5 Undocumented Migrants....

So you agree that religious organizations are more responsible for sexual abuse historically than illegal immigrants correct. So we should concentrate on stopping both but where should the majority of effort to stopping these crimes go.
Did you wake up this morning and decide you would devote the day to making stupid arguments?
What's the separate issue I'm raising?
You know exactly what you are doing. It is a straight troll and really sad. Basically you are advocating bringing more of this kind of thing in this country. When we have had issues with this for years. Happens in the military too. Should I post all of those.

They even have a catchy acronym for you so you can identify this. MST

I think all of it is awful. But yea get out and vote to stop adding to the already mounting problems in this country.
Does anyone have any doubts that foreign countries (including China) are not emptying out their jails and mental facilities and sending them to the US and that is partly why we are seeing immigrant crime? How do people from a communist country make it out first, then be able to fly another country before making the trek across Mexico to our border. It just doesn’t pass the smell test. If these were educated professionals looking to leave China they would come to do do business and then apply for political asylum.
So you agree that religious organizations are more responsible for sexual abuse historically than illegal immigrants correct. So we should concentrate on stopping both but where should the majority of effort to stopping these crimes go.

I agree that your participation in this thread is a case study for logical fallacies.

False comparison
Red Herring
Putting words in my mouth (this post is incident #3)
You know exactly what you are doing. It is a straight troll and really sad. Basically you are advocating bringing more of this kind of thing in this country. When we have had issues with this for years. Happens in the military too. Should I post all of those.

They even have a catchy acronym for you so you can identify this. MST

I think all of it is awful. But yea get out and vote to stop adding to the already mounting problems in this country.
Can’t troll, has no logic and pretty sure Jethro is better at math than he is……he can’t help it, but he tries.

Protect our kids from these evil people. They hide in plan sight
There’s bad apples in every barrel. Can’t blame every pastor for one evil person.

The danger these people present to our kids is real...get out and vote yall.
You’re a sick person you’re making fun of something that’s right up your and the Dems alley. All you are doing is reflecting sick things like this away from the illegal immagrents which you sicko’s don’t want to hear about.
So you agree that religious organizations are more responsible for sexual abuse historically than illegal immigrants correct. So we should concentrate on stopping both but where should the majority of effort to stopping these crimes go.
Death to abusers of children! No exceptions! Kill them in public on television, make it painful!
Newsflash, conservatives don’t care who abused the children, we want to eliminate those that do, or at least eliminate the opportunity to do so.
Well no see you're not actually looking to protect anyone because you're ignoring the biggest abusers of kids have been religious organizations. You're looking to score political points at the expense of kids which is pretty disgusting.
the biggest abusers of kids have been religious organizations”

Do you have proof of that (US), or are you just pulling shat outta your azz??

We need to control what we can control and not add to the problem in protecting kids & adults.

Opening the flood gates at the border is not controlling it, it is just adding to the problem.

You’re not that limited are you??
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This was in Louisiana...the state that just mandated the 10 Commandments in every classroom...this is putting our kids in danger of being abused by predators. Get out and vote yall.I
I get it. We already have sickos here. So might as well let every other country send their sickos here. Never really thought of it that way. Makes complete sense
So you agree that religious organizations are more responsible for sexual abuse historically than illegal immigrants correct. So we should concentrate on stopping both but where should the majority of effort to stopping these crimes go.
So you agree that religious organizations are more responsible for sexual abuse historically than illegal immigrants correct. So we should concentrate on stopping both but where should the majority of effort to stopping these crimes go.
These folks railing about the massive harm that illegal immigrants are causing live in a black and white world. They will never understand your logic. I appreciate your posts though.
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These folks railing about the massive harm that illegal immigrants are causing live in a black and white world. They will never understand your logic. I appreciate your posts though.
We absolutely get it! ANY HUMAN that harms a child should face the most severe punishment possible. We need to send a message to ANYONE that would commit such a heinous act, that they will pay dearly up to death!
That still does not give us a reason to allow those elements to cross our borders and steal our resources! It’s really a stupid argument. Crime is crime. Unfortunately the courts are allowing these people out to commit these crimes again and again.
These folks railing about the massive harm that illegal immigrants are causing live in a black and white world. They will never understand your logic. I appreciate your posts though.

Justifying murder is a horrible stance to take. If Trump was in the White House and doing that, every lib on this board would be outraged. I would be screaming for his head too. It doesn’t work that way with libs.
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We absolutely get it! ANY HUMAN that harms a child should face the most severe punishment possible. We need to send a message to ANYONE that would commit such a heinous act, that they will pay dearly up to death!
That still does not give us a reason to allow those elements to cross our borders and steal our resources! It’s really a stupid argument. Crime is crime. Unfortunately the courts are allowing these people out to commit these crimes again and again.
Just collateral damage for the greater good is what the Dems and progressives think.
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Well no see you're not actually looking to protect anyone because you're ignoring the biggest abusers of kids have been religious organizations. You're looking to score political points at the expense of kids which is pretty disgusting.
What’s funny is watching you lose your mind & post all of these sexual abuse/rape links from churches and attempting to compare….when the OP was about a kidnapping of a 14 year old.

Last I checked, fortunately…there was no sex abuse or rape involved with this girl. She is safe and hopefully healthy.

Not sure whether you have an issue with just being lazy, have comprehension difficulties, obstinate or maybe you are just challenged.

Someone in this thread said you were doing the straw man thingy, but I honestly don’t think you are smart enough for that.

Whatever the case, you definitely like to argue but never seem to know what you are arguing or what you are even arguing about.

We have an undocumented migrant issues here in the US. There are kidnappings, rapes and murders happening because of it.

Why add to the problem??

If you want to compare, compare kidnappings to kidnappings, or apples to apples.

For the record, I am okay with migrants. As long as they come in legally/vetted. I certainly don’t want other countries criminals.

And for the record, it all indeed has become political and that is sad, but that is where we are.

So vote your conscience and MAGA!
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Too stupid to understand the difference.
I started to point out the difference between Robert Morris, a person who was born here....had no previous record.....and who had a right to be here......And an illegal immigrant......but decided there wasn't any use.

He thinks this thread is about the greatest threat to kids. It isn't. This whole thread is about the threat to security that illegals pose. Of course there are other threats to our safety, besides immigrants. There may be bigger threats. But that is completely irrelevant, with respect to this conversation
kidnapped 14-year-old kid (female). Fortunetly, she is safe, seems like an everyday thing now. When does this shat quit happening??

Afraid the damage has been done and there is no reversing it.

Y'all vote!

What is a “migrant”? I assume you were thinking of an illegal alien but couldn’t remember the word?

Also, how exactly do humans migrate?
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Not at all but we should focus our efforts on the biggest abusers correct? Or do you guys only care about child abuse when you feel it's politically beneficiaare
Not at all but we should focus our efforts on the biggest abusers correct? Or do you guys only care about child abuse when you feel it's politically beneficial
lprove they are the biggest abusers by percentage. 333 million folks in America (citizens) 600K cases of child molestation, per the Gov. only 11 million illegals, also per the gov, 1000's of cases of molestation of childrne in migrant centers.

Ps. I''ll help you a little. You won't be able to prove it because the govt doesn't want you and me to know what illegals are actually doing. Statistics are really hard to find. Further, your fani, and alvin types release those criminals whereas those citizens will actually be punished and I hope severely.

Your attempt to say illegals committing crimes is ok because so called Christians do it too is sickening. Further, a whole lot of those you listed happened under Biden. So if you are wanting someone in office that will be tough on crime, unlike the dimocrat party, someone that honors life, unlike the dimocrat party whose number 1 platform plank is FREE ABORTION all day everyday any day. Vote the dms OUT. .
Did you wake up this morning and decide you would devote the day to making stupid arguments?

Reputation vs Inspiration?

our mutual friend has run since this post.

we All need to appreciate this:
Wait until he’s the last guy to realize the illegals are devouring the benefits and jobs available to those in need. He’ll be standing on a corner with a “Hang the Illegals” sign.

We don't need the millions of illegal aliens in our country & we also don't need all these prisons we have. If you commit any violent crime proven by DNA evidence- armed robbery,murder, rape, child molestation,etc, you get the death penalty immediately- no bullshit appeals wasting taxpayer money! Unfortunately, this will never happen because our nation has way to many bleeding heart libs that believe these sorry basterds deserve a second/ third / fourth chance! Rehabilitation is a joke! I'll throw one other crime in as well- computer hackers that scam people, companies, & seniors out of money- death penalty!
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This is just the catholic church.

Boy Scouts of America 82K

a derogatory reply...
with animation!
kidnapped 14-year-old kid (female). Fortunetly, she is safe, seems like an everyday thing now. When does this shat quit happening??

Afraid the damage has been done and there is no reversing it.

Y'all vote!

Get Biden the F out and round up every illegal and ship them out. You offer a little finders fee to turn over illegals and everyone will start giving them up. Cheaper to do that then have them living off the government teet forever. This💩 makes me sick!! I do not understand how anyone with a heart or brain could support the Democrat party.
Guys, you are crazy for trying to prevent violent criminals from entering the country, because natural born citizens are dangerous too.

Makes perfect sense. 🙄
So F what! So we have some bad people so why not add more?? How in the hell can you seriously think that is logical?
We have enough of our own problems and we don’t need other countries problems too… All these people are bad and shouldn’t be here… @shonuff253 you are smart enough to realize letting more unvetted bad people in is not a good idea, right?… but I guess any chance your resentful mind has to preach about evil white christians you can’t pass it up… you sound ridiculous defending these illegals… we aren’t making excuses for all those people you linked articles to… they can gtfo as well… there’s not one person on here that wouldn’t want to whip all their dayum asses… no matter what color they are and/or what country they are from… your mind is so twisted up with faux racism that it’s blinding your common sense… you and millions of others will flock to vote for more crap that only holds you, your families, and your communities back… just like LBJ wanted… smh…
He is very upset and knows whats coming in november
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So you agree that religious organizations are more responsible for sexual abuse historically than illegal immigrants correct. So we should concentrate on stopping both but where should the majority of effort to stopping these crimes go.

  • Haha
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Maryland LGBTQ Dems activist leader caught in child sex predator sting: report​

Michael Knaapen is the chair of the Maryland Democrats' LGBTQ Diversity Council.
A leader of the LGBTQ Diversity Council for the Maryland Democrats has been caught in an alleged sex predator sting. Michael Knaapen was confronted by journalist Alex Rosen, and read messages reportedly from Knaapen to a 14-year-old boy.

Rosen walked up to Knaapen while he was in a restaurant and brought him outside to engage him about the messages he allegedly had with the teenager. Rosen asked Knaapen about multiple different explicit messages that he was allegedly sending to a 14-year-old boy. Knaapen seemed to admit to the messages on video.

Ex-Maryland mayor known for LGBTQ activism learns sentence after heinous child porn conviction​

Aformer Maryland mayor and well known LGBTQ activist, convicted earlier this year in a heinous child pornography case, was sentenced to 30 years in prison on Monday.

Patrick Wojahn, who resigned as mayor of College Park, Maryland, on March 2 before his arrest, pleaded guilty to 140 charges related to child pornography as part of a deal struck with prosecutors. He was sentenced to 150 years total, with all but 30 years suspended, but still will be eligible for parole in 7.5 years under state law, The Washington Post reported. The conviction came after investigators linked an account sharing illicit images to his government email address.