What stops illegals

lets see, how to unwrap such uninformed statements as these,,,,,,,,
1. Check out the authors credentials, much higher than yours or the "experts you see on msnbc, cnn etc.
2. I sir have a very good understanding of the topic, Being the father of a lawyer and and Dr. and husband to a highly educated, high achieving woman that spent a long career in education and has a library that would make some small towns jealous, have a lot of discourse on various topics of public interest. I struggle understanding how many on the left can believe themselves so "enlightened" and come to this board with great fan fare repeating almost word for word the talking points spewed by left leaning media and expect us to believe they have had an original thought on a complex subject. I say nay nay, the only thing we get from the left on this board is a rebroadcast of the far left loony bin propaganda of the day.
3. I'm sorry you have been taken in by the left. I feel sorry for you. If you decide to get off the left wing propaganda and think for yourself I'll be glad to talk with you, but until you do, nope.
This response is a joke. His credentials are better than mine, but it doesn't make him right. And what does any network have to do with this - nothing.

Such b.s. in #2. You say you have an understanding, but don't demonstrate a single fact. Not a single fact. Just another rant about the left and so on. Congrats on your family, but that doesn't address anything.

More b.s. in #3. There is no propaganda in my response, but there sure is nonsense in your response.

You did not address a single thing that I mentioned. No discussion. Just a bunch of meaningless stuff that the right likes to say when they can't actually address the issue.

Come back when you actually say something meaningful.
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This response is a joke. His credentials are better than mine, but it doesn't make him right. And what does any network have to do with this - nothing.

Such b.s. in #2. You say you have an understanding, but don't demonstrate a single fact. Not a single fact. Just another rant about the left and so on. Congrats on your family, but that doesn't address anything.

More b.s. in #3. There is no propaganda in my response, but there sure is nonsense in your response.

You did not address a single thing that I mentioned. No discussion. Just a bunch of meaningless stuff that the right likes to say when they can't actually address the issue.

Come back when you actually say something meaningful.
You have said nothing. I agree with the gentleman, you think you know more. You have said nothing more than what the msm and leftist tell you to believe. It’s all part of their plan to help them change the make up of the country. Just because you are blind and jump in with the dim/leftist anti America crowd on most topics, does not impress. Now you continue on.

What did I say that was BS. lol. I spoke truth and you come back with that zinger. Lmbo. I feel sorry for you. Now go away until you have something to say other than what you heard on cnn. That crap is useless propaganda.

PS. If you had bothered to read it you would understand what the amendment says and why Illegals having children here does not mean the child is a citizen. Now we know, libs want to make everyone a citizen. That’s why we have open borders. Change the country it’s politics and down with the white man.

You are free to think otherwise, it’s a free country. You can be wrong all the time here, and you are on this.
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You have said nothing. I agree with the gentleman, you think you know more. You have said nothing more than what the msm and leftist tell you to believe. It’s all part of their plan to help them change the make up of the country. Just because you are blind and jump in with the dim/leftist anti America crowd on most topics, does not impress. Now you continue on.

What did I say that was BS. lol. I spoke truth and you come back with that zinger. Lmbo. I feel sorry for you. Now go away until you have something to say other than what you heard on cnn. That crap is useless propaganda.
Agree with the gentleman means shit. You are just agreeing with what appeared on Fox. You obviously aren't capable of actually discussing anything, because your playbook doesn't tell you what to do.

Everything you said was bullshit because it didn't address the question. Just because he thinks something is wrong doesn't change the law. The intent of the law doesn't matter until it is changed. Otherwise it's still the law now.

What I said has nothing to do with CNN, but you seem too narrow minded to even discuss anything. By discuss it means facts, not some righty b.s. But you are certainly on the way to being a politician, though not a good one.
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We have non citizens who are legally in the country. The Constitution, in the 14th Amendment, provides that if two of them have a child, that child is a citizen. That was confirmed in the case U.S vs. Ark as shown earlier in the thread.

You and Trump and his other supporters do not get to ignore or change the law because you don't like it, but you keep trying to do something.

Some things have changed since the Constitution and the Amendments were passed, but right now it doesn't matter how the parents got here, so your last statement is wrong.
Why bring up the legally in the country. I have not heard one person talk about the ones who are here legally. You just use that to deflect the argument. The illegals are the problem and should not have any consideration at all. That should be understood.
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I'm tired on answering these stupid posts which either state incorrect information and/or (like this one) don't address the issue. What problems are you talking about - we're talking about what the Constitution says about people who are born in this country and whether they are citizens.

It doesn't matter if the parents are here illegally. There is no question about that. The child is a citizen. I'm not moving the goalposts - I've answered the question and you are the one who is not willing to follow the Constitution.
You my sir are arrogant know it all. At least thinks you know it all. Logic is lost on you. So you are okay with a squatter taking over your house if you are on a vacation.?
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Why bring up the legally in the country. I have not heard one person talk about the ones who are here legally. You just use that to deflect the argument. The illegals are the problem and should not have any consideration at all. That should be understood.

You my sir are arrogant know it all. At least thinks you know it all. Logic is lost on you. So you are okay with a squatter taking over your house if you are on a vacation.?
Because we were discussing the law (14th Amendment) regarding who is a citizen. You are obviously deflecting with your comments instead of discussing the situation. I've already addressed in this thread that I understand, but you need to change the law or get a Supreme Court ruling. Do you have a problem with obeying the laws of the country (and I'm not talking about something like speeding)?
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Agree with the gentleman means shit. You are just agreeing with what appeared on Fox. You obviously aren't capable of actually discussing anything, because your playbook doesn't tell you what to do.

Everything you said was bullshit because it didn't address the question. Just because he thinks something is wrong doesn't change the law. The intent of the law doesn't matter until it is changed. Otherwise it's still the law now.

What I said has nothing to do with CNN, but you seem too narrow minded to even discuss anything. By discuss it means facts, not some righty b.s. But you are certainly on the way to being a politician, though not a good one.
Is this BS?

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Agree with the gentleman means shit. You are just agreeing with what appeared on Fox. You obviously aren't capable of actually discussing anything, because your playbook doesn't tell you what to do.

Everything you said was bullshit because it didn't address the question. Just because he thinks something is wrong doesn't change the law. The intent of the law doesn't matter until it is changed. Otherwise it's still the law now.

What I said has nothing to do with CNN, but you seem too narrow minded to even discuss anything. By discuss it means facts, not some righty b.s. But you are certainly on the way to being a politician, though not a good one.
Nice insults man. Really great, you are sooooooooo smart. You haven't said anything about the discussion just slamming me. BTW I don't care what you say about me. Your opinion of me means nothing. I wont be running to the mods like you do.

LOL man you sure accuse others of what you in fact do. You are absolutely a product of the propaganda you use for news. You haven't said anything that the left hasn't preached in years. Keep trying though. You may convince someone you are onto something. The law? What law homes? We are talking about the 14th amendment on which laws should be based. The amendment does not give your party the right to make laws allowing citizenship[ to babies born to illegals. There is no birthright to those born to illegals. The amendment does not say that. Just because dims like you want to use it to change the country and to buy votes does not make it so.

Now move along skippy, you haven't got anything worthwhile to say. Your only argument is that I am on the right. MEANING YOU ARE ON THE LEFT. LMBO You used to deny that like will. You fellas are so transparent.
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This response is a joke. His credentials are better than mine, but it doesn't make him right. And what does any network have to do with this - nothing.

Such b.s. in #2. You say you have an understanding, but don't demonstrate a single fact. Not a single fact. Just another rant about the left and so on. Congrats on your family, but that doesn't address anything.

More b.s. in #3. There is no propaganda in my response, but there sure is nonsense in your response.

You did not address a single thing that I mentioned. No discussion. Just a bunch of meaningless stuff that the right likes to say when they can't actually address the issue.

Come back when you actually say something meaningful.
yeah any response that doesn't agree with you and your leftist buddies is a joke.. LOL I don't think you can actually think through anything. Its more like the left said it so I''m for it or against it.. You are a trip.
Covered that earlier in this thread. Arizona made a law for state voter registration, but they can't make a law that covers federal forms or agencies.

We do have voter ID in Arizona, but some counties do a remarkably bad job of enforcing, such as failing to adequately verify signatures and using sources of exemplar signatures not in compliance with state law.

"The National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) of 1993 ordered states to register voters at the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and agencies where Americans apply for public benefits — and those offices are required by federal law to hand over the registration forms along with the application papers."

"The House Administration Committee last month approved the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act to require states to receive proof of citizenship when anyone registers to vote by mail, at a DMV or a welfare agency office." That may or may not ever see the light of day, but highly unlikely that Biden would sign.

How non-citizens are getting voter registration forms across the US
Nice insults man. Really great, you are sooooooooo smart. You haven't said anything about the discussion just slamming me. BTW I don't care what you say about me. Your opinion of me means nothing. I wont be running to the mods like you do.

LOL man you sure accuse others of what you in fact do. You are absolutely a product of the propaganda you use for news. You haven't said anything that the left hasn't preached in years. Keep trying though. You may convince someone you are onto something. The law? What law homes? We are talking about the 14th amendment on which laws should be based. The amendment does not give your party the right to make laws allowing citizenship[ to babies born to illegals. There is no birthright to those born to illegals. The amendment does not say that. Just because dims like you want to use it to change the country and to buy votes does not make it so.

Now move along skippy, you haven't got anything worthwhile to say. Your only argument is that I am on the right. MEANING YOU ARE ON THE LEFT. LMBO You used to deny that like will. You fellas are so transparent.
You sure funny man.
I guess you don't understand the 14th Amendment. I don't have a party but if you mean the Democrats, no one makes laws based on the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment IS law and does not say that babies of illegal immigrants don't get citizenship. Since it's not an exclusion, the babies are citizens.

I don't see what this has to do with propaganda and the left hasn't been preaching this years, because it's just become relevant. And sometimes you aren't right, no matter how hard a concept that is.
You sure funny man.
I guess you don't understand the 14th Amendment. I don't have a party but if you mean the Democrats, no one makes laws based on the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment IS law and does not say that babies of illegal immigrants don't get citizenship. Since it's not an exclusion, the babies are citizens.

I don't see what this has to do with propaganda and the left hasn't been preaching this years, because it's just become relevant. And sometimes you aren't right, no matter how hard a concept that is.
Yes you are not right more often than not. The 14th amendment does not give the babies of illegals citizenship just because you anti Americans deem it so. The 14th amendment gave citizenship to slaves and their children because they were brought here against their will. How that concept is so difficult for you I’ll never be able to understand. The very first sentence of the amendment proves you wrong. Illegals and their offspring are not covered by the constitution.

The consistent not law it is a list of rights for citizens NOT ILLEGALS.

Congress makes laws that have to not interfere with our constitutional rights.

As I said. I’m sorry for you. You don’t even know illegal immigration has been a problem for years. The only thing Reagan did that was totally wrong was to grant asylum to a bunch of illegals trying to appease the dim party.

Give a dim an inch and they will take a hundred miles. Your president has opened the border. We have no border. If your party continues down this path we will no longer exist as the nation we once where That is exactly their plan. Being uninformed and supporting that party is the quickest way to destroy the country you claim to care for

Now just move along. I don’t have time to spoon feed you. If you can’t see what is right in front of you then no amount of discussion will do any good.

Just like your misinterpretation of the lefts favorite slander of Desantis and the so called “don’t say gay law”. You took the lefts spin and propaganda and you are hooked. SMH. Same song different verse.
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Yes you are not right more often than not. The 14th amendment does not give the babies of illegals citizenship just because you anti Americans deem it so. The 14th amendment gave citizenship to slaves and their children because they were brought here against their will. How that concept is so difficult for you I’ll never be able to understand. The very first sentence of the amendment proves you wrong. Illegals and their offspring are not covered by the constitution.

The consistent not law it is a list of rights for citizens NOT ILLEGALS.

Congress makes laws that have to not interfere with our constitutional rights.

As I said. I’m sorry for you. You don’t even know illegal immigration has been a problem for years. The only thing Reagan did that was totally wrong was to grant asylum to a bunch of illegals trying to appease the dim party.

Give a dim an inch and they will take a hundred miles. Your president has opened the border. We have no border. If your party continues down this path we will no longer exist as the nation we once where That is exactly their plan. Being uninformed and supporting that party is the quickest way to destroy the country you claim to care for

Now just move along. I don’t have time to spoon feed you. If you can’t see what is right in front of you then no amount of discussion will do any good.

Just like your misinterpretation of the lefts favorite slander of Desantis and the so called “don’t say gay law”. You took the lefts spin and propaganda and you are hooked. SMH. Same song different verse.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

Your response is a good example of why this country is in such bad shape. Very unfortunate.
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I see you have started talking to yourself. Finally you are making some sense.
Well, I realize that it certainly makes no sense to talk to some of the people here because they are not capable of responding knowledgeable to most posts. Or even responding to the subject of the post. I see you are good for about one post a month based on your history, so don't waste it.
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Well, I realize that it certainly makes no sense to talk to some of the people here because they are not capable of responding knowledgeable to most posts. Or even responding to the subject of the post. I see you are good for about one post a month based on your history, so don't waste it.
You are amazingly fantastically super smart. If only we could all be as "knowledgeable" as you. Its right there before you and you still can't see it. Your tds and dds have caused you to go blind. Just keep on talking and embarrassing yourself. Go on back and watch msnbc some more so you can regale us with more of your knowledgeableness.... LMBO
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Well, I realize that it certainly makes no sense to talk to some of the people here because they are not capable of responding knowledgeable to most posts. Or even responding to the subject of the post. I see you are good for about one post a month based on your history, so don't waste it.
We have to have a sense of humor or we will go crazy. I have mostly watched the discussions and not said much.
Things are going of the rails on both sides. My how things have changed over the last 10 to 15 years. Before there was a conservative and liberal side to both parties. Now I do not recognize a more conservative side on the left. The whole party has accepted the fringe left positions. I know some who say they do not agree with some of the positions but sure do not voice that and do nothing to move the party back to the middle ground. They all rally around stopping Trump and the far right. Most republicans have seen this concerted effort to destroy Trump and they have defended him and called out the underhanded tactics used to destroy him.
This has started to galvanize the party and they are more cohesive than the democrats.
This is a total reversal of how things have been in the recent past. Getting rid of Trump is the main issue that the left can rally around and the middle leaning members overlook or ignore the craziness of so many other significant issues.
We have to have a sense of humor or we will go crazy. I have mostly watched the discussions and not said much.
Things are going of the rails on both sides. My how things have changed over the last 10 to 15 years. Before there was a conservative and liberal side to both parties. Now I do not recognize a more conservative side on the left. The whole party has accepted the fringe left positions. I know some who say they do not agree with some of the positions but sure do not voice that and do nothing to move the party back to the middle ground. They all rally around stopping Trump and the far right. Most republicans have seen this concerted effort to destroy Trump and they have defended him and called out the underhanded tactics used to destroy him.
This has started to galvanize the party and they are more cohesive than the democrats.
This is a total reversal of how things have been in the recent past. Getting rid of Trump is the main issue that the left can rally around and the middle leaning members overlook or ignore the craziness of so many other significant issues.
I hear what you are saying and agree that things have changed for worse regarding "parties", but don't agree with all your comments. But that's okay because we can have different opinions. Always been the case and will be in the future. I think one problem is that you can't call people Democrats or Republicans or liberal or conservative. They don't have the same meaning as they used to and the lines are blurred. You mention moving the parties back to the middle and that people don't express that. The problem I see is that the parties are not controlled by the people, but controlled by the politicians. I can't recall so many extreme politicians (both sides) and while Congress used to work on compromise, all we have now is stalemate. We have an immigration problem (and it's not new) and if the President is the problem, Congress needs to step up but that just hasn't happened.

I don't think either candidate should be President and this is what I have been saying for a while, but here we are. There is no need to rehash everything here about both candidates (that will continue on the Chat). The bottom line is that Trump was a terrible President and things have only gotten worse. His supporters don't want to acknowledge some things about him but so many people who had previous contact, have their stories. But we have seen him in action and his disregard for the country is the scary part. He is #1 and always has been - just look at his very public history both in business and personal life. Just listen to all his campaign speeches.

I'm not accusing you of this, but many on here can't accept someone else's opinion, especially if it's against Trump. They instead talk about Biden when that's not the issue being discussed. They are the ones who are deranged about Trump. Some claim to be tolerant but don't show it in their comments. This division in our country is mostly due to Trump and he continues to divide the country.
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I hear what you are saying and agree that things have changed for worse regarding "parties", but don't agree with all your comments. But that's okay because we can have different opinions. Always been the case and will be in the future. I think one problem is that you can't call people Democrats or Republicans or liberal or conservative. They don't have the same meaning as they used to and the lines are blurred. You mention moving the parties back to the middle and that people don't express that. The problem I see is that the parties are not controlled by the people, but controlled by the politicians. I can't recall so many extreme politicians (both sides) and while Congress used to work on compromise, all we have now is stalemate. We have an immigration problem (and it's not new) and if the President is the problem, Congress needs to step up but that just hasn't happened.

I don't think either candidate should be President and this is what I have been saying for a while, but here we are. There is no need to rehash everything here about both candidates (that will continue on the Chat). The bottom line is that Trump was a terrible President and things have only gotten worse. His supporters don't want to acknowledge some things about him but so many people who had previous contact, have their stories. But we have seen him in action and his disregard for the country is the scary part. He is #1 and always has been - just look at his very public history both in business and personal life. Just listen to all his campaign speeches.

I'm not accusing you of this, but many on here can't accept someone else's opinion, especially if it's against Trump. They instead talk about Biden when that's not the issue being discussed. They are the ones who are deranged about Trump. Some claim to be tolerant but don't show it in their comments. This division in our country is mostly due to Trump and he continues to divide the country.
I agree the parties do not truly represent the people’s views but the Democratic Party has catered to every special interest group to the point there is no clear direction or policy. The focus changes constantly on what is most important other than defeating Trump. That is why a good number of people in the middle are siding with Trump. You have to hold your nose as you vote for either candidate.
I think Trump started a divide in this country and some of it was good. But I think the Democrats and the some of the Republicans reaction to Trump has exponentially taken it to another level.
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