Warning: Racist, Bigoted, long, Political posts below...

"I think the argument on the churches attended by Romney and Huckabee are weak. No proof of blatant racism in the last 20 years. As to the others, that was a different time...hopefully, we've all changed since then."

And the proof of blatant racism on the part of Obama ever? (Before you answer that question, ask yourself where Obama is any different from Bernie Sanders on any issue, race included.)

By the way, I am not a liberal. Quite the contrary, the only guys that I would even consider supporting in this political scene were Ron Paul, Rand Paul and Mike Huckabee. (I confess to getting a kick out of watching Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump challenge the establishments of both their parties by the way).
"I think the argument on the churches attended by Romney and Huckabee are weak. No proof of blatant racism in the last 20 years. As to the others, that was a different time...hopefully, we've all changed since then."

And the proof of blatant racism on the part of Obama ever? (Before you answer that question, ask yourself where Obama is any different from Bernie Sanders on any issue, race included.)

By the way, I am not a liberal. Quite the contrary, the only guys that I would even consider supporting in this political scene were Ron Paul, Rand Paul and Mike Huckabee. (I confess to getting a kick out of watching Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump challenge the establishments of both their parties by the way).

I think there's tons of proof on the Obama side. Start with Rev. Wright's video and consider Obumma sat under him for 20 years!! You can google Michelle's exploits pretty easy as well. She didn't try to hide her racism until she was first lady. Also, I found Obumma's book to be VERY racist.

Ha, interesting, I thought you made an awfully intelligent argument for a lib. :)
Nope, you keep missing the point. I wear hoodies at times. The point is, when it's 75 degrees outside, WTF do you have the hood up? It doesn't say you're a criminal, but, it doesn't help. You have it up for a reason.

You're not getting the point at all, sure Zimmerman got his race. The point is, often hoodies are used to hide behind....if you know that ahead of time, why do it? Same reason if you know ahead of time that pointing a toy gun with no orange tip at others in a park might get you shot...why do it.

I'm not a Klan member, but, I bet if i wore a klan outfit through certain parts of town I would get killed or close to it. It's common sense.

NO, the fact is, we live in a world where we are supposed to just sit back and say..." OK". "Don't judge". Sorry, If I see you wearing a hoodie when it's 75+ outside, I'm thinking you're up to no good. I don't care about your color.

YOu may not care about the color of the person... but obviously many do. Otherwise we'd see more incidents of white kids wearing hooded sweatshirts getting stalked by armed neighborhood watch types and shot. Or we'd see more white guys in walmart carrying an airsoft rifle they picked up in the store getting shot by police. Or more white guys getting choked to death by police putting handcuffs on them.

Why would you have the hood up? Maybe you are having a bad hair day. You might have social anxiety. You might be a teenager who thinks hoodies are cool.

Or he might have had the hood up.... BECAUSE IT WAS RAINING.

Oh... wait... did you forget that part?
As a democrat, trust me we are not scared of Trump. In all honesty, I am kind of pissed that CNN, MSNBC, and other democrats are trying to tear him down. That's like hoping the 1 seed beats the 16 seed because you want to play the best. That's all well and noble, but your best chance to win is against the 16 seed. Trump is a terrible candidate. Hillary or Bernie would beat him. I think Hillary beats Cruz still. Cruz won't even pick up a state East of the Mississippi in this entire primary. He is popular in small pockets on the Plains and in Texas. He would lose a general because he can't win in border states. He got flat out destroyed in Virginia. If Kasich is the VP it could help a lot because Kasich would pull Ohio and help whoever is the nominee in Michigan where he is popular as well. The best chance to win is Rubio, but he is a little too green. He should've been governor of FL for 8 years and tried again in 2024 when he was in his 50's.
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