Wisconsin GOP election fraud audit


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Jan 31, 2002
You may remember that the WI GOP hired a former WI State Supreme Court justice to lead the efforts to find fraud in the 2020 presidential election. It was suggested that hiring a former justice gave the effort an air of legitimacy. Well, not really. Here is what was divulged in court today.
  • Justice Michael Gableman did not own a computer and as such had to write most of his report at the local public library. This while he was being paid $11k per month for his work.
  • He acknowledged that he acquired Covid while attending a Mike Lindell event in South Dakota and that the two weeks he was sick interrupted his efforts. Attending the event of one of the biggest election fraud nutters does not exactly provide a patina of impartiality.
  • He is unable to provide some requested records because he deleted his yahoo mail account that contained much of his work on this audit. Well, actually, he asked someone else to delete it for him and he isn't sure who that was. regardless, he can't access the records.
  • The judge presiding today pointed out that during the two weeks Gableman claims he was bedridden with ZCovid, he also claims he wrote a seven page report at a public library.
Gableman was known as a political hack before he was elected to a single term at the state Supreme Court and he didn't bother running for reelection for that same reason. He was a horrible choice to lead any effort that is even trying to appear non-partisan and the results and what we learned today prove it. Gableman made the Cyber Ninjas look good, and I would have told you that was impossible.

You may remember that the WI GOP hired a former WI State Supreme Court justice to lead the efforts to find fraud in the 2020 presidential election. It was suggested that hiring a former justice gave the effort an air of legitimacy. Well, not really. Here is what was divulged in court today.
  • Justice Michael Gableman did not own a computer and as such had to write most of his report at the local public library. This while he was being paid $11k per month for his work.
  • He acknowledged that he acquired Covid while attending a Mike Lindell event in South Dakota and that the two weeks he was sick interrupted his efforts. Attending the event of one of the biggest election fraud nutters does not exactly provide a patina of impartiality.
  • He is unable to provide some requested records because he deleted his yahoo mail account that contained much of his work on this audit. Well, actually, he asked someone else to delete it for him and he isn't sure who that was. regardless, he can't access the records.
  • The judge presiding today pointed out that during the two weeks Gableman claims he was bedridden with ZCovid, he also claims he wrote a seven page report at a public library.
Gableman was known as a political hack before he was elected to a single term at the state Supreme Court and he didn't bother running for reelection for that same reason. He was a horrible choice to lead any effort that is even trying to appear non-partisan and the results and what we learned today prove it. Gableman made the Cyber Ninjas look good, and I would have told you that was impossible.

Did he wipe it clean with a cloth or take a hammer to it?
You may remember that the WI GOP hired a former WI State Supreme Court justice to lead the efforts to find fraud in the 2020 presidential election. It was suggested that hiring a former justice gave the effort an air of legitimacy. Well, not really. Here is what was divulged in court today.
  • Justice Michael Gableman did not own a computer and as such had to write most of his report at the local public library. This while he was being paid $11k per month for his work.
  • He acknowledged that he acquired Covid while attending a Mike Lindell event in South Dakota and that the two weeks he was sick interrupted his efforts. Attending the event of one of the biggest election fraud nutters does not exactly provide a patina of impartiality.
  • He is unable to provide some requested records because he deleted his yahoo mail account that contained much of his work on this audit. Well, actually, he asked someone else to delete it for him and he isn't sure who that was. regardless, he can't access the records.
  • The judge presiding today pointed out that during the two weeks Gableman claims he was bedridden with ZCovid, he also claims he wrote a seven page report at a public library.
Gableman was known as a political hack before he was elected to a single term at the state Supreme Court and he didn't bother running for reelection for that same reason. He was a horrible choice to lead any effort that is even trying to appear non-partisan and the results and what we learned today prove it. Gableman made the Cyber Ninjas look good, and I would have told you that was impossible.

Stick with me, this is going to change directions twice.

Please tell us in an itemized list the things that Cyber Ninjas, specifically that one firm out of the 4 engaged in Arizona, did wrong in that audit. Accusations not sufficient. Actual things they did wrong, not things you don't like.

I've asked that question several times on this board. Invariably, the response includes an attempt at Doug Logan's post from a discussion board, usually misquoted.

So if that is a disqualifier, should Dominion Voting Systems be banned from operating election equipment during live elections because one of their senior executives, Eric Coomer, posted numerous anti-Trump name calling rants on Facebook? Coomer confirmed them. The only thing he denies is taking part in a teleconference where he was quoted as saying "Trump is not going to win. I made [effing] sure of that."

Gableman deleted audit files from a Yahoo account. Did anyone mention that all of that is recoverable? It is. Yahoo has real backups. As does any capable systems operation.

Election officials in Georgia deleted 1.7 million ballot images from the 2020 election, despite state and federal law requiring election records to be retained for 24 and 22 months, respectively. These images are the legally counted ballots in any election that uses electronic tabulators. That's why the system preserves them.

Maricopa County officials deleted 1.5 million ballot images in the days before equipment was turned over for the audit, in the name of making a backup, which they have never produced, even for third party investigators that they helped select. This act violated 3 legal court ordered subpoenas.

Backups don't destroy originals, that's why they are called backups. This process had not been done for prior elections, and the files remained intact from the primaries and the 2018 election process. In fact, Arizona still had old election data files from two other states on their disk array, and a second bootable operating system. These things were not found in two post election system inspections by firms approved by the Federal EAC to conduct pre and post election equipment verification.

Have these election officials been arrested, charged with their crimes or even banned from future elections? Why the hell not? Who is accountable for doing that?

I'm no fan of politicians leading audits. This defies the very nature of them. Auditors should be outsiders, not engaged or beholden to government officials. In business, you don't get to hire an auditor because he used to work here. That is, in fact, a reason not to hire them.

There should be audits every election. Government requires audits of publicly traded companies that might attract investments from the public. Might invest. They must be conducted by third party, independent auditors with no connections to the company.

I say we hold elections to no less standard. The public has more at stake with elected officials than with individual stock purchases. Most of the public will never own an individual stock share. All will be governed by the officials elected.

Those elected officials are the ones making these decisions about not punishing those who would violate election law.

"No one will really understand politics until they understand that politicians are not trying to solve our problems. They are trying to solve their own problems - of which getting elected and re-elected are number one and number two. Whatever is number three is far behind." ~ Thomas Sowell
Did he wipe it clean with a cloth or take a hammer to it?
Stick with me, this is going to change directions twice.

Please tell us in an itemized list the things that Cyber Ninjas, specifically that one firm out of the 4 engaged in Arizona, did wrong in that audit. Accusations not sufficient. Actual things they did wrong, not things you don't like.

I've asked that question several times on this board. Invariably, the response includes an attempt at Doug Logan's post from a discussion board, usually misquoted.

So if that is a disqualifier, should Dominion Voting Systems be banned from operating election equipment during live elections because one of their senior executives, Eric Coomer, posted numerous anti-Trump name calling rants on Facebook? Coomer confirmed them. The only thing he denies is taking part in a teleconference where he was quoted as saying "Trump is not going to win. I made [effing] sure of that."

Gableman deleted audit files from a Yahoo account. Did anyone mention that all of that is recoverable? It is. Yahoo has real backups. As does any capable systems operation.

Election officials in Georgia deleted 1.7 million ballot images from the 2020 election, despite state and federal law requiring election records to be retained for 24 and 22 months, respectively. These images are the legally counted ballots in any election that uses electronic tabulators. That's why the system preserves them.

Maricopa County officials deleted 1.5 million ballot images in the days before equipment was turned over for the audit, in the name of making a backup, which they have never produced, even for third party investigators that they helped select. This act violated 3 legal court ordered subpoenas.

Backups don't destroy originals, that's why they are called backups. This process had not been done for prior elections, and the files remained intact from the primaries and the 2018 election process. In fact, Arizona still had old election data files from two other states on their disk array, and a second bootable operating system. These things were not found in two post election system inspections by firms approved by the Federal EAC to conduct pre and post election equipment verification.

Have these election officials been arrested, charged with their crimes or even banned from future elections? Why the hell not? Who is accountable for doing that?

I'm no fan of politicians leading audits. This defies the very nature of them. Auditors should be outsiders, not engaged or beholden to government officials. In business, you don't get to hire an auditor because he used to work here. That is, in fact, a reason not to hire them.

There should be audits every election. Government requires audits of publicly traded companies that might attract investments from the public. Might invest. They must be conducted by third party, independent auditors with no connections to the company.

I say we hold elections to no less standard. The public has more at stake with elected officials than with individual stock purchases. Most of the public will never own an individual stock share. All will be governed by the officials elected.

Those elected officials are the ones making these decisions about not punishing those who would violate election law.

"No one will really understand politics until they understand that politicians are not trying to solve our problems. They are trying to solve their own problems - of which getting elected and re-elected are number one and number two. Whatever is number three is far behind." ~ Thomas Sowell

I'm trying to figure out how this works. Partisan committee that does not permit their evidence to be scrutinized = the truth. Evidence presented by another possible partisan in a written public report available for scrutiny = ignore any evidence, the investigator is a nut case. I think I'm detecting a pattern.
Kari Lake is poised and professional. She has that down. She was at one point the senior TV news analyst in Arizona. She knows inside and out how reporters work.

Things like this happen literally every day with her, and you never see it on the local news.
Owning the libs, hanging out with white supremacist and continuing to lie about election fraud. Today’s Republican Party personified.
Owning the libs, hanging out with white supremacist and continuing to lie about election fraud. Today’s Republican Party personified.
I said she's polished and has a lot of media experience. The rest of that came from the voices in your head.

You haven't seen, first hand, local media personalities in Phoenix screaming at hourly workers and threatening them like a protest mob. I thought that's what I saw outside Veterans Arena, but a security guard told me "They all have media credentials. They're mad because we wouldn't just let them walk in here."
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No, but she is full of shit. Of course most/all politicians are. I’m just not a fan of this kind of fake moral outrage.

You mean Pols like this one...

A section on Cheney's campaign website answers the question: "How do I change my party affiliation to register as a Republican so I can vote for Liz?" The website directs visitors to forms where they can change their party affiliation up to 14 days from the primary election, which will be held Aug. 2.

"You may also change your party affiliation at your polling place on the day of the primary or general election, or when requesting an absentee ballot," Cheney's website states.

In February, Cheney told the Times that asking for Democrats to switch parties to support her was off the table.
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Owning the libs, hanging out with white supremacist and continuing to lie about election fraud. Today’s Republican Party personified.
That is the propoganda. The fear porn. Keep fapping to it. That is the whole point of that exchange. She crushed her for exactly what you just said. The bs that she has spread about her. You better pipe down. She may hear you.
That is the propoganda. The fear porn. Keep fapping to it. That is the whole point of that exchange. She crushed her for exactly what you just said. The bs that she has spread about her. You better pipe down. She may hear you.
Haven’t you gotten the newsletter yet? Everyone who isn’t Liberal is a White Supremacist. And plus everyone knows Bill Kristol is sane and reasonable and loves Americans. Just like Keith Olberman does too.
Fellas, its really time to cut will off. His post are always the same. He takes the far left looney view and spews it as fact. He spins, he misrepresents, he uses talking points. Some of his post come directly from pud puller Jeffery Toobin. There is no fact based discussion with him because he is all in on whatever lie the far left media and dim party tells him. He has never found a problem with any of the proven corruption of his party members but still spews the russia russia russia hoax. He does not deserve a response to the falsehoods he posts. Let me be the only one to respond to his post. I don't give a flying flip if the folks on the left don't like what I have to say. They can dish but when the kitchen gets a little hot they all go running to mommy. The so called former pubs now independents on here are nothing but weak little men that won't fight for what is good for the country. Trump hurt their sensibilities, while all he was doing was acting like the dim he used to be as far as all that mean tweet stuff goes. The dims call conservatives raciest white suprimist and worse on almost a daily basis if you disagree with them. Then when you come back at them they take there ball and go home. They ignore me but thats ok. I will not stop pointing out the lies.
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That is the propoganda. The fear porn. Keep fapping to it. That is the whole point of that exchange. She crushed her for exactly what you just said. The bs that she has spread about her. You better pipe down. She may hear you.
This is not propaganda. Quite the opposite.

As your video shows, owning the libs is absolutely part of her brand.

I was mistaken on one topic in that I thought she spoke at Nick Fuentes's conference, as she was scheduled to do. She made a good call and left it to Wendy Rogers and Joe Arpaio (Paul Gosar spoke there the prior year) to represent AZ republicans at the event. Interesting that after Fuentes's followers went after Lake online, Fuentes suggested it was merely a scheduling error and his white nationalist followers should still support her.

She absolutely remains a commited big lie conspiracy theorist. In fact it is central to her campaign and she has run ads on the topic. She is very comfortable with conspiracy theories in general and considers herself a friend and allie of MTG.
  • “Ms. Lake has made conspiracy theories a centerpiece of her campaign — releasing a television ad that told viewers that if they were watching the ad, they were in the middle of a ‘fake news’ program. ‘You know how to know it’s fake?’ she says to the camera. ‘Because they won’t even cover the biggest story out there: the rigged election of 2020.’ She also touts her endorsement from the chief executive of MyPillow, Mike Lindell, a key financier of right-wing efforts to discredit the 2020 election.”

I said she's polished and has a lot of media experience. The rest of that came from the voices in your head.

You haven't seen, first hand, local media personalities in Phoenix screaming at hourly workers and threatening them like a protest mob. I thought that's what I saw outside Veterans Arena, but a security guard told me "They all have media credentials. They're mad because we wouldn't just let them walk in here."
Zona, help me understand something. As you well know, talking about 2020 election fraud is absolutely core to Lake's positioning. I think you continue to contend that fraud has been proven in AZ, although I'm not really sure how to bottom-line your very detailed posts on the topic. Please correct me if I am wrong.

So Rusty Bowers testified this week, under oath, that he saw no proof of fraud when Trump was pressuring him to illegally flip AZ and he has still seen no proof of fraud. This is the same guy who voted for Trump and said, even after the hell Trump followers put he and his dying daughter through when he resisted Trump's illegal efforts, that if the choice is Biden or Trump in '24, he would definitely vote for Trump. This guy is as conservative and loyal a republican as you can find and he knows that proving fraud would help the republicans at the ballot box in AZ and nationally for a generation. And yet he contends there is no proof of fraud.

So why does the guy who would absolutely love the impact of the proof of fraud say there is no proof of fraud?
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This is not propaganda. Quite the opposite.

As your video shows, owning the libs is absolutely part of her brand.

I was mistaken on one topic in that I thought she spoke at Nick Fuentes's conference, as she was scheduled to do. She made a good call and left it to Wendy Rogers and Joe Arpaio (Paul Gosar spoke there the prior year) to represent AZ republicans at the event. Interesting that after Fuentes's followers went after Lake online, Fuentes suggested it was merely a scheduling error and his white nationalist followers should still support her.

She absolutely remains a commited big lie conspiracy theorist. In fact it is central to her campaign and she has run ads on the topic. She is very comfortable with conspiracy theories in general and considers herself a friend and allie of MTG.
  • “Ms. Lake has made conspiracy theories a centerpiece of her campaign — releasing a television ad that told viewers that if they were watching the ad, they were in the middle of a ‘fake news’ program. ‘You know how to know it’s fake?’ she says to the camera. ‘Because they won’t even cover the biggest story out there: the rigged election of 2020.’ She also touts her endorsement from the chief executive of MyPillow, Mike Lindell, a key financier of right-wing efforts to discredit the 2020 election.”

Zona, help me understand something. As you well know, talking about 2020 election fraud is absolutely core to Lake's positioning. I think you continue to contend that fraud has been proven in AZ, although I'm not really sure how to bottom-line your very detailed posts on the topic. Please correct me if I am wrong.

So Rusty Bowers testified this week, under oath, that he saw no proof of fraud when Trump was pressuring him to illegally flip AZ and he has still seen no proof of fraud. This is the same guy who voted for Trump and said, even after the hell Trump followers put he and his dying daughter through when he resisted Trump's illegal efforts, that if the choice is Biden or Trump in '24, he would definitely vote for Trump. This guy is as conservative and loyal a republican as you can find and he knows that proving fraud would help the republicans at the ballot box in AZ and nationally for a generation. And yet he contends there is no proof of fraud.

So why does the guy who would absolutely love the impact of the proof of fraud say there is no proof of fraud?
What else is he going to say. Of course he is going to say that to save face. There is a disgusting group that supports the Republican Party. Thank god for you guys. Right now if you are a white republican, Dems classify you as a racist or white nationalist. You have three guys on this board, who do it with every post. Is this true? No. I find socialists and Marxist disgusting. You got plenty of them out there. And in no way are they supporting what being an American should be about will. There are disgusting people out there everywhere, but the language used like this about being racist or whatever causes violence. But please continue on. I will show you a video of what I am talking about. You ever see these go in another direction anymore. No. No one wants to talk about that. It is too difficult. One guy in the comments says he sees more videos like this than he does cheerios commercials.

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This is not propaganda. Quite the opposite.

As your video shows, owning the libs is absolutely part of her brand.

I was mistaken on one topic in that I thought she spoke at Nick Fuentes's conference, as she was scheduled to do. She made a good call and left it to Wendy Rogers and Joe Arpaio (Paul Gosar spoke there the prior year) to represent AZ republicans at the event. Interesting that after Fuentes's followers went after Lake online, Fuentes suggested it was merely a scheduling error and his white nationalist followers should still support her.

She absolutely remains a commited big lie conspiracy theorist. In fact it is central to her campaign and she has run ads on the topic. She is very comfortable with conspiracy theories in general and considers herself a friend and allie of MTG.
  • “Ms. Lake has made conspiracy theories a centerpiece of her campaign — releasing a television ad that told viewers that if they were watching the ad, they were in the middle of a ‘fake news’ program. ‘You know how to know it’s fake?’ she says to the camera. ‘Because they won’t even cover the biggest story out there: the rigged election of 2020.’ She also touts her endorsement from the chief executive of MyPillow, Mike Lindell, a key financier of right-wing efforts to discredit the 2020 election.”

Zona, help me understand something. As you well know, talking about 2020 election fraud is absolutely core to Lake's positioning. I think you continue to contend that fraud has been proven in AZ, although I'm not really sure how to bottom-line your very detailed posts on the topic. Please correct me if I am wrong.

So Rusty Bowers testified this week, under oath, that he saw no proof of fraud when Trump was pressuring him to illegally flip AZ and he has still seen no proof of fraud. This is the same guy who voted for Trump and said, even after the hell Trump followers put he and his dying daughter through when he resisted Trump's illegal efforts, that if the choice is Biden or Trump in '24, he would definitely vote for Trump. This guy is as conservative and loyal a republican as you can find and he knows that proving fraud would help the republicans at the ballot box in AZ and nationally for a generation. And yet he contends there is no proof of fraud.

So why does the guy who would absolutely love the impact of the proof of fraud say there is no proof of fraud?
Rusty Bowers, the Speaker of the state house, has tried to have it both ways. He rode Trump's popularity to re-election like many others in 2020. Then he jettisoned that connection as soon as his office was secured. From the perspective of in-state politics over the past 18 months he has been fine on some fronts, disappointing on others.

His posturing on elections has nothing to do with facts and everything to do with protecting his backside. He's just like a number of Republican politicians in this state who don't want anyone looking too closely at the last election. Bowers finished second in the general election and won in a runoff, picking up the majority of Democrat votes.

Here's an interesting fact from Maricopa County: the county officials that have been the most defensive of their ham handed handling of the last election won their office by the narrowest of margins, including County Recorder Stephen Richer (0.2%), Chairman of the Board of Supervisors Jack Sellars (0.05%), and Supervisor Bill (no relation) Gates (1.6%). The lone supervisor supporting opening the books for inspection, Steve Chucri, won his race by a 21% margin.

These points go into my reasoning that election security is not a partisan issue. Trying to make it one loses the point. It is The People vs. Politicians.
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Just going to leave this here with a quick reminder. Election integrity is not a Red Team vs. Blue Team issue. It is an Us (The People) vs. Them (Politicians) issue.

They will come up with some flimsy excuse to make all that just AOK. They no more care about election integrity, or our democracy as the wail on and on and on about Trump. Look at the statements Brandon and odumba made about scotus today. How the chat libs cry and bash their teeth about Trump not respecting the institutions of our country. Not one word out of them about the threats the leftist have made toward the justices. Lib hypocrisy makes me puke.
Just going to leave this here with a quick reminder. Election integrity is not a Red Team vs. Blue Team issue. It is an Us (The People) vs. Them (Politicians) issue.

I posted something similar. The hypocrisy is off the charts. Revisionist history. Great video. Thanks for posting. You are 100 percent correct. Not a left vs right. It is a left and right vs the people.
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Just going to leave this here with a quick reminder. Election integrity is not a Red Team vs. Blue Team issue. It is an Us (The People) vs. Them (Politicians) issue.

I posed a question to you that I don’t think you have answered yet. Yes or no, do you think there is proof of election fraud in the 2020 election?
I posed a question to you that I don’t think you have answered yet. Yes or no, do you think there is proof of election fraud in the 2020 election?

Yes. Is it enough to change the results. No. But there was also 4 dead people that voted. Doesn’t change that both sides and how they treat election losses.
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Just going to leave this here with a quick reminder. Election integrity is not a Red Team vs. Blue Team issue. It is an Us (The People) vs. Them (Politicians) issue.

I would give your post more credit if you would’ve included Bush vs Gore 2000 and Trump in 2020. Have you watched any of the Jan 6 hearings by the way?
I posted something similar. The hypocrisy is off the charts. Revisionist history. Great video. Thanks for posting. You are 100 percent correct. Not a left vs right. It is a left and right vs the people.
Have you watched any of the Jan 6 hearings?
I would give your post more credit if you would’ve included Bush vs Gore 2000 and Trump in 2020. Have you watched any of the Jan 6 hearings by the way?
Have you watched any of the Jan 6 hearings?
The answer at least with Zona is no. It’s not a difficult exercise to understand the difference between the two situations if you are willing to be consistent in applying evaluation criteria.

Regarding 2016, the Dems are commenting on an the FACT that Trump requested help from an enemy state, received help in the form of hacked oppo emails and extensive social media engineering and whose campaign manager was classified as a counterintelligence threat. It is highly relevant that Dem leadership actions were limited to commentary and not the seven step, complex plan we saw in 2020 that included pressuring the justice department to lie, pressuring state officials to lie, pressuring the VP to brazenly act against the Constitution and unleashing a mob on the Capitol to disrupt certification and provide enough chaos to instal fake electors.

Anyone suggesting they can’t recognize a difference is being willfully ignorant or disingenuous.
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The answer at least with Zona is no. It’s not a difficult exercise to understand the difference between the two situations if you are willing to be consistent in applying evaluation criteria.

Regarding 2016, the Dems are commenting on an the FACT that Trump requested help from an enemy state, received help in the form of hacked oppo emails and extensive social media engineering and whose campaign manager was classified as a counterintelligence threat. It is highly relevant that Dem leadership actions were limited to commentary and not the seven step, complex plan we saw in 2020 that included pressuring the justice department to lie, pressuring state officials to lie, pressuring the VP to brazenly act against the Constitution and unleashing a mob on the Capitol to disrupt certification and provide enough chaos to instal fake electors.

Anyone suggesting they can’t recognize a difference is being willfully ignorant or disingenuous.
That recognition goes both ways. He did what he has always done. Fight all comers. He handled this like a business man under attack. In 2016, they all handled the loss like politicians. Find me a camera.

I admit freely that trump used his power to do all he could do to keep the results from being finalized. He knew once they were it was over. This escalation didn’t surprise me a bit. The capitol event did. But he certainly didn’t tell these folks to attack the capitol. No. What happened is exactly what will continue to happen. A reaction to the other side. Jan 6th happened because of the summer protest/riots. Period. Trumps reaction happened because of all the vitriol that came from the left after he won. I had never seen any reaction like that after an election in my lifetime. Politicians from the left finding any camera available to call the election stolen. Calling him illegitimate. Not their president. The left has that avenue because the media gives them a reach around whenever they want. Trump did exactly what he has always done. Stacy didn’t want to concede against kemp. She claimed the election was fraudulent. Next big time elections in ga she is accused of all kinds of shenanigans. Weird events happened that night.

Escalating reactions. Don’t look now, but the left is now occupying the capitol whenever it wants for a cause. Threatening judges. There will be a reaction from the other side to this down the line as well. Will, it is still hypocritical. Not seeing that is being completely ignorant. Since you want to throw that word towards me.

No one else wanted to find out why this election produced such different results. Not who was voted for so much, just the sheer numbers. For a guy who was no where near as popular as previous candidates. That actually bothered me. The election results were never going to be overturned. But investigations into why so many firsts happened to preserve democracy as you say, should have been supported. They weren’t. Because everyone had to be sure the big bad Orangeman was gone. The rest of this is bs. A dog and pony show, that trump haters sit around with Kleenex and ky, and relieve themselves of four years of built up hate. I will wait for the next three months. A least part of this nightmare admin you voted for will be cut off. My first cousin closed his business yesterday due to the policies of this president. He says thanks.
You may remember that the WI GOP hired a former WI State Supreme Court justice to lead the efforts to find fraud in the 2020 presidential election. It was suggested that hiring a former justice gave the effort an air of legitimacy. Well, not really. Here is what was divulged in court today.
  • Justice Michael Gableman did not own a computer and as such had to write most of his report at the local public library. This while he was being paid $11k per month for his work.
  • He acknowledged that he acquired Covid while attending a Mike Lindell event in South Dakota and that the two weeks he was sick interrupted his efforts. Attending the event of one of the biggest election fraud nutters does not exactly provide a patina of impartiality.
  • He is unable to provide some requested records because he deleted his yahoo mail account that contained much of his work on this audit. Well, actually, he asked someone else to delete it for him and he isn't sure who that was. regardless, he can't access the records.
  • The judge presiding today pointed out that during the two weeks Gableman claims he was bedridden with ZCovid, he also claims he wrote a seven page report at a public library.
Gableman was known as a political hack before he was elected to a single term at the state Supreme Court and he didn't bother running for reelection for that same reason. He was a horrible choice to lead any effort that is even trying to appear non-partisan and the results and what we learned today prove it. Gableman made the Cyber Ninjas look good, and I would have told you that was impossible.

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Actual examples of proof of fraud are conspicuously absent from your post. If you post some BS about 2000 mules you lose all credibility. Do better please.

If you actually watched the hearings over the last few weeks you would have seen senior Republican after senior Republican stating under oath that there was no proof of fraud at the time and remains no proof of fraud that they have seen. These are people who would absolutely love the impact that proof of fraud would have on the ‘22 and ‘24 elections, yet they know the big lie is a cynical and destructive fantasy.

It’s just bizarre that you and others believe fraud was required to defeat a president who never had better than a 50% approval rating (and only had that briefly), who was the first president since Hoover to suffer net job loss during his term and who has been a polarizing figure his entire life. It’s not like the results were out of the margins of error of the late polling either.

He lost. Get over it.
Actual examples of proof of fraud are conspicuously absent from your post. If you post some BS about 2000 mules you lose all credibility. Do better please.

If you actually watched the hearings over the last few weeks you would have seen senior Republican after senior Republican stating under oath that there was no proof of fraud at the time and remains no proof of fraud that they have seen. These are people who would absolutely love the impact that proof of fraud would have on the ‘22 and ‘24 elections, yet the know the big lie is a cynical and destructive fantasy.

It’s just bizarre that you and other believe fraud was required to defeat a president who never had better than a 50% approval rating (and only had that briefly), who was the first president since Hoover to suffer net job loss during term and who have been a polarizing figure his entire life. It’s not like the results were out of the margins of error of the late polling either.

He lost. Get over it.
I bet this is what you want to talk about. It’s right out of the Democrat handbook. Distract distract distract. I notice you have said nothing about the utter hypocrisy of the Jan 6 show trial. Dem’s are openly calling for violence. They tried to take over at least 2 State Houses yesterday. Insurrection no? Also ate Colbert’s staffers going to be in solitary fit well over a year? Biden is literally using his DOJ/FBI to raid the homes of his political enemies. Bet you want to talk about anything but that. Distract distract distract.
I bet this is what you want to talk about. It’s right out of the Democrat handbook. Distract distract distract. I notice you have said nothing about the utter hypocrisy of the Jan 6 show trial. Dem’s are openly calling for violence. They tried to take over at least 2 State Houses yesterday. Insurrection no? Also ate Colbert’s staffers going to be in solitary fit well over a year? Biden is literally using his DOJ/FBI to raid the homes of his political enemies. Bet you want to talk about anything but that. Distract distract distract.
Wait, who is changing the subject? As usual no substantive response to my points.
Actual examples of proof of fraud are conspicuously absent from your post. If you post some BS about 2000 mules you lose all credibility. Do better please.

If you actually watched the hearings over the last few weeks you would have seen senior Republican after senior Republican stating under oath that there was no proof of fraud at the time and remains no proof of fraud that they have seen. These are people who would absolutely love the impact that proof of fraud would have on the ‘22 and ‘24 elections, yet they know the big lie is a cynical and destructive fantasy.

It’s just bizarre that you and others believe fraud was required to defeat a president who never had better than a 50% approval rating (and only had that briefly), who was the first president since Hoover to suffer net job loss during his term and who has been a polarizing figure his entire life. It’s not like the results were out of the margins of error of the late polling either.

He lost. Get over it.
Dude, YOU ARE THE PERSON THAT CONTINUALLY BRINGS UP TRUMP AND THE 2020 election. People respond to your diatribe’s then you have the Gaul to tell others to get over it. LOL You are rich.

Here is exactly what happened. There was fraud. In GA there was enough to change the outcome. It’s on video. Laws were broken. The dims and weak kneed rino rrpublicans wanted him out. The pubs let it happen. The election was never going to be overturned. If they ever admitted what happened they themselves would be in prison and no election would ever be trusted. The pols are in it together protecting each other. You are what you claim others are (willfully ignorant) if you can look at all the evidence of mail in voter fraud and deny there were any problems.

Now why don’t you take some meds and chill on the TDS. BRANDON is your president, you got what you wanted. Now just enjoy the joys of a country being run into the dirt by the party of evil and leave the rest of us alone. Y’all cheated like heck got away with it and are wreaking the country. You should just be happy.
I would give your post more credit if you would’ve included Bush vs Gore 2000 and Trump in 2020. Have you watched any of the Jan 6 hearings by the way?
Clearly you missed the point.

I posted the 2016 election montage to remind people (again) that this was a big deal for the "blue team" in 2016 that they kept up perpetually until midway through 2020, just in time for the primaries.

Certainly, all 3 of those elections were important. In Bush/Gore the big to-do was about certain counties in Florida. Months of lawsuits. What really sets it apart is everybody got to inspect the punch cards in question, multiple times, until the cards were starting to degrade from all the handling. Later, a university symposium on elections asked to see the ballots. They got to see them, handle them, inspect and count them. See the big bad difference between then and now staring you in the face?

I think we're all aware that the 2020 election was contested, but why is everybody hiding the information? We collect a lot more data now than we did in 2000. There is the same legal requirement to retain every stitch of it for 22 months by federal law, for inspection. Why has every legal excuse possible been thrown up to not allow inspection? Why have some states and counties destroyed or removed important election data from the most recent election? They didn't do that in 2016 or 2018.
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Clearly you missed the point.

I posted the 2016 election montage to remind people (again) that this was a big deal for the "blue team" in 2016 that they kept up perpetually until midway through 2020. Then it suddenly stopped.

Certainly, all 3 of those elections were important. In Bush/Gore the big to-do was about certain counties in Florida. Months of lawsuits. What really sets it apart is everybody got to inspect the punch cards in question, multiple times, until the cards were starting to degrade from all the handling. Later, a university symposium on elections asked to see the ballots. They got to see them, handle them, inspect and count them. See the big bad difference between then and now staring you in the face?

I think we're all aware that the 2020 election was contested, but why is everybody hiding the information? We collect a lot more data now than we did in 2000. There is the same legal requirement to retain every stitch of it for 22 months by federal law, for inspection. Why has every legal excuse possible been thrown up to not allow inspection? Why have some states and counties destroyed or removed important election data from the most recent election? They didn't do that in 2016 or 2018.
100 percent agree. We are protecting our democracy, by not letting it take its course. Because people told him no way the election was stolen and there is a better path to go down at this time. Of course, he should have taken a different path. So many new things happened in the 2020 election. The numbers don’t lie. And I think any idiot with half a brain can easily conclude it wasn’t that secure. They tried a lot of new voting techniques due to covid. How on earth is it crazy not to have everyone check into what happened. If things went wrong, well, it was a crazy time due to covid. We fix it and move on. Trump already looked bad. Now we have these hearings from one side of the equation, that make him look like he is the most feared man on earth. The strategy by the left right now is breathtaking. Never have there ever been more clowns running the show.
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