What's the best Georgia brewed beer?

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I got to be faithful to Terrapin. Specifically,
Speaking of Tropicalia, does anyone know where I can get my hands on some in Atlanta? Just graduated and moving back to Atlanta in a few weeks, and it'd be great to have access to Trops
Go to a Kroger on a Thursday or hop city on Thursday. Kroger and I think Whole Foods have contracts with CC regarding what can be sold within a certain radius of a store. The hop city at Krog street always has it on a Thursday but it goes pretty fast.

You can find it on draft at a lot of bars and restaurants.

That being said, scofflaw basement is a very similar beer and just as good if not better. They had some issues with production a few months ago which really affected their canning volume but I assume they'll be back soon. It's available on draft at a lot of places. They made a seasonal basement with tropical fruits which was fantastic.

My favorite georgia beer is Athena paradiso with the raspberries, cherries, etc. For whoever likes three taverns rapturous you should give it a try when it's in season.

It's a good time to be a beer fan in the state.
Got to say, living in North Carolina these days the number of great craft beers based out of this state absolutely dwarf what comes out of Georgia.
Not a specific beer but Cherry Street Brewery in Forsyth Co. just won best brewery in America. Of course, this is debatable, but they brew some really great beers.

I think they had 3 beers take gold medal.

Edit: Tropicalia, Rye Pale Ale, Eventide Pale Ale, Sweet Water IPA, Hop Dang Diggity.
All are my favorites.
Its been years since I lived in GA. Do they still have the antiquated Alcohol by Volume laws? I know that severely stunted the growth of microbrews for many years.
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