Uh huh, she be DEI alright …

Maybe it did, but maybe it didn’t. Either way, why it came about is irrelevant to the point.

If you think racism is bad, you should hate all forms of racism. You think some racism is good, and that’s terrible.

Man- I hate calling people names as I genuinely try to find positives in everyone... but you are making it hard.

I detest racism. I went to high school that had a black and a white homecoming king/queen, like that was normal. I lived in a county that allowed one race to converse and convene together and not another. I've been racially profiled more times than I can knowingly count. Followed by cops all over Middle GA. Road Blocks in one community and not in others....on and on.

I wouldn't wish for anyone to feel and see some of the non sense that I've personally endured. I think it's partly the reason I will vote for gay rights. I struggle to deny rights to others, when the very thing was denied to me. That reeks of hypocrisy to me.
Man- I hate calling people names as I genuinely try to find positives in everyone... but you are making it hard.

I detest racism. I went to high school that had a black and a white homecoming king/queen, like that was normal. I lived in a county that allowed one race to converse and convene together and not another. I've been racially profiled more times than I can knowingly count. Followed by cops all over Middle GA. Road Blocks in one community and not in others....on and on.

I wouldn't wish for anyone to feel and see some of the non sense that I've personally endured. I think it's partly the reason I will vote for gay rights. I struggle to deny rights to others, when the very thing was denied to me. That reeks of hypocrisy to me.
How long ago was this and where??
Excellent points!! My push back would be that it's the right that is seeing "race" when it comes to DEI.

DEI could mean sexual orientation, national origin, tall, short, slim people, fat people, young, old, religion, etc.

It's the Right that has harped in on race. I think the Left is saying that we should remember ALL diversity, inclusion, equality when applicable for hiring decisions.
Both are seeing it. But the left is using at as way to make up for past wrongs. That uses the same wrongs in a different way and creates divisions across racial lines. That is what I am trying to point out. We need to not use race at all. That is a difficult task and will take time. The problem is it takes time like steering a big cruise ship. We were making progress and the it seems over the last 10 to 12 years we went backwards.
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Im n
Dude, there are nuts everywhere......but that is the minority. There always will be exceptions, but some want to paint a broader picture to support/advance their agenda. Not sure if that is what you are attempting to do, but it certainly appears that way.

FWIW, it happens on both sides......I've seen it more than once.
Im not advancing anything. Im acknowledging reality lived by a lot of people.
Im n

Im not advancing anything. Im acknowledging reality lived by a lot of people.
and my point is, it is not just one group...."it happens both sides". Unless you acknowledge that, you are being disingenuous.
Racism...follow the conversation.

Out of respect of trying to keep the conversation civil, I will not expand on your smart azz comment.

There are people, who are reading along who may have never had this direct and honest talk with the "other side" so I want them to be able to understand some of the issues, without it getting emotional or personal.

I only wanted clarification, so I can answer or see your point of view correctly. Do Better.
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and my point is, it is not just one group...."it happens both sides". Unless you acknowledge that, you are being disingenuous.
You don’t feel just a LITTLE bit like that’s a false equivalency. Sure there are black people that are biased toward white people, Im not sure Ive ever heard anyone deny that. But the socio-political significance of that bias, given the historical structure of power in this country, is just not comparable. That said, I definitely agree that things are improving decade over decade. Absolutely nothing wrong with, and in fact, I believe it’s helpful to shine a light on those still demonstrating destructive bias. I think we should agree there.
Racism...follow the conversation.

I believe what you're (and I could be wrong) trying to describe is our (blacks) prejudices or biases towards whites.. and yes that does happen today. Very much so.

Racism is a system of power, laws, policies, etc. that aims to supress another race. Blacks have NEVER and probably will NEVER have that power. We don't/didnt have the power to enforce systematic racism or reducing your opportunities or telling you what you can or can't do.
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Out of respect of trying to keep the conversation civil, I will not expand on your smart azz comment.

There are people, who reading along who may have never had this direct and honest talk with the "other side" so I want them to be able to understand some of the issues, without it getting emotional or personal.

I only wanted clarification, so I can answer or see your point of view correctly. Do Better.

Certainly not me, I just asked U to follow the conversation. Hate repeating myself.

Certainly not me, I just asked U to follow the conversation. Hate repeating myself.

Reading is comprehensive. "It" = the conversation. "Without it getting emotional or personal"

Never said anything about your make-up sir.
I believe what you're (and I could be wrong) trying to describe is our (blacks) prejudices or biases towards whites.. and yes that does happen today. Very much so.

Racism is a system of power, laws, policies, etc. that aims to supress another race. Blacks have NEVER and probably will NEVER have that power. We don't/didnt have the power to enforce systematic racism or reducing your opportunities or telling you what you can or can't do.
The color of your skin is not holding you or anyone back. nothing is given to U. You just have to want it bad enough, nothing changes until you do.

"We don't/didnt have the power to enforce systematic racism or reducing your opportunities or telling you what you can or can't do.":

There is no "systematic racism"....that is just an excuse and the media telling us all that BS. Unless you are physically or mentally disabled, there is no reason a person can't make their situation better in today's world. If you or anyone are looking for reasons, their situation will never change.

Most all only want to know how you can make their situation better......

Good luck to you!
The color of your skin is not holding you or anyone back. nothing is given to U. You just have to want it bad enough, nothing changes until you do.

"We don't/didnt have the power to enforce systematic racism or reducing your opportunities or telling you what you can or can't do.":

There is no "systematic racism"....that is just an excuse and the media telling us all that BS. Unless you are physically or mentally disabled, there is no reason a person can't make their situation better in today's world. If you or anyone are looking for reasons, their situation will never change.

Most all only want to know how you can make their situation better......

Good luck to you!

Good luck to you as well.
The color of your skin is not holding you or anyone back. nothing is given to U. You just have to want it bad enough, nothing changes until you do.

"We don't/didnt have the power to enforce systematic racism or reducing your opportunities or telling you what you can or can't do.":

There is no "systematic racism"....that is just an excuse and the media telling us all that BS. Unless you are physically or mentally disabled, there is no reason a person can't make their situation better in today's world. If you or anyone are looking for reasons, their situation will never change.

Most all only want to know how you can make their situation better......

Good luck to you!

Good luck to you as well
Man- I hate calling people names as I genuinely try to find positives in everyone... but you are making it hard.

I detest racism. I went to high school that had a black and a white homecoming king/queen, like that was normal. I lived in a county that allowed one race to converse and convene together and not another. I've been racially profiled more times than I can knowingly count. Followed by cops all over Middle GA. Road Blocks in one community and not in others....on and on.

I wouldn't wish for anyone to feel and see some of the non sense that I've personally endured. I think it's partly the reason I will vote for gay rights. I struggle to deny rights to others, when the very thing was denied to me. That reeks of hypocrisy to me.
You want to call me names because I am correctly classifying DEI as a racist policy? Don’t support racist policies. It’s not hard, but The left can’t help themselves.
Both are seeing it. But the left is using at as way to make up for past wrongs. That uses the same wrongs in a different way and creates divisions across racial lines. That is what I am trying to point out. We need to not use race at all. That is a difficult task and will take time. The problem is it takes time like steering a big cruise ship. We were making progress and the it seems over the last 10 to 12 years we went backwards.
exactly, the left is taking us backwards in race relations. Undoing all the good that had been done. The race card is an easy and strong card to play, and they never want to give up that card. We just need more people to see through their BS.
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Let's see if I can clear up my logic for ya......

Racist people caused DEI.

DEI was birthed by racist hiring practices.
They did not cause DEI. Their actions made people think that DEI was a possible solution to resolve the issue. The problem is DEI(the movement) is not the answer. Diversity and inclusion are fine and equity is a fallacy and is the reason it will fail. Equality is a better choice and should be the standard. But people with a different agenda have hijacked the movement and pushed Equity instead of equality.
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They did not cause DEI. Their actions made people think that DEI was a possible solution to resolve the issue. The problem is DEI(the movement) is not the answer. Diversity and inclusion are fine and equity is a fallacy and is the reason it will fail. Equality is a better choice and should be the standard. But people with a different agenda have hijacked the movement and pushed Equity instead of equality.
Well said.
Let's see if I can clear up my logic for ya......

Racist people caused DEI.

DEI was birthed by racist hiring practices.
Affirmative Action was there before DEI.

If you like Tampons in the boys restrooms, men in women’s sports, men in women’s restrooms etc…..thinking DEI is for you.

Affirmative Action was there first for the hiring practices you mentioned.
Affirmative Action was there before DEI.

If you like Tampons in the boys restrooms, men in women’s sports, men in women’s restrooms etc…..thinking DEI is for you.

Affirmative Action was there first for the hiring practices you mentioned.
Nice marmot literally shared the text of the MN bill regarding tampons and showed you it does not mandate them in boys restrooms. You’ve chosen to ignore that and promote falsehoods. As Trump would say “It’s sad…”
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Affirmative Action was there before DEI.

If you like Tampons in the boys restrooms, men in women’s sports, men in women’s restrooms etc…..thinking DEI is for you.

Affirmative Action was there first for the hiring practices you mentioned.

Affirmative Action and DEI are different. I assume you know that.
They did not cause DEI. Their actions made people think that DEI was a possible solution to resolve the issue. The problem is DEI(the movement) is not the answer. Diversity and inclusion are fine and equity is a fallacy and is the reason it will fail. Equality is a better choice and should be the standard. But people with a different agenda have hijacked the movement and pushed Equity instead of equality.

So- the people didn't cause the action that made the issue? How does that work? Then who caused the issue or did the issue just created itself from thin air?

The only people who has hijacked this topic is you guys. The title of the thread says it and that talking point comes from the right.

....but I get it, You guys are RIGHT and everyone else is wrong.
Nice marmot literally shared the text of the MN bill regarding tampons and showed you it does not mandate them in boys restrooms. You’ve chosen to ignore that and promote falsehoods. As Trump would say “It’s sad…
The Minnesota law, however, doesn't specify in which bathrooms the menstrual supplies must be located; instead, it requires school districts to develop plans to ensure all students who menstruate can access free tampons and pads”.

Well that leaves a whole lot to an imagination. huh?

For all I know, you may menstruate too. Just hope I don’t catch you in my bathroom:
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Um, this is not the actual definition of racism. That’s the Marxist definition.

Context is also important. This post was in reference of Blacks being racists and its comparison to the prejudices that other races may face from blacks.
The Minnesota law, however, doesn't specify in which bathrooms the menstrual supplies must be located; instead, it requires school districts to develop plans to ensure all students who menstruate can access free tampons and pads”.
Well that leaves a whole lot to an imagination. huh?

For all I know, you may menstruate too. Just hope I don’t catch you in my bathroom:
Your key word was “imagination” - that’s all yalls attack boil down to, pathetic ghoulish imagination.
Sure I know…..and I told you why it was different. You are apparently the one that didn’t know.

Looked as though you needed help, follow the conversation.

You don't. You just think you do. You don't. Your smart azz responses and trolling don't provide any real value. Enjoy!!!
You and other Trump supporters. Its sad. Keep going on the disingenuous tampon talk though. Hope it comforts you.
"Shirley" U are a lot smarter that, right?? least I thought so. Thought you could deduce what you read, or maybe you can and don't want to admit it.

"The Minnesota law, however, doesn't specify in which bathrooms the menstrual supplies must be located; instead, it requires school districts to develop plans to ensure all students who menstruate can access free tampons and pads”.

Looks to me like the door has been left wide open for the boy's restrooms in that state. If that makes you feel warm and fuzzy, good 4 you. Vote 4 KAMALA and "Tampon Tim"
You don't. You just think you do. You don't. Your smart azz responses and trolling don't provide any real value. Enjoy!!!
could be just an innate thing, I certainly hope not. but pretty dang sure you have a hard time following along.
Reasonable definition, but the problem I see is that some of these hires are not qualified.

All for people getting a fair chance, but some are just doing it for political reasons.

DEI is nothing more than Affirmative Action, plus a little extra…..and some of this is being taken to extremes.

The head of Secret Service hire was one example. Jill Biden endorsed her and publicly stated she would like to see 30% females in the SS. Next thing you know, they hire her. Not sure where they are as far as number of females.

Men in women sports and in the women’s public restrooms are another issue (inclusion) that has really crossed the line.

Thinks Affirmative Action worked better IMO. There are limits for most people and some have gone overboard (DEI).

Had to go back to find your post about "knowing the difference". You don't. DEI has nothing to do with Affirmative Action. It's not the same.

Now- try again.
Definitely can agree with your 1st sentence. You are probably naturally an ass hole
unfortunately, guess I was right. the first sentence was obviously for you.

BTW….”ass hole” is only 1 word, not two, at least get it right.

God bless
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You want to call me names because I am correctly classifying DEI as a racist policy? Don’t support racist policies. It’s not hard, but The left can’t help themselves.

No- its because you are uneducated about the topic and instead of learning or trying to understand the issue, from someone who has seen and been apart of that suppressed side, you continue mouthing right ideologies that are wrong and based in talking points that you have seen.