Tried to watch CNN and the Carter DC Funeral

Their commentators (Blitzer and Collins) were nothing less than AWFUL and partisan. Folks were tuning in to Watch a dignified Funeral event not another excuse for Trump digs. Its if they have learned NOTHING from last 2 months. Aren't they suppose to be transitioning to non-partisan Network, we'll they are failing again. I flipped it over at turn of hour to Fox and they did a wonderful job (I am a Fox critic other than Hulm and Baer. ) They were very complementary of Carter and drew NO PARTISAN comparisons of any kind. Had some good funny Carter stories and tried to honor him alone.

It's not the loss itself that bothers me

It's the way we lost. It was like last season all over again. Our talent level is several magnitudes better but completely falling apart and resorting to iso ball on offense down the stretch is something last year's team did over and over. Despite the better talent this didn't look much different, and this was probably one of our easier road games (relatively speaking). To me that's a coaching issue.
