NonDawg Active shooter at Appalachee High School

Before CNN reports it and likely gets it wrong, it appears the shooter had an AR, though the incident scene photo I received is a bit grainy.
I'm looking at a photo taken by a student of the shooter, snapped to a kid I know at WB. Def is a long rifle of some kind. Kid is in a hoodie and long sleeves so can't tell much more.
"Messed up in the head" can be the result of horrific bullying, having an abusive home life, etc. I'd never defend someone for doing what this person did. Ever. But very few people reach the conclusion to do something like this without first being a victim of trauma themselves.
Can be, but most of the time it's not. Lots of people go through a lot of trauma and don't go out and murder people.
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Okay. It’s just a disgusting lack of humanity but if you’re happy with acting like a barbarian and wishing torture on a 14 year old, then that’s your prerogative.

Anyone considering shooting a school needs to understand there will be no mercy on their souls. The trauma this kid has caused this community, will last a lifetime for many. I’m all for grace and mercy, 2nd chances, but some sins are unforgivable.
I didn't say it was real, hence the part of the sentence saying "If real"

Reading comprehension is your friend. Calm down.
So you actually thought it could be real. Hence my comment on "common sense."
Man take a lap. Your word isn’t the end all be all. You’ve been nagging on people throughout this entire thread for whatever reason.
And these absurd rumors continue to be debunked. People disregard all common sense when there's gossip to share during a tragedy.
Also debunked as completely fake. The picture is from a manual on active shooter training.

Come on, folks...common sense.

I recognize that. I was asking him if that’s the picture that he saw. I doubt there is a real photo of the shooter with the gun.
"Messed up in the head" can be the result of horrific bullying, having an abusive home life, etc. I'd never defend someone for doing what this person did. Ever. But very few people reach the conclusion to do something like this without first being a victim of trauma themselves.
Doesn’t matter what it’s the result of , you’re still messed up in the head and never justified
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I voiced this complaint to my wife because her school didn't have the money to hire a full time security guard years ago.

Why is the school district responsible for footing the bill to put armed police in schools & pay for security measures. When a shooting takes place, it's not the principle or school board leader who had to stand tallest in front of angry parents & the national press, it's the mayor of the city & chief of police. They are the ones who should be responsible for funding the security at schools, not the underfunded schools themselves who struggle to even pay their bus drivers & keep the lights on. Jmo
If we can afford to pay football coaches what they get paid, as well as superintendents, then we can pay for security guards and SROs.
Can be, but most of the time it's not. Lots of people go through a lot of trauma and don't go out and murder people.
That’s of course true, but it doesn’t change the fact that events like today DO happen because kids are bullied by their peers and abused by their families.
That’s of course true, but it doesn’t change the fact that events like today DO happen because kids are bullied by their peers and abused by their families.
They just so happen to do it a hell of a lot more in the USA than well….anywhere else in the world.
They just so happen to do it a hell of a lot more in the USA than well….anywhere else in the world.
Unfortunately, we refuse to address the root causes. I’m not going to attack the good folks here who offer authentic thoughts and prayers, but it’s long past time it didn’t stop with that. We need action. We need meaningful limits on access to firearms. We need funding for mental and emotional health services in our schools. We need to de-stigmatize those who seek it. We need limits on youth access to social media and we need to educate people on the harms that addiction to social media can cause. We need all of it.
Unfortunately, we refuse to address the root causes. I’m not going to attack the good folks here who offer authentic thoughts and prayers, but it’s long past time it didn’t stop with that. We need action. We need meaningful limits on access to firearms. We need funding for mental and emotional health services in our schools. We need to de-stigmatize those who seek it. We need limits on youth access to social media and we need to educate people on the harms that addiction to social media can cause. We need all of it.
What is a “meaningful limit on access to firearms” IYO? Because my guess is that most of these kids aren’t purchasing these arms themselves.
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I'm very pro 2A but I don't think these shootings will stop unless the right to bear arms is removed from the American citizen.

I know criminals will always find guns but your average Joe suicidal psycho grabbing dad's gun and heading for a nearby school will continue until the day 2A is no longer an option
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I'm very pro 2A but I don't think these shootings will stop unless the right to bear arms is removed from the American citizen.

I know criminals will always find guns but your average Joe suicidal psycho grabbing dad's gun and heading for a nearby school will continue until the day 2A is no longer an option
Only issue with that is it's just highly unrealistic. Way too many gun owners in the US that will not give up their guns
True but it will sure be tried in the coming decades
Way more people keep dying from drunk drivers than guns every year. Should we do everything we can to remove the ability of all American citizens to drive a vehicle of any type?
Way more people keep dying from drunk drivers than guns every year. Should we do everything we can to remove the ability of all American citizens to drive a vehicle of any type?
There's not a war on alcohol in this nation but there's a ton of Americans & American politicians who want gun ownership rights wiped off the map. You're a fool if you think they will stop trying....and chipping away
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I'm very pro 2A but I don't think these shootings will stop unless the right to bear arms is removed from the American citizen.

I know criminals will always find guns but your average Joe suicidal psycho grabbing dad's gun and heading for a nearby school will continue until the day 2A is no longer an option

I’m skeptical that this is something that we can legislate our way past. There are simply way too many guns in out there for any hope of reduction that will eliminate events like today. And the reality is that an incredibly small percentage of guns are ever used in a crime.

“Taking away guns” doesn’t just touch on the 2nd amendment. It also involves the 4th and 5th, the 14th… the “taking” clause, etc.

If there was a simple fix to this, it would have deployed.
There's not a war on alcohol in this nation but there's a ton of Americans & American politicians who want gun ownership rights wiped off the map. You're a fool if you think they will stop trying....and they will continue to make up ground
I don't disagree about them continuing to attempt, but in your comment above, it came across as though you were in agreement with them on the matter. It'll never happen imo though, unless they want a war on their hands
It’s not this picture, is it?

NO..........that IS NOT the perp nor the firearm.

This is the firearm.

Appears to be an AR mag.......and a "black rifle."(AR)

I don't disagree about them continuing to attempt, but in your comment above, it came across as though you were in agreement with them on the matter. It'll never happen imo though, unless they want a war on their hands
Im only in agreement with them as far as being the only way to dramatically curb most of these active shooter events. Guns need to no longer be readily available to the masses.

Short of that, these events will remain the new normal until the day Jesus returns to earth.
Im only in agreement with them as far as being the only way to dramatically curb most of these active shooter events. Guns need to no longer be readily available to the masses.

Short of that, these events will remain the new normal until the day Jesus returns to earth.
What IYO does it mean that guns “no longer be readily available to the masses”?
What is a “meaningful limit on access to firearms” IYO? Because my guess is that most of these kids aren’t purchasing these arms themselves.
And yet it’s still not an impossibility that it may have happened because there are so many holes in our system with regard to the gym trade. How about we start with repealing any law that allows the purchase or possession of any firearm without a license and the completion of a safety certification course? Thoughts and prayers aren’t doing s**t to prevent these tragedies and it’s time people admit that more action is required.