Bob Woodward’s October Surprise?

Far left author.....

More factual reporting from the Gateway Pundit: Kamala Harris forced Biden off the ballot and stole all of his delegates.

What a joke.
I’m sure there are many embarrassing things that could be revealed but color me skeptical it will be released before the election.
It won’t take him to reveal it. There are so many embarrassing things that will be told about the Biden presidency. The Kamala section will be hard to top. Especially if Jill has to write his memoirs. Good luck with that.
The far left has not been supportive of Kamala to this point, so that would not be an earthshaking surprise. The far left and far right have both lost considerable favoritism from their respective parties.
If he has a "scoop", then the FBI gave it to him. That is how Watergate was created.
Well, not exactly, but the FBI informant gave the clues of where to look to find things. Woodward and Bernstein did a lot of the hard work on his own with some guidance. All the President's Men still is a good read today.

Most of his books on Presidents he gets from first hand sources in the meeting rooms. Sometimes he gives you names and sometimes he doesn't. Most he ever gets in denials in the past were non-denial, denials. Meaning they don't deny what he wrote but try to say there was more context to it, etc. Trump's been the only one I know of that's straight out denied at times what he's written as if it never even happened. Often what Trump denies Woodward has him on tape saying as Trump is one of the few that's actually granted him the right to record their interviews. He's pretty meticulous and I think records every interview so that he can back it up if there are denials.
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Oh boy, The Gateway Pundit makes up another story, and the Trumpers on here fall for it hook, line, and sinker.
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Oh boy, The Gateway Pundit makes up another story, and the Trumpers on here fall for it hook, line, and sinker.

Did you read the article? What did they "make up"? They quoted Axios (not exactly far-right media). The book is coming out in October. Given Woodward's library of work, I doubt a book about Biden/Harris & Ukraine will be "friendly". It's not what he does. So, calling it an "October Surprise" would be accurate (regardless of what is or isn't in the book)

“It was widely known in Washington that Woodward was working on a pre-election book, but details were secret,” Axios reported.

“Woodward told Axios in an interview that his reporting for the book began in 2021, the first year of Biden’s presidency, and before Russia invaded Ukraine in what he called a “war of territorial conquest.”” the outlet reported.