Should Christians Vote for Donald Trump?

wtf is going on
The piece of evidence that voter fraud exists, and the one most ignored by dems are the instances where the total Number of votes counted exceeded the total number of registered voters.
AIH mentions 100% voting in Wisconsin according to Epoch Times and apparently there were claims of forced voting in nursing homes. I don't know what was proved but it wasn't over 100%.

It's been a while, but I don't remember any of those claims of more votes counted than registered voters ever being proved to be the truth (I do remember some claims being disproved). So do you have some instances of where that incurred and then we can take a look at all the facts.
Then why weren't you in Washington on Jan. 6th and in the Capitol, you coward!!! Just sit and take it yellow belly. ;-)

So, you legitimately believe the election was stolen but you were more than willing to sit on your hands and fix things with.....(wait for it)....another election.

Got it.
Our crooked government basically used this set up event to tell future citizens, If they do not follow the Democratic Party platform, We (the deep state) will falsely imprison you, wreck your name, business and life.
AIH mentions 100% voting in Wisconsin according to Epoch Times and apparently there were claims of forced voting in nursing homes. I don't know what was proved but it wasn't over 100%.

It's been a while, but I don't remember any of those claims of more votes counted than registered voters ever being proved to be the truth (I do remember some claims being disproved). So do you have some instances of where that incurred and then we can take a look at all the facts.
I remember hearing those stories and thinking, how can they report this and not expect questions? Most of those areas were in the “ Swing states” that affected the election the most. I do not have the links, but remember that. I guess one could still find such information out there.
I remember hearing those stories and thinking, how can they report this and not expect questions? Most of those areas were in the “ Swing states” that affected the election the most. I do not have the links, but remember that. I guess one could still find such information out there.
Right, "hearing stories" counts for a lot. There were certainly false claims of more than 100% voting, so I will wait for Bells or anyone else.
Also a lot of the Dem. states had 100 percent of voters voting. Anyone with half common sense knows this is impossible especially during the COVID lockdown. The Dems know that the election was rigged but they go along with the lies just like little sheep.
You know, it's too bad Trump spent all of your donor money on those cases but forgot to include evidence so easily obtainable when he went to the courts.
The only scum around here are the libs that post on this board! Actions speak louder than words, Trump is pretty much on the correct side of every issue. The libs support just about everything wrong with our nation! By the way, no one is stating that Trump is a saint, but he is a better man than that shit currently in the White House!
Link the areas you are talking about. I was sent this information before right after the election and then immediately checked and it was BS. Maybe your information is different now, but a friend of mine sent me such links and they were not true upon fact checking.

doesn’t matter what I link, you will just declare it nonsense because you wish it untrue. Tons of evidence has been posted on here over the years and you will just say it’s untrue and throw up a haha reply. First article I found on GA that didn’t come from msnbc, fox, cnn, etc. Was this. Just go ahead and discredit it before you read. Dems minds have been trained to accept the legacy media narrative so it really doesn’t matter. Many articles have been scrubbed from the web thanks to the govt censor machine but I remember instances of this in every close state.

I'm saying that the majority of you are saying that we're illegally electing people to office. In this case we're doing at the highest office and your way of fixing it is to vote out the guy who got "illegally" elected by doing the exact same process again. Does that make any sense at all? My guess, as long as your guy wins, it will be fair.

I have no influence on how elections are run and I’ll be damned if I will ever fall for a govt bait event looking to intimidate an entire political party opposition faction.
Check history, Folk who have leaders they did not choose oust those leaders and change their government all of the time. Are you sure that's what happened here in our country. I kind of doubt, gun to your head, and you had to pick the right answer, you wouldn't say the last election was stolen. I mean you may cry about all of the mail in stuff, but actually illegal votes enough to change the election? I kind of doubt you'd go with that one before the trigger was pulled.

I did check history and remember a nation’s entire left loosing their collective mind with snowflake “election deniers“ and accusations of Russia handing the victory to trump. And left you guys wanting to amend the Constitution to do away with the electoral college because it didn’t yield your desired results.
Again, provide links where ballots outnumbered registered voters in that area. The only thing I saw was someone taking registered voter numbers in areas from 2016 and compared them to 2020. The problem is that the population can change in such areas and people who weren't registered before can register for the next election and many did for obvious reasons.

the human mind is great at recognizing patterns and connected related events. When so called circumstantial events take place at pivotal voting areas and one candidates number start to skyrocket once vote counting resumes, without observers no less, it becomes easy to connect the dots. While the population can change, we have about 250 years worth of election data which can accurately predict voting numbers and these were far away from a normal range. Plus, an elderly man who can’t talk, and couldnt even fill a few circles at events the few times he was wheelchaired out of his basement. All of a sudden stirs excitement in voters to garner more votes than anyone ever? Right. But then again, my mind has not been trained by the MSM. Hell,most of these precincts could not hold onto ballots and records for inspection post election as the law requires. What were the consequences? Oh just trust us.
You all lump all things together. Russia tried to influence the election. That does not mean Trump colluded with them to do it. Trump was not found guilty of collusion. That doesn't mean the Russians didn't try to influence the election on his behalf. There is no way to prove that the Russian efforts are the reason Trump was elected and without it he wouldn't have been. But the country has a right to try and limit Russia's ability to influence elections.

the country also has a right to demand no voting rights for illegal invaders, standardized voting laws and accountability for when they aren’t followed, transparent investigation of unusual abnormalities that occur during the process, ballot security, legitimate record keeping and system integrity when electronics are involved.
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doesn’t matter what I link, you will just declare it nonsense because you wish it untrue. Tons of evidence has been posted on here over the years and you will just say it’s untrue and throw up a haha reply. First article I found on GA that didn’t come from msnbc, fox, cnn, etc. Was this. Just go ahead and discredit it before you read. Dems minds have been trained to accept the legacy media narrative so it really doesn’t matter. Many articles have been scrubbed from the web thanks to the govt censor machine but I remember instances of this in every close state.

I have no influence on how elections are run and I’ll be damned if I will ever fall for a govt bait event looking to intimidate an entire political party opposition faction.

I did check history and remember a nation’s entire left loosing their collective mind with snowflake “election deniers“ and accusations of Russia handing the victory to trump. And left you guys wanting to amend the Constitution to do away with the electoral college because it didn’t yield your desired results.

the human mind is great at recognizing patterns and connected related events. When so called circumstantial events take place at pivotal voting areas and one candidates number start to skyrocket once vote counting resumes, without observers no less, it becomes easy to connect the dots. While the population can change, we have about 250 years worth of election data which can accurately predict voting numbers and these were far away from a normal range. Plus, an elderly man who can’t talk, and couldnt even fill a few circles at events the few times he was wheelchaired out of his basement. All of a sudden stirs excitement in voters to garner more votes than anyone ever? Right. But then again, my mind has not been trained by the MSM. Hell,most of these precincts could not hold onto ballots and records for inspection post election as the law requires. What were the consequences? Oh just trust us.

the country also has a right to demand no voting rights for illegal invaders, standardized voting laws and accountability for when they aren’t followed, transparent investigation of unusual abnormalities that occur during the process, ballot security, legitimate record keeping and system integrity when electronics are involved.

I didn't really read all of that. Didn't want to after looking at your links. Revolver? They thought Pizza Gate was real.

The other one is just someone writing about what a conservative Milwaukee news site reported. If you click the link in it that goes to the news site's story, it's updated. They say at the top that they hadn't updated the voter registration in their initial report. Now reporting at most, 89 percent turnout in those districts they were claiming were over 100 percent.

Again, Trump and his lawyer could've easily found this kind of stuff and used it in their case if it were true. They did not.

Updated story from your link:

BTW, record turnout wasn't just among Democrats or those voting for Biden. Of course, I'm sure you wouldn't think anything was fishy about the high turnout on the other side, right?

A few more stats for you:

Voter turnout overall was up 6.4% from 2016 in the US.

Voter turnout in Wisconsin was only up 5.7% from 2016, so less than the national average.

Wisconsin has always been one of the best states in voter turnout, ranking at least 4th nationally in every POTUS election since 2000.

Some states that had a larger jump in voter turnout than Wisconsin:

Florida: 6.2%, Red
Montana: 10.1 % Red
N. Carolina: 6.1% Red
Tennessee: 8.0% Red

There were several Biden states better than Wisconsin and several other Trump states I didn't list. Bottom line: Nothing at all special or troubling about Milwaukee and Wisconsin. It's a swing state. Has had close elections the past several cycles with each side winning. A trend continued.
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Right, "hearing stories" counts for a lot. There were certainly false claims of more than 100% voting, so I will wait for Bells or anyone else.

I didn't really read all of that. Didn't want to after looking at your links. Revolver? They thought Pizza Gate was real.

The other one is just someone writing about what a conservative Milwaukee news site reported. If you click the link in it that goes to the news site's story, it's updated. They say at the top that they hadn't updated the voter registration in their initial report. Now reporting at most, 89 percent turnout in those districts they were claiming were over 100 percent.

Again, Trump and his lawyer could've easily found this kind of stuff and used it in their case if it were true. They did not.

Updated story from your link:

BTW, record turnout wasn't just among Democrats or those voting for Biden. Of course, I'm sure you wouldn't think anything was fishy about the high turnout on the other side, right?
It just reiterates that Dems will vote for a brain dead criminal , (that sells out his family and his country for money) as long as they have a D preceding their name.
It just reiterates that Dems will vote for a brain dead criminal , (that sells out his family and his country for money) as long as they have a D preceding their name.
And I think what we've learned here is when we want to believe things and have our mind made up, we seek out those things that reinforce our beliefs. And we tune out those things that are not in line with our beliefs. Politics has turned into a religion itself. To many Christians, it is just as important if not more so than their faith. Indeed, many can't really distinguish between the two.
And I think what we've learned here is when we want to believe things and have our mind made up, we seek out those things that reinforce our beliefs. And we tune out those things that are not in line with our beliefs. Politics has turned into a religion itself. To many Christians, it is just as important if not more so than their faith. Indeed, many can't really distinguish between the two.
I don’t want to believe this country is going down, but my eyes and ears tell me otherwise. We have pushed God out of this country and evil has filled that void. We now have men claiming to be women and women claiming to be men, or even non binary ( whatever the heck that means ). We have politicians and popular culture pushing to normalize pedophilia and grooming g children. We are already seeing the results of pushing God aside. I wish I was not witnessing such daily happenings, but the news glorifies it all daily!

I didn't really read all of that. Didn't want to after looking at your links. Revolver? They thought Pizza Gate was real.

The other one is just someone writing about what a conservative Milwaukee news site reported. If you click the link in it that goes to the news site's story, it's updated. They say at the top that they hadn't updated the voter registration in their initial report. Now reporting at most, 89 percent turnout in those districts they were claiming were over 100 percent.

Again, Trump and his lawyer could've easily found this kind of stuff and used it in their case if it were true. They did not.

Updated story from your link:

BTW, record turnout wasn't just among Democrats or those voting for Biden. Of course, I'm sure you wouldn't think anything was fishy about the high turnout on the other side, right?

A few more stats for you:

Voter turnout overall was up 6.4% from 2016 in the US.

Voter turnout in Wisconsin was only up 5.7% from 2016, so less than the national average.

Wisconsin has always been one of the best states in voter turnout, ranking at least 4th nationally in every POTUS election since 2000.

Some states that had a larger jump in voter turnout than Wisconsin:

Florida: 6.2%, Red
Montana: 10.1 % Red
N. Carolina: 6.1% Red
Tennessee: 8.0% Red

There were several Biden states better than Wisconsin and several other Trump states I didn't list. Bottom line: Nothing at all special or troubling about Milwaukee and Wisconsin. It's a swing state. Has had close elections the past several cycles with each side winning. A trend continued.

Yeah you lost me at “fact checker”which is a term used to pass off a liberal, millennial, brainwashed, pimple popping activist that’s paid to neutralize facts harmful to democrats. These People have no credibility and a bigger oxymoron “fact checker” does not exist in the English language.

This went just as I thought, “my links are
Gold and yours are conservative propaganda” blah blah blah. You guys started this during COVID. And I’m Not going to dive deep into this because anything I find and resurrect will just be ignored by the left on here. Hilarious that some will poop on anything that doesn’t meet with their feelings then quote government and MSM sites. Hypocrisy defined. Anything I link is important because of the primary sources cited.

Any dem wanting to bitch about voter dissatisfaction is a joke, as they literally wanted to change the framework of the Constitution because they thought it would benefit their party in elections.

No doubt there were higher turnouts across the board but when turnouts resemble 1800 to 12 in favor of one side. lol. I feel sorry for anyone that believes results like that. Bless their heart. And again, more Important than overall numbers are the pivotal areas that heavily affected electoral college. Again your stats are meaningless in the discussion of localized vote manipulation. It’s very easy to hide small scale voter fraud amongst the backdrop of macro voting numbers, which were fraudulent as well.

You state that I should go change the voting system but I seldom vote for a dem or rep. Usually a 3rd party libitarian or independent. I stated this before, voting at large in this country is pointless and I just continue the charade to appease my conscience, as I am forced to vote from the 4th box of liberty. Taking part in this voting system, as it’s just a vote to continue our own oppression. Neither candidate represents truth and liberty.
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I don’t want to believe this country is going down, but my eyes and ears tell me otherwise. We have pushed God out of this country and evil has filled that void. We now have men claiming to be women and women claiming to be men, or even non binary ( whatever the heck that means ). We have politicians and popular culture pushing to normalize pedophilia and grooming g children. We are already seeing the results of pushing God aside. I wish I was not witnessing such daily happenings, but the news glorifies it all daily!
Heard it since I was a teen. "And the Lord saved us all in 1980, 2000, 2016 and maybe, just maybe he will do it again"...through elections. The Lord works in mysterious ways.
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Yeah you lost me at “fact checker”which is a term used to pass off a liberal, millennial, brainwashed, pimple popping activist that’s paid to neutralize facts harmful to democrats. These People have no credibility and a bigger oxymoron “fact checker” does not exist in the English language.

This went just as I thought, “my links are
Gold and yours are conservative propaganda” blah blah blah. You guys started this during COVID. And I’m Not going to dive deep into this because anything I find and resurrect will just be ignored by the left on here. Hilarious that some will poop on anything that doesn’t meet with their feelings then quote government and MSM sites. Hypocrisy defined. Anything I link is important because of the primary sources cited.

Any dem wanting to bitch about voter dissatisfaction is a joke, as they literally wanted to change the framework of the Constitution because they thought it would benefit their party in elections.

No doubt there were higher turnouts across the board but when turnouts resemble 1800 to 12 in favor of one side. lol. I feel sorry for anyone that believes results like that. Bless their heart. And again, more Important than overall numbers are the pivotal areas that heavily affected electoral college. Again your stats are meaningless in the discussion of localized vote manipulation. It’s very easy to hide small scale voter fraud amongst the backdrop of macro voting numbers, which were fraudulent as well.

You state that I should go change the voting system but I seldom vote for a dem or rep. Usually a 3rd party libitarian or independent. I stated this before, voting at large in this country is pointless and I just continue the charade to appease my conscience, as I am forced to vote from the 4th box of liberty. Taking part in this voting system, as it’s just a vote to continue our own oppression. Neither candidate represents truth and liberty.
Didn't read. I know what this is. I don't have to.