and now RFK Jr. busted cheating on his wife

Did you hear your defense? Did they ever get married? Was he ever going to divorce his first wife for her? No. Did he provide her with a six figure job for doing next to nothing? Yes. She was a side chick. What do you think Willie’s wife called her? As I assume trump had too. I said there is no moral high ground here. I don’t know why your panties are in a bunch. It isn’t like Trump put a cigar in a women’s box and then smoked it. Right there in the Oval Office. I am not defending Trump. I am agreeing he has no moral high ground. Just saying Kamala or any other democrats to hold/possibly hold that office recently don’t have any of that high ground either. The last decent Democrat to hold that office was Jimmy Carter. He has the moral high ground over all of them. No matter how bad he was as a president.

Oh and it has been discussed by 1000’s of her Democrat opponents running against her too.
I started to write a longer response and then caught myself. I should know better at this point.

We can top-line the discussion. I think Trump and the GOP continue to make choices that will ensure their failure in November. We will have a definitive answer as to whether I am right or wrong in about sixty days.

It is funny you think that the majority of women are ok with this kind of thing. I don’t think the soccer mom’s who voted hard for Joe in the last election would be ok with this at all. I could be wrong, but both my daughters played soccer for 10 years or more. Been around a ton of soccer moms. I am just not sure it is a value they would share with Kamala.

I think vance will be ok. He does five debates a week with msm folks. If there is anyone prepared for any question it should be him. The vp debate rarely moves the needle, but I am not worried about a Yale lawyer with basically two months of preparation on the msm circuit
I think you need to go back and look at some of the complaints women have made about the sexism and discrimination they face in the workplace. You're essentially calling her a S*** just because she dated an older man. But Trump can say "grab them by the p****" and it's just dismissed by his supports as locker room talk. There's a contradiction there that women have noticed and why they have flocked to the Dem party the last 2 years.
- the inflation was caused by the Inflation Reduction act
- this is campaign gibberish and it looks like you cut and pasted this crap from some website - oh and I thought the Trump tax cuts only helped the rich and were bad for the middle class? Which one is it?
- the border bill allows for 1.825 million illegals per year, thats not an immigration bill thats an open border. It also gives more power to complete tards like Mayorkas. No way in Hell is that ever gonna pass . How about just close the border?
- more campaign horse shit - what does "Empower Medicare" mean , why havent they lowered drug costs already , oh and btw Trump lowered insulin costs first

This is all word salad.

Why havent Biden and her already done this btw? Why are they flying illegals into the country? Why are they placing 20,000 Haitians in a town like the one in Ohio. Why do the Teamsters hate her?
You will never get a response. Crickets. Biden slipped up and said we should have called the inflation reduction act what it was. An energy bill. Whoops.
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I started to write a longer response and then caught myself. I should know better at this point.

We can top-line the discussion. I think Trump and the GOP continue to make choices that will ensure their failure in November. We will have a definitive answer as to whether I am right or wrong in about sixty days.

What is wrong with you. I meet you in the middle and say I agree with you about the morality argument. But you are just hell bent on saying Kamala is untouchable from a morality standpoint. You glaze over that I credit you for what you say about Trump. Your tunnel vision is so jaded these days.

We are going to find out soon enough. You are right. You can’t say anything bad about her. Right. I would love to hear it. I can give you a long list of what I don’t like about Trump. Let’s hear yours about Kamala. Or is she the perfect candidate.
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I think you need to go back and look at some of the complaints women have made about the sexism and discrimination they face in the workplace. You're essentially calling her a S*** just because she dated an older man. But Trump can say "grab them by the p****" and it's just dismissed by his supports as locker room talk. There's a contradiction there that women have noticed and why they have flocked to the Dem party the last 2 years.
According to Gallup the only age group for women that increased in the last two years was 50-64 age group, up four percent, all others reduced, but we will see how they vote in November.
You will never get a response. Crickets. Biden slipped up and said we should have called the inflation reduction act what it was. An energy bill. Whoops.

- the inflation was caused by the Inflation Reduction act
- this is campaign gibberish and it looks like you cut and pasted this crap from some website - oh and I thought the Trump tax cuts only helped the rich and were bad for the middle class? Which one is it?
- the border bill allows for 1.825 million illegals per year, thats not an immigration bill thats an open border. It also gives more power to complete tards like Mayorkas. No way in Hell is that ever gonna pass . How about just close the border?
- more campaign horse shit - what does "Empower Medicare" mean , why havent they lowered drug costs already , oh and btw Trump lowered insulin costs first

This is all word salad.

Why havent Biden and her already done this btw? Why are they flying illegals into the country? Why are they placing 20,000 Haitians in a town like the one in Ohio. Why do the Teamsters hate her?
Inflation peaked in June 2022 at 9.1%.

The inflation Reduction Act passed in August 2022.

Since that time, inflation has fallen steadily to the current rate of 2.9%, nearing the Fed target rate of 2%. Notably, our efforts to balance inflation reduction against growth continue to be the most effective of the G7 economies.

I am not suggesting that the IRA was entirely or even primarily responsible for the fall in inflation (that would be the Fed rate hikes) but saying that the IRA caused inflation is just demonstrably false.

The US has never had a closed border, including under Trump, so demanding one now is either disingenuous or stupid. The border bill was a bi-partisan approach to greatly improving the border situation and Trump killed it for votes.

You really want to compare healthcare plans? Sure, let's definitely rehash one of the most embarrassing moments in a debate full of embarrassing moments for Trump. Eight years in and he has "concepts" of a plan. What a joke.

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What is wrong with you. I meet you in the middle and say I agree with you about the morality argument. But you are just hell bent on saying Kamala is untouchable from a morality standpoint. You glaze over that I credit you for what you say about Trump. Your tunnel vision is so jaded these days.

We are going to find out soon enough. You are right. You can’t say anything bad about her. Right. I would love to hear it. I can give you a long list of what I don’t like about Trump. Let’s here yours about Kamala. Or is she the perfect candidate.
I will never claim that any successful national politician, including Harris, is morally pure. It's an impossibility, with the exception of Carter, as you noted.

But I also won't sign up for a false equivalency that Harris and Brown dating early in her career when both people were (by any reasonable measure) single puts Harris on equal footing with Trump, Mark Robinson, Bill Clinton or any of these other sexual, moral degenerates.

There is plenty you can criticize about Harris without being a misogynist. Her record in the Senate, her lack of accomplishment as VP, whether her aggressive move to the middle is postering or legitimate, lack of proof regarding her ability to handle international diplomacy (although I think the debate helped with that). That's all in play and totally fair. In my view, saying that she slept her way to the top is both factually wrong, sexist in nature and avoids the needed comparison of the actual proposed policies of both candidates.
lol, while their candidate made her way to the top by sucking off
Everyone that mattered
Willie Brown had stopped living with wife and been separated for over a decade when he and Kamala dated. They did not hide their relationship because they had nothing to hide.

That situation is not in any way comparable to the extramarital exploits of RFK Jr, or Trump or Mark Robinson or MTG or Mark Green or Newt Gingrich or….
Willie Brown had stopped living with wife and been separated for over a decade when he and Kamala dated. They did not hide their relationship because they had nothing to hide.

That situation is not in any way comparable to the extramarital exploits of RFK Jr, or Trump or Mark Robinson or MTG or Mark Green or Newt Gingrich or….
Was Willie married?
Inflation peaked in June 2022 at 9.1%.

The inflation Reduction Act passed in August 2022.

Since that time, inflation has fallen steadily to the current rate of 2.9%, nearing the Fed target rate of 2%. Notably, our efforts to balance inflation reduction against growth continue to be the most effective of the G7 economies.

I am not suggesting that the IRA was entirely or even primarily responsible for the fall in inflation (that would be the Fed rate hikes) but saying that the IRA caused inflation is just demonstrably false.

The US has never had a closed border, including under Trump, so demanding one now is either disingenuous or stupid. The border bill was a bi-partisan approach to greatly improving the border situation and Trump killed it for votes.

You really want to compare healthcare plans? Sure, let's definitely rehash one of the most embarrassing moments in a debate full of embarrassing moments for Trump. Eight years in and he has "concepts" of a plan. What a joke.

Come on , you know what I mean about the border . Just for kicks, I Googled how many people crossed the border in 2014. The answer was 468, 407. Thats a number most Americans can live with. 1.825 Million is a joke and an insult.

Inflation has come down, according the the people that caused it to go up. The problem is that prices have not come down , and I and everyone else blame the Biden/ Harris Administration. Every time folks shop for food or whatever, they feel what this Administration has done. I quit eating out for lunch 2 years ago and I make my own now. $20 every day for lunch is $400 a month, just for lunch.

Neither candidate can fix health care due to what Obama did to it. He ruined it by himself. Im open to any and all ideas.
I will never claim that any successful national politician, including Harris, is morally pure. It's an impossibility, with the exception of Carter, as you noted.

But I also won't sign up for a false equivalency that Harris and Brown dating early in her career when both people were (by any reasonable measure) single puts Harris on equal footing with Trump, Mark Robinson, Bill Clinton or any of these other sexual, moral degenerates.

There is plenty you can criticize about Harris without being a misogynist. Her record in the Senate, her lack of accomplishment as VP, whether her aggressive move to the middle is postering or legitimate, lack of proof regarding her ability to handle international diplomacy (although I think the debate helped with that). That's all in play and totally fair. In my view, saying that she slept her way to the top is both factually wrong, sexist in nature and avoids the needed comparison of the actual proposed policies of both candidates.
I don’t think I ever said she was on equal footing with Trump. But what we do know is she got her career going by who she was in bed with. That is just a fact. He gave her a job to jump start her career that she neither earned or was remotely qualified for. That is what I am saying.

Now there is a mountain of info out there saying she did a ton more than that. You know this. Joe brown can’t tell enough people about what she did and he was there. No one will ever confirm any of that. I really don’t care. I just don’t think it is an area that is off limits. For god sakes, they drug trump into court for two separate cases involving a porn star. Whose story changed 85 times over the years. Including what she wrote in her book. And what she signed stating was the actual truth.

The other had a cat named vagina. Thought rape was sexy. And claimed 21 other people sexually assaulted her. Pretty sure he has been hammered as hard as you can get hammered on morality. Along with the secret recording of the grab then in the pussy comment.

For one second imagine if the shoe was on the other foot here and Kamala was treated that way by the media. Has anyone interviewed former staff members fired or that were run off by her? Has there been one hard hitting story about how she has been operating? No. None. I don’t think pubs bringing this up aren’t crossing a line that hasn’t been obliterated already.
Was Willie married?
Yes but apparently that doesn’t matter, just an inconvenience.
I just want to make sure and understand your point here.

Yes, Brown was legally married. He and his wife separated amicably in 1982, remained friends and continued to enjoy time together with their adult children. She said all this in 1984.

So, is your issue that Brown sinned before God by dating people when he never legally divorced? He certainly didn't go against any agreement with his wife. Or is your point that Kamala openly dated a married man, despite the fact that the married man has been separated for thirteen years and had been openly dating other women that entire time while his wife continued to refer to him as her good friend?

I'll look forward to your answers.
I think you need to go back and look at some of the complaints women have made about the sexism and discrimination they face in the workplace. You're essentially calling her a S*** just because she dated an older man. But Trump can say "grab them by the p****" and it's just dismissed by his supports as locker room talk. There's a contradiction there that women have noticed and why they have flocked to the Dem party the last 2 years.
Who dismissed what trump said as lockeroom talk? That advice was ironically given to him by a woman. He dismissed it that way. The msm didn’t dismiss the recording of him. They played it as much as they could. I haven’t seen the msm play judge brown’s description of Kamala.

I would like to see the stat where women have gone left recently and why. I would figure the abortion issue is the reason.

You think the women on Willy Browns staff were kind when they talked about Kamala in private.

When did this become about the workplace. You just moved the goalposts. If a women in any office sleeps with the boss then moves past other women up the chain, you tell me how that will be viewed. I will hang up and listen. You think they will be happy about it?
I just want to make sure and understand your point here.

Yes, Brown was legally married. He and his wife separated amicably in 1982, remained friends and continued to enjoy time together with their adult children. She said all this in 1984.

So, is your issue that Brown sinned before God by dating people when he never legally divorced? He certainly didn't go against any agreement with his wife. Or is your point that Kamala openly dated a married man, despite the fact that the married man has been separated for thirteen years and had been openly dating other women that entire time while his wife continued to refer to him as her good friend?

I'll look forward to your answers.
Yes and yes. Had Brown divorced his wife I doubt any of this would have come to light. But, some of us still believe in the sanctity of marriage. He was wrong for dating multiple women while still legally married and Harris was wrong by dating a legally married man. Pretty simple.
I just want to make sure and understand your point here.

Yes, Brown was legally married. He and his wife separated amicably in 1982, remained friends and continued to enjoy time together with their adult children. She said all this in 1984.

So, is your issue that Brown sinned before God by dating people when he never legally divorced? He certainly didn't go against any agreement with his wife. Or is your point that Kamala openly dated a married man, despite the fact that the married man has been separated for thirteen years and had been openly dating other women that entire time while his wife continued to refer to him as her good friend?

I'll look forward to your answers.
This sounds great on the Disney channel. Well. What the Disney channel is now. There are reports out there that privately she hated Kamala. Who made public appearances with him. That was not supposed to be the arrangement. We will never hear the truth from Willie. Or his wife. Not publicly.

Why is that? Kamala herself said in 2003 she imagined Willie had a massive amount of fright that he can’t control her anymore. He himself said if she could she would deport me tomorrow. You want to make it clean and savory for public consumption. Same as the rest of the Dems. Do you honestly believe the story you just told is 100 percent true? And behind the scenes isn’t just a little bit different.

Too bad there isn’t a 30 for 30 already on this topic
Yes and yes. Had Brown divorced his wife I doubt any of this would have come to light. But, some of us still believe in the sanctity of marriage. He was wrong for dating multiple women while still legally married and Harris was wrong by dating a legally married man. Pretty simple.
Fair enough. I don't feel the same way, but this isn't a "right or wrong" kind of issue.

Given Harris was single, and Brown had been openly dating women, with the full knowledge of his wife, for over a decade by the time he and Harris started dating, how does your condemnation of Harris compare to Trump's history, given he cheated multiple times on all three of his wives, and in two of the three marriages his cheating broke up the marriage? How about his joking on tape about being able to move on married women like a b*tch and grabbing them by their genitals?

I'm just curious how you compare and contrast the moral transgressions of the two candidates.

This sounds great on the Disney channel. Well. What the Disney channel is now. There are reports out there that privately she hated Kamala. Who made public appearances with him. That was not supposed to be the arrangement. We will never hear the truth from Willie. Or his wife. Not publicly.

Why is that? Kamala herself said in 2003 she imagined Willie had a massive amount of fright that he can’t control her anymore. He himself said if she could she would deport me tomorrow. You want to make it clean and savory for public consumption. Same as the rest of the Dems. Do you honestly believe the story you just told is 100 percent true? And behind the scenes isn’t just a little bit different.

Too bad there isn’t a 30 for 30 already on this topic

So, there are "reports out there that privately she hated Kamala" because their public appearances were "not supposed to be the arrangement?" Were these reports from people who approached you with tears in the eyes, because that sounds about as real as the typical Trump "Sir" story.

Very odd, given Brown was openly dating before he and his wife officially separated, and he continued to openly date women for the thirteen years before he and Harris started their relationship. I wonder why his wife had a specific issue with Harris, thirteen years into their separation, given Brown publicly acknowledged their marital status in the 1984 NYT's profile of him? Curious.

Fair enough. I don't feel the same way, but this isn't a "right or wrong" kind of issue.

Given Harris was single, and Brown had been openly dating women, with the full knowledge of his wife, for over a decade by the time he and Harris started dating, how does your condemnation of Harris compare to Trump's history, given he cheated multiple times on all three of his wives, and in two of the three marriages his cheating broke up the marriage? How about his joking on tape about being able to move on married women like a b*tch and grabbing them by their genitals?

I'm just curious how you compare and contrast the moral transgressions of the two candidates.

So, there are "reports out there that privately she hated Kamala" because their public appearances were "not supposed to be the arrangement?" Were these reports from people who approached you with tears in the eyes, because that sounds about as real as the typical Trump "Sir" story.

Very odd, given Brown was openly dating before he and his wife officially separated, and he continued to openly date women for the thirteen years before he and Harris started their relationship. I wonder why his wife had a specific issue with Harris, thirteen years into their separation, given Brown publicly acknowledged their marital status in the 1984 NYT's profile of him? Curious.

Again. Believe the Disney version if you want. I am sure you will because you want her to win. I just think it is extremely naive. Especially when he is a little scared of her becoming president. Also, her is her quote in 2003 where she said he should be worried now that he can’t control me. Make you want of that. Doesn’t sound like the utopia you and the left are making it out to be.

Like blessed said. She was 29. He was 60. There is only one reason she dated him. Again, unless you want to believe the head in the sand version. Which you seem content with.

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