5 Undocumented Migrants....

Death to abusers of children! No exceptions! Kill them in public on television, make it painful!
Newsflash, conservatives don’t care who abused the children, we want to eliminate those that do, or at least eliminate the opportunity to do so.
Hang them up by their you know then shoot them. 😵‍💫
Get Biden the F out and round up every illegal and ship them out. You offer a little finders fee to turn over illegals and everyone will start giving them up. Cheaper to do that then have them living off the government teet forever. This💩 makes me sick!! I do not understand how anyone with a heart or brain could support the Democrat party.
So how would you know they are illegal? Color of their skin? Speaking Spanish in public? I have darker skin and sometimes I speak to my daughter in Spanish in public. So, can I expect raging lunatics such as yourself to accost me and expect me to carry around proof that I'm a citizen? FU man
So how would you know they are illegal? Color of their skin? Speaking Spanish in public? I have darker skin and sometimes I speak to my daughter in Spanish in public. So, can I expect raging lunatics such as yourself to accost me and expect me to carry around proof that I'm a citizen? FU man
“Undocumented”…..or, if they don’t have a valid visa or other immigration documentation and have entered the U.S. without inspection.

You come in legally, you are welcomed. Otherwise, you are not FWIS.
So how would you know they are illegal? Color of their skin? Speaking Spanish in public? I have darker skin and sometimes I speak to my daughter in Spanish in public. So, can I expect raging lunatics such as yourself to accost me and expect me to carry around proof that I'm a citizen? FU man
Nice hissy fit. How many times to date have you been accosted by raging lunatics demanded your proof of citizenship? America is welcoming of legal immigrants. Illegals became illegal once they illegally immigrated.
Nice hissy fit. How many times to date have you been accosted by raging lunatics demanded your proof of citizenship? America is welcoming of legal immigrants. Illegals became illegal once they illegally immigrated.
If I had a doubt…thinks I would just “drop a dime” and put my tax dollars to work & call US Citizens and Immigration Services…..they can take care of my light work.
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If I had a doubt…thinks I would just “drop a dime” and put my tax dollars to work & call US Citizens and Immigration Services…..they can take care of my light work.
Judging by his username, I’m guessing he is a Spanish speaking Lakota descendant plotting to take Montana back from the American government. His cover is as an illegal immigrant living in a first class hotel on the taxpayer dime while holding war party planning meetings in the hotel basement.
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So we should only concentrate on crime committed about a specific group. I thought this thread was about protecting kids from sexual abuse?
THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE DOING!! If you want to protect kids against sexual abuse, then that includes ALL groups. Everyone here agrees with you! But you are deflecting when others are raising the point of sexual abuse, violence and murder by illegal migrants. The question is: Do YOU condemn ALL abuse? YOU are trying to cherry-pick cases of religious sexual abuse (and I agree with you that is is sick and they need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law) - but NOT think there is far greater abuse in our open border and immigrant problems. YOU are politicizing the issue. Absolutely. VOTE PEOPLE!!
So you agree that religious organizations are more responsible for sexual abuse historically than illegal immigrants correct. So we should concentrate on stopping both but where should the majority of effort to stopping these crimes go.
Why can't you do both??? Why prioritize? Go after ALL abuse. And that means closing our borders!! Just as much as prosecuting religious leaders for abuse. Do you agree?
You’re a sick person you’re making fun of something that’s right up your and the Dems alley. All you are doing is reflecting sick things like this away from the illegal immagrents which you sicko’s don’t want to hear about.
AMEN. Intentional twisted bias and deflection and REFUSAL to acknowledge the disasters in our border policy. If he was truly concerned, he would want to stop ALL abuse. EVERYWHERE.
So how would you know they are illegal? Color of their skin? Speaking Spanish in public? I have darker skin and sometimes I speak to my daughter in Spanish in public. So, can I expect raging lunatics such as yourself to accost me and expect me to carry around proof that I'm a citizen? FU man
That’s crazytalk, crazyhorse.
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AMEN. Intentional twisted bias and deflection and REFUSAL to acknowledge the disasters in our border policy. If he was truly concerned, he would want to stop ALL abuse. EVERYWHERE.
No doubt. But even the can’t we do both argument misses the bigger point regarding illegal immigrant violent crime:

By definition these are the most preventable crimes simply by enforcing existing law. They shouldn’t have been here in the first place.

This is why the whole “illegals commit less crimes than folks born in the US” statement is both irrelevant and intellectually dishonest.

Enforce the laws on the books and you prevent these terrible crimes.
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So how would you know they are illegal? Color of their skin? Speaking Spanish in public? I have darker skin and sometimes I speak to my daughter in Spanish in public. So, can I expect raging lunatics such as yourself to accost me and expect me to carry around proof that I'm a citizen? FU man
You best speak fluent English in the future!
No doubt. But even the can’t we do both argument misses the bigger point regarding illegal immigrant violent crime:

By definition these are the most preventable crimes simply by enforcing existing law. They shouldn’t have been here in the first place.

This is why the whole “illegals commit less crimes than folks born in the US” statement is both irrelevant and intellectually dishonest.

Enforce the laws on the books and you prevent these terrible crimes.
If that is the Dem candidate, 330 may be too low