Trump's new ad

Less than 2% profit margin. Meanwhile, companies like Apple rake in over 25% and Nvidia pulls about 40% profits. Yeah, let's attack the people that feed America on dangerously low margins.
That’s a tough, tough business. Highly competitive, turnover like crazy, shrink percent higher than profit percent, etc.

Some even charge for bags, or use to.

Most all grocers have their overall gross margin percents down to a science in order to profit. Then they need to the corporate office overhead.

“KAMALA” is pandering and hoping some will believe her or she really is stupid. The “free market” is not the cause of inflation. It’s the policies and government spending-not hard.
But some want to play the shell game to accomplish wants on their agenda.

Guess she is gonna crank up the ole printing press for the $25,000 she wants to give for 1st time home buyers.

We ever go to this Medicare for all, including illegals. We will be sunk quicker than Venezuela.

No telling what else she wants to do, probably wants to pay for prisoners sex changes just like California.