Trump’s MAGA supporters are threatening …..


Gold Member
Jan 24, 2003
violence against the jurors in the hush money trial, trying to ascertain the names of the jurors and make them public. SMH…..Do any of you MAGA boys disavow this illegal and immoral behavior, or do you agree with it?

Speaking as an independent who has voted Republican many times, I cannot believe what has happened to today’s R party….it is a cult that follows the most evil, most dishonest, most fraudulent man I have ever known.
violence against the jurors in the hush money trial, trying to ascertain the names of the jurors and make them public. SMH…..Do any of you MAGA boys disavow this illegal and immoral behavior, or do you agree with it?

Speaking as an independent who has voted Republican many times, I cannot believe what has happened to today’s R party….it is a cult that follows the most evil, most dishonest, most fraudulent man I have ever known.
Yes. This is an awful thing but not surprising. This is what happens in banana republics. When one side is trying to jail its opponent’s candidate right?

Didn’t hear you disavow Maxine waters when she told people to make trumps’s cabinet uncomfortable. Tell them they aren’t welcome.

As an update, old Maxine called the police she wanted to defund. She was at a restaurant and people were harassing her about being racist and having god awful politics. Isn’t that ironic. Works both ways easy. This is why when you try someone like this, you don’t stack the deck. It should be as middle ground as possible so no questions can be asked. Instead, it is just another desperate move to remain in power. I am put out with both sides, but right now you guys deserve what you get.

If you are an independent, I am a member of the squad.
violence against the jurors in the hush money trial, trying to ascertain the names of the jurors and make them public. SMH…..Do any of you MAGA boys disavow this illegal and immoral behavior, or do you agree with it?

Speaking as an independent who has voted Republican many times, I cannot believe what has happened to today’s R party….it is a cult that follows the most evil, most dishonest, most fraudulent man I have ever known.
Can you post the article or link so we can see it? You know enough to know that these loons are not 99.9% of normal people. I don’t consider Antifa a normal part of the Left. They are extremes everywhere.
No one wants to see violence , but Biden & his minions in the Justice Dept. started this with the weaponization of the legal system against half the country. Trump is a saint compared to the current occupant in the White House!
violence against the jurors in the hush money trial, trying to ascertain the names of the jurors and make them public. SMH…..Do any of you MAGA boys disavow this illegal and immoral behavior, or do you agree with it?

Speaking as an independent who has voted Republican many times, I cannot believe what has happened to today’s R party….it is a cult that follows the most evil, most dishonest, most fraudulent man I have ever known.
1) There is no way to hide the jurors.
2) 10 pinocchios on your claim of being an independent. You are nothing but a 'RAT. And, now you have openly shown that you are a lying 'RAT as well. The LBTQR2STUPID crowd will applaud your coming out of the closet with a drag queen parade.
3) Your referencing of half the country as a cult demonstrates your pathetic inability to grasp the obvious.
4) GFY we don't want you.
violence against the jurors in the hush money trial, trying to ascertain the names of the jurors and make them public. SMH…..Do any of you MAGA boys disavow this illegal and immoral behavior, or do you agree with it?

Speaking as an independent who has voted Republican many times, I cannot believe what has happened to today’s R party….it is a cult that follows the most evil, most dishonest, most fraudulent man I have ever known.
violence against the jurors in the hush money trial, trying to ascertain the names of the jurors and make them public. SMH…..Do any of you MAGA boys disavow this illegal and immoral behavior, or do you agree with it?

Speaking as an independent who has voted Republican many times, I cannot believe what has happened to today’s R party….it is a cult that follows the most evil, most dishonest, most fraudulent man I have ever known.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t liberals trying to make his supporters look bad. Remember Jussie Smollett. It happens more than people think.

There is stupidity on both sides of the aisle.
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violence against the jurors in the hush money trial, trying to ascertain the names of the jurors and make them public. SMH…..Do any of you MAGA boys disavow this illegal and immoral behavior, or do you agree with it?

Speaking as an independent who has voted Republican many times, I cannot believe what has happened to today’s R party….it is a cult that follows the most evil, most dishonest, most fraudulent man I have ever known.
I disavow MW and anybody else who threatens violence.
Easy, you and others on this board who claim to be independents totally perplex me. Being serious here. Not message board nonsense. I get hating Trump the person and business man. If you are an independent voter who has voted pub. Or if you are a middle ground guy. That is where your believing policies lie. Fiscally conservative with social issue leanings. Why on earth can you be in bed with Biden? The party has moved so far left it is unrecognizable. The gop has changed as well, but not further right. Lord it is way more inclusive than ever. Trump governed more from the middle. This is who he has been forever. Like him or hate him that is a fact that no one denies. Which is completely in the independent lane right? Is it worth pushing a crew who will continue to push agendas and social issues so far left of left it isn’t sane. You can identify as a table now. No such thing as a man and woman anymore. Men playing in women sports. The left is no longer inclusive. Believe like us or you are out.

Trump will be gone eventually. As an independent where does that leave you.
violence against the jurors in the hush money trial, trying to ascertain the names of the jurors and make them public. SMH…..Do any of you MAGA boys disavow this illegal and immoral behavior, or do you agree with it?

Speaking as an independent who has voted Republican many times, I cannot believe what has happened to today’s R party….it is a cult that follows the most evil, most dishonest, most fraudulent man I have ever known.
You probably also believe the scrubbed up skinny young guys, called The Patriot Front, getting out of U-Haul trucks with masks on and wearing ironed kakis for a White Supremist march, are actually Maga boys and not FBI recruits
violence against the jurors in the hush money trial, trying to ascertain the names of the jurors and make them public. SMH…..Do any of you MAGA boys disavow this illegal and immoral behavior, or do you agree with it?

Speaking as an independent who has voted Republican many times, I cannot believe what has happened to today’s R party….it is a cult that follows the most evil, most dishonest, most fraudulent man I have ever known.

I am sure Butker’s wife is plotting evil. That woman freedom group wants nothing but homemaker supremacy.

Probably burn down a local grocery store or two in protest.
violence against the jurors in the hush money trial, trying to ascertain the names of the jurors and make them public. SMH…..Do any of you MAGA boys disavow this illegal and immoral behavior, or do you agree with it?

Speaking as an independent who has voted Republican many times, I cannot believe what has happened to today’s R party….it is a cult that follows the most evil, most dishonest, most fraudulent man I have ever known.
you are kidding right? there are always bad apples in every bunch. BUT .. as an independent, you realize the DEM Marxists ALWAYS are the ones who not only threaten but actually COMMIT nationwide violence... BLM, Hamas supporters, the summer of love, destroying millions upon millions of dollars of government AND public property (even ATL) always doxing conservative public and government officials, the "occupied" wherever ... not a peep from you. You do realize that NO coordinated violence has occurred? Do you think that would be the case of Trump was found innocent (he eventually will be)? Absolutely, 1000% the Dem paid protestors would have been in many cities the past 2 days destroying property and committing violence. Do you actually read or react to the facts of the corrupt Biden regime? Independent means looking at both sides. Hahaha.... Go ahead. Support the pedophile Prez. Turn the mirror around Brandon!
violence against the jurors in the hush money trial, trying to ascertain the names of the jurors and make them public. SMH…..Do any of you MAGA boys disavow this illegal and immoral behavior, or do you agree with it?

Speaking as an independent who has voted Republican many times, I cannot believe what has happened to today’s R party….it is a cult that follows the most evil, most dishonest, most fraudulent man I have ever known.
It’s hard to believe that you frequently vote R.

That being said, political violence of any kind is bad.

I want to post the meme that, in 6/20 said “is it weird that all the people who told us Trump would destroy America are destroying America?”
yeah. the MAGA and Trump supporters are "up in the hills" training. 😂 😂 😂 😂 Maxine Waters is always encouraging violence. Remember, when she said when you meet a Trump supporter, conservative, or. otherwise, "get in their face" in restaurants or wherever. Lock her up! She is the worst violence inciter.
yeah. the MAGA and Trump supporters are "up in the hills" training. 😂 😂 😂 😂 Maxine Waters is always encouraging violence. Remember, when she said when you meet a Trump supporter, conservative, or. otherwise, "get in their face" in restaurants or wherever. Lock her up! She is the worst violence inciter.
I have posted this in a few other threads. Sorry for the repeat. Ironically, two weeks ago she had to call the police to a restaurant she was dining at. To remove people making her uncomfortable for her policies and being racist. The police she wanted to defund.
Idiots. These people are not patriotic, they are the antithesis to be a true patriot. True patriots fight for their country they do not attack citizens that step up and do their civic duty. A con man that violates the laws of this country does not deserve the loyalty of this country’s citizens. What ever happened to respect for the rule of law.
violence against the jurors in the hush money trial, trying to ascertain the names of the jurors and make them public. SMH…..Do any of you MAGA boys disavow this illegal and immoral behavior, or do you agree with it?

Speaking as an independent who has voted Republican many times, I cannot believe what has happened to today’s R party….it is a cult that follows the most evil, most dishonest, most fraudulent man I have ever known.
You have to be trolling. If not…….🙄🤪
..... What ever happened to respect for the rule of law.
The rule of law means nothing without justice.
The democRATs are simply a loosely affiliated group of gangs. You are part of a junta which now strives to claim legitimacy by weaponizing law enforcement and the courts against their political opponents so as to remain in power.
You can hide, but not for long, behind terms like, "respect for the rule of law" as you attempt to imply the image of yourself on higher ground looking down.
But it is merely your delusion running through your veins like heroin. All that's left after your self indulgence is the ugly knowledge that you have chosen the dark. The day comes and you cannot stand the light of truth; neither can that light stand you.
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violence against the jurors in the hush money trial, trying to ascertain the names of the jurors and make them public. SMH…..Do any of you MAGA boys disavow this illegal and immoral behavior, or do you agree with it?

Speaking as an independent who has voted Republican many times, I cannot believe what has happened to today’s R party….it is a cult that follows the most evil, most dishonest, most fraudulent man I have ever known.
You can't be serious! How many cities have Trump supporters burned robbed and stole from? Your idiotic sorry democrats would do it just to blame MAGA! What about the Biden crime family! You people are gas lighting pieces of crap! I am frankly sick of it myself!
For the most part, conservatives are rarely the rioting or violent type. What two violent riots in 8 years? J6 & Charlottesville (one crazed asshole driving through counter-protestors is essentially what it was)

Conservatives threaten a big game but it takes A LOT to make them violent. Most just want to be left alone by the govt. Most have careers, families, community standing, etc. too much to just throw away on political principle. most back the police & are for law & order.

A lot of antifa & far left assholes hate the country, hate both parties, hate their own lives, hate their families & every community they ever saw, and just want to burn it all down. Those are the most dangerous people.

The far right has a lot of assholes too but the more radical they get, the further from society they withdraw. Most don't come into cities to attack anything but they would "shoot, shovel, & shut up" if you came on their property.
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violence against the jurors in the hush money trial, trying to ascertain the names of the jurors and make them public. SMH…..Do any of you MAGA boys disavow this illegal and immoral behavior, or do you agree with it?

Speaking as an independent who has voted Republican many times, I cannot believe what has happened to today’s R party….it is a cult that follows the most evil, most dishonest, most fraudulent man I have ever known.

Anybody who talks about the most dishonest fraudulent man and leaves Biden out of the sentence not to mention whining about some non verified, random threats while ignoring the left organizations attempted burning down of public facilities, taking over of huge parts of cities, is not to be taken seriously.

Good try at being unbiased, but simply put, you fail
Idiots. These people are not patriotic, they are the antithesis to be a true patriot. True patriots fight for their country they do not attack citizens that step up and do their civic duty. A con man that violates the laws of this country does not deserve the loyalty of this country’s citizens. What ever happened to respect for the rule of law.
While I very much agree with you on the rule of law as well as anyone attacking any member of this jury should be strung up…and yes your conman statement definitely makes me think

I’m not going to pretend that rule of law matters from either side, even actual politicians on the left as well.

Our very own Vice President was peddling money for a fund to bail people out of jail that were taking part in riots around our country.

Our former Secretary of State along with her gang used unsubstantiated non collaborated evidence to get our courts to sign off on FISA warrants to spy and investigate a duly elected president.

sometimes I think us everyday citizens follow the rule of law more than the people that are supposed to represent it we elect
Easy, you and others on this board who claim to be independents totally perplex me. Being serious here. Not message board nonsense. I get hating Trump the person and business man. If you are an independent voter who has voted pub. Or if you are a middle ground guy. That is where your believing policies lie. Fiscally conservative with social issue leanings. Why on earth can you be in bed with Biden? The party has moved so far left it is unrecognizable. The gop has changed as well, but not further right. Lord it is way more inclusive than ever. Trump governed more from the middle. This is who he has been forever. Like him or hate him that is a fact that no one denies. Which is completely in the independent lane right? Is it worth pushing a crew who will continue to push agendas and social issues so far left of left it isn’t sane. You can identify as a table now. No such thing as a man and woman anymore. Men playing in women sports. The left is no longer inclusive. Believe like us or you are out.

Trump will be gone eventually. As an independent where does that leave you.
You make some good points. If Trump had not tried to overthrow the election, he would easily be getting my vote this year. I can’t vote for a dictator. I’m still looking for a viable 3rd party candidate.
You make some good points. If Trump had not tried to overthrow the election, he would easily be getting my vote this year. I can’t vote for a dictator. I’m still looking for a viable 3rd party candidate.
I hear you. It comes down to one still has his brain. One doesn’t. You need a brain to run the country. We survived trump once. It is his last chance to be president. Both these guys. So maybe there is some relief. But we can’t have border stuff and someone not willing to admit the economy is not working for the middle class or poor.

Here is the other thing. Biden doesn’t answer questions about anything he does. He isn’t held accountable. That is the definition of a dictator. Trump threatened to be one day one. That’s all about executive orders. All of Biden’s put us in this mess brother. In contrast, Trump can’t fart without some reporter asking him if it was an evil fart.
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violence against the jurors in the hush money trial, trying to ascertain the names of the jurors and make them public. SMH…..Do any of you MAGA boys disavow this illegal and immoral behavior, or do you agree with it?

Speaking as an independent who has voted Republican many times, I cannot believe what has happened to today’s R party….it is a cult that follows the most evil, most dishonest, most fraudulent man I have ever known.
You are a frigin idiot... I give you credit for making me reply to your BS!!! You are politically illiterate!!!
It’s hard to believe that you frequently vote R.

That being said, political violence of any kind is bad.

I want to post the meme that, in 6/20 said “is it weird that all the people who told us Trump would destroy America are destroying America?”
Well, as a 76 year old man, I have voted many times, probably R as many times as D. I even voted for Nixon two times, but I’m a never Trumper.
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I hear you. It comes down to one still has his brain. One doesn’t. You need a brain to run the country. We survived trump once. It is his last chance to be president. Both these guys. So maybe there is some relief. But we can’t have border stuff and someone not willing to admit the economy is not working for the middle class or poor.
Survived a Trump presidency? I thought for as impotent as the impeachments, investigations, & media tried to make him, he did a good job overall and a very good job in terms of foreign affairs.

I'm far from a MAGA fanboy but I think he had a very effective president overall
violence against the jurors in the hush money trial, trying to ascertain the names of the jurors and make them public. SMH…..Do any of you MAGA boys disavow this illegal and immoral behavior, or do you agree with it?

Speaking as an independent who has voted Republican many times, I cannot believe what has happened to today’s R party….it is a cult that follows the most evil, most dishonest, most fraudulent man I have ever known.

Well, as a 76 year old man, I have voted many times, probably R as many times as D. I even voted for Nixon two times, but I’m a never Trumper.
Man your lying!
Idiots. These people are not patriotic, they are the antithesis to be a true patriot. True patriots fight for their country they do not attack citizens that step up and do their civic duty. A con man that violates the laws of this country does not deserve the loyalty of this country’s citizens. What ever happened to respect for the rule of law.

Funny to see these posters talk about civic duty, patriotism, con men, rule of law all disappear when the talk turns to antifa, BLM, Seattle city takeovers, attacks on public facilities. This is a perfect example of dems saying, “the law applies to whoever we say”. It’s comical to see them stand up for rule of law and then go silent if should ever happen to apply to a member of their party.
Survived a Trump presidency? I thought for as impotent as the impeachments, investigations, & media tried to make him, he did a good job overall and a very good job in terms of foreign affairs.

I'm far from a MAGA fanboy but I think he had a very effective president overall
It was the topic.(it was a spin off of each guy only having four more years possible left) I think his presidency went well. Especially in comparison to the trainwreck currently in office. Some people have this viewpoint they just won’t let go. It all goes to Jan 6th and asking pence not to certify the vote. Ironically, no one remembers that democrats asked Biden to do the same thing when trump was elected. They just did not ask morons to come to Washington and protest. If Biden lost to Trump, they would have taken the denial to the end as well. Just the difference is Jan 6th.
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Idiots. These people are not patriotic, they are the antithesis to be a true patriot. True patriots fight for their country they do not attack citizens that step up and do their civic duty. A con man that violates the laws of this country does not deserve the loyalty of this country’s citizens. What ever happened to respect for the rule of law.

Funny to see these posters talk about civic duty, patriotism,
They can’t even spell those words. All they are are political radicals that hate our country and want to destroy it.