks. We already have the same laws as Europe.

Not true. You are correct about CA but there are multiple states and DC that have no gestational limit.
How many times was God mentioned in the US Constitution again?
None. 4 in the declaration
So here we have it in a nut shell.
Liberals worship humanism and government and think God should be extinguished from everything.
I’m not going to argue with you. You are obviously one of the folks the Bible talks about thinking themselves to be wiser than God.

wouldn’t want to be you b
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None. 4 in the declaration
So here we have it in a nut shell.
Liberals worship humanism and government and think God should be extinguished from everything.
I’m not going to argue with you. You are obviously one of the folks the Bible talks about thinking themselves to be wiser than God.

wouldn’t want to be you b
Is the declaration a legal document?
MR, you provided a great example of relativism in our society. I spoke of abortion only in terms of a Christian perspective, but I am somehow unable to declare truth as I see it in regards to my faith because extramarital sex is a sin and “some Jewish sect” thinks abortion is OK?

Respond to me based on a Christian perspective. I need help from you on this because I am confused. You state abortion is a sin. Is that your belief from a Christian perspective? If so, we are in agreement. So is extra sex, along with lying, stealing and cussing out your mother.

So if abortion is a sin, should I repent from it or promote to legalize it in the eyes of man? If extramarital sex is a sin, should I repent from it or promote to legalize it in the eyes of man? If stealing is a sin, should I repent from it or promote to legalize it in the eyes of man?

Two out of those three sins is legal in the eyes of our government. Government doesn’t regulate them.

If sin shouldn’t be regulated by gov, Why should gov regulate theft?
1,000,000 abortions a year. Staggering and sad.
1,000,000 unwanted babies born a year….the same.
I abhor the thought of abortion… but what’s the plan for the unwanted.
Those kids have very little chance of a good life.
1,000,000 abortions a year. Staggering and sad.
1,000,000 unwanted babies born a year….the same.
I abhor the thought of abortion… but what’s the plan for the unwanted.
Those kids have very little chance of a good life.
If we are no more than just animals you are correct, but we are designed in the image of God. The life of someone else should never be our decision if they live or die unless that individual is a menace to society.
Is the declaration a legal document?
Does not matter. As I said, you have bigger problems than arguing with me. God may not be mentioned in anything but even so his law and his wishes out weigh any legal document current or past. As I said, wouldn’t want to be you when you are asked about placing man and earthly desires/wishes above HIM.

IM NOT arguing this with you. I believe and trust in God and the sanctity of life. You believe your politics is the end all at worship humanism and worldly desires.
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I respect your religious beliefs and values. I too am a Christian but my views may be somewhat different. I am not sure. I have run a weekly breakfast for the homeless for 16 years. My thoughts follow.

First, the Founders expressly intended a secular government and the separation of church and state.

Second, notwithstanding point one, there is no doubt that our religious beliefs about sin, good and evil, right and wrong, impact our laws and our policies regardless of our secular form of government, Many of us vote our beliefs. That is appropriate in my view.

Acknowledging the awkwardness of the intersection of the points above, I struggle with the selective implementation of Christian values in government. Many of those that oppose abortion, including those who oppose abortion in the face of rape or threats to the life of the mother, are the same people who fail to pursue laws to ensure the accountability of men for the children they create, who fail to support aid to unwed mothers, who fail to support pre-natal care and children's healthcare. If short they have no plan to provide an opportunity for the success of the child they care so much about before it is born.

Our national budget (any budget really) is a moral document. It tells us all where our priorities really lie.

I guess my point is that we do a pretty bad job as a nation of living our the teachings of Christ regarding the poor, the hungry, the oppressed, the imprisoned, etc. When you make abortion illegal, many of the resulting children will be born into these circumstances. I'd feel a lot better as a Christian if the opposition to abortion were coupled with an equally active fight to aid the poor, hungry, oppressed, imprisoned, and to provide an opportunity for the success of children born into these circumstances.
Behavior is learned. In killing the family unit as the foundational basis of learning, we have allowed behavior to be learned from whomever figured out how to tap our desires. That is our biggest problem, period.

The family unit. A mom and dad, with the dad as the head of the family, is a God ordained system that creates order and allows for the children to learn basic life skills.

Much of our society is devoid of that basic training because we now only run from family conflict. We no longer teach compassion, conflict mediation and selflessness. We no longer teach respect for authority, but rather, a self esteem mantra that is literally killing us.

As Christians, we are called to tend to the needs of widows, orphans and those in need.

The danger and the problem is that our government has sold benevolence for a vote so hard, we have collapsed our ability to provide for the masses who are in need.

The problem isn’t lack of funding for the poor, it’s lack of responsibility in how we raise our children and the irresponsibility by our elected officials in selling gov as the answer to get elected.
@cherrydawg you are making incorrect assumptions about my beliefs. I actually support restrictions on abortion subject to protecting the life of the mother and allowing a prompt choice after a rape. I am just weary of arguments made by those who only selectively inject their religious views into politics. Both of your messages righteously support the unborn but show no empathy for the living.

I am not singling you out. Our politics are replete with that approach. Millions support your view. I don't and I may be in the minority.

Steven Colbert observed: "If this is going to be a Christian nation that does not help the poor either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit we don't want to do it."

I know you will bash me because Colbert is a liberal late night comedian. That is fine. But his quote encapsulates my thinking well. If you disagree -- we just see our faith differently.
Jesus’ instructions on helping the poor was to THE CHURCH and was to be carried out by and through THE CHURCH. There are pretty clear instructions in the epistles about how that was to be carried out. Nowhere in the New Testament does that involve voting, lobbying, or making request of Caesar, local governors or government in any shape, form or function. When THE CHURCH helps individuals there is an opportunity for witnessing and a life changing transformation. When government usurps that role it steals that opportunity and leaves people in soul crushing multi-generational government dependency.
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Behavior is learned. In killing the family unit as the foundational basis of learning, we have allowed behavior to be learned from whomever figured out how to tap our desires. That is our biggest problem, period.

The family unit. A mom and dad, with the dad as the head of the family, is a God ordained system that creates order and allows for the children to learn basic life skills.

Much of our society is devoid of that basic training because we now only run from family conflict. We no longer teach compassion, conflict mediation and selflessness. We no longer teach respect for authority, but rather, a self esteem mantra that is literally killing us.

As Christians, we are called to tend to the needs of widows, orphans and those in need.

The danger and the problem is that our government has sold benevolence for a vote so hard, we have collapsed our ability to provide for the masses who are in need.

The problem isn’t lack of funding for the poor, it’s lack of responsibility in how we raise our children and the irresponsibility by our elected officials in selling gov as the answer to get elected.
Everything we are doing nowadays is secular and against God's created family structure from not breastfeeding babies, children with dominion in the home, women leading the household, idle hands, unsupervised computer usage, no respect for authority, no respect for human life, and no God in the home.
@cherrydawg you are making incorrect assumptions about my beliefs. I actually support restrictions on abortion subject to protecting the life of the mother and allowing a prompt choice after a rape. I am just weary of arguments made by those who only selectively inject their religious views into politics. Both of your messages righteously support the unborn but show no empathy for the living.

I am not singling you out. Our politics are replete with that approach. Millions support your view. I don't and I may be in the minority.

Steven Colbert observed: "If this is going to be a Christian nation that does not help the poor either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit we don't want to do it."

I know you will bash me because Colbert is a liberal late night comedian. That is fine. But his quote encapsulates my thinking well. If you disagree -- we just see our faith differently.
Stephen Colbert is a comedian, not an expert in any other field, which shows in his straw man logical fallacy. You repeated it, so I take it that you don't understand the logical fallacy you are using to claim the moral high ground. What makes your post hypocritical (and ironic) is that you are using this approach to blame Cherry for "making incorrect assumptions about [your] beliefs."
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1,000,000 abortions a year. Staggering and sad.
1,000,000 unwanted babies born a year….the same.
I abhor the thought of abortion… but what’s the plan for the unwanted.
Those kids have very little chance of a good life.
The plan for the unwanted….

Unless we are complete fools, stop having unwanted babies.

Now, assuming we are fools, how do we stop it? Contraception. If a woman is capable of arranging an abortion, she is capable of securing contraception. Unless we are so stupid we can’t function.

I am being rude and silly. Here is the plan.

Teach young men and women respect for human life when they are young instead of teaching self esteem and gender bending mantra. Teach respect for others, placing others before themselves.

Teach young men respect for women at an early age. Teach young men to take responsibility for bringing a child into the world. Not money, but time and lessons on life. Teach a strong marriage bind is the key to raising a strong child, capable of handling life.

Wean women off the per baby gov subsidy.

That is how you create wanted babies. And create citizens who respect the system and teach their children.

Right now, we have children having children. Getting paid to have more children. All with no Father.

Or just keep doing what we’re doing. Being foolish and incapable of being responsible for anything.
The plan for the unwanted….

Unless we are complete fools, stop having unwanted babies.

Now, assuming we are fools, how do we stop it? Contraception. If a woman is capable of arranging an abortion, she is capable of securing contraception. Unless we are so stupid we can’t function.

I am being rude and silly. Here is the plan.

Teach young men and women respect for human life when they are young instead of teaching self esteem and gender bending mantra. Teach respect for others, placing others before themselves.

Teach young men respect for women at an early age. Teach young men to take responsibility for bringing a child into the world. Not money, but time and lessons on life. Teach a strong marriage bind is the key to raising a strong child, capable of handling life.

Wean women off the per baby gov subsidy.

That is how you create wanted babies. And create citizens who respect the system and teach their children.

Right now, we have children having children. Getting paid to have more children. All with no Father.

Or just keep doing what we’re doing. Being foolish and incapable of being responsible for anything.
That would be awesome, but never going to happen.....sad.
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The plan for the unwanted….

Unless we are complete fools, stop having unwanted babies.

Now, assuming we are fools, how do we stop it? Contraception. If a woman is capable of arranging an abortion, she is capable of securing contraception. Unless we are so stupid we can’t function.

I am being rude and silly. Here is the plan.

Teach young men and women respect for human life when they are young instead of teaching self esteem and gender bending mantra. Teach respect for others, placing others before themselves.

Teach young men respect for women at an early age. Teach young men to take responsibility for bringing a child into the world. Not money, but time and lessons on life. Teach a strong marriage bind is the key to raising a strong child, capable of handling life.

Wean women off the per baby gov subsidy.

That is how you create wanted babies. And create citizens who respect the system and teach their children.

Right now, we have children having children. Getting paid to have more children. All with no Father.

Or just keep doing what we’re doing. Being foolish and incapable of being responsible for anything.
And what about mandatory sex education starting in middle school, is that in your plan as well because I didn't see it mentioned.
And what about mandatory sex education starting in middle school, is that in your plan as well because I didn't see it mentioned.
Why would I want the government teaching my children about sex?

Parents and the family structure teach our children. Respect, compassion, conflict mediation.

The assumption that we must be tended to, by the government, as if we are livestock, is truly sad and why removing God is never a good idea.

Big government is not the answer. The answer is Mom’s and Dad’s.

Change the mantra from demanding self respect to respecting others. Then remove single mom subsidies. Then show a model of family as the lead training model for children. Promote responsibility by the parents.

It will take a while, but teach responsibility. You can’t throw money at it and fix it. Promised money gets you elected, but solves nothing for the citizen except an empty existence.
Why would I want the government teaching my children about sex?

Parents and the family structure teach our children. Respect, compassion, conflict mediation.

The assumption that we must be tended to, by the government, as if we are livestock, is truly sad and why removing God is never a good idea.

Big government is not the answer. The answer is Mom’s and Dad’s.

Change the mantra from demanding self respect to respecting others. Then remove single mom subsidies. Then show a model of family as the lead training model for children. Promote responsibility by the parents.

It will take a while, but teach responsibility. You can’t throw money at it and fix it. Promised money gets you elected, but solves nothing for the citizen except an empty existence.
When majority of the anti-a portion crowd doesn't even know the difference between birth control pills, morning after pill and abortion pill; but then complain about unintended pregnancies. 🤔
When majority of the anti-a portion crowd doesn't even know the difference between birth control pills, morning after pill and abortion pill; but then complain about unintended pregnancies. 🤔
Nice statement. Has nothing to do with his statement that you were criticizing AND lumps all people that disagree with you into a big basket of ridicule. Not only is your statement incredibly insulting it is fantastically WRONG! It seems that pro baby killers are the ones that don’t understand how to not get pregnant, which by the way, IS STILL NOT THE GOVERNMENTS JOB TO TEACH CHILDREN.
Are you helpless? Seems you want and need the govt to take care of you. Very sad for you.
When majority of the anti-a portion crowd doesn't even know the difference between birth control pills, morning after pill and abortion pill; but then complain about unintended pregnancies. 🤔
Well, abortion was created to cull the herd. If you can't see how that is comparing humans to elk populations, I don't know what else to say about it.
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When majority of the anti-a portion crowd doesn't even know the difference between birth control pills, morning after pill and abortion pill; but then complain about unintended pregnancies. 🤔
You wanna talk solutions or just yell ideology at me?

Bring some depth to this conversation or back out.

Real life is hard.

Please explain to me the difference in birth control pills, morning after pills and abortion pill……..

Please educate me. I am one of those uneducated.

I look forward to being educated by use of facts. It will make me a better person.
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You wanna talk solutions or just yell ideology at me?

Bring some depth to this conversation or back out.

Real life is hard.

Please explain to me the difference in birth control pills, morning after pills and abortion pill……..

Please educate me. I am one of those uneducated.

I look forward to being educated by use of facts. It will make me a better person.
Dude you guys are the ones that have been spouting religious scripture this entire thread.
is simply telling God He is a liar. There is no escape clause in the Bible that permits it. Nothing, nada, zero.

We have placed our perceived “rights” ahead of God, telling him we are more important than Him. We were created in His image to worship Him.

That is the Christian perspective. You can disagree on the basis that there is no God to justify the Holy value of human life. But if you believe in God. If you believe in Jesus Christ, what He is, who He was, and what He did, and why He did it, abortion is not even a conceivable thought.

To say one is a Christian and believes that abortion is valid, makes no sense at all. Sin is sin and we can’t dictate to God what He means.

So my point is to go this direction. To openly riot and threaten life on behalf of the pro abortion movement is about as demonic and vulgar as I could even imagine. It is an act of flipping God off.

Today, we honor the Hallmark corporation by celebrating Mothers Day. All kidding aside, I believe those women who have given of their lives to birth us, raise us and love us unconditionally should be praised. The sacrifice of motherhood is incredible. It isn’t an interchangeable part, it is a holy bond. It is a beautiful expression of God’s incredible creation.

Thoughts please if you don’t agree. The degree of relativism in our society and world often discourages truth. Opinion becomes truth. It’s not, but is what we are sold.

We have become so self important, that we do not believe we are capable of holding anyone accountable for anything they do.

But God has always been clear in His Word. Self importance in regards to sin has consequence.

God Bless our moms. And may their lives and sacrifice move us to protect the very process in which brought us here to be loved and to honor our creator.

If you disagree, we will just have to disagree and move on. That is how this free will thing works.

I just wanted, in something more than a thought, to honor my Mom today. She was a fine woman who deserved far more than I ever gave her. She honored God in what he demanded from her, and did it selflessly.

Thanks for allowing me the soapbox. May God bless us all.

You’re a good man for the right reasons. None of us should ever doubt that.

And I agree with you not only as a professed Christian, but also as a tax paying, law abiding citizen of my community, state & country. Just because people feel regret days, weeks or months “after,” they’ve no right to bill me for their cluelessly if not carelessly bad choices, especially if choosing abortion was just one more way they can change their mind with minimal consequences at my expense.

My responsibility to them has nothing to do with mending their wasteland of personal accountability. They should try thinking before acting instead of afterwards. That’s my advice.
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Dude you guys are the ones that have been spouting religious scripture this entire thread.
I gave you my opinion on an issue. I gave you the basis of my opinion and did not demand that it be used as a basis of right or wrong.

I proposed a solution to a problem.

You have only attacked the messenger and have provided no personal opinion, no basis of your opinion, yet have stated clearly that because I am included in a group you have labeled, I am spouting religious scripture.

I guess you respond this way because you have no actual opinion on the subject other than to just shout down perceived opposition?

What’s your solution?
I am just offering food for thought for those who press religion as a basis to legislatively regulate abortion. For those people, it is fair to ask -- if we are going to legislatively require the child's birth - what would Jesus do to care for unwanted children of unwed mothers? If we care about the yet to be born why do we care so little for the children when they are born? Why do we care so little for their mothers? Why are we so bad at placing shared responsibility on fathers?

Easy with the Great Society comments. As I said before, I think a budget is a moral document. It reflects our priorities. Frequently, when people complaint about the costs of a social safety net, they have little understanding bout how little is actually spent to help the poor. Means tested entitlements are the pimple on the ass of the budget elephant. You can't throw Social Security, Medicare and Obamacare in the mix -- because everyone including the uber rich get those benefits. If you exclude SS, Medicare and Obamacare, entitlement benefits in our country are a drop in the bucket of our budget. Food food stamp benefits have experienced significant reductions in the past 6 years even as inflation has climbed. As a country we spend many times more subsidizing the uber-rich like Elon Musk and big business than we do caring for the poor. We could provide significantly more support to the poor, slash the deficit and still buy all the aircraft carriers you want --- simply by: (1) applying means testing to SS, Medicare, and Obamacare; and (2) ending tax subsidies for the uber rich and corporations. But guess what, those aren't our priorities as a society so it's not going to happen. By the way, charity and private generosity is not the answer. If you exclude federal food support --- churches and private food banks taken together supply far less than 10% of the needs of the poor and the homeless.
SS and Medicare are paid for by the individual why would you need to means test it, unless you believe this should just be an extra tax for the working class.
I gave you my opinion on an issue. I gave you the basis of my opinion and did not demand that it be used as a basis for right or wrong.

I proposed a solution to a problem.

You have only attacked the messenger and have provided no personal opinion, no basis for your opinion, yet have stated clearly that because I am included in a group you have labeled, I am spouting religious scripture.

I guess you respond this way because you have no actual opinion on the subject other than to just shout down perceived opposition?

What’s your solution?
Oh I have a lot of opinions

Mandate sex education to all students starting in middle school. Will be taught in Biology class.

Mandate all contraception be free and covered under ACA.

Address economic issues surrounding the cost of early child care. Expand tax breaks or government programs to bring down the cost of early child care for those in the poverty level or middle class

Cap abortions at 20 or 24 weeks.

Mandate exceptions for the life of the mother, rape, or incest.

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