Congrats to Evil Biden for taking McCarthy to school on debt ceiling deal...Americans need a government that works for the people and not the extremes


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
May 3, 2003
Like the Biden/Harris administration and not MAGA Republicans. Let's discuss
We live in the USA. On Memorial Day, I will remember my grandfather losing an eye fighting for your freedom to post this garbage. Ending his professional baseball career. I clean his Purple Heart every Memorial Day to honor him. One of the things that he left me when he passed. He often used a phrase to describe this post. One of his favorite sayings. “Grandson, unfortunately you can’t fix stupid”
We live in the USA. On Memorial Day, I will remember my grandfather losing an eye fighting for your freedom to post this garbage. Ending his professional baseball career. I clean his Purple Heart every Memorial Day to honor him. One of the things that he left me when he passed. He often used a phrase to describe this post. One of his favorite sayings. “Grandson, unfortunately you can’t fix stupid”
He sounds like a good man, I hope you find it in your heart one day to emulate him one day. Happy Memorial Day friend.
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Both sides seem to keep a score card on wins and losses when it comes to their party. Guess who loses every single time. That would be the tax payer. Those living on the government teat are winners as well.

Nothing here for the working class.
would like to know also where all the government assistants is going?
nevermind I know
Like the Biden/Harris administration and not MAGA Republicans. Let's discuss
If you can support those evil idiots in the White House after all the damage they have done and the corruption then there is no hope for you short of a brain transplant. Honestly Biden/Harris and the entire gang are corrupt and have done everything in their power to destroy our nation from the inside. If he wins again you better learn to speak Chinese because I truly believe the US will fail to exist as a nation. Their policies have been so bad that the only explanation is that they want our nation to fail, become socialist and exist under one party rule. But that one party will not be Dems, it will be China. GOD SAVE US IF THAT EVIL, CORRUPT TRAITOR WINS IN 2024. That will be the only one who could save us at that point. I would be in favor of conservative states breaking off to form a separate nation at that point to save at least a part of the US. Why don’t you list what policies you think he has pushed that actually benefit OUR nation. If you are actually honest then you can’t!
Both sides seem to keep a score card on wins and losses when it comes to their party. Guess who loses every single time. That would be the tax payer. Those living on the government teat are winners as well.

Nothing here for the working class, but more pain.
I’m sick of Dems buying votes. If someone lives on government assistance (not SS as people paid into that) then imo they should lose the right to vote. Their votes are being bought by the Dems. Why do you think they are stuffing 15 million illegals who will all be in government assistance? To help them? Hell no it’s to buy votes. Why do you think that Dem policies never help lift the poor up to the middle class? Because again they would lose their control of their votes. They want to keep the poor enslaved to the government to control them. Trump had record low minority employment with big gains in their financial stability. That is a direct threat to Dems who want to push minorities down while stating THEY want to help them. What a joke! The poor need to wake up to this evil game Dems have played for decades. It’s sickening!
I’m sick of Dems buying votes. If someone lives on government assistance (not SS as people paid into that) then imo they should lose the right to vote. Their votes are being bought by the Dems. Why do you think they are stuffing 15 million illegals who will all be in government assistance? To help them? Hell no it’s to buy votes. Why do you think that Dem policies never help lift the poor up to the middle class? Because again they would lose their control of their votes. They want to keep the poor enslaved to the government to control them. Trump had record low minority employment with big gains in their financial stability. That is a direct threat to Dems who want to push minorities down while stating THEY want to help them. What a joke! The poor need to wake up to this evil game Dems have played for decades. It’s sickening!
What are you even talking about? Do you make it up as you go or just like saying stereotypical things to drive a narrative?

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It’s truly pathetic when dems come on here gloating about their government‘s ability to spend more of THEIR tax dollars. These people are the modern day slaves putting party above all, even trading it for their own freedoms.

the truth is that it went about as well as it could for both sides. Both sides will say they’re happy, but both are unhappy about the results, as how these things always go. Brain dead Biden had to give up some things on spending (despite his denial) and McCarthy had to compromise as well to avoid a shutdown, which would have been bad for reps in purple states.

happens every time and that’s how politics works. both sides love to spend too much money And the American people pay the price. Both sides gave and both sides are bragging about what they didn’t give. Biden said he would negotiate the budget but not the debt ceiling. He negotiated on both. McCarthy was facing a dem president and senate leader. He was going to have to give some things. Anyone not seeing that is naive and expected too much.

This was exactly what it was going to be all along, Biden was anything but masterful. He just sat there, probably shitting his pants again and said okay when told to.
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What are you even talking about? Do you make it up as you go or just like saying stereotypical things to drive a narrative?

The decline is black unemployment is due to a drop in the labor participation rate among black Americans. If they aren’t looking for a job anymore, they aren’t counted.
Same with all races. We have a very low labor participation rate across the board which makes unemployment numbers artificially low. Ever wonder why they claim unemployment is so low yet EVERYWHERE you go has now hiring signs and say they can’t hire people. Doesn’t make sense. Because post Covid many people stopped wanting to work and they live off the government or they retired early or childcare is so expensive that one parent stays home to watch children instead of looking for a job outside the home.