CNN got this right

Which is why those liberal women (at least the binary ones that aren't nose ringed with purple hair) lament they cannot fan a man to date. All the real men are on the other team.
Yeah, all those real men are calling Harris a bitch that slept her way to the top, because that’s how real men talk about women, and how they teach their sons to talk about women. Those real men would rather vote for a dude that wants to bang his daughter because that’s what real men do.

Your definition of a real man is worth about as much as the rest of your opinions.
Yeah, all those real men are calling Harris a bitch that slept her way to the top, because that’s how real men talk about women, and how they teach their sons to talk about women. Those real men would rather vote for a dude that wants to bang his daughter because that’s what real men do.

Your definition of a real man is worth about as much as the rest of your opinions.

Here you go silver. I absolutely dare any Democrat, middle grounder who hates Trump, or supposed Reagan voter who the pub party has left behind; to listen to this 2minute video till the end. Trust me. The beginning will tell you that @cherrydawg is so right. But the last 30 seconds are why I will never understand how you can vote for anyone on the left right now. This is the same as any kkk belief. Just as extreme. And this is what you are promoting. No way to get around it. Tell me I am wrong. And you wonder why Dana bash says this.

The gop should play the last minute of this in an ad. Just have Donnie say at the end I approve this message

Here you go silver. I absolutely dare any Democrat, middle grounder who hates Trump, or supposed Reagan voter who the pub party has left behind; to listen to this 2minute video till the end. Trust me. The beginning will tell you that @cherrydawg is so right. But the last 30 seconds are why I will never understand how you can vote for anyone on the left right now. This is the same as any kkk belief. Just as extreme. And this is what you are promoting. No way to get around it. Tell me I am wrong. And you wonder why Dana bash says this.

The gop should play the last minute of this in an ad. Just have Donnie say at the end I approve this message
I'm not "promoting" a damn thing. I just love the "real men" are Republicans BS. Also:

I'm not "promoting" a damn thing. I just love the "real men" are Republicans BS. Also:

I didn’t say it. Dana bash said it. Many women are saying this. Whether you think it is true or not. Did you watch the video? Do me a favor. Watch it. You and I have gone back and forth. The first part is why she says this kind of shit. You don’t sound like you would ever be similar to the first part of the video. Listen to the last forty five seconds at least. This is what I am getting at. If you give a mouse a cookie, they are going to want some milk too. It just keeps stretching and getting more progressive. This idiot thinks what he is saying is what this country was founded upon. You can’t make this up.
I didn’t say it. Dana bash said it. Many women are saying this. Whether you think it is true or not. Did you watch the video? Do me a favor. Watch it. You and I have gone back and forth. The first part is why she says this kind of shit. You don’t sound like you would ever be similar to the first part of the video. Listen to the last forty five seconds at least. This is what I am getting at. If you give a mouse a cookie, they are going to want some milk too. It just keeps stretching and getting more progressive. This idiot thinks what he is saying is what this country was founded upon. You can’t make this up.
Ok, I just watched it. I don't understand why you pick one guy out at the convention (who are all nuts anyway) and say, "Yep! There's the Democratic Party for you!" Conventions are circle jerks, and you know it.

You get that guy. Fine. I'll go find a bunch of guys that have never spent a day in the military wearing a bunch of tactical gear with a lame ass Spartan helmet tattoo on their calf screaming some racist shit and I'll say, "Yep. Here's what the Republican Party has become." You'd disagree, and I think it would be fair to do so.

I just wish maybe y'all would point the finger at yourselves just every once in a while and ask whether the fringe of your party might be contributing to the problem. I don't think y'all do.
Ok, I just watched it. I don't understand why you pick one guy out at the convention (who are all nuts anyway) and say, "Yep! There's the Democratic Party for you!" Conventions are circle jerks, and you know it.

You get that guy. Fine. I'll go find a bunch of guys that have never spent a day in the military wearing a bunch of tactical gear with a lame ass Spartan helmet tattoo on their calf screaming some racist shit and I'll say, "Yep. Here's what the Republican Party has become." You'd disagree, and I think it would be fair to do so.

I just wish maybe y'all would point the finger at yourselves just every once in a while and ask whether the fringe of your party might be contributing to the problem. I don't think y'all do.
The fringes of the parties are the problem in both parties.

Ok, I just watched it. I don't understand why you pick one guy out at the convention (who are all nuts anyway) and say, "Yep! There's the Democratic Party for you!" Conventions are circle jerks, and you know it.

You get that guy. Fine. I'll go find a bunch of guys that have never spent a day in the military wearing a bunch of tactical gear with a lame ass Spartan helmet tattoo on their calf screaming some racist shit and I'll say, "Yep. Here's what the Republican Party has become." You'd disagree, and I think it would be fair to do so.

I just wish maybe y'all would point the finger at yourselves just every once in a while and ask whether the fringe of your party might be contributing to the problem. I don't think y'all do.
We all do. You aren’t paying attention. It is fewer and father between from pubs these days. You will always have the lunatic fringe of the party. This is the group that caused 1-6 for sure. No one is proud of that. I think 1-6 has been ridden into the ground. Also, people there who were non violent have been treated really poorly in comparison to Democrat led protests. No jail time for the recent violence and destruction in dc by Hamas supporters.

Right now the the lunatic fringe is what is running the Dem party. You can’t say that about trump when no one admits he didn’t govern from much closer to the middle. The rest is just crap. So many lies out there I don’t know how anyone from the left can differentiate the truth anymore. Even Will got caught doing this like 5 times this month. The job report. The economic plan she just leaked. No conservative Alive should ever support that. Or vote for it. This idiot wants rationing because it leads to equality. First off. If there is rationing, you better believe the elitist are going first.

I don’t like Trump. Many feel the same on this board. That is pointing a finger right there. I think what you are not getting is that the Dems circle the wagons and never point at their shortcomings. Kamala is literally saying we need to fix day one, what needs to be fixed but wasn’t our fault. How can anyone not see thru that. I just don’t get it. The source of my frustration. I read the Dems and Trump haters in the board. For the most part an intelligent group. I don’t like the choice either but there really shouldn’t be a decision here.
We all do. You aren’t paying attention. It is fewer and father between from pubs these days. You will always have the lunatic fringe of the party. This is the group that caused 1-6 for sure. No one is proud of that. I think 1-6 has been ridden into the ground. Also, people there who were non violent have been treated really poorly in comparison to Democrat led protests. No jail time for the recent violence and destruction in dc by Hamas supporters.

Right now the the lunatic fringe is what is running the Dem party. You can’t say that about trump when no one admits he didn’t govern from much closer to the middle. The rest is just crap. So many lies out there I don’t know how anyone from the left can differentiate the truth anymore. Even Will got caught doing this like 5 times this month. The job report. The economic plan she just leaked. No conservative Alive should ever support that. Or vote for it. This idiot wants rationing because it leads to equality. First off. If there is rationing, you better believe the elitist are going first.

I don’t like Trump. Many feel the same on this board. That is pointing a finger right there. I think what you are not getting is that the Dems circle the wagons and never point at their shortcomings. Kamala is literally saying we need to fix day one, what needs to be fixed but wasn’t our fault. How can anyone not see thru that. I just don’t get it. The source of my frustration. I read the Dems and Trump haters in the board. For the most part an intelligent group. I don’t like the choice either but there really shouldn’t be a decision here.
You're pointing out all this lying you say the Democrats are doing, but Trump lies through his teeth, even when he has no reason to, and it's, "aww, you just can't listen to everything he says."

You hear "fix on day one" like she's going to snap her fingers and it'll be done. This country is just too damn big and too damn complicated for anybody to do that, including her, and including Trump. But Trump voters are convinced this moron is an economy whisperer (Atlantic City says hi by the way) and we're going to start drilling and slap 100% tariffs on everything and manipulate the Fed and everything will be hunky dory. Most of those things are tremendously antithetical to traditional Republican values, but y'all are just lapping it up. It's a huge disconnect, but apparently Democrats are the only one's doing it? No damn way. I gotta run out. To be continued.
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You're pointing out all this lying you say the Democrats are doing, but Trump lies through his teeth, even when he has no reason to, and it's, "aww, you just can't listen to everything he says."

You hear "fix on day one" like she's going to snap her fingers and it'll be done. This country is just too damn big and too damn complicated for anybody to do that, including her, and including Trump. But Trump voters are convinced this moron is an economy whisperer (Atlantic City says hi by the way) and we're going to start drilling and slap 100% tariffs on everything and manipulate the Fed and everything will be hunky dory. Most of those things are tremendously antithetical to traditional Republican values, but y'all are just lapping it up. It's a huge disconnect, but apparently Democrats are the only one's doing it? No damn way. I gotta run out. To be continued.
Appreciate the back and forth. I am not saying Trump is an economic whisperer. At all. But lowering energy cost is usually a good idea if you want to help the economy some. Generally trickles down into everything. That one is pretty simple and the left has no intention of doing this. And opec gave this administration the middle finger. There is that.

Not to mention what I also know for certain is taxing the hell out of people isn’t going to improve it ever. Her plan is to cap prices and tax the ever loving hell out of the rich. And corporations. Who are just going to turn around and pass on this increase to every day consumers. You want to make corporations do their part. Put them in competition with each other. You tax the hell out of them they will just collude to f you and me.
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Appreciate the back and forth. I am not saying Trump is an economic whisperer. At all. But lowering energy cost is usually a good idea if you want to help the economy some. Generally trickles down into everything. That one is pretty simple and the left has no intention of doing this. And opec gave this administration the middle finger. There is that.

Not to mention what I also know for certain is taxing the hell out of people isn’t going to improve it ever. Her plan is to cap prices and tax the ever loving hell out of the rich. And corporations. Who are just going to turn around and pass on this increase to every day consumers. You want to make corporations do their part. Put them in competition with each other. You tax the hell out of them they will just collude to f you and me.
Yep, money goes where it is treated well. Tax the hell out of corps, over-regulate them and also give them the green light to leave the U.S. for friendlier environments and viola, they are gone in a flash.
Yep, money goes where it is treated well. Tax the hell out of corps, over-regulate them and also give them the green light to leave the U.S. for friendlier environments and viola, they are gone in a flash.
What I have figured out about corporations I have worked for in the past is the more they are flush with cash, the more people they hire. Because there are always plenty of people who will hire someone to do jobs they are tired of doing. In my industry it is playing out like crazy. Money is tight and people are getting fired left and right. When flush with cash we have twenty five corporate six figure managers in every aspect of your business. Now I just get a zoom call once a month, telling me I am own my own. Which is nice, but that money isn’t going into the economy anymore.
He is taking the high road at the moment. I will help you out.

We can rebuild America together friend. It can be with real men and testosterone challenged men. We all get there eventually. There are seats on the bus Clyde. Love for all will get us thru this divisive time. My bus has all you can eat nugenix. Problem solved. Blessings friend.
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What I have figured out about corporations I have worked for in the past is the more they are flush with cash, the more people they hire. Because there are always plenty of people who will hire someone to do jobs they are tired of doing. In my industry it is playing out like crazy. Money is tight and people are getting fired left and right. When flush with cash we have twenty five corporate six figure managers in every aspect of your business. Now I just get a zoom call once a month, telling me I am own my own. Which is nice, but that money isn’t going into the economy anymore.
Funny how that works. One of the best things Trump has said is union labor needs strong corporations. Businesses that are struggling to make payroll and provide a decent ROI for investors aren't usually the companies that are adding staff and giving raises no matter how deserving an employee may be.
Appreciate the back and forth. I am not saying Trump is an economic whisperer. At all. But lowering energy cost is usually a good idea if you want to help the economy some. Generally trickles down into everything. That one is pretty simple and the left has no intention of doing this. And opec gave this administration the middle finger. There is that.

Not to mention what I also know for certain is taxing the hell out of people isn’t going to improve it ever. Her plan is to cap prices and tax the ever loving hell out of the rich. And corporations. Who are just going to turn around and pass on this increase to every day consumers. You want to make corporations do their part. Put them in competition with each other. You tax the hell out of them they will just collude to f you and me.
Ok, I like this.

First, I'm going to just ignore the trickle down comment, because that's a 3rd rail and no way we're going to agree on that.

The problem with drilling and creating more supply is that in commodity industries, like oil and gas, supply is not tied to the consumer price. It's why every time a president of either party releases some of the SPR, gas prices don't move much and the oil companies still post record earnings quarter after quarter. They want to drill to lower costs on the production side. That won't correlate to you and I. It sounds great at a stump speech, but that's just not how it works.

And think about this. Trump appointed Rex Tillerson, CEO of ExxonMobil, to be Secretary of State. The chief diplomat of the United States, who has tremendous influence over foreign policy, was an oil exec. Do you think for one second he planned on doing anything to provide relief at the pump? F*** no. Now, did this go into Trump's calculation? No idea. If it didn't, then it was incredibly stupid. If he did think about it and still picked Tillerson, it's pretty clear he didn't care what effect it would have on us. This is the guy expected to help us out at the cash register? I have my doubts to say the least.

And of course costs get passed onto us the consumers. But what do you think is going to happen with 100% tariffs and a trade war with China? You think things are expensive now? Whoo boy.
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Funny how that works. One of the best things Trump has said is union labor needs strong corporations. Businesses that are struggling to make payroll and provide a decent ROI for investors aren't usually the companies that are adding staff and giving raises no matter how deserving an employee may be.
I wish I had a camera in my office. When I started here I had three managers in my office for the first two weeks. I had just come from a competitor. They asked what you noticed about the competitor. I said they have a lot of fluff. A manager for every single part of the industry. Both their eyes got as big as saucers. lol. Sure enough one retired and the other was fired a few years later in another economic downturn.
Ok, I like this.

First, I'm going to just ignore the trickle down comment, because that's a 3rd rail and no way we're going to agree on that.

The problem with drilling and creating more supply is that in commodity industries, like oil and gas, supply is not tied to the consumer price. It's why every time a president of either party releases some of the SPR, gas prices don't move much and the oil companies still post record earnings quarter after quarter. They want to drill to lower costs on the production side. That won't correlate to you and I. It sounds great at a stump speech, but that's just not how it works.

And think about this. Trump appointed Rex Tillerson, CEO of ExxonMobil, to be Secretary of State. The chief diplomat of the United States, who has tremendous ability to influence foreign policy, was an oil exec. Do you think for one second he planned on doing anything to provide relief at the pump? F*** no. Now, did this go into Trump's calculation? No idea. If he didn't, then it was incredibly stupid. If he did think about it, it's pretty clear he didn't care what affect it would have on us.

And of course costs get passed onto us the consumers. But what do you think is going to happen with 100% tariffs and a trade war with China? You think things are expensive now? Whoo boy.
Didn’t say anything about drilling. Said lowering energy prices. The proof is in what the price was then. And what it became overnight under Biden. Now. You will always say this is a coincidence. It isn’t. Sorry. This was purposeful. OPEC literally gave Biden the middle finger. You don’t want the one controlling the supply to hate you. They never did that with Trump. That is just a fact.

Why are we putting tariffs on China now? Why is Trump proposing this increase? I think you can answer your own question. The long term solution is to not be so dependent on China. Biden has been doing the same recently. There is a bigger meaning behind it. You think kamala will be able to negotiate a deal you believe is fair. You have lost your mind if you think so. She will pass off any deal as a win. Just like Joe. Roll out numbers to support it. Then a month later we find out the numbers were bs and we got bent over again. You think she has a clue how that industry works. She just told you a community bank is great because it resides in the community. Doing work for the commune. I am just being realistic. You can hate Trump, but I know he is a better negotiator than she is. And he isn’t a women, the elephant in the room no one wants to mention. The folks she will be dealing with hate women. Right or wrong. That is also a fact.
Didn’t say anything about drilling. Said lowering energy prices. The proof is in what the price was then. And what it became overnight under Biden. Now. You will always say this is a coincidence. It isn’t. Sorry. This was purposeful. OPEC literally gave Biden the middle finger. You don’t want the one controlling the supply to hate you. They never did that with Trump. That is just a fact.

Why are we putting tariffs on China now? Why is Trump proposing this increase? I think you can answer your own question. The long term solution is to not be so dependent on China. Biden has been doing the same recently. There is a bigger meaning behind it. You think kamala will be able to negotiate a deal you believe is fair. You have lost your mind if you think so. She will pass off any deal as a win. Just like Joe. Roll out numbers to support it. Then a month later we find out the numbers were bs and we got bent over again. You think she has a clue how that industry works. She just told you a community bank is great because it resides in the community. Doing work for the commune. I am just being realistic. You can hate Trump, but I know he is a better negotiator than she is. And he isn’t a women, the elephant in the room no one wants to mention. The folks she will be dealing with hate women. Right or wrong. That is also a fact.
You lost me on a couple of points here.

Trump has said repeatedly that he's going to lower energy costs by drilling. I was just talking about how that's not going to work.

We're energy independent, with an increasing energy surplus every year. OPEC can take a walk. Anybody noticed how we don't really fret about Saudi Arabia anymore?

The long term solution regarding China is a noble one, but that is a 10, 15, 20-year goal and goods are going to get a lot more expensive with what Trump is proposing, not cheaper.

We're just going to have to part ways on Trump the master negotiator. His strategy has always been "GIMME" and drastically overpaying. Look into Trump Taj Mahal some time. He closed that deal with such a high interest rate that the casino would have to make $1.3 million per day just to break even. That was an unfathomable number when it opened. In the end, it was losing $100 million per year and Trump lost his ass. That's why the master negotiator is hawking ugly ass sneakers and bibles.
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Yeah, all those real men are calling Harris a bitch that slept her way to the top, because that’s how real men talk about women, and how they teach their sons to talk about women. Those real men would rather vote for a dude that wants to bang his daughter because that’s what real men do.

Your definition of a real man is worth about as much as the rest of your opinions.
Stop It Season 5 GIF by grown-ish
You lost me on a couple of points here.

Trump has said repeatedly that he's going to lower energy costs by drilling. I was just talking about how that's not going to work.

We're energy independent, with an increasing energy surplus every year. OPEC can take a walk. Anybody noticed how we don't really fret about Saudi Arabia anymore?

The long term solution regarding China is a noble one, but that is a 10, 15, 20-year goal and goods are going to get a lot more expensive with what Trump is proposing, not cheaper.

We're just going to have to part ways on Trump the master negotiator. His strategy has always been "GIMME" and drastically overpaying. Look into Trump Taj Mahal some time. He closed that deal with such a high interest rate that the casino would have to make $1.3 million per day just to break even. That was an unfathomable number when it opened. In the end, it was losing $100 million per year and Trump lost his ass. That's why the master negotiator is hawking ugly ass sneakers and bibles.
I never heard any response on what I said about Kamala. That tells me all I need to know. I have seen and read about good deals and bad deals with Trump. If you are in business there will always be ups and downs. Highs and lows. It is ugly. Never denied that about him ever. I just know other countries fear him. They didn’t fear Joe. They damn sure won’t fear Kamala. There are plenty of stories like this. A big reason why no wars took place under his watch. They had no idea what he may be capable of.

Drilling is a part of lowering energy prices but not the only thing. Again, you are responding to things that have worked for him. Making excuses for what happened and you haven’t said one word about one single Kamala economic policy you like or think will work. Because none will she has proposed. Taxing unrealized gaines. You are never going to see past Trump. And that is too bad, because she is a trainwreck. You admitted it by not even mentioning anything she will do or has done. You can go barreling in now, but the fact that you avoided the topic is damning enough. I don’t blame you.
I never heard any response on what I said about Kamala. That tells me all I need to know. I have seen and read about good deals and bad deals with Trump. If you are in business there will always be ups and downs. Highs and lows. It is ugly. Never denied that about him ever. I just know other countries fear him. They didn’t fear Joe. They damn sure won’t fear Kamala. There are plenty of stories like this. A big reason why no wars took place under his watch. They had no idea what he may be capable of.

Drilling is a part of lowering energy prices but not the only thing. Again, you are responding to things that have worked for him. Making excuses for what happened and you haven’t said one word about one single Kamala economic policy you like or think will work. Because none will she has proposed. Taxing unrealized gaines. You are never going to see past Trump. And that is too bad, because she is a trainwreck. You admitted it by not even mentioning anything she will do or has done. You can go barreling in now, but the fact that you avoided the topic is damning enough. I don’t blame you.
What do you want me to say about her? Am I enthused? No. I think her speech tonight is going to fall pretty flat and it's going to be thin on details. She's going to have to stop with the strategy of just letting Trump shoot himself in the face and talk. But that's a hell of a long way from wanting to see Trump in the White House again. If you want to call it TDS, then guilty as charged. Our global power is derived from 3 things: our military, our economy, and our standing as an ally in the international community. The Joint Chiefs thought he was a complete moron, the economy was a wash due to Covid (I think he gets too much blame, but whatever), and our allies hate his ass. Cool.

And I didn't hear anything about what I said about Tillerson and Trump's decision-making process as it pertained to you and I and our wallets, so maybe we should just call it even.
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What do you want me to say about her? Am I enthused? No. I think her speech tonight is going to fall pretty flat and it's going to be thin on details. She's going to have to stop with the strategy of just letting Trump shoot himself in the face and talk. But that's a hell of a long way from wanting to see Trump in the White House again. If you want to call it TDS, then guilty as charged. Our global power is derived from 3 things: our military, our economy, and our standing as an ally in the international community. The Joint Chiefs thought he was a complete moron, the economy was a wash due to Covid (I think he gets too much blame, but whatever), and our allies hate his ass. Cool.

And I didn't hear anything about what I said about Tillerson and Trump's decision-making process as it pertained to you and I and our wallets, so maybe we should just call it even.
You are right. You didn’t hear anything that you would give credit. So we can call that a wash. What isn’t a wash, is you have heard nothing from her that has ever worked. And a bunch of things that may be disastrous. I know you can’t dispute. Look, you helped to lower my frustration with this today. I appreciate that. It is trump. Maybe it will change when he is gone. I doubt it. More fear porn will follow the next person as well.
He is taking the high road at the moment. I will help you out.

We can rebuild America together friend. It can be with real men and testosterone challenged men. We all get there eventually. There are seats on the bus Clyde. Love for all will get us thru this divisive time. My bus has all you can eat nugenix. Problem solved. Blessings friend.
Low T doesn't make you a bad person.
You are right. You didn’t hear anything that you would give credit. So we can call that a wash. What isn’t a wash, is you have heard nothing from her that has ever worked. And a bunch of things that may be disastrous. I know you can’t dispute. Look, you helped to lower my frustration with this today. I appreciate that. It is trump. Maybe it will change when he is gone. I doubt it. More fear porn will follow the next person as well.
A Harris Administration may very well be disastrous. I have to concede that. But it also might not. I am totally convinced that Trump's first term was a disaster, and this one would be worse. I admittedly vote more on foreign policy than almost anyone I know, and his foreign policy was an abomination. When you say you believe Putin over your own intelligence apparatus, you don't recover from that in my book.
A Harris Administration may very well be disastrous. I have to concede that. But it also might not. I am totally convinced that Trump's first term was a disaster, and this one would be worse. I admittedly vote more on foreign policy than almost anyone I know, and his foreign policy was an abomination. When you say you believe Putin over your own intelligence apparatus, you don't recover from that in my book.
Here is the thing on that. I don’t disagree with the last sentence. And if you follow foreign policy closely you are more educated about it than I am. What I saw from afar were no wars. He clobbered isis. He scared the bejesus out of a few leaders. Example. Xi was with him when he bombed Syria. He wanted him to see this. You can view that how you want, but that strategy seemed to work.

As far as him and the cia. Don’t blame him a bit. 50 of them straight lied about hunters laptop. Which who knew contained some evidence that the current potus might be a treasonous piece of shit selling influence. Nice job by them and the fbi by slow walking any info there or not trying to turn over anything at all. I might have a hard time trusting anyone there either. Just me maybe.
A Harris Administration may very well be disastrous. I have to concede that. But it also might not. I am totally convinced that Trump's first term was a disaster, and this one would be worse. I admittedly vote more on foreign policy than almost anyone I know, and his foreign policy was an abomination. When you say you believe Putin over your own intelligence apparatus, you don't recover from that in my book.
Well the FBI and 51 "intelligence" agents said the laptop wasn't real. Russia, Russia...

I can see where he may get that notion.
Here is the thing on that. I don’t disagree with the last sentence. And if you follow foreign policy closely you are more educated about it than I am. What I saw from afar were no wars. He clobbered isis. He scared the bejesus out of a few leaders. Example. Xi was with him when he bombed Syria. He wanted him to see this. You can view that how you want, but that strategy seemed to work.

As far as him and the cia. Don’t blame him a bit. 50 of them straight lied about hunters laptop. Which who knew contained some evidence that the current potus might be a treasonous piece of shit selling influence. Nice job by them and the fbi by slow walking any info there or not trying to turn over anything at all. I might have a hard time trusting anyone there either. Just me maybe.
But if he's going to disregard the information he gets from the CIA (and foreign intelligence services working with the CIA), doesn't that scare the shit out of you? It's like flying through the Rockies in a plane with no windows.
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Oh this ought to be good.

"#BREAKINGNEWS There is a scheduled gap in tonight's DNC schedule that the special guest is only known by a handful of people."

Rumor that it's Taylor Swift. Best believe I'll be here tonight. I'm not missing y'all losing your minds over it.
But if he's going to disregard the information he gets from the CIA (and foreign intelligence services working with the CIA), doesn't that scare the shit out of you? It's like flying through the Rockies in a plane with no windows.
Agreed. But if they are going to lie about you and lie to you. The fbi admitted to going after him much harder than Hillary. They slapped themselves on the wrist. And this happened like a month after he was president. The doj will get one hell of a makeover if he is elected.
Yeah, all those real men are calling Harris a bitch that slept her way to the top, because that’s how real men talk about women, and how they teach their sons to talk about women. Those real men would rather vote for a dude that wants to bang his daughter because that’s what real men do.

Your definition of a real man is worth about as much as the rest of your opinions.
The truth hurts doesn’t it! LMAO

Here you go silver. I absolutely dare any Democrat, middle grounder who hates Trump, or supposed Reagan voter who the pub party has left behind; to listen to this 2minute video till the end. Trust me. The beginning will tell you that @cherrydawg is so right. But the last 30 seconds are why I will never understand how you can vote for anyone on the left right now. This is the same as any kkk belief. Just as extreme. And this is what you are promoting. No way to get around it. Tell me I am wrong. And you wonder why Dana bash says this.

The gop should play the last minute of this in an ad. Just have Donnie say at the end I approve this message