A prominent conservative judge weighs in again on the current Republican Party.


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Jan 31, 2002
Last week, at the University of Georgia School of Law, Luttig said:

With the former president’s and his Republican Party’s determined denial of January 6, their refusal to acknowledge that the former president lost the 2020 presidential election fair and square, and their promise that the 2024 election will not be “stolen” from them again as they maintain it was in 2020, America’s Democracy and the Rule of Law are in constitutional peril — still. And there is no end to the threat in sight….
We are a house divided and our poisonous politics is fast eating away at the fabric of our society….
The Republican Party has made its decision that the war against America’s Democracy and the Rule of Law it instigated on January 6 will go on, prosecuted to its catastrophic end.
This is not some liberal activist judge. This is a well known and well respected conservative voice from the bench.

@zingerdawg, this is what I’m talking about when I keep saying that some things are more important than policy.

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He sounds like someone with TDS. Any true Republican could not side with Biden and Democrats. They have done much more to damage our democracy. There are many old school Republicans who hate Trump. Trump policies were good for America but many can’t get beyond their hatred of him.
The Republican Party has made its decision that the war against America’s Democracy and the Rule of Law it instigated on January 6 will go on, prosecuted to its catastrophic end.
It's been quite a day to reflect upon this, hasn't it?

1) Judge Thomas is revealed to be unethical and possibly corrupt, which he can't pawn off on his wife this time.
2) ^^ this dude calls it like he sees it ^^
3) and Tennessee evicted a duly elected Rep from its statehouse for... wanting some gun laws and standing in solidarity with peaceful protesters.
Last week, at the University of Georgia School of Law, Luttig said:

This is not some liberal activist judge. This is a well known and well respected conservative voice from the bench.

@zingerdawg, this is what I’m talking about when I keep saying that some things are more important than policy.

I get it. I have been saying over and over I would like the Republican Party to move on from trump. I said in 2016 we are voting for the less of two evils. And that is really hard to determine. His policies are some of the first ever by a president to benefit me and my family personally. A lot of people feel that way. They are sick and Fvcking tired of being neglected by the left. And watching helplessly as they prison rape the middle class over and over again. While also labeling anyone from the right a bigot or deplorable. Will I don’t disagree with you other than despite what you posted. He is still less evil. More American. This group would rather protect people overseas than their own citizens.

Let’s review to be clear. We were sold if the evil trump is replaced. Centrist joe Biden will unite the country. Wrong. He is now a Marxist basically and in no way similar to who he was before Obama. He hasn’t made one decision that hasn’t benefitted the far left. What he has done with the border is committing crimes against our country. He has unleashed dangerous people coming over here. Now the biggest killer of people 18-45 is fentanyl. His energy policy is so bad, it is unexplainable. Being a socialist leaning person is not something the American dream has ever been about. He changes with the polls daily.

Once trump is gone, the assholes you put into office will move on to desantis being evil. Or whomever, unless he isn’t a sniveling left ass kissing worm like McConnell. Most are sick of being unheard and overrun. That is why Fox News is so popular. That is why trump is here. Until that changes people like trump and mtg will remain in the public eye.

Last. But not least. Biden is a compromised, elderly man. He is leading our country. That to me is mind blowing and more scary than anything trump has done or could do. Only overlooked because he is a democrat. His vp, is afraid of the mic now. And is severely underperforming. She also can’t put a coherent sentence together.

All that trump has done. All that the judge mentioned. He is still less evil, and less dangerous running the country, than a senile, mini stroke ridden man and a low iq vp.
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It's been quite a day to reflect upon this, hasn't it?

1) Judge Thomas is revealed to be unethical and possibly corrupt, which he can't pawn off on his wife this time.
2) ^^ this dude calls it like he sees it ^^
3) and Tennessee evicted a duly elected Rep from its statehouse for... wanting some gun laws and standing in solidarity with peaceful protesters.
Add to the list the NC state rep from a district Biden won by 20 points switching parties to give the republicans a supermajority in the state house. Shady, shady shit.

At least the voters in WI turned out for the state Supreme Court race.
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Add to the list the NC state rep from a district Biden won by 20 points switching parties to give the republicans a supermajority in the state house. Shady, shady shit.

At least the voters in WI turned out for the state Supreme Court race.
oh, man. Tennessee evicted the two young black dudes and let the white lady keep her seat.

I predict right here that Pearson makes Tennessee Rs regret it. Dude knows what he's about.
He sounds like someone with TDS. Any true Republican could not side with Biden and Democrats. They have done much more to damage our democracy. There are many old school Republicans who hate Trump. Trump policies were good for America but many can’t get beyond their hatred of him.
This sounds like a Rinopub to me.
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It's been quite a day to reflect upon this, hasn't it?

1) Judge Thomas is revealed to be unethical and possibly corrupt, which he can't pawn off on his wife this time.
2) ^^ this dude calls it like he sees it ^^
3) and Tennessee evicted a duly elected Rep from its statehouse for... wanting some gun laws and standing in solidarity with peaceful protesters.
oh, man. Tennessee evicted the two young black dudes and let the white lady keep her seat.

I predict right here that Pearson makes Tennessee Rs regret it. Dude knows what he's about.
Love the cnn headline. Democrats losing democracy to white supremacy. No fear porn there. That is like saying Clarence Thomas is being targeted because he married a white woman. They are hopping tonight. Van jones is the happiest guy on the set. Don lemon wasn’t invited. He has been cursing out the women on cnn for misogyny.

I will say this. Not sure how the gop there thought this might slide my the liberal msm. Pretty bold move. Let’s see what the truth turns out to be.
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It is so lame that time after time you run in here with some softer than charmin idiot that has tds and hold it up as proof. What I see as proof has way more to do with real life than some rinos opinion. BTW you or the msm calling someone conservative is not an endorsement or proof that he is. Second, I can give you lots of statements by Dershowitz supporting Trump and making fun of democrats. Will that provide you with the evidence you need to run from biden? Nope, because you in fact do not care about the country or anything you whine about. You only care about coming across as some "thoughtful" touchy feely woke intellectual. In real life, your party kills innocents, it sexualizes children, it supports perverted sex, drag shows for children, trans men competing in women's sports, high energy prices, weak military, weak America, Your party is the party of special interest, is morally bankrupt, lies, cheats, steals. Biden is on Chinas payroll, as well as the Ukraine's. Anti free speech, Anti America. but you folks vote for him. I'm ready for you to burn it all down. If you people are so dumb as to support the crap in the white house now you deserve it, its going to happen and since it is inevitable I want to see you all suffer for doing this to our great country. How anyone can look at the media and what they report and believe the blatant lies is beyond the scope of any sane thought. Just compare and contrast the way similar events are treated depending on which party is involved. That should cause outrage, but from you and your lib brothers it brings excuses, spin, denial, and dishonesty. There are several pubs I would vote for over trump some I wouldn't in the primary. But I dang well will vote for him if he is the nominee. Why, because no matter what he is or has done. He is still better for the country than any dim breathing. He is not a chinese or russian or ukrianian stooge like your boy brandon. He isn't a pedophile lgbqxyt pervert, he doesn't want to sexualize children. he is more honest than a dim. He cares about everyday Americans not the just the elitest leftist globalist. He actually cares about the constitution. Free speech, right to bare arms, freedom of religion, and on down the line. And don't give many any of your bull skate about 1/6 and the constitution. Anyone with A brain cell knows a few hundred protesters is not a coup attempt. Only the willfully ignorant or terminal tds sufferers believe that crap. If you really believed the stuff now with stormy was a serious offense then you would have to agree that killary should face criminal charges for the steel dossier she paid for and leaked to the press to try and steal the 16 election. But you don't. You and your pals will spin, and make up excuses for that. They fined her and it s over for her because of the 2 tiered justice system the dims have working for them in all the big cities. Ray Charles can see the double standard. In short anyone that is not a dim/socialist/communist is WAY BETTER for the country than any dim breathing.
It is so lame that time after time you run in here with some softer than charmin idiot that has tds and hold it up as proof. What I see as proof has way more to do with real life than some rinos opinion. BTW you or the msm calling someone conservative is not an endorsement or proof that he is. Second, I can give you lots of statements by Dershowitz supporting Trump and making fun of democrats. Will that provide you with the evidence you need to run from biden? Nope, because you in fact do not care about the country or anything you whine about. You only care about coming across as some "thoughtful" touchy feely woke intellectual. In real life, your party kills innocents, it sexualizes children, it supports perverted sex, drag shows for children, trans men competing in women's sports, high energy prices, weak military, weak America, Your party is the party of special interest, is morally bankrupt, lies, cheats, steals. Biden is on Chinas payroll, as well as the Ukraine's. Anti free speech, Anti America. but you folks vote for him. I'm ready for you to burn it all down. If you people are so dumb as to support the crap in the white house now you deserve it, its going to happen and since it is inevitable I want to see you all suffer for doing this to our great country. How anyone can look at the media and what they report and believe the blatant lies is beyond the scope of any sane thought. Just compare and contrast the way similar events are treated depending on which party is involved. That should cause outrage, but from you and your lib brothers it brings excuses, spin, denial, and dishonesty. There are several pubs I would vote for over trump some I wouldn't in the primary. But I dang well will vote for him if he is the nominee. Why, because no matter what he is or has done. He is still better for the country than any dim breathing. He is not a chinese or russian or ukrianian stooge like your boy brandon. He isn't a pedophile lgbqxyt pervert, he doesn't want to sexualize children. he is more honest than a dim. He cares about everyday Americans not the just the elitest leftist globalist. He actually cares about the constitution. Free speech, right to bare arms, freedom of religion, and on down the line. And don't give many any of your bull skate about 1/6 and the constitution. Anyone with A brain cell knows a few hundred protesters is not a coup attempt. Only the willfully ignorant or terminal tds sufferers believe that crap. If you really believed the stuff now with stormy was a serious offense then you would have to agree that killary should face criminal charges for the steel dossier she paid for and leaked to the press to try and steal the 16 election. But you don't. You and your pals will spin, and make up excuses for that. They fined her and it s over for her because of the 2 tiered justice system the dims have working for them in all the big cities. Ray Charles can see the double standard. In short anyone that is not a dim/socialist/communist is WAY BETTER for the country than any dim breathing.
Life expectancy in the US is 77.28 years and dropping. Way too short to want to read this, way too short to have written it for no one to read
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Life expectancy in the US is 77.28 years and dropping. Way too short to want to read this, way too short to have written it for no one to read
Don't care about you sir/madam. Don't read it! I don't think you read much of anything that contains truth or has more words than pictures. /
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It's been quite a day to reflect upon this, hasn't it?

1) Judge Thomas is revealed to be unethical and possibly corrupt, which he can't pawn off on his wife this time.
2) ^^ this dude calls it like he sees it ^^
3) and Tennessee evicted a duly elected Rep from its statehouse for... wanting some gun laws and standing in solidarity with peaceful protesters.
The reps in Tennessee were not just standing in solidarity. If so then no action would have been taken. Watch some video of incident. Besides the fact that them being removed is ceremonial at best since they can just be reappointed to fill their own seat which is likely what will happen. It’s a slap on the wrist for their behavior at best.
Tell that dumbass you voted for to stop allowing fentanyl to cross the border. People may start living longer.
Absolutely. IMO Biden should be convicted of aiding child trafficking into sex slavery since his border policies are causing large numbers of kids to be trafficked in for this and he’s killing our youth at over 100,000 per year from fentanyl poisoning.
It is so lame that time after time you run in here with some softer than charmin idiot that has tds and hold it up as proof. What I see as proof has way more to do with real life than some rinos opinion. BTW you or the msm calling someone conservative is not an endorsement or proof that he is. Second, I can give you lots of statements by Dershowitz supporting Trump and making fun of democrats. Will that provide you with the evidence you need to run from biden? Nope, because you in fact do not care about the country or anything you whine about. You only care about coming across as some "thoughtful" touchy feely woke intellectual. In real life, your party kills innocents, it sexualizes children, it supports perverted sex, drag shows for children, trans men competing in women's sports, high energy prices, weak military, weak America, Your party is the party of special interest, is morally bankrupt, lies, cheats, steals. Biden is on Chinas payroll, as well as the Ukraine's. Anti free speech, Anti America. but you folks vote for him. I'm ready for you to burn it all down. If you people are so dumb as to support the crap in the white house now you deserve it, its going to happen and since it is inevitable I want to see you all suffer for doing this to our great country. How anyone can look at the media and what they report and believe the blatant lies is beyond the scope of any sane thought. Just compare and contrast the way similar events are treated depending on which party is involved. That should cause outrage, but from you and your lib brothers it brings excuses, spin, denial, and dishonesty. There are several pubs I would vote for over trump some I wouldn't in the primary. But I dang well will vote for him if he is the nominee. Why, because no matter what he is or has done. He is still better for the country than any dim breathing. He is not a chinese or russian or ukrianian stooge like your boy brandon. He isn't a pedophile lgbqxyt pervert, he doesn't want to sexualize children. he is more honest than a dim. He cares about everyday Americans not the just the elitest leftist globalist. He actually cares about the constitution. Free speech, right to bare arms, freedom of religion, and on down the line. And don't give many any of your bull skate about 1/6 and the constitution. Anyone with A brain cell knows a few hundred protesters is not a coup attempt. Only the willfully ignorant or terminal tds sufferers believe that crap. If you really believed the stuff now with stormy was a serious offense then you would have to agree that killary should face criminal charges for the steel dossier she paid for and leaked to the press to try and steal the 16 election. But you don't. You and your pals will spin, and make up excuses for that. They fined her and it s over for her because of the 2 tiered justice system the dims have working for them in all the big cities. Ray Charles can see the double standard. In short anyone that is not a dim/socialist/communist is WAY BETTER for the country than any dim breathing.
Agree with you 1000%! Well said and what the majority of Americans think.
Funny how the right wants to get upset about open borders and fentanyl now. Where was this same outrage when Regan opened up the flood gates to let crack cocaine into the country? And funded it might I add.
Funny how the right wants to get upset about open borders and fentanyl now. Where was this same outrage when Regan opened up the flood gates to let crack cocaine into the country? And funded it might I add.

Tell that dumbass you voted for to stop allowing fentanyl to cross the border. People may start living longer.
While fentanyl has nothing to do with the ongoing Republican move away from democracy and toward authoritarianism (changing the subject seems to be the only response most republicans have), you might want to read a bit more about how fentanyl enters the country.

While fentanyl has nothing to do with the ongoing Republican move away from democracy and toward authoritarianism (changing the subject seems to be the only response most republicans have), you might want to read a bit more about how fentanyl enters the country.

That article is bullshit. Sorry. It is a blog. The relaxed security at the border has made it much easier. China to the cartels to America. To kill more of us. Even both sides tend to agree they need to nip this, but by all means will believe a blogger and ignore the real problem. I never said asylum seekers are doing all of this, but the open door policy makes it too easy. (Yes. Biden is to blame)Nice brought up a lessening mortality rate. I responded to that.

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That article is bullshit. Sorry. It is a blog. The relaxed security at the border has made it much easier. China to the cartels to America. To kill more of us. Even both sides tend to agree they need to nip this, but by all means will believe a blogger and ignore the real problem. Nice brought up a lessening mortality rate. I responded to that.

You should have read the report you posted. It’s not bullshit and your report actually agrees with it. It states that fentanyl primarily enters the US through official ports of entry. The summary includes the following:

  • Fentanyl precursors are transported from China to Mexico, where cartels produce fentanyl in labs and then typically traffic it to the United States through ports of entry at the border.
  • Fentanyl mainly comes through points of entry, and it is unconfirmed, but doubtful, that migrants seeking asylum are also trafficking fentanyl across the border.
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You should have read the report you posted. It’s not bullshit and your report actually agrees with it. It states that fentanyl primarily enters the US through official ports of entry. The summary includes the following:

  • Fentanyl precursors are transported from China to Mexico, where cartels produce fentanyl in labs and then typically traffic it to the United States through ports of entry at the border.
  • Fentanyl mainly comes through points of entry, and it is unconfirmed, but doubtful, that migrants seeking asylum are also trafficking fentanyl across the border.
I did read it. I edited to respond. Too late. I never said asylum seekers were bringing it in. Please tell me where I posted that. But the relaxed security at the border is the problem. Thank slojoe. How many has that killed. You are trying to spin this. Both sides agree that the current policy on the border isn’t working will. You are trying to blame American drug dealers for the problem at the border. They are just taking advantage of an idiotic policy. Take a lap. That policy is killing Americans. But focus on democracy please. Look away from Americans dying. He made it easier to get the product in. Tell me I am wrong.

Your blogger is using any sympathy for asylum seekers to again turn your eyes away from the problem. Another magic trick. You keep falling for it.
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I did read it. I edited to respond. Too late. I never said asylum seekers were bringing it in. Please tell me where I posted that. But the relaxed security at the border is the problem. Thank slojoe. How many has that killed. You are trying to spin this. Both sides agree that the current policy on the border isn’t working will. You are trying to blame American drug dealers for the problem at the border. They are just taking advantage of an idiotic policy. Take a lap. That policy is killing Americans. But focus on democracy please. Look away from Americans dying. He made it easier to get the product in. Tell me I am wrong.
I guess the question is, if most fentanyl is coming through ports on entry and not through unguarded border points, has security actually been relaxed at those official points of entry? I haven’t been able to find anything suggesting that is the case.
I guess the question is, if most fentanyl is coming through ports on entry and not through unguarded border points, has security actually been relaxed at those official points of entry? I haven’t been able to find anything suggesting that is the case.
Fentanyl has become the number one killer now amongst people 18-45. This just happened recently. The correlation is from the new policy at the border. Relaxed security. They are sneaking it in because it is easier to do so. The number of people dying now is all the proof you need. Or should need to know that two things changed. What and the why? When both sides agree this is the issue, it is a miracle to get an agreement. The politics are just being used so they can deny being the problem. A magic trick. It isn’t the Mexican asylum seekers. Never said that. It is his relaxed policy that gave the cartels the idea and opportunity. That is a duh moment.
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Fentanyl has become the number one killer now amongst people 18-45. This just happened recently. The correlation is from the new policy at the border. Relaxed security. They are sneaking it in because it is easier to do so. The number of people dying now is all the proof you need. Or should need to know that two things changed. What and the why? When both sides agree this is the issue, it is a miracle to get an agreement. The politics are just being used so they can deny being the problem. A magic trick. It isn’t the Mexican asylum seekers. Never said that. It is his relaxed policy that gave the cartels the idea and opportunity. That is a duh moment.
I respectfully suggest you learn more about this topic as you are ignoring the demand side of the equation. The opioid crisis started in the 1990s when Purdue Pharmaceutical and the Sackler family started to aggressively market OxyContin. Deaths due to opioids doubled from 1999 to 2010. Then the cartels started making heroin in MX and flooded the border with it to meet the demand of the adicts who couldn’t afford black market Oxy. Then fentanyl entered the picture because it is cheaper to manufacture and easier to transport given how much more powerful it is.

Fentanyl became the most prevalent opioid in 2016 and between 2015 and 2020 (note the time frame) opioid deaths doubled again.

The awful trend line for fentanyl and opioid deaths was very well established before Biden took office. If you want to really get angry, read more about Purdue and the Sackler family. Their efforts to make billions off of the death and suffering of Americans is as close to an example of pure evil as you can find in corporate America.

Last week, at the University of Georgia School of Law, Luttig said:

This is not some liberal activist judge. This is a well known and well respected conservative voice from the bench.

@zingerdawg, this is what I’m talking about when I keep saying that some things are more important than policy.

I’m waiting to see what liz Cheney thinks.
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I respectfully suggest you learn more about this topic as you are ignoring the demand side of the equation. The opioid crisis started in the 1990s when Purdue Pharmaceutical and the Sackler family started to aggressively market OxyContin. Deaths due to opioids doubled from 1999 to 2010. Then the cartels started making heroin in MX and flooded the border with it to meet the demand of the adicts who couldn’t afford black market Oxy. Then fentanyl entered the picture because it is cheaper to manufacture and easier to transport given how much more powerful it is.

Fentanyl became the most prevalent opioid in 2016 and between 2015 and 2020 (note the time frame) opioid deaths doubled again.

The awful trend line for fentanyl and opioid deaths was very well established before Biden took office. If you want to really get angry, read more about Purdue and the Sackler family. Their efforts to make billions off of the death and suffering of Americans is as close to an example of pure evil as you can find in corporate America.

Whatever will. I know plenty about the problem. Drugs have always been an issue. Congress just admitted in February that we need to change things. What better source do you want. It is a we f’ed up, and need to fix it because more then normal is spilling into the country. Now the problem isn’t just a small one. It is a big one.

Better yet. Do you agree with the border policy? This isn’t a trump thing. Where I give you a pass. The majority of the country thinks our border policy is horrendous. If you think it is a good one, you are a far lefty. That is how they believe. It is for votes. And a byproduct has been easy access now to fentanyl. Just take the loss. You can link enough articles on this one.

You will literally go to the depths of hell to defend Biden. He is trash. A mirror image of trump from the left. Blows my mind. I can certainly admit when the right or trump has screwed up. Which is plenty. This is a Biden f up. Own it.
Whatever will. I know plenty about the problem. Drugs have always been an issue. Congress just admitted in February that we need to change things. What better source do you want. It is a we f’ed up, and need to fix it because more then normal is spilling into the country. Now the problem isn’t just a small one. It is a big one.

Better yet. Do you agree with the border policy? This isn’t a trump thing. Where I give you a pass. The majority of the country thinks our border policy is horrendous. If you think it is a good one, you are a far lefty. That is how they believe. It is for votes. And a byproduct has been easy access now to fentanyl. Just take the loss. You can link enough articles on this one.

You will literally go to the depths of hell to defend Biden. He is trash. A mirror image of trump from the left. Blows my mind. I can certainly admit when the right or trump has screwed up. Which is plenty. This is a Biden f up. Own it.
I’m not going to take the loss because Biden’s border policy is not primarily responsible for the fentanyl crisis. But I’ll agree that we have reached a dead end on the topic.

I’ll say that the top political liability (illegals more than drugs) that Biden could easily fix is border policy. The economy will be the biggest issue in 2024, but Biden can’t just wave a magic wand and fix that. He could effectively do that with border policy.
I’m not going to take the loss because Biden’s border policy is not primarily responsible for the fentanyl crisis. But I’ll agree that we have reached a dead end on the topic.

I’ll say that the top political liability (illegals more than drugs) that Biden could easily fix is border policy. The economy will be the biggest issue in 2024, but Biden can’t just wave a magic wand and fix that. He could effectively do that with border policy.
Why don’t we find out. Close down the border. See if the drugs have a harder time finding their way into country. The senate just said it is going from China to the cartels to the USA. Seems simple enough to me.

I agree the economy is going to be his biggest issue next year.
While fentanyl has nothing to do with the ongoing Republican move away from democracy and toward authoritarianism (changing the subject seems to be the only response most republicans have), you might want to read a bit more about how fentanyl enters the country.

Here you go accusing the Republicans of doing exactly what Biden and the Dems are doing the same old commie strategy over and over.
Fentanyl has become the number one killer now amongst people 18-45. This just happened recently. The correlation is from the new policy at the border. Relaxed security. They are sneaking it in because it is easier to do so. The number of people dying now is all the proof you need. Or should need to know that two things changed. What and the why? When both sides agree this is the issue, it is a miracle to get an agreement. The politics are just being used so they can deny being the problem. A magic trick. It isn’t the Mexican asylum seekers. Never said that. It is his relaxed policy that gave the cartels the idea and opportunity. That is a duh moment.
The cartels are getting rich off the US and the Dems can thank their President for that shit.
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While fentanyl has nothing to do with the ongoing Republican move away from democracy and toward authoritarianism (changing the subject seems to be the only response most republicans have), you might want to read a bit more about how fentanyl enters the country.

Yeah right. It is the Democrats who are trying to become the solitary party in permanent control. Seriously why are they letting in multiple millions of illegals who are very destructive to our economy? Because they want to pad voter roles with more people who feel indebted to their party. They do not care at all about their plight or why they are coming here. It is all a scheme to make it one party rule. Why do the Dems never really do anything to help the lower class who don’t pay taxes and live on government handouts? Because they are buying their loyalty/votes with our tax dollars. They don’t want them to get off Medicaid and welfare and improve their economic status because then they have nothing to hold over them to ensure their vote. If you can’t see that then you have issues beyond what can be fixed.
Yeah right. It is the Democrats who are trying to become the solitary party in permanent control. Seriously why are they letting in multiple millions of illegals who are very destructive to our economy? Because they want to pad voter roles with more people who feel indebted to their party. They do not care at all about their plight or why they are coming here. It is all a scheme to make it one party rule. Why do the Dems never really do anything to help the lower class who don’t pay taxes and live on government handouts? Because they are buying their loyalty/votes with our tax dollars. They don’t want them to get off Medicaid and welfare and improve their economic status because then they have nothing to hold over them to ensure their vote. If you can’t see that then you have issues beyond what can be fixed.
When you rob peter to pay Paul, you can always count on the support of Paul.
Yeah right. It is the Democrats who are trying to become the solitary party in permanent control. Seriously why are they letting in multiple millions of illegals who are very destructive to our economy? Because they want to pad voter roles with more people who feel indebted to their party. They do not care at all about their plight or why they are coming here. It is all a scheme to make it one party rule. Why do the Dems never really do anything to help the lower class who don’t pay taxes and live on government handouts? Because they are buying their loyalty/votes with our tax dollars. They don’t want them to get off Medicaid and welfare and improve their economic status because then they have nothing to hold over them to ensure their vote. If you can’t see that then you have issues beyond what can be fixed.
I get your point. The best way to ensure that the interests of the disenfranchised are protected is for a sitting SCOTUS Judge to spend two decades receiving many hundreds of thousands of dollars in luxury travel and gifts from a billionaire GOP mega-donor who funds multiple groups who regularly have cases before the SCOTUS.

Let’s also dismiss those pesky presidential elections while we are at it, at least the ones with results we don’t like.

Checkmate. You got us on this one.
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Yeah right. It is the Democrats who are trying to become the solitary party in permanent control. Seriously why are they letting in multiple millions of illegals who are very destructive to our economy? Because they want to pad voter roles with more people who feel indebted to their party. They do not care at all about their plight or why they are coming here. It is all a scheme to make it one party rule. Why do the Dems never really do anything to help the lower class who don’t pay taxes and live on government handouts? Because they are buying their loyalty/votes with our tax dollars. They don’t want them to get off Medicaid and welfare and improve their economic status because then they have nothing to hold over them to ensure their vote. If you can’t see that then you have issues beyond what can be fixed.
Everyone in the US pays taxes. And me being a former recipient of Medicaid and welfare, I thank the Dems for giving me the resources to help improve my economic status while I was working for peanuts for some Republican who only wants to pay minimum wage. Thank God for Democratic policies!