Trump finally comments on Navalny murder


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Jan 31, 2002
No criticism of Putin, but instead an attack on the US court system.

So Trump has recently stated that a NATO funding dispute would result in him inviting Putin “to do whatever the hell he wants”, is directly responsible for Speaker Johnson blocking aid to Ukraine, and now can’t even muster up a lukewarm criticism after Putin blatantly murdered yet another opposition figure.

Can’t we stop pretending that Trump isn’t supporting Putin’s interests? And why is Trump so beholden that he can’t make even one criticism under the most extreme circumstances?

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No criticism of Putin, but instead an attack on the US court system.

So Trump has recently stated that a NATO funding dispute would result in him inviting Putin “to do whatever the hell he wants”, is directly responsible for Speaker Johnson blocking aid to Ukraine, and now can’t even muster up a lukewarm criticism after Putin blatantly murdered yet another opposition figure.

Can’t we stop pretending that Trump isn’t supporting Putin’s interests? And why is Trump so beholden that he can’t make even one criticism under the most extreme circumstances?

Your Govt is denying due process to J6 defendants. Even the worst criminals in our society are afforded the opportunity for bail and a speedy trial. In fact, even non-citizens are afforded these rights.

Don't bitch about Trump not uttering words in the manner and scope that you demand if you're not concerned with the aholes currently in charge that would just as soon control what you say, think, eat, drive and own.
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Your Govt is denying due process to J6 defendants. Even the worst criminals in our society are afforded the opportunity for bail and a speedy trial. In fact, even non-citizens are afforded these rights.

Don't bitch about Trump not uttering words in the manner and scope that you demand if you're not concerned with the aholes currently in charge that would just as soon control what say, think, eat, drive and own.
You just can't deal directly with anything negative about Trump. At least you have plenty of company here.
Your Govt is denying due process to J6 defendants. Even the worst criminals in our society are afforded the opportunity for bail and a speedy trial. In fact, even non-citizens are afforded these rights.

Don't bitch about Trump not uttering words in the manner and scope that you demand if you're not concerned with the aholes currently in charge that would just as soon control what say, think, eat, drive and own.
The number of people being prosecuted for their involvement in the January 6th Capitol attack is significant. According to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia, more than 1,265 individuals have been charged across nearly all 50 states and D.C. as of the latest report. Of these, over 718 individuals have pleaded guilty to a variety of federal charges, including approximately 213 who pleaded to felonies such as assaults on federal officers, obstructing law enforcement, and seditious conspiracy. Additionally, more than 171 others have been found guilty at trial or otherwise convicted. Furthermore, over 460 people have been sentenced to periods of incarceration, with hundreds of others sentenced for lesser offenses to periods of home detention or probation.

Given the numbers involved, I don't doubt that there have been some problems regarding timely trial dates or other issues. If you want to suggest that these issues are systemic across the entire J6 prosecution effort, please be specific with examples.

None of this changes the fact that Putin is a murderer, he helped Trump in 2016 and likely 2020 and now Trump's comments regarding Putin and Russia could have been written by a Russian state propaganda bureau.
The number of people being prosecuted for their involvement in the January 6th Capitol attack is significant. According to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia, more than 1,265 individuals have been charged across nearly all 50 states and D.C. as of the latest report. Of these, over 718 individuals have pleaded guilty to a variety of federal charges, including approximately 213 who pleaded to felonies such as assaults on federal officers, obstructing law enforcement, and seditious conspiracy. Additionally, more than 171 others have been found guilty at trial or otherwise convicted. Furthermore, over 460 people have been sentenced to periods of incarceration, with hundreds of others sentenced for lesser offenses to periods of home detention or probation.

Given the numbers involved, I don't doubt that there have been some problems regarding timely trial dates or other issues. If you want to suggest that these issues are systemic across the entire J6 prosecution effort, please be specific with examples.

None of this changes the fact that Putin is a murderer, he helped Trump in 2016 and likely 2020 and now Trump's comments regarding Putin and Russia could have been written by a Russian state propaganda bureau.
He did not help Trump. You're embarrassing. yourself at this point.

But I'll play along. Name the country(ies) Putin invaded between 2016-2020.
He did not help Trump. You're embarrassing. yourself at this point.

But I'll play along. Name the country(ies) Putin invaded between 2016-2020.
So you are saying that Russia did not make efforts to help Trump in 2016? Really? Not even Trump is still trying to make that claim.

And remind me which president was impeached for attempting to withhold Ukraine military aid in exchange for dirt on their political opponent?

John Bolton, Trump’s National Security Advisor, has stated categorically that Trump wanted to exit NATO in his second term. Why would Putin jeopardize that by invading Ukraine and facilitating more unity amongst the NATO countries (which is exactly what happened, including adding Sweden and Finland)? Trump would not have been able to exit NATO during an invasion, and Biden never would, so Putin had no reason to hold off with the invasion.
No criticism of Putin, but instead an attack on the US court system.

So Trump has recently stated that a NATO funding dispute would result in him inviting Putin “to do whatever the hell he wants”, is directly responsible for Speaker Johnson blocking aid to Ukraine, and now can’t even muster up a lukewarm criticism after Putin blatantly murdered yet another opposition figure.

Can’t we stop pretending that Trump isn’t supporting Putin’s interests? And why is Trump so beholden that he can’t make even one criticism under the most extreme circumstances?

You people are so pathetic and silly.
No criticism of Putin, but instead an attack on the US court system.

So Trump has recently stated that a NATO funding dispute would result in him inviting Putin “to do whatever the hell he wants”, is directly responsible for Speaker Johnson blocking aid to Ukraine, and now can’t even muster up a lukewarm criticism after Putin blatantly murdered yet another opposition figure.

Can’t we stop pretending that Trump isn’t supporting Putin’s interests? And why is Trump so beholden that he can’t make even one criticism under the most extreme circumstances?

I am missing something. Did we adequately read the tweet. Or is this tds taking ownership of his haters.

It is a ridiculous Segway. I give you that. But he said his death reminded him of how bad the courts are in this country among other huge issues this country has. And we are a country in steady decline. Our borders. Socialism etc. he literally used it to say we are sliding into oblivion and becoming a failing nation. Yet somehow people take that as he has no issue with it. JC. What is wrong with you guys.

In no where did Trump say that Russia was better than us. He said we are on a free fall and collision course to be just as bad as them.

Defend him. You guys will spin the shit out of anything. Please tell me where I am wrong. The whole pubs vs trump thing. Please tell me where in his tweet he said that we are worse than Russia.

The left’s ideas and policies are way more in line with Putin. Kill off or jail anyone who doesn’t agree with you. Communism is just a stones throw from socialism. The media is trying so hard to spin this. It has already proven total bullshit. That you will not accept.

They discussed the finer points of playing a 4-5-1 vs a 4-4-3. Controlled chaos. Attack the channels. Killery never came up. lol. Russian agent. Putin just said he prefers Biden too. Let’s try a little too hard.
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I am missing something. Did we adequately read the tweet. Or is this tds taking ownership of his haters.

It is a ridiculous Segway. I give you that. But he said his death reminded him of how bad the courts are in this country among other huge issues this country has. And we are a country in steady decline. Our borders. Socialism etc. he literally used it to say we are sliding into oblivion and becoming a failing nation. Yet somehow people take that as he has no issue with it. JC. What is wrong with you guys.

In no where did Trump say that Russia was better than us. He said we are on a free fall and collision course to be just as bad as them.

Defend him. You guys will spin the shit out of anything. Please tell me where I am wrong. The whole pubs vs trump thing. Please tell me where in his tweet he said that we are worse than Russia.

The left’s ideas and policies are way more in line with Putin. Kill off or jail anyone who doesn’t agree with you. Communism is just a stones throw from socialism. The media is trying so hard to spin this. It has already proven total bullshit. That you will not accept.

They discussed the finer points of playing a 4-5-1 vs a 4-4-3. Controlled chaos. Attack the channels. Killery never came up. lol. Russian agent. Putin just said he prefers Biden too. Let’s try a little too hard.
This is such a legitimately disturbed take that I had to read it twice just to see if I was missing anything. I wasn’t.

Trump is one of our two candidates for POTUS. Instead of stating a much needed and entirely justified condemnation of an act of murder and political terrorism by the leader of one of our two primary global adversaries, Trump waits three days and instead uses the opportunity to condemn his own country with nothing to say to Putin.

Can you not just admit that Trump’s communication on this topic is unfortunate and sends the wrong message to Putin?
This is such a legitimately disturbed take that I had to read it twice just to see if I was missing anything. I wasn’t.

Trump is one of our two candidates for POTUS. Instead of stating a much needed and entirely justified condemnation of an act of murder and political terrorism by the leader of one of our two primary global adversaries, Trump waits three days and instead uses the opportunity to condemn his own country with nothing to say to Putin.

Can you not just admit that Trump’s communication on this topic is unfortunate and sends the wrong message to Putin?
It’s certainly a weird way to put things. He took a shot at Russia. He didn’t mention Putin by name. But he said this made him think about how bad this country is at the moment. And how quickly we are headed to their level.

You act like he was in lockstep and said nothing to see here. He said we are going to be a trainwreck just like them if we don’t make a change.

He does what he always does. He made it about him. The court stuff. Then he made it about how bad Joe is. He took a shot at an enemy ambiguously. Pretty much par for the course.

The spin here from you and others is breathtaking
This is such a legitimately disturbed take that I had to read it twice just to see if I was missing anything. I wasn’t.

Trump is one of our two candidates for POTUS. Instead of stating a much needed and entirely justified condemnation of an act of murder and political terrorism by the leader of one of our two primary global adversaries, Trump waits three days and instead uses the opportunity to condemn his own country with nothing to say to Putin.

Can you not just admit that Trump’s communication on this topic is unfortunate and sends the wrong message to Putin?
I suggest you go read biden’s take. As he tried to inch us closer to ww3. Ironically, biden spent an entire paragraph on how navalny was treated by Putin. None of which he likely wrote, but he literally described how trump has been describing his own treatment in this country. Which is kinda funny. And sad. He also used his death to ask for more money for the Ukraine.


Nearly spot on. The same description
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This is such a legitimately disturbed take that I had to read it twice just to see if I was missing anything. I wasn’t.

Trump is one of our two candidates for POTUS. Instead of stating a much needed and entirely justified condemnation of an act of murder and political terrorism by the leader of one of our two primary global adversaries, Trump waits three days and instead uses the opportunity to condemn his own country with nothing to say to Putin.

Can you not just admit that Trump’s communication on this topic is unfortunate and sends the wrong message to Putin?
Maybe the state of our country should be more important to patriotic Americans than anything Putin does. How many political prisoners were murdered in China or other dictatorial countries last week. Why are the Trump haters not whining about them? The treatment of political prisoners in our country should be far more important to us than Putin killing a political opponent. And speaking of political opponents, the political persecution of Trump should be far more concerning to liberals like yourself. But, no, liberals are sickly gleeful over any Trump punishment which they hope might remove him from the competition with their leader. Democracy, right?
Maybe the state of our country should be more important to patriotic Americans than anything Putin does. How many political prisoners were murdered in China or other dictatorial countries last week. Why are the Trump haters not whining about them? The treatment of political prisoners in our country should be far more important to us than Putin killing a political opponent. And speaking of political opponents, the political persecution of Trump should be far more concerning to liberals like yourself. But, no, liberals are sickly gleeful over any Trump punishment which they hope might remove him from the competition with their leader. Democracy, right?
Who is a political prisoner in our country?
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I suggest you go read biden’s take. As he tried to inch us closer to ww3. Ironically, biden spent an entire paragraph on how navalny was treated by Putin. None of which he likely wrote, but he literally described how trump has been describing his own treatment in this country. Which is kinda funny. And sad. He also used his death to ask for more money for the Ukraine.


Nearly spot on. The same description
Trump would love for everyone to compare his situation to Navalny’s. Suggesting that the two share even one iota of similarity is incredibly twisted, even for Trump and his supporters. Putin murders his opposition via poison, defenestration and unfortunate incidents in prison. Trump is in our court system, which like any human endeavor has flaws, but his primary defense is that he is above the law, which is what a dictator would say.
Maybe the state of our country should be more important to patriotic Americans than anything Putin does. How many political prisoners were murdered in China or other dictatorial countries last week. Why are the Trump haters not whining about them? The treatment of political prisoners in our country should be far more important to us than Putin killing a political opponent. And speaking of political opponents, the political persecution of Trump should be far more concerning to liberals like yourself. But, no, liberals are sickly gleeful over any Trump punishment which they hope might remove him from the competition with their leader. Democracy, right?
Trump is a nepo baby who inherited $418m and has been scamming and bullying his way through his entire life. If he hadn’t decided to enter politics, it might never have been held to account. If you want to hold the most powerful job in the world, it’s going to come with scrutiny and enemies. If he were clean, he wouldn’t be having all of these legal issues, but he isn’t and you know it. Too bad, but now he is facing the consequences of a lifetime of poor choices.
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All the J6 pre-trial detained and many of the J6 convicts.
There are over 1200 people who have been charged and around 250 who have been sentenced to incarceration of some sort, so how about some specific examples of J6 political prisoners who have been treated unfairly.
There are over 1200 people who have been charged and around 250 who have been sentenced to incarceration of some sort, so how about some specific examples of J6 political prisoners who have been treated unfairly.
There are citizens who have been in pretrial detention for far more than a year. Does this not concern you or would you be happy to see them dragged out and hanged. And I will not waste one minute of my time getting names of the accused for you.
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There are citizens who have been in pretrial detention for far more than a year. Does this not concern you or would you be happy to see them dragged out and hanged. And I will not waste one minute of my time getting names of the accused for you.
There are currently around 400,000 people in this country in pre-trial detention, so the J6 crew are far from alone.

The J6 prosecution is by far the largest ever undertaken in the country, so the fact that the court system is backed up is not a surprise. It’s probably safe to suggest that some of those people are getting a raw deal. I don’t doubt that. Should they somehow get special treatment because they participated in J6 versus other people with similar charges?

I keep seeing these broad accusations of unfairness, but every effort I’ve made to come up with a few stories of individuals have resulted in nothing. That’s why I asked you, since you are so insistent that these people are being mistreated and are political prisoners.
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Trump would love for everyone to compare his situation to Navalny’s. Suggesting that the two share even one iota of similarity is incredibly twisted, even for Trump and his supporters. Putin murders his opposition via poison, defenestration and unfortunate incidents in prison. Trump is in out court system, which like any human endeavor has flaws, but his primary defense is that he is above the law, which is what a dictator would say.

Trump is a nepo baby who inherited $418m and has been scamming and bullying his way through his entire life. If he hadn’t decided to enter politics, it might never have been held to account. If you want to hold the most powerful job on the world, it’s going to come with scrutiny and enemies. If he were clean, he would be having all of these legal issues, but he isn’t and you know it. Too bad, but now he is facing the consequences of a lifetime of poor choices.
Don’t disagree with much of that. It applies to a fifty year politician too. A special kind of evil that takes.

Trump has definitely made enemies. He is what he is. He is also the other candidate. Unfortunately yours sucks to infinity and beyond at running the country. He would also no longer be qualified for a job. Any job. Because he is mentally unfit to stand trial.

One one hand. Ego maniac. Polarizing. Jackass. But country ran very smoothly under him till the pandemic.

On the other hand we have Biden. A true politician. Flip flopper. Mentally feeble. 86. Worst rated president so far in modern history. One foot from the grave

Not much to choose from.
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All the J6 pre-trial detained and many of the J6 convicts.
Just a thought.....maybe they should have not broke into the Capital.
Most (that done harm)were just brainwashed cult members.
The dude parading the rebel flag in the capital was another point of pride of MAGA.
Funny to me how how some want the book thrown a the rioters during the George Floyd saga (me too), but the ones who broke in the capital are political prisoners.
When a party has chosen as its standard bearer (over better qualified, more conservative candidates), someone that has 92 indictments, few will pay attention to what they think about the "rule of law".
Just a thought.....maybe they should have not broke into the Capital.
Most (that done harm)were just brainwashed cult members.
The dude parading the rebel flag in the capital was another point of pride of MAGA.
Funny to me how how some want the book thrown a the rioters during the George Floyd saga (me too), but the ones who broke in the capital are political prisoners.
When a party has chosen as its standard bearer (over better qualified, more conservative candidates), someone that has 92 indictments, few will pay attention to what they think about the "rule of law".
Want due process for all and when there is doubt due process is granted, it's a very dangerous situation for the republic. I would not support throwing a George Floyd rioter in jail with no bond without due process. They should receive a fair hearing and a bond that was in line with the severity of the charges and the weight of pre trial evidence. If a suspect from either side is captured on video causing serious harm to others, let em rot if the bond hearing makes that judgement but justice should be blind in all cases.

Another dangerous issue that so far is being ignored is LE and officers of the court swearing to evidence they know is compromised. If government bureaucrats can run ops like Crossfire Hurricane, get caught and have exactly zero perps in jail, the rule of law is no longer a reality.
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Just a thought.....maybe they should have not broke into the Capital.
Most (that done harm)were just brainwashed cult members.
The dude parading the rebel flag in the capital was another point of pride of MAGA.
Funny to me how how some want the book thrown a the rioters during the George Floyd saga (me too), but the ones who broke in the capital are political prisoners.
When a party has chosen as its standard bearer (over better qualified, more conservative candidates), someone that has 92 indictments, few will pay attention to what they think about the "rule of law".
This is pure democrat hysteria. I said many of those convicted. Some of the convicted never entered the Capitol. I’m sure you are never concerned that some of those in months-long pretrial detention might be INNOCENT.

The discussion was about political prisoners and you piss yourself over a confederate flag

Next you move to George Floyd rioters. I wish every one of them would have been punished, but few were. How about pretrial detentions? Nope. And I’ve said a hundred times here that anybody guilty of trespass in the Capitol deserves punishment. Two year pretrial detention? Nope. Long prison sentences for those who just walked around in the Capitol looking stupid? Nope.

Do you know anything about our right to a speedy trial and the spirit of the Writ of Habeas Corpus?

You should consider being less of a government shill and a toady to other liberals and look closely at what’s happening. Or you can continue eating the crap the government peddles and be surprised where we end up. Now, go ahead and post the little laughing emoji in your sneering manner.

And the guy yesterday who observed here that male democrats are like teenage girls is right.
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This is pure democrat hysteria. I said many of those convicted. Some of the convicted never entered the Capitol. I’m sure you are never concerned that some of those in months-long pretrial detention might be INNOCENT.

The discussion was about political prisoners and you piss yourself over a confederate flag

Next you move to George Floyd rioters. I wish every one of them would have been punished, but few were. How about pretrial detentions? Nope. And I’ve said a hundred times here that anybody guilty of trespass in the Capitol deserves punishment. Two year pretrial detention? Nope. Long prison sentences for those who just walked around in the Capitol looking stupid? Nope.

Do you know anything about our right to a speedy trial and the spirit of the Writ of Habeas Corpus?

You should consider being less of a government shill and a toady to other liberals and look closely at what’s happening. Or you can continue eating the crap the government peddles and be surprised where we end up. Now, go ahead and post the little laughing emoji in your sneering manner.

And the guy yesterday who observed here that male democrats are like women is right.
You keep talking about all of these people who have been mistreated, but haven’t provided a single actual example of a real person. Just broad accusations of mistreatment.

There must be a face of J6 injustice. Who is it?
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There are currently around 400,000 people in this country in pre-trial detention, so the J6 crew are far from alone.

The J6 prosecution is by far the largest ever undertaken in the country, so the fact that the court system is backed up is not a surprise. It’s probably safe to suggest that some of those people are getting a raw deal. I don’t doubt that. Should they somehow get special treatment because they participated in J6 versus other people with similar charges?

I keep seeing these broad accusations of unfairness, but every effort I’ve made to come up with a few stories of individuals have resulted in nothing. That’s why I asked you, since you are so insistent that these people are being mistreated and are political prisoners.
And the average pretrial detention is 40 days before trial, not two years. And many not granted bond are violent, as were some of the J6ers.
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This is pure democrat hysteria. I said many of those convicted. Some of the convicted never entered the Capitol. I’m sure you are never concerned that some of those in months-long pretrial detention might be INNOCENT.

The discussion was about political prisoners and you piss yourself over a confederate flag

Next you move to George Floyd rioters. I wish every one of them would have been punished, but few were. How about pretrial detentions? Nope. And I’ve said a hundred times here that anybody guilty of trespass in the Capitol deserves punishment. Two year pretrial detention? Nope. Long prison sentences for those who just walked around in the Capitol looking stupid? Nope.

Do you know anything about our right to a speedy trial and the spirit of the Writ of Habeas Corpus?

You should consider being less of a government shill and a toady to other liberals and look closely at what’s happening. Or you can continue eating the crap the government peddles and be surprised where we end up. Now, go ahead and post the little laughing emoji in your sneering manner.

And the guy yesterday who observed here that male democrats are like women is right.
Don't think it's funny......I just live my life and try to do the best I can. I can't live like everyone is out to "get me", or we all live in a "deep state".
You and I both love this country. We just don't see eye to eye on most issues. That's OK. Thats what makes this country great.
I do believe in our court system. What other choice is there?
Do I think OJ was guilty? Hell yeah! But the court sayed he wasn't so live and let live.
If Trumps court cases gets tried and he is found innocent, I will be the FIRST to say "I respect our courts and I respect its decision ".
You can't agree with our lawmakers only when it benefits you, or me..
I bet some on here would rather Trump got away with stealing the election just so Biden would not get in. Well, so much for loving this country. Got to remember if anyone is ok with Trump stealing, it won't stop with him.
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You keep talking about all of these people who have been mistreated, but haven’t provided a single actual example of a real person. Just broad accusations of mistreatment.

There must be a face of J6 injustice. Who is it?

“Because pretrial detainees are often the poorest of the poor, most are held because they cannot make bail. And while the average stay is about 26 days (about 3 and a half weeks), most are released on the day of arraignment or within one week.”

detention#:~:text=Because pretrial detainees are often,arraignment or within one week.

“The combination of a court backlogged with COVID-19-related delays, plus the lumbering nature of a massive federal criminal investigation, has stretched the "pretrial" period to as long as a year or more for some detainees.”

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Don't think it's funny......I just live my life and try to do the best I can. I can't live like everyone is out to "get me", or we all live in a "deep state".
You and I both love this country. We just don't see eye to eye on most issues. That's OK. Thats what makes this country great.
I do believe in our court system. What other choice is there?
Do I think OJ was guilty? Hell yeah! But the court sayed he wasn't so live and let live.
If Trumps court cases gets tried and he is found innocent, I will be the FIRST to say "I respect our courts and I respect its decision ".
You can't agree with our lawmakers only when it benefits you, or me..
I bet some on here would rather Trump got away with stealing the election just so Biden would not get in. Well, so much for loving this country. Got to remember if anyone is ok with Trump stealing, it won't stop with him.
Do you realize that much of our Constitution encourages the questioning of our government? And why
do our 1A and 2A rights exist? They’re to keep our government in check. Same for separation of powers, checks and balances.

What if our founders said “What other choice is there” like you do. How about if our leaders in 1941 felt that way. And we damned sure shouldn’t respect all court decisions just because they’re government. When the OJ jury nullified it was symptomatic of an increasing problem in jury trials in some areas. Do you really think Trump could get a fair trial in DC where 98% voted against him? Or is it just “what other choice is there?”

And I don’t even like Trump, but, however, will vote for him now that DeSantis is out.
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Do you realize that much of our Constitution encourages the questioning of our government? And why
do our 1A and 2A rights exist? They’re to keep our government in check. Same for separation of powers, checks and balances.

What if our founders said “What other choice is there” like you do. How about if our leaders in 1941 felt that way. And we damned sure shouldn’t respect all court decisions just because they’re government. When the OJ jury nullified it was symptomatic of an increasing problem in jury trials in some areas. Do you really think Trump could get a fair trial in DC where 98% voted against him? Or is it just “what other choice is there?”

And I don’t even like Trump, but, however, will vote for him now that DeSantis is out.
I'm assuming Trump unsuccessfully filed motions for change of venue. The judge should have either granted it or recused. Especially the NY judge. His verdict will absolutely be overturned. He effused bias and contempt. That's not how a US judge is supposed to preside over a case. Of all ppl, a judge is supposed to be neutral and unemotional.

Think of the numerous times over the years where you were ticked at a judge for bending over backwards to assure the defendant a fair shake. That's not what occurred in NY.
Do you realize that much of our Constitution encourages the questioning of our government? And why
do our 1A and 2A rights exist? They’re to keep our government in check. Same for separation of powers, checks and balances.

What if our founders said “What other choice is there” like you do. How about if our leaders in 1941 felt that way. And we damned sure shouldn’t respect all court decisions just because they’re government. When the OJ jury nullified it was symptomatic of an increasing problem in jury trials in some areas. Do you really think Trump could get a fair trial in DC where 98% voted against him? Or is it just “what other choice is there?”

And I don’t even like Trump, but, however, will vote for him now that DeSantis is out.
Well, Trump has so many trials coming up, surely there is one area that voted for him.
Just kidding!
That's true about the Constitution, but when did the Constitution matter to MAGA?
I don't kid about that.
I think if one wants to make changes, then make your case, run for office and get the changes one wants done.
Like I said, I prefer not to think everyone is out to get me, and everyone in government is coming after me.
When I voted for Trump in 2016, I called the people on the left who were acting like MAGA does now "snowflakes".
Same daily pity party....just from the other "side".
Duck, I don't know you but I bet if we sat down and had a beer together, we would agree on 99% of our topics of conversation......just leave politics out. I would say thats true for most all of our brothers on the chat.
100 or so.

Jan 6th folks consider themselves political prisoners. Judges try to avoid that, but even most papers say they are even if not classified as this.
Do you realize that much of our Constitution encourages the questioning of our government? And why
do our 1A and 2A rights exist? They’re to keep our government in check. Same for separation of powers, checks and balances.

What if our founders said “What other choice is there” like you do. How about if our leaders in 1941 felt that way. And we damned sure shouldn’t respect all court decisions just because they’re government. When the OJ jury nullified it was symptomatic of an increasing problem in jury trials in some areas. Do you really think Trump could get a fair trial in DC where 98% voted against him? Or is it just “what other choice is there?”

And I don’t even like Trump, but, however, will vote for him now that DeSantis is out.
And there it is. Trump has officially compared his difficulties to the guy who was poisoned and murdered in prison.

Surprised it took him this long.

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No criticism of Putin, but instead an attack on the US court system.

So Trump has recently stated that a NATO funding dispute would result in him inviting Putin “to do whatever the hell he wants”, is directly responsible for Speaker Johnson blocking aid to Ukraine, and now can’t even muster up a lukewarm criticism after Putin blatantly murdered yet another opposition figure.

Can’t we stop pretending that Trump isn’t supporting Putin’s interests? And why is Trump so beholden that he can’t make even one criticism under the most extreme circumstances?

Outside of the news that Alexei Navalny died in prison we know nothing about what happened. You along with other libs can speculate all you want but ........Navalny died in prison. What in hell do you want Trump to say about a imprisoned racist and neo-nazi? Navalny seems like a hero of yours and your feelings are hurt that Trump ignored him in life and now in death.

BTW, two cops and firefighter were murdered in MN a few days ago and we haven't heard those dim clowns in the WH send a single condolence.
And there it is. Trump has officially compared his difficulties to the guy who was poisoned and murdered in prison.

Surprised it took him this long.

Well. One guy used his death to ask for more money for the Ukraine. I did find one thing in the town hall with Trump interesting tonight. He didn’t make any mistakes for the time I watched. He was asked what will retribution look like. He said success will be his retribution. Maybe someone will come to their senses.

Fani said she paid cash back for 7 trips with her boy. Her best friend said she was with him prior. She is done. She lost her mind and showed her severe lack of intelligence. By the way her boy toy she paid 700g of our money to go after Trump, is a personal injury attorney. Who takes mostly cash payments, and puts vacations in his business card. I know trump has his warts. But Jesus Christ how do you do it. Wading in a cesspool of corruption. F me.

Now we go to letits. Letits literally promised to sue Trump daily in her campaign. To keep him so busy. She said she would get him at all costs. Give him no chance to win the case. Sound familiar that Interview from 2018 was just brought up.

Just for you oh newly blessed lefty willdup, she started the interview by calling trump an illegitimate president. Go look up the half dead looking judge’s tweets. Talking about a set up. He is a fooking lunatic. How does that guy become a judge.
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Well. One guy used his death to ask for more money for the Ukraine. I did find one thing in the town hall with Trump interesting tonight. He didn’t make any mistakes for the time I watched. He was asked what will retribution look like. He said success will be his retribution. Maybe someone will come to their senses.

Fani said she paid cash back for 7 trips with her boy. Her best friend said she was with him prior. She is done. She lost her mind and showed her severe lack of intelligence. By the way her boy toy she paid 700g of our money to go after Trump, is a personal injury attorney. Who takes mostly cash payments, and puts vacations in his business card. I know trump has his warts. But Jesus Christ how do you do it. Wading in a cesspool of corruption. F me.

Now we go to letits. Letits literally promised to sue Trump daily in her campaign. To keep him so busy. She said she would get him at all costs. Give him no chance to win the case. Sound familiar that Interview from 2018 was just brought up.

Just for you oh newly blessed left willdup, she started the interview by calling trump and illegitimate president. Go look up the half dead looking judge’s tweets. Talking about set up. He is a fooking lunatic. How does that guy become a judge.
My comment was about one of the two guys running for president, and how his narcissistic personality disorder makes him unsuitable for any leadership role, much less the most powerful job on the planet.
My comment was about one of the two guys running for president, and how his narcissistic personality disorder makes him unsuitable for any leadership role, much less the most powerful job on the planet.
For sure. But he has already done the job. And he did it pretty well. He is the only other choice. Currently your guy is compromised. And his vp is somehow worse. I don’t know how you are hanging on at this point. Even hardcore Dems are trying to see an exit strategy. He asked his wife to marry him five times. That old man ain’t leaving without a fight. If they turnoff the teleprompter by accident shortly, Biden will talk himself right out of the job.
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