NonDawg What are some random historical facts that most people dont know.

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Knoxville, Ga. , in Crawford Co., is where the Lone Star flag of Texas was first knitted. Also, John Pemberton ( Coca Cola inventor) is from there. Not bad for a little town you can blink & miss!
Nathaniel Greene was a revolutionary war general andhero from up north who gave away his wealth to feed and arm his soldiers. After the revolutionary war, Greene was in debt and the state of Georgia gave him Cumberland island, Georgia for his heroism during the war. After moving down for a few months, he died of heat exhaustion. His widow later got with Eli Whitney to invent the cotton gin.

Robert E Lee's revolutionary war hero father died and was buried on cumberland island.

JFK got married to Jackie on Cumberland island.

Cumberland island is the largest natural barrier island on the East Coast.
Nathaniel Greene was a revolutionary war general andhero from up north who gave away his wealth to feed and arm his soldiers. After the revolutionary war, Greene was in debt and the state of Georgia gave him Cumberland island, Georgia for his heroism during the war. After moving down for a few months, he died of heat exhaustion. His widow later got with Eli Whitney to invent the cotton gin.

Robert E Lee's revolutionary war hero father died and was buried on cumberland island.

JFK got married to Jackie on Cumberland island.

Cumberland island is the largest natural barrier island on the East Coast.
Actually, Greene died at Mulberry Grove Plantation located west of Savannah on the Savannah River. He was originally buried in Colonial Cemetery but later reburied in Johnson Square under the monument that was placed in his honor.

Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin at Mulberry Grove Plantation. A historical marker sits just east of I-95 on Hwy 21 in front of a gas station.

Lighthorse Harry Lee did die and was buried on Cumberland Island, but his body was later moved to Washington & Lee University.

It was JFK Jr that got married on Cumberland Island.

Cumberland Island is the largest of Georgia’s barrier islands. Long Island NY is much larger.
Actually, Greene died at Mulberry Grove Plantation located west of Savannah on the Savannah River. He was originally buried in Colonial Cemetery but later reburied in Johnson Square under the monument that was placed in his honor.

Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin at Mulberry Grove Plantation. A historical marker sits just east of I-95 on Hwy 21 in front of a gas station.

Lighthorse Harry Lee did die and was buried on Cumberland Island, but his body was later moved to Washington & Lee University.

It was JFK Jr that got married on Cumberland Island.

Cumberland Island is the largest of Georgia’s barrier islands. Long Island NY is much larger.
I was on Cumberland Island when JFK Jr got married. We rode around with the park rangers and looked for the paparazzi as they tried to get pictures. They had paid guys to take them over on a boat and drop them off. After being lost in the woods for a few hours and getting eaten alive by the skeeters they gave themselves up. LOL
I didn't, but some of my friends saw fat uncle Teddy riding in the back of a pickup with his shirt off showing his pasty white fat gut.
If you’re interested in it, Bill Whittle has an absolutely incredible series on the early Soviet Union called An Empire of Terror. It’s incredibly well done, just like his Cold War series. Some really wild stuff in it that hardly anyone has ever heard about the years following the Russian revolution.
Is this a podcast or documentary ?
Is this a podcast or documentary ?
It’s on daily wire plus. Usually his stuff comes out via podcast a few months after it’s been behind a paywall. His Apollo 11 series and Cold War series is incredible. The Cold War series is a podcast called What we saw and it’s my favorite podcast ever. I’ve probably listened to it all the way through five times since 2020.
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