Trump won't win any of the key states..


National Champion
Feb 7, 2016
Those states that have become pivotal in presidential elections..


He might have a slim shot at Nevada, but it's only important in a very tight race. His death nail states are Ohio, Penn, Virginia and Wisconsin, he has virtually no chance in those states, and he can't win without at least 2 of them. He'll probably win all of the deep red states, but they won't be nearly enough.
He peaked in mid Feb. but the more he talks, the worse his poll numbers in these states. He actually had a 1 point lead in one Florida poll 5 weeks ago. He is now 8 pts back in that same poll.
His only chance to become POTUS is if Hillary has some huge scandal or health issue. Barring that, she'll be our next Commander In Chief.
Those states that have become pivotal in presidential elections..


He might have a slim shot at Nevada, but it's only important in a very tight race. His death nail states are Ohio, Penn, Virginia and Wisconsin, he has virtually no chance in those states, and he can't win without at least 2 of them. He'll probably win all of the deep red states, but they won't be nearly enough.
He peaked in mid Feb. but the more he talks, the worse his poll numbers in these states. He actually had a 1 point lead in one Florida poll 5 weeks ago. He is now 8 pts back in that same poll.
His only chance to become POTUS is if Hillary has some huge scandal or health issue. Barring that, she'll be our next Commander In Chief.

i would say hitlery is in the middle of a big scandal now and so does the FBI .
i would say hitlery is in the middle of a big scandal now and so does the FBI .

That moves you, but let's be real, there was never a chance you'd vote for her. The people who will determine the next POTUS are those who are persuadable. She is still polling well with them.
Just goes to show there one born every minute.

Foreigners are afraid Trump will start wars, 300 Rabbis are boycotting his speech at a Jewish organization's convention, and he thinks he can shape the world to his will.
The Economist has named Trump one of the 10 biggest dangers in the world, how's that for conservative support.
Foreigners are afraid Trump will start wars, 300 Rabbis are boycotting his speech at a Jewish organization's convention, and he thinks he can shape the world to his will.
The Economist has named Trump one of the 10 biggest dangers in the world, how's that for conservative support.

Well from what I'm reading/hearing the stop Trump movement is on a roll with their secret meetings, etc. Scary thing is, Cruz could eventually get support as he did from Graham yesterday. Of course, Graham is also the one who said if he was shot and killed and the senate floor, and the senate had to try the case, the shooter would never be convicted. That somewhat endorsement yesterday was more of a "no Trump" than I like Ted.

Of course, Trump will figure something. For a change, yesterday wasn't all about him. Except his comment when Mika asked him who advisors are to prepare him for Day 1 if elected. "his brain" was the answer.

Those states that have become pivotal in presidential elections..


He might have a slim shot at Nevada, but it's only important in a very tight race. His death nail states are Ohio, Penn, Virginia and Wisconsin, he has virtually no chance in those states, and he can't win without at least 2 of them. He'll probably win all of the deep red states, but they won't be nearly enough.
He peaked in mid Feb. but the more he talks, the worse his poll numbers in these states. He actually had a 1 point lead in one Florida poll 5 weeks ago. He is now 8 pts back in that same poll.
His only chance to become POTUS is if Hillary has some huge scandal or health issue. Barring that, she'll be our next Commander In Chief.
You are in for a huge surprise. These same comments were made about your beloved Obumma. The liberal media and the GOP are scared to death of Trump. Neither wants to see a poll showing the real numbers. Use some common sense. Check out the numbers from the primaries...if Trump just gets a portion (which he will) of the Cruz/Rubio vote he will slaughter the Criminal in the main election.

Keep in matter how hard you "wish" it, that doesn't make it happen.
You are in for a huge surprise. These same comments were made about your beloved Obumma. The liberal media and the GOP are scared to death of Trump. Neither wants to see a poll showing the real numbers. Use some common sense. Check out the numbers from the primaries...if Trump just gets a portion (which he will) of the Cruz/Rubio vote he will slaughter the Criminal in the main election.

Keep in matter how hard you "wish" it, that doesn't make it happen.

Why do you assume I voted for Obama ? In fact I sat out the past 2 cycles, and I might this one as well.
You're clearly confusing primary numbers with general election numbers as well. You seem to be the one to let a ''wish'' interfere with facts.
Foreigners are afraid Trump will start wars, 300 Rabbis are boycotting his speech at a Jewish organization's convention, and he thinks he can shape the world to his will.
The Economist has named Trump one of the 10 biggest dangers in the world, how's that for conservative support.

The same rhetoric was thrown around about Reagan before he was elected.
The libs and Washington insiders are afraid of change and we can expect Trump to make changes for the better of the producing US citizens that love this nation. We will just have to see won't we.
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The same rhetoric was thrown around about Reagan before he was elected.
The libs and Washington insiders are afraid of change and we can expect Trump to make changes for the better of the producing US citizens that love this nation. We will just have to see won't we.

I've seen enough to know Trump is about the last person I want as POTUS.
Why do you assume I voted for Obama ? In fact I sat out the past 2 cycles, and I might this one as well.
You're clearly confusing primary numbers with general election numbers as well. You seem to be the one to let a ''wish'' interfere with facts.
A "no vote" in the past two elections was a vote for your current president (not mine...I refuse to acknowledge he holds that office). I think most of us Republicans would gladly see you sit out the next election.

Unless he gets derailed by the GOP, You might want to start making preparations. IF, Trump gets the nomination he will be your next president. Dems will turn out in record low numbers to vote which always favors the Republican candidate.

The only reason for the primary comment was voter turnout. Try to keep up.

Like I said the other day...I promise you, 4 years of Trump will be no worse for you than 8 years of BHO has been for us. Write that down...
The same rhetoric was thrown around about Reagan before he was elected.
The libs and Washington insiders are afraid of change and we can expect Trump to make changes for the better of the producing US citizens that love this nation. We will just have to see won't we.

Trump couldn't find his asshole if you handed him a funnel and a jar of vaseline. The man claimed he would save 300 billion from a medicare program that we only spend 78 billion on. That's the stupidity of Trump, and the fact that the dumbass has never given any details on how he plans to achieve his outlandish claims.
Those states that have become pivotal in presidential elections..


He might have a slim shot at Nevada, but it's only important in a very tight race. His death nail states are Ohio, Penn, Virginia and Wisconsin, he has virtually no chance in those states, and he can't win without at least 2 of them. He'll probably win all of the deep red states, but they won't be nearly enough.
He peaked in mid Feb. but the more he talks, the worse his poll numbers in these states. He actually had a 1 point lead in one Florida poll 5 weeks ago. He is now 8 pts back in that same poll.
His only chance to become POTUS is if Hillary has some huge scandal or health issue. Barring that, she'll be our next Commander In Chief.
Cruz or will be a landslide. Are you kidding? Hillary Clinton? Seriously? LOL
Keep in mind Trump is an actor so I believe nothing that comes out of his mouth. Hillary wins simply because too many people are on the government tit now. They will show up in full force to vote her in.
Trump couldn't find his asshole if you handed him a funnel and a jar of vaseline. The man claimed he would save 300 billion from a medicare program that we only spend 78 billion on. That's the stupidity of Trump, and the fact that the dumbass has never given any details on how he plans to achieve his outlandish claims.

The federal govt. spent 546 billion on medicare in 2015. You, not Trump, are the person who doesn't know the facts. You might want to spend 2 minutes doing some research unless you want to look as uninformed as most Hillary voters. Lol.....and you call him stupid.
Keep in mind Trump is an actor so I believe nothing that comes out of his mouth. Hillary wins simply because too many people are on the government tit now. They will show up in full force to vote her in.

83% of Bernie's voters think Hillary's a liar, so there will be as many Dems doubting her as Pubs doubting Trump. Should be fun the next few months if Hillary isn't indicted before then. If that happens watch out for Uncle Joe.
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Foreigners are afraid Trump will start wars, 300 Rabbis are boycotting his speech at a Jewish organization's convention, and he thinks he can shape the world to his will.
The Economist has named Trump one of the 10 biggest dangers in the world, how's that for conservative support.

Foreigners "loved" Obama. Why not? He shares their views of the U.S. That didn't work out well, despite any arguments to the contrary. He's managed to piss off our enemies and former allies. Quite a feat, even for a community organizer.
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A "no vote" in the past two elections was a vote for your current president (not mine...I refuse to acknowledge he holds that office). I think most of us Republicans would gladly see you sit out the next election.

Unless he gets derailed by the GOP, You might want to start making preparations. IF, Trump gets the nomination he will be your next president. Dems will turn out in record low numbers to vote which always favors the Republican candidate.

The only reason for the primary comment was voter turnout. Try to keep up.

Like I said the other day...I promise you, 4 years of Trump will be no worse for you than 8 years of BHO has been for us. Write that down...

Give it a rest, who are you trying to impress anyway ?
If you don't like the rules of our government, why not try somebody else's ?
I'm sure there is somewhere on this Earth you wouldn't feel like such an outsider.
None of us are as important as we like to think we are. MY COUNTRY will get along with or without you.
Foreigners "loved" Obama. Why not? He shares their views of the U.S. That didn't work out well, despite any arguments to the contrary. He's managed to piss off our enemies and former allies. Quite a feat, even for a community organizer.

Thousands of American soldiers owe their lives to The POTUS. I have no doubt McCain would have involved us in another dead end bloodbath.
People like you love dead soldiers though, it makes you feel tough.
Those states that have become pivotal in presidential elections..


He might have a slim shot at Nevada, but it's only important in a very tight race. His death nail states are Ohio, Penn, Virginia and Wisconsin, he has virtually no chance in those states, and he can't win without at least 2 of them. He'll probably win all of the deep red states, but they won't be nearly enough.
He peaked in mid Feb. but the more he talks, the worse his poll numbers in these states. He actually had a 1 point lead in one Florida poll 5 weeks ago. He is now 8 pts back in that same poll.
His only chance to become POTUS is if Hillary has some huge scandal or health issue. Barring that, she'll be our next Commander In Chief.

What makes u such an authority on how Trump might do 8 or 9 months from now? Trump started out way behind Jeb Bush too.
What makes u such an authority on how Trump might do 8 or 9 months from now? Trump started out way behind Jeb Bush too.

He is falling back as the independents hear and see more of his pompous, mean spirited bloviating. Of course it's my judgement, but I'd put money on it. I just don't believe he'll sell beyond the very angry ''burn it down'' voters.
He is falling back as the independents hear and see more of his pompous, mean spirited bloviating. Of course it's my judgement, but I'd put money on it. I just don't believe he'll sell beyond the very angry ''burn it down'' voters.

I don't see the mean spirited pompous guy that u see.He takes 10-15 minutes at each event telling everyone how honored he is to be a candidate for the repub I am told. I see a bombastic guy who is being hit with more incoming than any candidate I have ever seen. The left is throwing everything at the guy and he hasnt even been nominated yet. His own party is spending millions to stop him. I am a Cruz guy. but will vote repub no matter who the nominee is.Trump could win if the cons and repub establishment would back him. Trump connects with people who have been voting dem. Some of the Bernie voters will go to Trump. I think he possibly puts New York and New jersey in play as well as Pennsylvania. The New York Republican establishment actually asked him to run for gov of New York against Cuomo in 2013. They thought he could win.
Cons have a right to be angry. It is almost funny that the establishment repubs in congress would rather lose than have Trump as nominee and they don't like Cruz either. .
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You clearly see Trump differently than even the majority of those who support him. Nobody has ever described him as humble, differential, thankful, self effacing, or any other term that would suggest he isn't all about The Donald.
You clearly see Trump differently than even the majority of those who support him. Nobody has ever described him as humble, differential, thankful, self effacing, or any other term that would suggest he isn't all about The Donald.

Have u ever heard anyone who works for him or has worked for him about they way he was treated. He takes care of them, and gives excellent benes. He pays women more than men on average.There are many stories he doesnt talk about where he is very generous. U remember the marine sargent (Tahmooresi) with PTSD that was rotting in a Mexican jail but thru the work of his congressman, and family was finally released.after 7 months. He almost committed suicide..BO wouldnt even make a phone call but played golf and had no interest in helping him. On the quiet, Donald who didnt know the guy wrote him a check to get him jump started back in to civilian life. It became known because he asked Greta for his address.
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You clearly see Trump differently than even the majority of those who support him. Nobody has ever described him as humble, differential, thankful, self effacing, or any other term that would suggest he isn't all about The Donald.

hey helen , where you been ? what we see of trump now is a guy speaking in simple direct statements that everybody can understand , not the same old political " mumbo jumbo " . as time goes on he will get more specific about his plans to change things to be more representative of what the average person wants for this country . this guy is weathering terrific attacks by radical groups along with the political elites , he has to project a tough demeanor . imo trump or cruz would be much better than hitlery and a big improvement over odumma .
A "no vote" in the past two elections was a vote for your current president (not mine...I refuse to acknowledge he holds that office). I think most of us Republicans would gladly see you sit out the next election.

Unless he gets derailed by the GOP, You might want to start making preparations. IF, Trump gets the nomination he will be your next president. Dems will turn out in record low numbers to vote which always favors the Republican candidate.

The only reason for the primary comment was voter turnout. Try to keep up.

Like I said the other day...I promise you, 4 years of Trump will be no worse for you than 8 years of BHO has been for us. Write that down...
Amen brother. Can you Imagine what would be said if he had sat for 20 years in a church like
Jeremiah Wrights?
Give it a rest, who are you trying to impress anyway ?
If you don't like the rules of our government, why not try somebody else's ?
I'm sure there is somewhere on this Earth you wouldn't feel like such an outsider.
None of us are as important as we like to think we are. MY COUNTRY will get along with or without you.
Wow! You really got me with this one. I just don't know what else to say. Good job!!
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Foreigners are afraid Trump will start wars, 300 Rabbis are boycotting his speech at a Jewish organization's convention, and he thinks he can shape the world to his will.
The Economist has named Trump one of the 10 biggest dangers in the world, how's that for conservative support.
Sounds a lot like the current loser in the White house, wow did they just copy and paste or did you?
Have u ever heard anyone who works for him or has worked for him about they way he was treated. He takes care of them, and gives excellent benes. He pays women more than men on average.There are many stories he doesnt talk about where he is very generous. U remember the marine sargent (Tahmooresi) with PTSD that was rotting in a Mexican jail but thru the work of his congressman, and family was finally released.after 7 months. He almost committed suicide..BO wouldnt even make a phone call but played golf and had no interest in helping him. On the quiet, Donald who didnt know the guy wrote him a check to get him jump started back in to civilian life. It became known because he asked Greta for his address.

Should a POTUS not play golf as long as there are problems in the world ? That would make every POTUS in modern history at fault.
Also, I think anything Trump has done has been for himself. If he send money to a marine, he meant for the world to give him credit.
Should a POTUS not play golf as long as there are problems in the world ? That would make every POTUS in modern history at fault.
Also, I think anything Trump has done has been for himself. If he send money to a marine, he meant for the world to give him credit.

maybe so and maybe not , he got the marines' address from greta and SHE mentioned it on her program on fox news , i believe it was some while later that she mentioned it .