Further Comment on Trump / Kemp feud….

He has driven people like me away. I've voted Republican since I was able to vote. I will not vote for Trump. No way.
I get this feeling. Man I do. What I don’t get is how you can ever vote for their policies no matter who is running from the right. It has gone so far left it should, like me, go against everything you believe. I leaned more to the middle, but they have driven me farther right.

For me the evil is the same. Biden and Hillary are awful. Kamala is so far left she is a complete trainwreck. I was told by several friends to watch Biden. He will govern from the middle. He has always been that way. I told them they weren’t listening. He was so far left he didn’t even remember what he used to believe. I don’t know how anyone can vote for what the democrats are now.
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He has driven people like me away. I've voted Republican since I was able to vote. I will not vote for Trump. No way.
Pretty much in the same boat as you. I've been a conservative my entire life. The last two weeks have highlighted the absolute stupidity of nominating Trump. Never seen anyone more self destructive in my life. Instead of putting forth the candidate with the best chance of winning they put forth the candidate with the best chance of losing. It makes no damn sense.

He may still win but there were choices that could have made it a no contest.
Trump can't win without getting at least 15% of the black vote, and Kamala has galvanized black women in a way that Sleepy couldn't.
I really do feel the NABJ interview by Trump was his Biden debate moment. The lasting affect its going to have amongst the black community is going to be a tough hill to climb. I saying right now he doesn't get more than 8% of the black vote.
We never got the link about the 367k illegals registered to vote.

My advise, go to the Gateway Pundit to look for that article, I’m sure they have published something along those lines.
We never got the link about the 367k illegals registered to vote.

My advise, go to the Gateway Pundit to look for that article, I’m sure they have published something along those lines.
Not even the Gateway Pundit publishes entirely invented and absurd hard numbers like that. That's why I was so curious to see the source.
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I really do feel the NABJ interview by Trump was his Biden debate moment. The lasting affect its going to have amongst the black community is going to be a tough hill to climb. I saying right now he doesn't get more than 8% of the black vote.
Trump will still get over 20% of the black vote. Many are tired of the same ole sh#@ they get from the Dems.
I get this feeling. Man I do. What I don’t get is how you can ever vote for their policies no matter who is running from the right. It has gone so far right it should, like me, go against everything you believe. I leaned more to the middle, but they have driven me farther right.

For me the evil is the same. Biden and Hillary are awful. Kamala is so far left she is a complete trainwreck. I was told by several friends to watch Biden. He will govern from the middle. He has always been that way. I told them they weren’t listening. He was so far left he didn’t even remember what he used to believe. I don’t know how anyone can vote for what the democrats are now.

We all vote for different things in a candidate. This excerpt I found does a better job than I could have my main reason I won’t vote for him.

But when push comes to shove, conservative policy arguments don’t matter when the GOP presidential nominee is someone who refuses to acknowledge that he lost the last election, and who has not set aside the possibility of utilizing mob violence for his own political gain in November. For that reason, Matthews explained, she will be voting for President Joe Biden.

“With Donald Trump, you have a candidate who tried to overturn the last election, who spread conspiracy theories because he couldn’t accept the fact that lost the last election. And then those theories helped inspire an insurrection on our nation’s Capitol,” she said. “And to this day, Donald Trump refuses to admit that he lost that election and has not shown any remorse for what happened on January 6. So, of course, I would love for us to be having a debate of policy ideas in the 2024 election. But when we have a candidate on the ballot who will not uphold the Constitution, then I feel like I have to put policy aside, and I want to support the person who is best suited to defeat Donald Trump.”
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We all vote for different things in a candidate. This excerpt I found does a better job than I could have my main reason I won’t vote for him.

But when push comes to shove, conservative policy arguments don’t matter when the GOP presidential nominee is someone who refuses to acknowledge that he lost the last election, and who has not set aside the possibility of utilizing mob violence for his own political gain in November. For that reason, Matthews explained, she will be voting for President Joe Biden.

“With Donald Trump, you have a candidate who tried to overturn the last election, who spread conspiracy theories because he couldn’t accept the fact that lost the last election. And then those theories helped inspire an insurrection on our nation’s Capitol,” she said. “And to this day, Donald Trump refuses to admit that he lost that election and has not shown any remorse for what happened on January 6. So, of course, I would love for us to be having a debate of policy ideas in the 2024 election. But when we have a candidate on the ballot who will not uphold the Constitution, then I feel like I have to put policy aside, and I want to support the person who is best suited to defeat Donald Trump.”
I get it. But we have seen what a trump presidency looks like. It wasn’t bad. Up until covid and the end it was much better than the last four years.

The og election deniers were from the other side outside of Jan 6th. Biden was asked not to certify as well and Hillary has never accepted the election wasn’t stolen.

Ironically, the best evidence brought forward in court about election fraud was done by the democrats. The dominion machines were hacked in less than five minutes with a pen. That wasn’t a pub led case. Pure Democrat in response to Hillary claiming he stole the election. And is an illegitimate president

If you think Trump planned Jan 6th. That is on you. I can’t help you. Or if it was a real insurrection with no mob. A coup or insurrection in real life has a lot of weaponry or is political like what happened to Joe. He was given an offer he couldn’t refuse. Sorry man. That is a flat out coup the Dems put lipstick on.
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He has driven people like me away. I've voted Republican since I was able to vote. I will not vote for Trump. No way.
Pretty much in the same boat as you. I've been a conservative my entire life. The last two weeks have highlighted the absolute stupidity of nominating Trump. Never seen anyone more self destructive in my life. Instead of putting forth the candidate with the best chance of winning they put forth the candidate with the best chance of losing. It makes no damn sense.

He may still win but there were choices that could have made it a no contest.

Kemp is markedly more conservative than Trump, yet because Kemp doesn't 100% agree with Trump 24/7 he's somehow a RINO/not conservative/not a real Republican, etc. It's crazy.

shows that TDS goes both ways
I really do feel the NABJ interview by Trump was his Biden debate moment. The lasting affect its going to have amongst the black community is going to be a tough hill to climb. I saying right now he doesn't get more than 8% of the black vote.
It is sad you didn’t watch the whole video. Where that was asked what did you mean. And answered as black as well as all jobs. I do agree it is the clip you needed to hang the race card on him again. Despite electing Biden who may be the most racist president to hold office in the last 100 years.
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He has driven people like me away. I've voted Republican since I was able to vote. I will not vote for Trump. No way.
Pretty much in the same boat as you. I've been a conservative my entire life. The last two weeks have highlighted the absolute stupidity of nominating Trump. Never seen anyone more self destructive in my life. Instead of putting forth the candidate with the best chance of winning they put forth the candidate with the best chance of losing. It makes no damn sense.

He may still win but there were choices that could have made it a no contest.
The base is not what former Rep used to be.
They want Trump and no one else.
Heck, in thier eyes, Reagan is a RINO.
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Pretty much in the same boat as you. I've been a conservative my entire life. The last two weeks have highlighted the absolute stupidity of nominating Trump. Never seen anyone more self destructive in my life. Instead of putting forth the candidate with the best chance of winning they put forth the candidate with the best chance of losing. It makes no damn sense.

He may still win but there were choices that could have made it a no contest.

Kemp is markedly more conservative than Trump, yet because Kemp doesn't 100% agree with Trump 24/7 he's somehow a RINO/not conservative/not a real Republican, etc. It's crazy.

shows that TDS goes both ways
Trump never will be rigged again!
Just ask him.
what happened today?
It isn’t just here nice. Even the analyst said the recovery was anticipated, but this is going to be a continued retreat of the markets. The Japanese market recovered today some but it is still down 9000 points. That kind of volatility is never a good thing. Just hope it helps with interest rates. Would really help my business. Which has suffered the last two years. You want to puff out your chest to right ahead. Please let me know how the bond market is doing and your future forecasting. So I can go out and put some money down.

The Dow is still below 39000. It didn’t close well today.
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Pretty much in the same boat as you. I've been a conservative my entire life. The last two weeks have highlighted the absolute stupidity of nominating Trump. Never seen anyone more self destructive in my life. Instead of putting forth the candidate with the best chance of winning they put forth the candidate with the best chance of losing. It makes no damn sense.

He may still win but there were choices that could have made it a no contest.
I have always understood your takes here. You do seem conservative. I don’t disagree with any of this. Only thing that bothers me is the comparing of how conservative kemp is compared to trump and preferring kemp more. Which I do too. If you prefer more conservative. How in the holy hell can you even think of voting for Kamala?? It doesn’t get less conservative unless she truly goes commie. It is as extreme left as you can be. This is what will always blow my mind. It would be like the left voting for a kkk member because they don’t like their candidate. This is how extreme she is. The most liberal they have. Sorry man. I will never be able to wrap my head around that.

You can’t say Donald is an extreme right winger. You just said he isn’t that conservative. You can say without reservation Kamala Harris is an extreme left winger. Just look at her record.
It isn’t just here nice. Even the analyst said the recovery was anticipated...
I was just asking a question.

on the substance: I am invested long term. Up something like 9% ytd. not paying day to day attention because that's for day traders, suckers, and dopamine freaks.
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I was just asking a question.

on the substance: I am invested long term. Up something like 9% ytd. not paying day to day attention because that's for day traders, suckers, and dopamine freaks.
That is the way to go these days imo as well. Going to be a rough ride for a minute I am afraid. I am so surprised the bow hasn’t broken. At the same time I hope it doesn’t. I don’t want to see people lose accumulated wealth. If the rates come down I hope this helps. I will take the trade off.
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I get it. But we have seen what a trump presidency looks like. It wasn’t bad. Up until covid and the end it was much better than the last four years.

The og election deniers were from the other side outside of Jan 6th. Biden was asked not to certify as well and Hillary has never accepted the election wasn’t stolen.

Ironically, the best evidence brought forward in court about election fraud was done by the democrats. The dominion machines were hacked in less than five minutes with a pen. That wasn’t a pub led case. Pure Democrat in response to Hillary claiming he stole the election. And is an illegitimate president

If you think Trump planned Jan 6th. That is on you. I can’t help you. Or if it was a real insurrection with no mob. A coup or insurrection in real life has a lot of weaponry or is political like what happened to Joe. He was given an offer he couldn’t refuse. Sorry man. That is a flat out coup the Dems put lipstick on.
Appreciate your reply. We shall see what 2028 brings as far as hopefully new fresh non maga candidate choices.
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Appreciate your reply. We shall see what 2028 brings as far as hopefully new fresh non maga candidate choices.
That will absolutely be refreshing. For sure. No Biden, Clinton, Obama, bush etc. be careful what we wish for. Eric trump will somehow find his way on deck. lol.
I don’t want to see people lose accumulated wealth. If the rates come down I hope this helps.
right - well - no one wants to see people lose hard earned money to some of the retail brokers out there just living for the churn.

and the FED missed, but Jerome Powell has been ****ing us for a few years now since he was appointed, so I don't know why he'd stop.

sounds like we'll see a cut next meet
  • Like
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right - well - no one wants to see people lose hard earned money to some of the retail brokers out there just living for the churn.

and the FED missed, but Jerome Powell has been ****ing us for a few years now since he was appointed, so I don't know why he'd stop.

sounds like we'll see a cut next meet
Really surprised Biden retained him. He is no trump fan, but that may have been his most surprising move imo
He has driven people like me away. I've voted Republican since I was able to vote. I will not vote for Trump. No way.
So you are going to vote for Kamala??
You need to look at the facts not the personality of the candidate. Look at their positions. If you do that and still can’t vote for Trump then you were not a republican. She and Walz would be the most left liberal ticket in our history.
Do you want open borders? Full health and SS given to illegals?do you want to support our military and police Kamala doesn’t? An end to private health insurance and one government option? Are you in favor of no fracking or offshore drilling? A continued push to eliminate gas cars? Do you want Kamala leading us during WWIII? Her policies with Biden on Israel and Iran have caused this war. No Pres Biden and Israel would not have been attacked. Iran had no money and couldn’t fund all the terrorists. Those are some of Kamala policies from the past few years she’s trying to hide. Walz is even worse.
Genuine question for my Dems on here I banter with

If the Pub nominee was anyone other than Trump would you still vote Harris/Walz?
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We all vote for different things in a candidate. This excerpt I found does a better job than I could have my main reason I won’t vote for him.

But when push comes to shove, conservative policy arguments don’t matter when the GOP presidential nominee is someone who refuses to acknowledge that he lost the last election, and who has not set aside the possibility of utilizing mob violence for his own political gain in November. For that reason, Matthews explained, she will be voting for President Joe Biden.

“With Donald Trump, you have a candidate who tried to overturn the last election, who spread conspiracy theories because he couldn’t accept the fact that lost the last election. And then those theories helped inspire an insurrection on our nation’s Capitol,” she said. “And to this day, Donald Trump refuses to admit that he lost that election and has not shown any remorse for what happened on January 6. So, of course, I would love for us to be having a debate of policy ideas in the 2024 election. But when we have a candidate on the ballot who will not uphold the Constitution, then I feel like I have to put policy aside, and I want to support the person who is best suited to defeat Donald Trump.”

Exhibit A for what I think is wrong with voters in this country.

Forget policy. Trump is an election denier.


A brat who will succeed
Or a trendy moron

And Americans say "We want the moron"
Exhibit A for what I think is wrong with voters in this country.

Forget policy. Trump is an election denier.


A brat who will succeed
Or a trendy moron

And Americans say "We want the moron"
Trump is unbalanced. This isn’t performative, he’s actually losing it.

What the Dems did was unconstitutional? Biden is going to crash the convention and take the nomination back? Biden turned the presidency over to “the people in the world he hates the most”?

Trump is always projecting, but this takes it to an entirely new level. Trump is imagining himself in Biden’s position and the people within the party who dared to not support the great leader would be “the people in the world he hated the most”. Trump would feel compelled to crash the convention and take back the nomination, just as he crashed the Capitol and had his minions try to take back the presidency. He can’t imagine any other response to rejection.

This is only going to get worse. Trump is going to descend further into bitterness and grievance and personal attacks that don’t land while the Dems laugh and dance their way into the WH.

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Exhibit A for what I think is wrong with voters in this country.

Forget policy. Trump is an election denier.


A brat who will succeed
Or a trendy moron

And Americans say "We want the moron"
You don't take what he did seriously. That's it. You think it was some kind of practical joke or something.
Or you agree with him, which means you are a conspiracy theorist and live in a different universe. That's okay, when you have 70 percent of Republicans willing to put on the tinfoil hat with you, you don't look nearly as goofy. So no, I don't think you're some kind of idiot. People have fallen for stuff like this throughout history. Sometimes it's had much worse consequences than we've seen thus far. But if he had gotten one man to go along with his plan the country would've been in a Constitutional crisis. A strict Constitutionalist judge who was on W's short list for the Supreme Court has said this and was the man Pence called to ask if it was okay for him to do what Trump asked. Trump hasn't caused lifelong Republicans to support the Democratic ticket because he's draining the swamp. Almost all of the ones who served in congress during his presidency voted with him on policy 90 percent or more. But Sasse, Romney, Cheney, Flake, Kinzinger and a few others see what he's done. As an elected politician, the first thing you pledge to do is uphold the Constitution. He did not do that. He tried to rip it to shreds. Whatever government we would have had if Pence had done what he asked would have been different. Unlike what's going on now, we would've had more than half of the country believing they had an illegitimate POTUS with the proof. That last part is what 70 percent of Republicans are missing. They have no proof.

George Washington served his country as the most powerful person in the country. When his two terms were up, he gave that power to someone else. Since then, we've never had anyone try to keep it when the courts have come back and said they didn't have the right to do it. Gore probably had the best case to fight it out and he did, but ultimately conceded for the good of the country.

Gore lost Florida by 537 votes. Trump needed tens of thousands of votes to change the election among several states and after the courts came back and said he had no evidence he still tried to hold power through illegal means. We're lucky and even he's lucky he could not get enough people to go along with his plan. Some who did have already pled guilty.

And I'll say one more time, "the moron" will not go to a swing state with a Democratic governor and attack that governor or their family. She probably isn't gonna do it in a Republican swing state either, but just stating the case. You all ran your own moron here and it looks like you may all pay the iron price.
You don't take what he did seriously. That's it. You think it was some kind of practical joke or something.
Or you agree with him, which means you are a conspiracy theorist and live in a different universe. That's okay, when you have 70 percent of Republicans willing to put on the tinfoil hat with you, you don't look nearly as goofy. So no, I don't think you're some kind of idiot. People have fallen for stuff like this throughout history. Sometimes it's had much worse consequences than we've seen thus far. But if he had gotten one man to go along with his plan the country would've been in a Constitutional crisis. A strict Constitutionalist judge who was on W's short list for the Supreme Court has said this and was the man Pence called to ask if it was okay for him to do what Trump asked. Trump hasn't caused lifelong Republicans to support the Democratic ticket because he's draining the swamp. Almost all of the ones who served in congress during his presidency voted with him on policy 90 percent or more. But Sasse, Romney, Cheney, Flake, Kinzinger and a few others see what he's done. As an elected politician, the first thing you pledge to do is uphold the Constitution. He did not do that. He tried to rip it to shreds. Whatever government we would have had if Pence had done what he asked would have been different. Unlike what's going on now, we would've had more than half of the country believing they had an illegitimate POTUS with the proof. That last part is what 70 percent of Republicans are missing. They have no proof.

George Washington served his country as the most powerful person in the country. When his two terms were up, he gave that power to someone else. Since then, we've never had anyone try to keep it when the courts have come back and said they didn't have the right to do it. Gore probably had the best case to fight it out and he did, but ultimately conceded for the good of the country.

Gore lost Florida by 537 votes. Trump needed tens of thousands of votes to change the election among several states and after the courts came back and said he had no evidence he still tried to hold power through illegal means. We're lucky and even he's lucky he could not get enough people to go along with his plan. Some who did have already pled guilty.

And I'll say one more time, "the moron" will not go to a swing state with a Democratic governor and attack that governor or their family. She probably isn't gonna do it in a Republican swing state either, but just stating the case. You all ran your own moron here and it looks like you may all pay the iron price.

I don't usually respond to your posts, but this is actually on topic, and raises valid points, so I'll try.

You are correct. I think many Republicans don't take what Trump did seriously, because what he did wasn't as serious, as it has been portrayed. I think what Trump did was exaggerated, to play to the baser instincts of Americans. (fear) There is no doubt he wanted Kemp to find votes. There is no doubt he didn't want Pence to certify the results. There is no doubt he wanted to stay in office. There is no doubt he went to unprecedented lengths to stay in power. I do not think what he did was a practical joke, I think it was a temper tantrum.

I think Trump is a sore loser, who couldn't admit defeat. It was hard for me to believe he lost as well, given the leads he had earlier in the evening. But I don't think the country was seriously...honestly...really...c'mon any danger, because of his actions after the election . The inauguration went off without a hitch. Trump wasn't forced out of the White House at gunpoint. I absolutely agree he wanted to stay in power. But in the end, he didn't.

If Trump refused to vacate office, or had declared martial law, I think republicans would be more wary. Since he didn't I think most people, like me, think he was just posturing.
I don't usually respond to your posts, but this is actually on topic, and raises valid points, so I'll try.

You are correct. I think many Republicans don't take what Trump did seriously, because what he did wasn't as serious, as it has been portrayed. I think what Trump did was exaggerated, to play to the baser instincts of Americans. (fear) There is no doubt he wanted Kemp to find votes. There is no doubt he didn't want Pence to certify the results. There is no doubt he wanted to stay in office. There is no doubt he went to unprecedented lengths to stay in power. I do not think what he did was a practical joke, I think it was a temper tantrum.

I think Trump is a sore loser, who couldn't admit defeat. It was hard for me to believe he lost as well, given the leads he had earlier in the evening. But I don't think the country was seriously...honestly...really...c'mon any danger, because of his actions after the election . The inauguration went off without a hitch. Trump wasn't forced out of the White House at gunpoint. I absolutely agree he wanted to stay in power. But in the end, he didn't.

If Trump refused to vacate office, or had declared martial law, I think republicans would be more wary. Since he didn't I think most people, like me, think he was just posturing.
I've made this comparison before. It's like your neighbor is at your house for a party. He gets angry about something and you tell him to leave. He throws a couple of your glasses up against the wall, turns over your couch, pulls out his revolver, threatens to kill your kids and then leaves. You call the police and they say "Well, he left and no one is dead. What's the problem?"

And I'll add, it's like half the neighborhood doesn't understand why you don't want to go to another party he attends. "He's good for the community", they say.
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I've made this comparison before. It's like your neighbor is at your house for a party. He gets angry about something and you tell him to leave. He throws a couple of your glasses up against the wall, turns over your couch, pulls out his revolver, threatens to kill your kids and then leaves. You call the police and they say "Well, he left and no one is dead. What's the problem?"

And I'll add, it's like half the neighborhood doesn't understand why you don't want to go to another party he attends. "He's good for the community", they say.

Yeah, I don't think that analogy is even close, but I understand your point.
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Yeah, I don't think that analogy is even close, but I understand your point.
And that's why I say we live in two different universes. And I'll be honest with you. I understand you less than the ones that say everything was a lie. You literally said that he did what he did but it was just him getting a little mad.

I'm gonna be honest with you on this as well. If a Democrat did half of what he did, you'd be throwing your own temper tantrums. And if you are honest with yourself, as you should be in your profession, you know it's true.
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I don't usually respond to your posts, but this is actually on topic, and raises valid points, so I'll try.

You are correct. I think many Republicans don't take what Trump did seriously, because what he did wasn't as serious, as it has been portrayed. I think what Trump did was exaggerated, to play to the baser instincts of Americans. (fear) There is no doubt he wanted Kemp to find votes. There is no doubt he didn't want Pence to certify the results. There is no doubt he wanted to stay in office. There is no doubt he went to unprecedented lengths to stay in power. I do not think what he did was a practical joke, I think it was a temper tantrum.

I think Trump is a sore loser, who couldn't admit defeat. It was hard for me to believe he lost as well, given the leads he had earlier in the evening. But I don't think the country was seriously...honestly...really...c'mon any danger, because of his actions after the election . The inauguration went off without a hitch. Trump wasn't forced out of the White House at gunpoint. I absolutely agree he wanted to stay in power. But in the end, he didn't.

If Trump refused to vacate office, or had declared martial law, I think republicans would be more wary. Since he didn't I think most people, like me, think he was just posturing.
Two thoughts:

It was so much more than a temper tantrum. Just look at how he tried to bend the DOJ to his will and have them state the existence of fraud when that would have been a lie.

And, do we really want someone back in the WH who is so fragile and ego-driven that they would do what you are suggesting?
And that's why I say we live in two different universes. And I'll be honest with you. I understand you less than the ones that say everything was a lie. You literally said that he did what he did but it was just him getting a little mad.

I'm gonna be honest with you on this as well. If a Democrat did half of what he did, you'd be throwing your own temper tantrums. And if you are honest with yourself, as you should be in your profession, you know it's true.

Thanks for reminding me why I shouldn't engage with you here.
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Two thoughts:

It was so much more than a temper tantrum. Just look at how he tried to bend the DOJ to his will and have them state the existence of fraud when that would have been a lie.

And, do we really want someone back in the WH who is so fragile and ego-driven that they would do what you are suggesting?

Given the choice between him and Harris? Yes
If the Pub nominee was anyone other than Trump would you still vote Harris/Walz?
I happen to like Harris/Walz, but the question would be - who is that candidate?

is the "platform" still Project 2025 and adjacent, Heritage Foundation product? because if so, the answer is NO.

I do not intend this as snark - but all the Reagan Republicans are now Democrats.
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