Uh huh, she be DEI alright …

Had to go back to find your post about "knowing the difference". You don't. DEI has nothing to do with Affirmative Action. It's not the same.

Now- try again.
LOL!!......good gawd!

You: DEI was birthed by racist hiring practices.

Me: Affirmative Action was there before DEI........meaning that DEI did not birth the racist hiring practices, Affirmative Action did.

Me: If you like Tampons in the boys restrooms, men in women’s sports, men in women’s restrooms etc…..thinking DEI is for you.........meaning the difference I see in DEI and Affirmative Action, it's basically AA on steroids.

Me: Affirmative Action was there first for the hiring practices you mentioned........meaning Affirmative Action was put into place before DEI. DEI wasn't "birthed by racist hiring practices", Affirmative Action was.

Hence, I pointed out that it was different from the start. I have no issue with disagreeing, but dang least pay attention.
LOL!!......good gawd!

You: DEI was birthed by racist hiring practices.

Me: Affirmative Action was there before DEI........meaning that DEI did not birth the racist hiring practices, Affirmative Action did.

Me: If you like Tampons in the boys restrooms, men in women’s sports, men in women’s restrooms etc…..thinking DEI is for you.........meaning the difference I see in DEI and Affirmative Action, it's basically AA on steroids.

Me: Affirmative Action was there first for the hiring practices you mentioned........meaning Affirmative Action was put into place before DEI. DEI wasn't "birthed by racist hiring practices", Affirmative Action was.

Hence, I pointed out that it was different from the start. I have no issue with disagreeing, but dang least pay attention.

So you can only have 1 policy that can come from a racist system? Don't answer that, because it sounds stupid to say out loud.

You do understand multiple things, laws, outcomes, etc can be deprived from a single source. We can agree on that right?

Saying Affirmative Action was there 1st DOES NOT imply you actually know what that is and my point is you don't.

DEI relates to how ones diversity should be an asset to an organization. Affirmative Action relates to the actual selection of that candidate.

THEY ARE TWO DIFFERENT POLICIES.... which means DEI is not Affirmative Action on steroids sir.
Think I will close this one out from my point of view. On to the next topic.
Racism needed to be addressed and there are many ways to address the issue. DEI is one solution that has been pushed and there are many more. The creation of DEI was made by people in response to racism and in my opinion is very flawed and I think has other goals in mind.
No- its because you are uneducated about the topic and instead of learning or trying to understand the issue, from someone who has seen and been apart of that suppressed side, you continue mouthing right ideologies that are wrong and based in talking points that you have seen.
Since you are proclaiming to be educated about it, then you should understand exactly why it is a discriminatory concept, but you don't. "Why" it came into fruition doesn't change its discriminatory features in any way, which makes that specific point irrelevant. That is just an attempt to distract everyone with your leftist talking points. You have not presented an argument explaining why it is NOT racist. Racism is racism, but lefities like you want to change the definition of racism as racism had been in short supply at a certain point in time.
Liberal is now a derogatory term? Are you saying you aren’t a liberal? News to me considering you tote the leftist company line about racism and DEI.

Having "liberal" views is an adjective.

Calling me or someone a "liberal" is a noun that has become a negative connotation with many on the Right to mean God knows what, but it represents what is wrong with our country and we don't like them.
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Having "liberal" views is an adjective.

Calling me or someone a "liberal" is a noun that has become a negative connotation with many on the Right to mean God knows what, but it represents what is wrong with our country and we don't like them.
It’s very common for People with liberal views to be called liberals.

The only “name calling” has come from you. You are unable to explain why DEI is NOT racist, so you called me “uneducated”. Liberals always project what they are guilty of onto their opponents, and it fools so many dumb Americans.
It’s very common for People with liberal views to be called liberals.

The only “name calling” has come from you. You are unable to explain why DEI is NOT racist, so you called me “uneducated”. Liberals always project what they are guilty of onto their opponents, and it fools so many dumb Americans.

I'm sorry.
It seems like you think DEI isnt racist just because you think it started because of racism.

I dont... but you do and that's fine. We are all entitled to our own opinion.

I don't see how it's racist when it's really only saying that you should value other people's thoughts, experiences, backgrounds, etc. and those differences will bring your organization value. DEI strictly provides means or ways for the organization to tap into that dynamic.

It (DEI) does not provide any "quotas" or baseline numbers or make a company do any of that. No mandates. No requirements. None of it. So why do you and others continue to say or use it in that way, when you are WRONG.

You (among others) continously harp on it not being fair because you continously keep putting DEI and Affirmative Action/Mandates in the same bucket. I keep trying to explain or trying to share that it (DEI) is not what you think.... You don't want to listen, because your stuck on some minority candidate getting a job they "didn't earn".

For the last time- Sir, that is NOT what DEI is. You state you understand the initiative but continue to argue points that is not DEI.... so I give up trying to help or show you.

You can think it's whatever you want it to be sir.

But by all means, believe what you want. No skin off my back.

How bout this- don't respond to this, until you and others have actually read and understand what you are mad about.
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I dont... but you do and that's fine. We are all entitled to our own opinion.

I don't see how it's racist when it's really only saying that you should value other people's thoughts, experiences, backgrounds, etc. and those differences will bring your organization value. DEI strictly provides means or ways for the organization to tap into that dynamic.

It (DEI) does not provide any "quotas" or baseline numbers or make a company do any of that. No mandates. No requirements. None of it. So why do you and others continue to say or use it in that way, when you are WRONG.

You (among others) continously harp on it not being fair because you continously keep putting DEI and Affirmative Action/Mandates in the same bucket. I keep trying to explain or trying to share that it (DEI) is not what you think.... You don't want to listen, because your stuck on some minority candidate getting a job they "didn't earn".

For the last time- Sir, that is NOT what DEI is. You state you understand the initiative but continue to argue points that is not DEI.... so I give up trying to help or show you.

You can think it's whatever you want it to be sir.

But by all means, believe what you want. No skin off my back.

How bout this- don't respond to this, until you and others have actually read and understand what you are mad about.
You speak like a person employed in the DEI sector with the whole "provide value by tapping into that dynamic". We have all heard it and its just about the same thing from every DEI person.

Perhaps that is how it is supposed to work in an ideal world, but it is very naive of you to think there isnt a lot of abuse involved with the process. In practice, it boils down to picking hires and promotions based on their demographics above all else. Official mandates/quotas arent needed to actively use race as a justification of choosing a person. In the real world, they damn sure use it. Its exactly how Kamala got the VP nom. Also, See this glaring example of how it works in the real world:

Corporate America Promised to Hire a Lot More People of Color.​

It Actually Did.​

The year after Black Lives Matter protests, the S&P 100 added more than 300,000 jobs — 94% went to people of color.
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The color of your skin is not holding you or anyone back. nothing is given to U. You just have to want it bad enough, nothing changes until you do.

"We don't/didnt have the power to enforce systematic racism or reducing your opportunities or telling you what you can or can't do.":

There is no "systematic racism"....that is just an excuse and the media telling us all that BS. Unless you are physically or mentally disabled, there is no reason a person can't make their situation better in today's world. If you or anyone are looking for reasons, their situation will never change.

Most all only want to know how you can make their situation better......

Good luck to you!

You said systematic racism is made up?

What do you call a system that restricted use, enhance the barriers of entry and outright denied people, particularly minorities in:

Over Policing,
The Criminal System,
The War on Drugs,
Environmental (recent example- think the water in Mississippi),
Financial Access

You think these are some made-up bs? Your better than that.

They didn't care if the person was an able body person or not. Didn't matter if a person could afford the house or not. On and On.....
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You speak like a person employed in the DEI sector with the whole "provide value by tapping into that dynamic". We have all heard it and its just about the same thing from every DEI person.

Perhaps that is how it is supposed to work in an ideal world, but it is very naive of you to think there isnt a lot of abuse involved with the process. In practice, it boils down to picking hires and promotions based on their demographics above all else. Official mandates/quotas arent needed to actively use race as a justification of choosing a person. In the real world, they damn sure use it. Its exactly how Kamala got the VP nom. Also, See this glaring example of how it works in the real world:

Corporate America Promised to Hire a Lot More People of Color.​

It Actually Did.​

The year after Black Lives Matter protests, the S&P 100 added more than 300,000 jobs — 94% went to people of color.

No sir,- work as a Supply Chain Manager. Can't sleep and the alarm is coming soon.

I'm sure there is no more "abuse" than what was done before.
You said systematic racism is made up?

What do you call a system that restricted use, enhance the barriers of entry and outright denied people, particularly minorities in:

Over Policing,
The Criminal System,
The War on Drugs,
Environmental (recent example- think the water in Mississippi),
Financial Access

You think these are some made-up bs? Your better than that.

They didn't care if the person was an able body person or not. Didn't matter if a person could afford the house or not. On and On.....
In today's world, yes I think it is BS.

Exactly, what is holding you or anyone back today/now?? A physical or mental disability is another conversation.
You said systematic racism is made up?

What do you call a system that restricted use, enhance the barriers of entry and outright denied people, particularly minorities in:

Over Policing,
The Criminal System,
The War on Drugs,
Environmental (recent example- think the water in Mississippi),
Financial Access

You think these are some made-up bs? Your better than that.

They didn't care if the person was an able body person or not. Didn't matter if a person could afford the house or not. On and On.....

Are you talking about 60 years ago or today?
Are you talking about 60 years ago or today?

I swear (Moms will kill me still, using that word)......... I understand what you guys are saying. I do. I do. I DO!!.

But do you think 60 years is enough time to wipe away the stain of that suppression?

Their are many people (some are on this very board) who are alive and well, that feel this way still.

The difference is they can't show it or say it as they could in the past, hence why a % of President Trump supporters love him, because he SAYS what they CANT say.

The effects of generations and generations and generations of that stuff don't just go away because someone signs a piece of paper.
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No sir,- work as a Supply Chain Manager. Can't sleep and the alarm is coming soon.

I'm sure there is no more "abuse" than what was done before.
So where did you learn how to spin the virtues of DEI like a DEI professional does? It had to come from liberal schooling or your employer.

If it even comes close to the discrimination of the past, it’s wrong, which is the point.

A bigger problem for the future is there is no natural hard stop to this like there was in the past. Where does it end without that?
I swear (Moms will kill me still, using that word)......... I understand what you guys are saying. I do. I do. I DO!!.

But do you think 60 years is enough time to wipe away the stain of that suppression?

Their are many people (some are on this very board) who are alive and well, that feel this way still.

The difference is they can't show it or say it as they could in the past, hence why a % of President Trump supporters love him, because he SAYS what they CANT say.

The effects of generations and generations and generations of that stuff don't just go away because someone signs a piece of paper.

I simply asked a question and intentionally made no further comment, because I didn't want to make assumptions about your position.

The restricted access you referenced....we're you talking about past or present?
I simply asked a question and intentionally made no further comment, because I didn't want to make assumptions about your position.

The restricted access you referenced....we're you talking about past or present?

This still happens sir.

Your not making me walk to the back door to get the food anymore, but the same cooks are cooking the food.
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This still happens sir.

Your not making me walk to the back door to get the food anymore, but the same cooks are cooking the food.

I am admittedl slow, so let me make sure I'm following.

Are you suggesting

a. that black Americans are being denied access to education, Healthcare, employment etc today, solely based on their race?


b. are you saying the impact of racism is still present today?

Because they are two different conversations.

I have zero argument with b.
I'd like to discuss a
I am admittedl slow, so let me make sure I'm following.

Are you suggesting

a. that black Americans are being denied access to education, Healthcare, employment etc today, solely based on their race?


b. are you saying the impact of racism is still present today?

Because they are two different conversations.

I have zero argument with b.
I'd like to discuss a

I think you are splitting hairs here, as "B" kinda feeds into "A".

There are fewer physcial signs of blatant discrimination or racism (unless you want to talk about the Confederate flag...but that's another topic) today vs. the 60's but the ramification is alive and well.... it just looks different in my opinion.

Today- we still see Housing discrimination. Families refusing to sell to Black families. Real Estate Apprasiers, apprasing Black homes as a much lower value. "White Flight" is not a made up terminology. 1987 the great citizens of Forsyth County went on National TV (Oprah Winfrey Show) and stated they do not want blacks to live in their county. You think that was an isolated situation and no other southern county thought the same? or they all miraculous evolved and all of that is gone today? What about their kids (who may be in position of power today)?

Today- we still see the over policing of our communities. I have personally been through 6,7, or maybe 8 roadblocks, back in my hometown, THIS year... how many have you been though? The riots (and looting) only came about after too many black deaths at the hands of the police and the justice system who refused to prosecute those crimes.

Today- 2023 the Supreme Court struck down and removed many of the Affirmative Action initiatives... this is what has payed the way for the reversal of many DEI programs.

Today- (I could be wrong about this)...But I remember reading about the Great state of Virginia striking down a law that would have removed the names of Confederacy, that were traitors and took up arms against the United States.

Today- The election of President Obama struck a nerve. This led to the rise in power of President Trump. They questioned his birth. They called him by his middle name. They claimed he was the "Founder of ISIS".

Today- (I read this a couple months ago)... There is a class Action lawsuit against General Mills. This is ongoing right now, stating that the "Good Ole Boy" system allowed for discrimination in many areas.
So where did you learn how to spin the virtues of DEI like a DEI professional does? It had to come from liberal schooling or your employer.

If it even comes close to the discrimination of the past, it’s wrong, which is the point.

A bigger problem for the future is there is no natural hard stop to this like there was in the past. Where does it end without that?

I pride myself on being a thinking man on my own. I can read. I'm educated and I aim to learn about issues that affect me and my race.
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I think you are splitting hairs here, as "B" kinda feeds into "A".

There are fewer physcial signs of blatant discrimination or racism (unless you want to talk about the Confederate flag...but that's another topic) today vs. the 60's but the ramification is alive and well.... it just looks different in my opinion.

Today- we still see Housing discrimination. Families refusing to sell to Black families. Real Estate Apprasiers, apprasing Black homes as a much lower value. "White Flight" is not a made up terminology. 1987 the great citizens of Forsyth County went on National TV (Oprah Winfrey Show) and stated they do not want blacks to live in their county. You think that was an isolated situation and no other southern county thought the same? or they all miraculous evolved and all of that is gone today? What about their kids (who may be in position of power today)?

Today- we still see the over policing of our communities. I have personally been through 6,7, or maybe 8 roadblocks, back in my hometown, THIS year... how many have you been though? The riots (and looting) only came about after too many black deaths at the hands of the police and the justice system who refused to prosecute those crimes.

Today- 2023 the Supreme Court struck down and removed many of the Affirmative Action initiatives... this is what has payed the way for the reversal of many DEI programs.

Today- (I could be wrong about this)...But I remember reading about the Great state of Virginia striking down a law that would have removed the names of Confederacy, that were traitors and took up arms against the United States.

Today- The election of President Obama struck a nerve. This led to the rise in power of President Trump. They questioned his birth. They called him by his middle name. They claimed he was the "Founder of ISIS".

Today- (I read this a couple months ago)... There is a class Action lawsuit against General Mills. This is ongoing right now, stating that the "Good Ole Boy" system allowed for discrimination in many areas.

I still feel like the goal posts keep shifting in this discussion. You said minorities were being denied access to things like education, housing, employment, and healthcare TODAY. Then you shifted the conversation to the concept of racial discrimination in general.

I've already said racial discrimination is alive and well here. To deny that is ridiculous. But the fact that racial discrimination exists, doesn't necessarily prove the original point you brought up. (No access to education, housing, employment, etc)

"We don't want blacks in our neighborhood in 1987" doesn't mean, "Black people are denied housing in America today". A neighborhood isn't the same as a nation. 1987 isn't 2024.

Striking down affirmative action doesn't mean black people are denied employment in America. Eliminating preference doesn't eliminate possibility.

Confederate memorials don't prevent any minority from accessing housing, education, or employment.

Racial discrimination exists. But it doesn't keep minorities from getting an education. I'm pretty sure if a minority wants a job, they can find one...especially in today's market. If a minority wants to buy a home, and has the funds, I'm sure they can buy one.

Now if you say, "I didn't get the school/job/home/car I wanted, because of racial discrimination"....that's another matter. Your original suggestion was that access was denied, period.

I absolutely believe race makes things harder, but not necessarily impossible.
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I still feel like the goal posts keep shifting in this discussion. You said minorities were being denied access to things like education, housing, employment, and healthcare TODAY. Then you shifted the conversation to the concept of racial discrimination in general.

I've already said racial discrimination is alive and well here. To deny that is ridiculous. But the fact that racial discrimination exists, doesn't necessarily prove the original point you brought up. (No access to education, housing, employment, etc)

"We don't want blacks in our neighborhood in 1987" doesn't mean, "Black people are denied housing in America today". A neighborhood isn't the same as a nation. 1987 isn't 2024.

Striking down affirmative action doesn't mean black people are denied employment in America. Eliminating preference doesn't eliminate possibility.

Confederate memorials don't prevent any minority from accessing housing, education, or employment.

Racial discrimination exists. But it doesn't keep minorities from getting an education. I'm pretty sure if a minority wants a job, they can find one...especially in today's market. If a minority wants to buy a home, and has the funds, I'm sure they can buy one.

Now if you say, "I didn't get the school/job/home/car I wanted, because of racial discrimination"....that's another matter. Your original suggestion was that access was denied, period.

I absolutely believe race makes things harder, but not necessarily impossible.

No one has moved anything.

I've stated my thoughts. I've gave you recent examples of some of those said issues and all you do is harp on what you think is happening or not happening. I can't change that. I can't make you have empathy and look at issues from my eyes.

You still believe that is not the case. I'm not going to change your opinion on the matter.

I stated that systematic racism is not a made up situation.

I stated that people have been restricted, the barrier to entry harder, and at times denied. You said aww ha "no one is denying you" and completely ignored the other points.

"Racial discrimination exists. But it doesn't keep minorities from getting an education. I'm pretty sure if a minority wants a job, they can find one...especially in today's market. If a minority wants to buy a home, and has the funds, I'm sure they can buy one."

The above is YOUR words.

If you believe that racial decrimination exists, what is the disconnect when I say minorities are still having issues today?

How can racial discrimination exists, but the outcome of those racial discrimitory actions doesn't? Then what does the racial decrimination looks like? It sounds like your saying we should be happy with the job or the housing that we get... kinda like separate, but equal stuff.

As far as my example with the Confederacy stuff. You stated that "Confederate memorials don't prevent any minority from accessing housing, education, or employment."

No- by itself, that don't "prevent you" from getting a job, per say.... However..... Imagine this and put yourself in my race shoes......

How comfortable would you feel if you had to walk into Malcom X Federal Building, hoping to get a job from someone who have been taught that the white men are "devils"? And when you tell me that seeing Malcom X name on the Federal Building doesn't give you a warm and fuzzy feeling, I tell you to "deal with it because it's my heritage"
How comfortable would you feel?

I don't have a great analogy because you (Your Race) has never been in that position. You don't understand because it's not you.
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No one has moved anything.

I've stated my thoughts. I've gave you recent examples of some of those said issues and all you do is harp on what you think is happening or not happening. I can't change that. I can't make you have empathy and look at issues from my eyes.

You still believe that is not the case. I'm not going to change your opinion on the matter.

I stated that systematic racism is not a made up situation.

I stated that people have been restricted, the barrier to entry harder, and at times denied. You said aww ha "no one is denying you" and completely ignored the other points.

"Racial discrimination exists. But it doesn't keep minorities from getting an education. I'm pretty sure if a minority wants a job, they can find one...especially in today's market. If a minority wants to buy a home, and has the funds, I'm sure they can buy one."

The above is YOUR words.

If you believe that racial decrimination exists, what is the disconnect when I say minorities are still having issues today?

How can racial discrimination exists, but the outcome of those racial discrimitory actions doesn't? Then what does the racial decrimination looks like? It sounds like your saying we should be happy with the job or the housing that we get... kinda like separate, but equal stuff.

As far as my example with the Confederacy stuff. You stated that "Confederate memorials don't prevent any minority from accessing housing, education, or employment."

No- by itself, that don't "prevent you" from getting a job, per say.... However..... Imagine this and put yourself in my race shoes......

How comfortable would you feel if you had to walk into Malcom X Federal Building, hoping to get a job from someone who have been taught that the white men are "devils"? And when you tell me that seeing Malcom X name on the Federal Building doesn't give you a warm and fuzzy feeling, I tell you to "deal with it because it's my heritage"
How comfortable would you feel?

I don't have a great analogy because you (Your Race) has never been in that position. You don't understand because it's not you.

I don't understand because you are all over the place with your thoughts. You've absolutely moved the goalposts on this discussion, and your Malcom X analogy is Exhibit A of doing so. Your "separate but equal stuff" is Exhibit B. ....and a strawman too, I might add.

You are changing the argument, when challenged to support it.

Tell me.....What is stopping a minority from getting an education in this country, like you claimed?
I don't understand because you are all over the place with your thoughts. You've absolutely moved the goalposts on this discussion, and your Malcom X analogy is Exhibit A of doing so. Your "separate but equal stuff" is Exhibit B. ....and a strawman too, I might add.

You are changing the argument, when challenged to support it.

Tell me.....What is stopping a minority from getting an education in this country, like you claimed?

No one has moved anything.

I've stated my thoughts. I've gave you recent examples of some of those said issues and all you do is harp on what you think is happening or not happening. I can't change that. I can't make you have empathy and look at issues from my eyes.

You still believe that is not the case. I'm not going to change your opinion on the matter.

I stated that systematic racism is not a made up situation.

I stated that people have been restricted, the barrier to entry harder, and at times denied. You said aww ha "no one is denying you" and completely ignored the other points.

"Racial discrimination exists. But it doesn't keep minorities from getting an education. I'm pretty sure if a minority wants a job, they can find one...especially in today's market. If a minority wants to buy a home, and has the funds, I'm sure they can buy one."

The above is YOUR words.

If you believe that racial decrimination exists, what is the disconnect when I say minorities are still having issues today?

How can racial discrimination exists, but the outcome of those racial discrimitory actions doesn't? Then what does the racial decrimination looks like? It sounds like your saying we should be happy with the job or the housing that we get... kinda like separate, but equal stuff.

As far as my example with the Confederacy stuff. You stated that "Confederate memorials don't prevent any minority from accessing housing, education, or employment."

No- by itself, that don't "prevent you" from getting a job, per say.... However..... Imagine this and put yourself in my race shoes......

How comfortable would you feel if you had to walk into Malcom X Federal Building, hoping to get a job from someone who have been taught that the white men are "devils"? And when you tell me that seeing Malcom X name on the Federal Building doesn't give you a warm and fuzzy feeling, I tell you to "deal with it because it's my heritage"
How comfortable would you feel?

I don't have a great analogy because you (Your Race) has never been in that position. You don't understand because it's not you. does questioning the birthplace of Barak Obama impact minority housing?
I don't understand because you are all over the place with your thoughts. You've absolutely moved the goalposts on this discussion, and your Malcom X analogy is Exhibit A of doing so. Your "separate but equal stuff" is Exhibit B. ....and a strawman too, I might add.

You are changing the argument, when challenged to support it.

Tell me.....What is stopping a minority from getting an education in this country, like you claimed?

It's a waste of time. Have a great day.
Truth or common sense is in the eyes of the beholder. You don't have autonomy on the truth. You have your version, from your perspective... which is different from the people that has to deal with it.

All good sir!!!
Well….he is right, no two ways about it.

I just know you’re not at work and texting, right??….that would be considered stealing, Not a good look for someone who claims unfair treatment.
No one has moved anything.

I've stated my thoughts. I've gave you recent examples of some of those said issues and all you do is harp on what you think is happening or not happening. I can't change that. I can't make you have empathy and look at issues from my eyes.

You still believe that is not the case. I'm not going to change your opinion on the matter.

I stated that systematic racism is not a made up situation.

I stated that people have been restricted, the barrier to entry harder, and at times denied. You said aww ha "no one is denying you" and completely ignored the other points.

"Racial discrimination exists. But it doesn't keep minorities from getting an education. I'm pretty sure if a minority wants a job, they can find one...especially in today's market. If a minority wants to buy a home, and has the funds, I'm sure they can buy one."

The above is YOUR words.

If you believe that racial decrimination exists, what is the disconnect when I say minorities are still having issues today?

How can racial discrimination exists, but the outcome of those racial discrimitory actions doesn't? Then what does the racial decrimination looks like? It sounds like your saying we should be happy with the job or the housing that we get... kinda like separate, but equal stuff.

As far as my example with the Confederacy stuff. You stated that "Confederate memorials don't prevent any minority from accessing housing, education, or employment."

No- by itself, that don't "prevent you" from getting a job, per say.... However..... Imagine this and put yourself in my race shoes......

How comfortable would you feel if you had to walk into Malcom X Federal Building, hoping to get a job from someone who have been taught that the white men are "devils"? And when you tell me that seeing Malcom X name on the Federal Building doesn't give you a warm and fuzzy feeling, I tell you to "deal with it because it's my heritage"
How comfortable would you feel?

I don't have a great analogy because you (Your Race) has never been in that position. You don't understand because it's not you.
The problem is there are several views on what is the primary problem with disparity among different races in the US. I think racism of course has been a major problem although I think that has be overshadowed by another problem over the last 60 to 70 years. I think there is truth on both sides. IMO the biggest issue today is how the system that was created to help remedy part of the problems is failing and has actually made the disparity even greater in most cases. Destruction of the nuclear family and incentivizing single mothers to stay single has caused great harm to our country. I see if now affecting all races to some extent and it is growing each year. I think we need to devote our time and money to keep families together and encourage 2 parent homes. This step alone would do wonders in so many areas our country is currently struggling with now. Single parents homes have skyrocketed over the last 40 plus years and has been most prevalent among black families and now is increasing with white families. You see this less in the Asian communities.
I think race relations have been so much better the last 40 years in general but we have seen a crumbling and lack of respect for the family structure and authority in general. That is the building block that needs to be focused upon and if we do not then our country will be lost forever. Politics has been focused on different bandaids and antibiotics per se but what is needed is to get to the root of the problem. Sorry for the rambling post I will revisit it later and hopefully make sure I typed what I meant to say.
Truth or common sense is in the eyes of the beholder. You don't have autonomy on the truth. You have your version, from your perspective... which is different from the people that has to deal with it.

All good sir!!!
Continue to live in your world. Nothing changes until you do.

Besides, if you really want to make a difference….don’t think the 30 or so on here will work.

Nobody GAS about your skin color, I certainly don’t. I do not know of any racists nor do I associate with any.
Well….he is right, no two ways about it.

I just know you’re not at work and texting, right??….that would be considered stealing, Not a good look for someone who claims unfair treatment.

He is not "right". I know you and others feel that way. Have at it sir.

Hey man... the Chat is addictive!!!

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