NonDawg Active shooter at Appalachee High School

Ok, but again, if this were as simple as acting on a bunch of declarative statements, it would have been done already.

It’s easy to say “remove high capacity guns from the equation” - but what does that mean? And how do you do that?

Parents are getting “the book” thrown at them. Taking the story on Colin Gray as truth, he went and bought that AR-15 for Colt AFTER the cops came and talked to both about threats Colt had allegedly made about shooting up a school. I’m skeptical that the prospect of future criminal prosecution would have deterred a person who excises that level of judgment.

I’ll be the first to agree that our legislators tend to say a bunch of meaningless things that aren’t actionable. But here, I don’t think that there is an actionable plan.

I am not trying to be difficult. If there is a way to solve this, I’m all for it. But I have yet to hear a solution that would prevented yesterday from happening. But I have heard a lot of things that would prevent otherwise law abiding people from owning guns that will never be used for anything close to a criminal purpose
You can’t help someone rationalize their emotional response to "do something".

Each time we try to get down to specific actions and evaluate potential consequences, the conversation either goes away or shifts back to more emphasis on the tragedy and the emotional response.
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You can’t help someone rationalize their emotional response to "do something".

Each time we try to get down to specific actions and evaluate potential consequences, the conversation either goes away or shifts back to more emphasis on the tragedy and the emotional response.
Why not have an SRO (s) at the main entrance at all times and all other doors are automatically locked as the student in that class indicated. and this Include all doors to be automatically locked that allow as an exit door. This has not been answered where did he go get the gun and how did it get in the school.
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Has it been determined for sure the firearm belonged to his dad? I'm assuming it was but have seen nothing concrete about the weapon or how it ended up in the kid's possession. But I do agree that the owner of the gun should be held responsible if they were neglectful.
I appreciate the discussion here

My point is when you say “I have yet to hear a solution that would have prevented yesterday”

But we don’t know that, right? Maybe making those style of guns more difficult to attain for civilians would be a deterrent?
Removing AR's from the civilian marketplace might help reduce deaths in larger public mall type mass shootings. But going into a confined classroom with a 9mm and an extra clip could have easily resulted in 4+ deaths. After the perp unloads in one classroom, he pops in the extra clip as he goes to the next classroom. Thats 20-24 shots in 2 confined spaces, with an easier to conceal handgun.

Where does it end?
Why not have an SRO (s) at the main entrance at all times and all other doors are automatically locked as the student in that class indicated. and this Include all doors to be automatically locked that allow as an exit door. This has not been answered where did he go get the gun and how did it get in the school.
A lot of people around the country have been complaining about significantly higher property taxes in recent years without bothering to look at where that tax revenue goes. For my statement, the school system gets the majority of my property tax.

Concerning local political matters, most people don't go to board meetings including those dealing with education. Budget concerns are often topics and most counties have budgets posted somewhere accessible on the Internet including futute proposed budgets such that the public can attend budget planning and adoption mmeetings to better understand and even provide commentary on budget matters.

Outside of directly affected communities, there doesn't seem to be an aggressive push across the nation to hammer out details of how money is best spent in general or particularly with school security. Like most things, there's a bbrief flare up of interest then it fades.

People just need to get more involved locally and stop the nonsense of depending on broad stroke solutions that only empower the federal government. There are radio ads from one candidate spreading fear that the other candidate is about to seize ultimate power the take revenge. Revenge on who exactly? Why are we to expect checks and balances to just disappear? Why would our government allow such to happen and more importantly, why would the people allow it?

My point is that we are generally lazy in matters of governance. We'll post online and share our opinions with great vigor, but the people absolutely disappear when it comes to involvement with day to day matters of governing.

This world isn't meant to be easy, but we have been conditioned to expect the easy fix without opposition or compromise. That easy fix is simply what each individual wants and if they don't get it, relative rage is the response. Coping skills are fading each generation.

Yes, we all need to do more to help find solutions.

-The Discord account that the FBI had linked to Colt Gray last year referenced plans for a future mass shooting and shared screenshots of firearms, according to documents obtained by CNN.

“im committing a mass shooting and im waiting a good 2-3 years,” stated the account user, according to screenshots included in an FBI incident report from May 2023 obtained by CNN. “I cant kill myself yet, cause I’m not contributing anything to culture I need to go out knowing I did.”

The account referenced Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter, and in separate posts shared a desire to target an elementary school and expressed frustration with the acceptance of TRANSGENDER people.

-The Discord account that the FBI had linked to Colt Gray last year referenced plans for a future mass shooting and shared screenshots of firearms, according to documents obtained by CNN.

“im committing a mass shooting and im waiting a good 2-3 years,” stated the account user, according to screenshots included in an FBI incident report from May 2023 obtained by CNN. “I cant kill myself yet, cause I’m not contributing anything to culture I need to go out knowing I did.”

The account referenced Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter, and in separate posts shared a desire to target an elementary school and expressed frustration with the acceptance of TRANSGENDER people.

There are also quotes from his relatives that he was asking everyone for help. I mentioned this earlier as well but we don't take mental health issues seriously enough in this country. Evidently, like Lanza, he was a flashing billboard and nobody took it seriously enough to intervene.

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