Trump wins it all

Bless your heart. The democrats are running an OLD WHITE perverted socialist who never collected a paycheck from the private sector and things women fantasize about bring raped

And a lying corrupt OLD WHITE POS who stands over dead Americans and lies to their families,...then turns around and calls those same families liars for reporting that. This is a woman that lied about really small things to make the stupid fcks that follow her impressed, like being under sniper fire, and being broke when leaving the White House.

Your post really says more about the kind of person you are than the candidates. You are the epitome of what Stalin was talking about when using the term useful Idiot. opposed to a useless idiot like you.
When David Duke is endorsing your candidate and is a member of your party, you're a racist by association. The shoe fits, so wear it with pride.
Do you actually think a $billionaire GAS what you think? Hell, he's spent more on a Saturday night pole dancer than you make. Besides, you haven't made a relevant decision in your life.
Do you actually think a $billionaire GAS what you think? Hell, he's spent more on a Saturday night pole dancer than you make. Besides, you haven't made a relevant decision in your life.

Sure I have. I've made the relevant decision that you are a low down denizen of the Lunatic Fringe Fever Swamp.
Hey look I get that you have no where to go with the rhetoric. But please if nothing else learn how to use correct grammar, how to wright a sentence
correctly, and how to spell. Then you can express how intelligent you are. You really have no clue do you?
Hey look I get that you have no where to go with the rhetoric. But please if nothing else learn how to use correct grammar, how to wright a sentence
correctly, and how to spell. Then you can express how intelligent you are. You really have no clue do you?

Definition of irony= a poorly spelled rant criticizing me on my spelling and grammar.

Low information is as low information does, I guess.
Oh excuse me checking to see if you could catch my missed spelled word . Did you? Wright or maybe write.......
Pull your panties up big girl..
Are you the coach now. And an intelligent one at that. Go to bed man. You're really boring me..Are you paying attn to the state results by chance?