Bill Oriely with great comment on Trump / Kemp feud


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Aug 12, 2001
Oriley mentioned the feud on Monday, was very harsh on Trump for bringing it up. On Oriley's show last night he said he called down early Tuesday to the Trump compound to talk to him and was told Trump had been on phone all day being chewed out by major donors and major republicans for Trump's part in the feud and for brining it back up. Good to see his friends holding him accountable and communicating errors directly back to him. Does it make a difference, who knows but was interesting to hear.
It was really dumb, if he can keep from infighting until after the election that would be nice so we don’t let the socialists win.
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Oriley mentioned the feud on Monday, was very harsh on Trump for bringing it up. On Oriley's show last night he said he called down early Tuesday to the Trump compound to talk to him and was told Trump had been on phone all day being chewed out by major donors and major republicans for Trump's part in the feud and for brining it back up. Good to see his friends holding him accountable and communicating errors directly back to him. Does it make a difference, who knows but was interesting to hear.
But wait. I thought Trump supporters were part of a cult. The best thing about Trump os that he cant get 2 far out of line or his own supporters (like Newt) will call him out.