Similac-brats were created from years of wimps/welfare/rationalization:

Dr. Curmudgeon

Letterman and National Champion
Oct 17, 2018
I cringe at the thought of our modern society and their whining about any hardship they might face. In some instances the Similac-brat may take arms against the innocent to get their point across. The reasons for this drastic action are numerous: 1. They may have been told "No". 2. They may have a pimple. 3. They may have been on a team that lost a game. 3. They may have been punished for not cleaning their room or had their video game console removed. 4. They may have been teased by someone. 5. They may have been terminated for not doing their job. 6. They may have been angered by DHS for not paying child support. 7. They may have been excluded from an invite to a party.

Whatever the reasons we can look back at society and see a trend of mal-adapted behavior that surely influenced the society we are now living in. Recall the Middle-Boomers (parents born in the 40's-50's). This bunch of Dead Heads/Hippies were the catalyst of what evolved into the Similac-brat. They were against war, instead wanted Free Love. They were raising their children without corporal punishment by using time-outs and giving the child their choice of punishment?

By the end of the 70's we were seeing offspring from the Hippie generation start having children of their own. These people were raised to trust everyone. There is good in all people and we must love them unconditionally. Never say no and never say hate; if you love them enough they will return that love to others. They were also taught to have a career that you love to perform. Do not work for the man, be your own boss and you will be at peace within yourself. Working a job to be responsible is square/uncool. It is better to be unemployed than have to make your boss a wealthy man.

Then, by the 90's we see another generation removed from the Hippies but even more defensive of their children and they will stop at nothing to keep their children happy. We will no longer score athletic competition because the loser may take it personally. No longer will the best players be rewarded with honors (everyone gets a trophy) no matter how bad they play. Our children are our idols and we will sacrifice our marriage to keep the children the priority in the home. Our spouses are eventually driven out of the home and they are the enemy. No co-parenting, we only need your financial contributions through alimony and child support payments.

We now enter the new millennia with a new batch of parents that are even more mal-adapted than the generation before them. They are acclimated to divorce and many feel the need to stay single and have kids alone because marriage is a farce. Religion is all a racket to make money and it's all hypocritical and Pharisaical. Children have dominion in the home. Males take the place of the father as the head of the home or at least equal footing with the mother. The child often has a lot of idle time in the house. He's not playing outside because he'd rather play video games or text talk to his friends. No social development but free time to watch porn or any "Not Age" appropriate material he wants to view. The mother raised this child on formula instead of breast-milk because it was more convenient. Never-mind the fact that a child that didn't breastfeed missed a lot of nurturing/tactile and normal attractions to the opposite sex. The world has been introduced to the Similac-Brat.

~ Dr. Curmudgeon
I cringe at the thought of our modern society and their whining about any hardship they might face. In some instances the Similac-brat may take arms against the innocent to get their point across. The reasons for this drastic action are numerous: 1. They may have been told "No". 2. They may have a pimple. 3. They may have been on a team that lost a game. 3. They may have been punished for not cleaning their room or had their video game console removed. 4. They may have been teased by someone. 5. They may have been terminated for not doing their job. 6. They may have been angered by DHS for not paying child support. 7. They may have been excluded from an invite to a party.

Whatever the reasons we can look back at society and see a trend of mal-adapted behavior that surely influenced the society we are now living in. Recall the Middle-Boomers (parents born in the 40's-50's). This bunch of Dead Heads/Hippies were the catalyst of what evolved into the Similac-brat. They were against war, instead wanted Free Love. They were raising their children without corporal punishment by using time-outs and giving the child their choice of punishment?

By the end of the 70's we were seeing offspring from the Hippie generation start having children of their own. These people were raised to trust everyone. There is good in all people and we must love them unconditionally. Never say no and never say hate; if you love them enough they will return that love to others. They were also taught to have a career that you love to perform. Do not work for the man, be your own boss and you will be at peace within yourself. Working a job to be responsible is square/uncool. It is better to be unemployed than have to make your boss a wealthy man.

Then, by the 90's we see another generation removed from the Hippies but even more defensive of their children and they will stop at nothing to keep their children happy. We will no longer score athletic competition because the loser may take it personally. No longer will the best players be rewarded with honors (everyone gets a trophy) no matter how bad they play. Our children are our idols and we will sacrifice our marriage to keep the children the priority in the home. Our spouses are eventually driven out of the home and they are the enemy. No co-parenting, we only need your financial contributions through alimony and child support payments.

We now enter the new millennia with a new batch of parents that are even more mal-adapted than the generation before them. They are acclimated to divorce and many feel the need to stay single and have kids alone because marriage is a farce. Religion is all a racket to make money and it's all hypocritical and Pharisaical. Children have dominion in the home. Males take the place of the father as the head of the home or at least equal footing with the mother. The child often has a lot of idle time in the house. He's not playing outside because he'd rather play video games or text talk to his friends. No social development but free time to watch porn or any "Not Age" appropriate material he wants to view. The mother raised this child on formula instead of breast-milk because it was more convenient. Never-mind the fact that a child that didn't breastfeed missed a lot of nurturing/tactile and normal attractions to the opposite sex. The world has been introduced to the Similac-Brat.

~ Dr. Curmudgeon
I'm glad I'm old and done. I don't have to deal with the outside world too much.
I cringe at the thought of our modern society and their whining about any hardship they might face. In some instances the Similac-brat may take arms against the innocent to get their point across. The reasons for this drastic action are numerous: 1. They may have been told "No". 2. They may have a pimple. 3. They may have been on a team that lost a game. 3. They may have been punished for not cleaning their room or had their video game console removed. 4. They may have been teased by someone. 5. They may have been terminated for not doing their job. 6. They may have been angered by DHS for not paying child support. 7. They may have been excluded from an invite to a party.

Whatever the reasons we can look back at society and see a trend of mal-adapted behavior that surely influenced the society we are now living in. Recall the Middle-Boomers (parents born in the 40's-50's). This bunch of Dead Heads/Hippies were the catalyst of what evolved into the Similac-brat. They were against war, instead wanted Free Love. They were raising their children without corporal punishment by using time-outs and giving the child their choice of punishment?

By the end of the 70's we were seeing offspring from the Hippie generation start having children of their own. These people were raised to trust everyone. There is good in all people and we must love them unconditionally. Never say no and never say hate; if you love them enough they will return that love to others. They were also taught to have a career that you love to perform. Do not work for the man, be your own boss and you will be at peace within yourself. Working a job to be responsible is square/uncool. It is better to be unemployed than have to make your boss a wealthy man.

Then, by the 90's we see another generation removed from the Hippies but even more defensive of their children and they will stop at nothing to keep their children happy. We will no longer score athletic competition because the loser may take it personally. No longer will the best players be rewarded with honors (everyone gets a trophy) no matter how bad they play. Our children are our idols and we will sacrifice our marriage to keep the children the priority in the home. Our spouses are eventually driven out of the home and they are the enemy. No co-parenting, we only need your financial contributions through alimony and child support payments.

We now enter the new millennia with a new batch of parents that are even more mal-adapted than the generation before them. They are acclimated to divorce and many feel the need to stay single and have kids alone because marriage is a farce. Religion is all a racket to make money and it's all hypocritical and Pharisaical. Children have dominion in the home. Males take the place of the father as the head of the home or at least equal footing with the mother. The child often has a lot of idle time in the house. He's not playing outside because he'd rather play video games or text talk to his friends. No social development but free time to watch porn or any "Not Age" appropriate material he wants to view. The mother raised this child on formula instead of breast-milk because it was more convenient. Never-mind the fact that a child that didn't breastfeed missed a lot of nurturing/tactile and normal attractions to the opposite sex. The world has been introduced to the Similac-Brat.

~ Dr. Curmudgeon
You pretty much nailed it.....well done. I am semi-retired and have driven a school bus for 12 would not believe the Defiant, damaged, defective, dysfunctional and deranged kids AND parents I have dealt with and continue to deal with on a daily basis... Good news I am now done with it and none to soon. These little brats and goons will be running the country in short order and most of the rest will continue to suckle the Govt. Teet for a lifetime as they learned from their parents and grandparents. No work ethic or personal responsibility or any concept of family and doing the right thing. The glue and fabric that held our society together has been forever abandoned. and destroyed. I have one daughter and I am not sure I even want her to bring any children into this world. Thank god she is a college grad, independent, conservative and has a great work ethic. and I was one who was discarded and no longer needed for anything but monetary support after she was born. There is a new normal and our society will continue to rot from the inside out....look at our role models in D.C. other than Trump. Many of the deviants are teaching them in school for 20 + years and ARE their role models....God help us.....
You pretty much nailed it.....well done. I am semi-retired and have driven a school bus for 12 would not believe the Defiant, damaged, defective, dysfunctional and deranged kids AND parents I have dealt with and continue to deal with on a daily basis... Good news I am now done with it and none to soon. These little brats and goons will be running the country in short order and most of the rest will continue to suckle the Govt. Teet for a lifetime as they learned from their parents and grandparents. No work ethic or personal responsibility or any concept of family and doing the right thing. The glue and fabric that held our society together has been forever abandoned. and destroyed. I have one daughter and I am not sure I even want her to bring any children into this world. Thank god she is a college grad, independent, conservative and has a great work ethic. and I was one who was discarded and no longer needed for anything but monetary support after she was born. There is a new normal and our society will continue to rot from the inside out....look at our role models in D.C. other than Trump. Many of the deviants are teaching them in school for 20 + years and ARE their role models....God help us.....
The few the proud, the responsible parent. Thank you Sir, for doing the right thing and raising a child.
To quote Carl Sagan, “Science is more than a body of knowledge; it is a way of thinking. I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time—when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the key manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness."
-- The Demon-Haunted World...Science as a Candle in the Dark(1995)
To quote Carl Sagan, “Science is more than a body of knowledge; it is a way of thinking. I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time—when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the key manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness."
-- The Demon-Haunted World...Science as a Candle in the Dark(1995)
All the knowledge in the world but not enough common sense to apply it to life.
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you seem angry.
solace in the fact that almost everyone who doesn't live on a coast agrees.
That's great but I taught Middle School and helped teachers' plan curricula for secondary education. Those public schools are complete war zones at times and that's right here in Middle America. The future is bleak.
His book, "Billions and Billions" describes exponential increase/decay, and the irreversible damage that was done during the Industrial Age. For all of the climate change supporters it basically explains in great detail what has already happened and why cow flatulence, carbon emissions, etc, though a concern, is not the single greatest threat to the world as we know it. Those efforts are futile, and a little late to the dance. But Al Gore and many others have made a fortune from it.
That's great but I taught Middle School and helped teachers' plan curricula for secondary education. Those public schools are complete war zones at times and that's right here in Middle America. The future is bleak.
Even the schools in "nice" areas are out of control. The teachers have no authority to deal with the students, so the students have no fear or respect for them. It's bad. Drove my wife into early retirement.
Even the schools in "nice" areas are out of control. The teachers have no authority to deal with the students, so the students have no fear or respect for them. It's bad. Drove my wife into early retirement.

you've mentioned that...
mentoring is one thing,
babysitting hooligans is another...
I get it...
it starts at
When they stopped teaching American History in school, and not only trying to erase history, but in some cases, rewrite it. This is not good.
They start American History after the Reconstruction so, it is totally understandable to recognize their ignorance on territories like the Louisiana Purchase (controlled by France at the time).
you've mentioned that...
mentoring is one thing,
babysitting hooligans is another...
I get it...
it starts at
I remember one thing that curtailed at least some of my bad behavior was fear of taking an ass paddling from a coach. If the parents are not going to do it at home, need to give the teachers authority to do it in school. They've heaped on them all the responsibility while stripping them of authority. That formula don't fly.
I remember one thing that curtailed at least some of my bad behavior was fear of taking an ass paddling from a coach. If the parents are not going to do it at home, need to give the teachers authority to do it in school. They've heaped on them all the responsibility while stripping them of authority. That formula don't fly.

only from my own history;
both classroom teacher, principal, parents all whipped my ass when needed.
obviously didn't straighten me out, but it helped.
imagine if someone like me had no electric fences...
only from my own history;
both classroom teacher, principal, parents all whipped my ass when needed.
obviously didn't straighten me out, but it helped.
imagine if someone like me had no electric fences...
Exactly. My wife was head of a magnet program at a high school here in north Atlanta suburbs. The magnet kids had no separate building. The non-magnet kids kept getting bigger and bigger, many just wandered the halls, and the teachers were scared to confront them. They had two school cops, but they needed six. It was a mess.
Exactly. My wife was head of a magnet program at a high school here in north Atlanta suburbs. The magnet kids had no separate building. The non-magnet kids kept getting bigger and bigger, many just wandered the halls, and the teachers were scared to confront them. They had two school cops, but they needed six. It was a mess.

inmates running the asylum.
no need to be bullied, trying to help said bully...
glad she got out,
but bet shes misses trying to help those who care for help.
inmates running the asylum.
no need to be bullied, trying to help said bully...
glad she got out,
but bet shes misses trying to help those who care for help.
You're absolutely right. She misses it tremendously. Damned liberals ruined it. Plus now I have to deal with a wife around the house all day. Thank God for tennis. For her to play, for me to get some solitude.

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