Biden will lose the election because of the debates ?

Debates won't help but he is going to lose because the Dems are showing their true colors and suburbia (even the suburban women) doesn't want folks showing up at the local Starbucks tipping over tables and getting in their faces.
My wife is a CPA and a strong but non-vocal supporter of women’s rights. She believes there are 2 key moments from this year that are pivotal. Biden used the phrase “shareholder capitalism” about a month or so ago. For my wife, that was the final straw. She said she could care less what his explanation for that statement was, she was definitely voting for Trump at that moment. Between that statement and Pelosi acting the fool by tearing up Trump’s speech (which my wife thinks every sharp, professional woman out there cringed over) the Dems are doomed. She said no man In that position would ever act that immature and unhinged in public. My wife did not vote for Trump last time. She still hates the way he acts, but she’s voting for him this time. She believes most career, professional and suburban women are too.

That’s all I need to know to predict Nov 3.
Ask her how she feels about the way Biden acts? Biden is on the record calling school integration a racial jungle as well as multiple other racially incendiary remarks. He has been caught on film multiple times fondling children and inappropriately touching, sniffing and fondling women. It is said he exposed himself to a female Secret Service agent, a history of lies and plagerism and of course all the documented graft. It appears to me that Biden is what they accuse Trump of being.
He will never debate Trump in person
Agreed, think he will have a 'last minute' something or another happen, endless to what the something will be.
My favorite so far is frau-Pelosi trying to say she wouldn't dignify Trump ( shoulda been PRESIDENT Trump ) with debating him. Democratic leadership truly does think the whole country is as stupid as they would like. Many are, but not all, yet .
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If he does debate,they will pump him full of adderall or something to make him seem he Is alright
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Do you buy that statement or do you disagree and you selling ?
Seriously doubt the debates change much in voters minds...hoping it’s because of what the American voters should already know...which are the stark differences in our political policies, spending, protecting the constitution, abiding by the law...along with getting the bat crazies (like Pelosi-Schumer) , the socialistic agendas, the anarchist fools like antifa, the fascist propaganda blm .org, and “the squad” squashed.
My wife is a CPA and a strong but non-vocal supporter of women’s rights. She believes there are 2 key moments from this year that are pivotal. Biden used the phrase “shareholder capitalism” about a month or so ago. For my wife, that was the final straw. She said she could care less what his explanation for that statement was, she was definitely voting for Trump at that moment. Between that statement and Pelosi acting the fool by tearing up Trump’s speech (which my wife thinks every sharp, professional woman out there cringed over) the Dems are doomed. She said no man In that position would ever act that immature and unhinged in public. My wife did not vote for Trump last time. She still hates the way he acts, but she’s voting for him this time. She believes most career, professional and suburban women are too.

That’s all I need to know to predict Nov 3.
I think you may be referring to “stakeholder capitalism,” in which communities, special interest groups, etc are given a seat at the boardroom table along with the shareholders, the actual owners of the company.
Sell. Does anyone think there are actual undecided voters at this point?
You are either "Orange man bad" and don't care your candidate is clearly mentally incapacitated
MAGA 2020
There is no in-between
Maybe not "undecided" in a traditional sense, but I do believe enthusiasm is still up for grabs. The more pissed off people are, the more likely they are to vote for their guy.
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Maybe not "undecided" in a traditional sense, but I do believe enthusiasm is still up for grabs. The more pissed off people are, the more likely they are to vote for their guy.
That's a fair point. Momentum will be huge in the last 40 days or so. RBG dying just energized the bases both ways
Selling... people’s minds are already made up... plus, I think the MSM will make the debates as Biden friendly as possible and report them as if Biden stood his ground...
I've been saying the same. Normally, it would definitely help, but at this point, Biden can take a nap in the middle of the debates, and the Orange Man Bad folks wouldn't care.
My wife is a CPA and a strong but non-vocal supporter of women’s rights. She believes there are 2 key moments from this year that are pivotal. Biden used the phrase “shareholder capitalism” about a month or so ago. For my wife, that was the final straw. She said she could care less what his explanation for that statement was, she was definitely voting for Trump at that moment. Between that statement and Pelosi acting the fool by tearing up Trump’s speech (which my wife thinks every sharp, professional woman out there cringed over) the Dems are doomed. She said no man In that position would ever act that immature and unhinged in public. My wife did not vote for Trump last time. She still hates the way he acts, but she’s voting for him this time. She believes most career, professional and suburban women are too.

That’s all I need to know to predict Nov 3.
My gf voted for Gary Johnson four years ago. We had literally just met a few months prior and were still in the friends/taking it slow stage. I tried to tell her then that while 100% in their rights, voting for him or Stein would mean absolutely nothing come 10 pm that Tuesday night. She didn't listen, but watched the results with me as nervous as I was.

She was in the "couldn't stand Clinton, and believed Trump would send us to WW3" camp. She is 100% Trump now. She has watched the last four months transpire and has had enough. She is also pro-women, but laughs at all of these far-left feminists. Her mother is the exact same way. She is definitely voting for Trump now. I have told her parents thank you for raising a smart daughter.
That's a fair point. Momentum will be huge in the last 40 days or so. RBG dying just energized the bases both ways
I think Supreme Court stuff affects people who pay a lot of attention to politics. This election will be won or lost by those who don't live and die by this stuff. It will be won or lost by the blue collar midwestern guy. Is he feeling good about things? Or not? Trump won this guy last time because HIllary was so out of touch.

The virus is gonna dictate the result. The virus cuts both ways - do folks negatively affected by it blame Trump per the media narrative, or do they blame their own Governors for over-reaching on shutdowns and limitations on freedoms? If the virus ends up surging again and legitimately shutting things down again, Biden wins. If it becomes clearer and clearer that States like Georgia had it right, and things trend more normal despite allowing folks to go to school, play football, go out to eat, etc, etc....Trump wins. People ain't stupid, and at some point they are gonna point their fingers back at those who make political decisions that impact their own freedoms.

In other words, if the "re-open States" continue to do well, Trump wins. If they don't, Biden wins.
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