Trump’s MAGA supporters are threatening …..

violence against the jurors in the hush money trial, trying to ascertain the names of the jurors and make them public. SMH…..Do any of you MAGA boys disavow this illegal and immoral behavior, or do you agree with it?

Speaking as an independent who has voted Republican many times, I cannot believe what has happened to today’s R party….it is a cult that follows the most evil, most dishonest, most fraudulent man I have ever known.
Would like to ask them who they voted for and how in the hell could they not see/understand what the majority of prominent lawyers and even avg people saw how the judge was not only a bone head, but was biased and should have had the worthwhile to recuse himself from the trial. Not a shocker he wanted to be in charge because he was prejudiced. We’ll have to wait to see down the road how the court of appeals views how the suck judge did…you seem to be from the same cloth as the judge…Trump hater. Am I wrong?

Btw, can you link all this maga illegal threats your talking about…not say there’s not any, , just wondering if they talk like you and or DeNiro…
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Would like to ask them who they voted for and how in the hell could they not see/understand what the majority of prominent lawyers and even avg people saw how the judge was not only a bone head, but was biased and should have had the worthwhile to recuse himself from the trial. Not a shocker he wanted to be in charge because he was prejudiced. We’ll have to wait to see down the road how the court of appeals views how the suck judge did…you seem to be from the same cloth as the judge…Trump hater. Am I wrong?
violence against the jurors in the hush money trial, trying to ascertain the names of the jurors and make them public. SMH…..Do any of you MAGA boys disavow this illegal and immoral behavior, or do you agree with it?

Speaking as an independent who has voted Republican many times, I cannot believe what has happened to today’s R party….it is a cult that follows the most evil, most dishonest, most fraudulent man I have ever known.
And did you actually see violence? I think it was a fake story pushed by the Dem media. The only violence comes from the left. Republicans have jobs and a life while the Dems get paid to raise hell, protest, destroy cities and push violence.
violence against the jurors in the hush money trial, trying to ascertain the names of the jurors and make them public. SMH…..Do any of you MAGA boys disavow this illegal and immoral behavior, or do you agree with it?

Speaking as an independent who has voted Republican many times, I cannot believe what has happened to today’s R party….it is a cult that follows the most evil, most dishonest, most fraudulent man I have ever known.
You know him? Wow! Didn't realize we had such a close contact to DJT on this board.

I guess you weren't such good friends to Hitler, Bin Laden, Chavez and others alike.

Well, as a 76 year old man, I have voted many times, probably R as many times as D. I even voted for Nixon two times, but I’m a never Trumper.
You're living proof that sometimes age doesn't equal wisdom.
Easy, you and others on this board who claim to be independents totally perplex me. Being serious here. Not message board nonsense. I get hating Trump the person and business man. If you are an independent voter who has voted pub. Or if you are a middle ground guy. That is where your believing policies lie. Fiscally conservative with social issue leanings. Why on earth can you be in bed with Biden? The party has moved so far left it is unrecognizable. The gop has changed as well, but not further right. Lord it is way more inclusive than ever. Trump governed more from the middle. This is who he has been forever. Like him or hate him that is a fact that no one denies. Which is completely in the independent lane right? Is it worth pushing a crew who will continue to push agendas and social issues so far left of left it isn’t sane. You can identify as a table now. No such thing as a man and woman anymore. Men playing in women sports. The left is no longer inclusive. Believe like us or you are out.

Trump will be gone eventually. As an independent where does that leave you.
they are libs
bunch of embarrassed sheep on here running around
they are libs
bunch of embarrassed sheep on here running around
I am not in bed with Biden. There are some of his policies with which I disagree, just like there are some Republican policies with which I agree. That’s why I’m an independent. So for me, that’s why it boils down to which candidate seems better to me, and I could never support Donald Trump.
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I am not in bed with Biden. There are some of his policies with which I disagree, just like there are some Republican policies with which I agree. That’s why I’m an independent. So for me, that’s why it boils down to which candidate seems better to me, and I could never support Donald Trump.
Could you state specifically as to your reasons?
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violence against the jurors in the hush money trial, trying to ascertain the names of the jurors and make them public. SMH…..Do any of you MAGA boys disavow this illegal and immoral behavior, or do you agree with it?

Speaking as an independent who has voted Republican many times, I cannot believe what has happened to today’s R party….it is a cult that follows the most evil, most dishonest, most fraudulent man I have ever known.
Whatever you are complaining about, it’s not as bad as what the left is doing to our society. Not even close.
yeah. the MAGA and Trump supporters are "up in the hills" training. 😂 😂 😂 😂 Maxine Waters is always encouraging violence. Remember, when she said when you meet a Trump supporter, conservative, or. otherwise, "get in their face" in restaurants or wherever. Lock her up! She is the worst violence inciter.
Here you go. "God is on OUR side" .. "they think they know the bible" .. "we need to protect our children" (tell that to Joe).. " @easychair .. you are so disgusted with "supposed" MAGA supporters... what about the lovely Maxine Waters? Open your eyes.

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Based on Trump's first tenure, all the crap that went on and allowed throughout the country, she is right
What crap went on and was allowed during his term? Did they burn cities? Destroy property? Organize marxist protests? Allow more gangs and terrorists into our country? Don't think so. Are you saying Trumps tenure has more crap than Biden's? Really? My taxes went down (I am not rich). Over 500 companies gave their employees huge 1x bonuses. Secured our border. The economy improved immensely (pre-Covid); Stock Market and pension plans soared. More jobs actually created (again, not counting post-covid); More jobs in the history for minorities. Trump increased funding not to one but ALL HCBU's. God forbid. Can't have that kind of crap on the evil USA.
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I am not in bed with Biden. There are some of his policies with which I disagree, just like there are some Republican policies with which I agree. That’s why I’m an independent. So for me, that’s why it boils down to which candidate seems better to me, and I could never support Donald Trump.
So you vote for Biden because you like him and he doesn’t hurt your feelings because he doesn’t text those hurtful messages. Yet I can’t see beyond my nose that Biden is destroying our country but that’s ok he doesn’t hurt my feelings.
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violence against the jurors in the hush money trial, trying to ascertain the names of the jurors and make them public. SMH…..Do any of you MAGA boys disavow this illegal and immoral behavior, or do you agree with it?

Speaking as an independent who has voted Republican many times, I cannot believe what has happened to today’s R party….it is a cult that follows the most evil, most dishonest, most fraudulent man I have ever known.
Let's laugh at this because these people would never do anything violent.. Trump supporters are peaceful people who just want good governing.
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Yes. This is an awful thing but not surprising. This is what happens in banana republics. When one side is trying to jail its opponent’s candidate right?

Didn’t hear you disavow Maxine waters when she told people to make trumps’s cabinet uncomfortable. Tell them they aren’t welcome.

As an update, old Maxine called the police she wanted to defund. She was at a restaurant and people were harassing her about being racist and having god awful politics. Isn’t that ironic. Works both ways easy. This is why when you try someone like this, you don’t stack the deck. It should be as middle ground as possible so no questions can be asked. Instead, it is just another desperate move to remain in power. I am put out with both sides, but right now you guys deserve what you get.

If you are an independent, I am a member of the squad.
You sound like my ex wife. If she ever said she was sorry for anything it always had a but and then she proceeded to tell me what all I did wrong to cause her to have to apologize.
I am not in bed with Biden. There are some of his policies with which I disagree, just like there are some Republican policies with which I agree. That’s why I’m an independent. So for me, that’s why it boils down to which candidate seems better to me, and I could never support Donald Trump.
Joe Biden impersonates a kindly grandfather on-screen. But even on tv, he has slipped up enough for anyone to identify him at least as a suspected pedophile. Meanwhile his daughter writes about him fondling her and inappropriately bathing with her.
You know without doubt that his son is a scumbag, crackhead who takes payoffs from enemies of this country and delivers Joe's cut to him in return for favors for those countries.
Donald Trump is a brash, loud, bull-in-a-china-shop who has banged more women than a rockstar. But his children know who he is behind the camera when it comes to them and this country. They would take a bullet for him.
His daughter and her husband are responsible for the Abraham Accords which was the best agreement ever forged between the middle eastern hate mongers and Israel.

But you vote for the candidate who "seems" the best. WOW. That is sad.
violence against the jurors in the hush money trial, trying to ascertain the names of the jurors and make them public. SMH…..Do any of you MAGA boys disavow this illegal and immoral behavior, or do you agree with it?

Speaking as an independent who has voted Republican many times, I cannot believe what has happened to today’s R party….it is a cult that follows the most evil, most dishonest, most fraudulent man I have ever known.
Go join the 'rats. We don't want you.
I am not in bed with Biden. There are some of his policies with which I disagree, just like there are some Republican policies with which I agree. That’s why I’m an independent. So for me, that’s why it boils down to which candidate seems better to me, and I could never support Donald Trump.
I am not in bed with Biden. There are some of his policies with which I disagree, just like there are some Republican policies with which I agree. That’s why I’m an independent. So for me, that’s why it boils down to which candidate seems better to me, and I could never support Donald Trump.
But easy, you can't be that way. The chat free thinkers and freedom fighters say so.
But easy, you can't be that way. The chat free thinkers and freedom fighters say so.
Not sure your point. But I can't name one policy of Biden's to which I agree. I'm sure there's one out there, but at the moment I can't think of one.

And after all, that's what's most important, right? Not color. Not gender. Not religion. Not sexual preference or some other woke or Marxist quota. We're still entitled to support and vote for the person who advocates for policies to which were agree, right?
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Not sure your point. But I can't name one policy of Biden's to which I agree. I'm sure there's one out there, but at the moment I can't think of one.

And after all, that's what's most important, right? Not color. Not gender. Not religion. Not sexual preference or some other woke or Marxist quota. We're still entitled to support and vote for the person who advocates for policies to which were agree, right?
Good lord, son. If anyone on here talks as if "you can't disagree with me", it's your own side.