Cruz nailed it on immigration last night


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Jan 5, 2006
HE SAID THIS “The politics of immigration would be very different if those coming over the Rio Grande were lawyers or journalists reducing wages in the media. Then we would see stories about the economic calamity that illegal aliens are causing. Those of us who believe that people should come to this country legally & we should enforce the law, are TIRED of being told we r anti-immigrant & that is OFFENSIVE. Cruz said he is the son of a legal immigrant who came legally from Cuba to pursue the American dream. There is no reason we can't embrace legal immigration & the rule of law. Furthermore Cruz challenged people to try going to another country China, Japan, or even Mexico & see what they do. Every sovereign nation secures its borders. How is it compassionate to not enforce our immigration laws & drive down wages of hard working Americans. That is abandoning the American worker!”
Its the biggest issue facing the Country right now. The libs are trying to turn the USA into a 3rd world shithole. They want more poor dependent voters.
Its the biggest issue facing the Country right now. The libs are trying to turn the USA into a 3rd world shithole. They want more poor dependent voters.

CrazyRolo sounds like the nativists in 1845 raging about Irish immigration, in the 1850s raging about German and Scandinavian immigration, in the 1880s raging about Chinese immigration, in the 1900s raging about Italian immigration, in the 1910s raging about Jewish and Eastern European immigration, and in the 1970s raging about Vietnamese and Cambodian immigration.

I guess CrazyRolo worries about Latin immigration because it means competition for his job down at the chicken plant, but for the vast majority of Americans, it's a non-issue.
CrazyRolo sounds like the nativists in 1845 raging about Irish immigration, in the 1850s raging about German and Scandinavian immigration, in the 1880s raging about Chinese immigration, in the 1900s raging about Italian immigration, in the 1910s raging about Jewish and Eastern European immigration, and in the 1970s raging about Vietnamese and Cambodian immigration.

I guess CrazyRolo worries about Latin immigration because it means competition for his job down at the chicken plant, but for the vast majority of Americans, it's a non-issue.

Looky, Pug thinks he knows what Americans think. Like ole Ted said, if these leeches were coming across the boards with teaching certificates , Pug would be riding around with a Trump bumper sticker.

And again, I have to deduct point for your ignorance of past immigration.
CrazyRolo sounds like the nativists in 1845 raging about Irish immigration, in the 1850s raging about German and Scandinavian immigration, in the 1880s raging about Chinese immigration, in the 1900s raging about Italian immigration, in the 1910s raging about Jewish and Eastern European immigration, and in the 1970s raging about Vietnamese and Cambodian immigration.

I guess CrazyRolo worries about Latin immigration because it means competition for his job down at the chicken plant, but for the vast majority of Americans, it's a non-issue.

You're pathetically wrong on every single issue I see you whining about. Illegal immigration is wrong, wrong on so many levels, and it may not be Rolo's job in jeopardy but there is an American Citizen right now losing his/her job to an illegal. Whom, I can only assume because of your pro job stealing, illegal alien rhetoric, you could care less about.
You're pathetically wrong on every single issue I see you whining about. Illegal immigration is wrong, wrong on so many levels, and it may not be Rolo's job in jeopardy but there is an American Citizen right now losing his/her job to an illegal. Whom, I can only assume because of your pro job stealing, illegal alien rhetoric, you could care less about.

I'm not whining...I'm singling out crazy beliefs and putting them on blast. I'm personally in favor of open borders and allowing people to travel, work, and live wherever they want without passports, visas, etc.

Of course, I have nothing to fear regarding immigration. No immigrant threatens my job or my way of life. I do see how working-class people or people who are on government assistance might fear immigrants, because such people represent competition for jobs, welfare, etc.
I'm not whining...I'm singling out crazy beliefs and putting them on blast. I'm personally in favor of open borders and allowing people to travel, work, and live wherever they want without passports, visas, etc.

Of course, I have nothing to fear regarding immigration. No immigrant threatens my job or my way of life. I do see how working-class people or people who are on government assistance might fear immigrants, because such people represent competition for jobs, welfare, etc.

One post and you expose yourself as a typical liberal POS. It doesn't effect you so to hell with those it does....but you really care about the poor. You're for open boarders......but to stupid to understand how stupid that is and you aren't capable of thinking through your position....Because being a liberal mean you don't have to think...Its a morally and intellectually bankrupt ideology
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One post and you expose yourself as a typical liberal POS. It doesn't effect you so to hell with those it does....but you really care about the poor. You're for open boarders......but to stupid to understand how stupid that is and you aren't capable of thinking through your position....Because being a liberal mean you don't have to think...Its a morally and intellectually bankrupt ideology

How is open borders "stupid"? Do explain, Perfesser!
I'm not whining...I'm singling out crazy beliefs and putting them on blast. I'm personally in favor of open borders and allowing people to travel, work, and live wherever they want without passports, visas, etc.

Of course, I have nothing to fear regarding immigration. No immigrant threatens my job or my way of life. I do see how working-class people or people who are on government assistance might fear immigrants, because such people represent competition for jobs, welfare, etc.

PUG "allowing people to travel, work, & live where ever they want without passports, visas, etc." I don't understand how such an obviously educated person could not see the problem with open borders. Destruction of the American culture doesn't bother u. The increased burden on American taxpayers doesn't bother u. The over crowding of our schools hurts the education of American citizens. Crime statistics for illegals is very high. According to the GAO, in the 4 years 2009-12, 75K rapes & 25K murders were committed by illegal immigrants. Open borders and a welfare state is a terrible combination which would lead to bankruptcy of the country.
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PUG "allowing people to travel, work, & live where ever they want without passports, visas, etc." I don't understand how such an obviously educated person could not see the problem with open borders. Destruction of the American culture doesn't bother u. The increased burden on American taxpayers doesn't bother u. The over crowding of our schools hurts the education of American citizens. Crime statistics for illegals is very high. According to the GAO, in the 4 years 2009-12, 75K rapes & 25K murders were committed by illegal immigrants. Open borders and a welfare state is a terrible combination which would lead to bankruptcy of the country.

It doesn't affect Pug's little Utopian LaLa World so he doesn't care.
PUG "allowing people to travel, work, & live where ever they want without passports, visas, etc." I don't understand how such an obviously educated person could not see the problem with open borders. Destruction of the American culture doesn't bother u. The increased burden on American taxpayers doesn't bother u. The over crowding of our schools hurts the education of American citizens. Crime statistics for illegals is very high. According to the GAO, in the 4 years 2009-12, 75K rapes & 25K murders were committed by illegal immigrants. Open borders and a welfare state is a terrible combination which would lead to bankruptcy of the country.

What's so precious about American culture that we need to aggressively protect it? Hip hop? Reality TV? WWE Raw?

I've got news for you...illegal immigrants are net "makers" for the social security system.

Illegal immigrants are no more likely to commit crimes than native-born Americans.

I still haven't seen one compelling argument against open borders.
OK, so your paranoia about people killing you is the reason we should not have open borders.

That and I believe in the United States of America. And I don't think we should have shitheads for shithole deciding our elections and taking the voice away from Citizens.

I mean you really are a bigger joke than I even thought. Something bad must have happened to you? Did a redneck make you squeal like a pig...and you're angry because you enjoyed it?
CrazyRolo sounds like the nativists in 1845 raging about Irish immigration, in the 1850s raging about German and Scandinavian immigration, in the 1880s raging about Chinese immigration, in the 1900s raging about Italian immigration, in the 1910s raging about Jewish and Eastern European immigration, and in the 1970s raging about Vietnamese and Cambodian immigration.

I guess CrazyRolo worries about Latin immigration because it means competition for his job down at the chicken plant, but for the vast majority of Americans, it's a non-issue.
Well, well, well - Ole Pug proves to be the Chat's newest village idiot. I don't know what your job is, but I would damn well bet it's irrelevant. You couldn't make this stuff up!
What's so precious about American culture that we need to aggressively protect it? Hip hop? Reality TV? WWE Raw?

I've got news for you...illegal immigrants are net "makers" for the social security system.

Illegal immigrants are no more likely to commit crimes than native-born Americans.

I still haven't seen one compelling argument against open borders.

You don't really want a conversation on the issue. It wouldn't matter if someone posted overwhelming evidence against your open borders belief. You'd just attack and call names, as you always do when you've lost the debate. Racist, Xenophobe, etc etc etc. blah blah blah.

You hate the fact that the rest of the US doesn't think like a Lib and you see the destruction of your PARTY by bobo. So, you're now reaching out in desperation for illegals to save your pathetic ideology and Party, contrary to the long-term sustainability of the USA; country be dam, citizens be dam, your children and grand children be dam.

You're one bitter, ignorant, USA hating SOB. Why aren't you living in Cuba, Iran, or North Korea?
You don't really want a conversation on the issue. It wouldn't matter if someone posted overwhelming evidence against your open borders belief. You'd just attack and call names, as you always do when you've lost the debate. Racist, Xenophobe, etc etc etc. blah blah blah.

You hate the fact that the rest of the US doesn't think like a Lib and you see the destruction of your PARTY by bobo. So, you're now reaching out in desperation for illegals to save your pathetic ideology and Party, contrary to the long-term sustainability of the USA; country be dam, citizens be dam, your children and grand children be dam.

You're one bitter, ignorant, USA hating SOB. Why aren't you living in Cuba, Iran, or North Korea?

You couldn't be more wrong about me, but then again, you are wrong about everything else, so it doesn't surprise me.

You right wing conservatives can't get past black/white thinking on very complicated issues that don't lend themselves to simple "common sense" answers.
You couldn't be more wrong about me, but then again, you are wrong about everything else, so it doesn't surprise me.

You right wing conservatives can't get past black/white thinking on very complicated issues that don't lend themselves to simple "common sense" answers.

Maybe we need to burn down some of our communities inorder to understand?
You couldn't be more wrong about me, but then again, you are wrong about everything else, so it doesn't surprise me.

You right wing conservatives can't get past black/white thinking on very complicated issues that don't lend themselves to simple "common sense" answers.

Maybe you don't hate America. Maybe you're just lashing out, projecting hatred, out of envy, jealousy, some other wrong in your life. Were you fired from the private sector, wife leave you, kids won't speak to you anymore, no friends, lonely?

The issues have been made complicated by your lunatic, radical, left-wing community organizers. In doing so, they've destroyed your PARTY.
Maybe you don't hate America. Maybe you're just lashing out, projecting hatred, out of envy, jealousy, some other wrong in your life. Were you fired from the private sector, wife leave you, kids won't speak to you anymore, no friends, lonely?

The issues have been made complicated by your lunatic, radical, left-wing community organizers. In doing so, they've destroyed your PARTY.

Again, you're wrong. I've never worked in the private sector in my life. Twenty-one years on active duty in the US Army, nine years in the North Carolina Community College System. I've been fortunate to do exactly what I've wanted in life, so I'm not lashing out at anything other than ignorance.
Lets be honest here, what's happening here is "McGovern's Revenge"...remember McGovern got boat raced by Nixon 49 states to 1 in 1972, and the Democrats, and most notoriously Teddy Kennedy, said "Never Again". If the American public won't vote the way the Democratic party wants, then we're going to have to change the American Public. Enter massive immigration, Ronald Reagan was a popular governor in California in the 1960s, but no way in hell would he be elected in California today given the demographic shift that's happened over the last 40 years, design from the Democratic Party. Third World Immigration + Massive Welfare State + Political Correctness = End of America. Lets go house hunting in Belieze. People like to mock the French for the way they rolled over in World War Two. Lets cut the French slack, Ze Germans had Panzers in the middle of Paris. The Left in America, however, is just rolling over and giving up America.
Again, you're wrong. I've never worked in the private sector in my life. Twenty-one years on active duty in the US Army, nine years in the North Carolina Community College System. I've been fortunate to do exactly what I've wanted in life, so I'm not lashing out at anything other than ignorance.

You didn't mention your wife leaving you and your kids not speaking to you anymore, or how lonely you are.

Nailed it. I knew it.
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Lets be honest here, what's happening here is "McGovern's Revenge"...remember McGovern got boat raced by Nixon 49 states to 1 in 1972, and the Democrats, and most notoriously Teddy Kennedy, said "Never Again". If the American public won't vote the way the Democratic party wants, then we're going to have to change the American Public. Enter massive immigration, Ronald Reagan was a popular governor in California in the 1960s, but no way in hell would he be elected in California today given the demographic shift that's happened over the last 40 years, design from the Democratic Party. Third World Immigration + Massive Welfare State + Political Correctness = End of America. Lets go house hunting in Belieze. People like to mock the French for the way they rolled over in World War Two. Lets cut the French slack, Ze Germans had Panzers in the middle of Paris. The Left in America, however, is just rolling over and giving up America.

Dead on the money. And ppl tend to overlook how we elect our Presidents. The Electoral College...and these votes are based on POPULATION . American Citizens are having their voice stripped away because States Like California have been overrun with ILLEGALS . Repubs will never win that State again (unless we start deporting ppl)
Again, you're wrong. I've never worked in the private sector in my life. Twenty-one years on active duty in the US Army, nine years in the North Carolina Community College System. I've been fortunate to do exactly what I've wanted in life, so I'm not lashing out at anything other than ignorance.

Always on the public dole never contributing to the tax base
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Again, wrong. I'm happily married with a 9 year old kid. But keep swinging and missing!

Okay, fine. I'm tired of the mud slinging anyway. Good for you.

Why do you believe in Open Borders? How is open borders good for the American citizen, the Civil Society, and our Sovereignty? We should just disregard the citizenry and the constitution?
Again, you're wrong. I've never worked in the private sector in my life. Twenty-one years on active duty in the US Army, nine years in the North Carolina Community College System. I've been fortunate to do exactly what I've wanted in life, so I'm not lashing out at anything other than ignorance.

Mexico has the age of consent of 12 years old so the young girls don't have a chance. Central American countries also. So there are more child rapes here by immigrants from these countries because that is considered ok in their cultures. Women have it better here than any other country. Did u know that Sweden has become the rape capital of the world because of large numbers of muslims immigrating there. Are u familiar with boy slaves in middle east cultures? One of our soldiers was actually discharged because he heard the screams of young boys throughout the nite, had enough and beat the hell out of some sleaseball Afghan officer caught in the act. I am sure u are aware of how women are oppressed in Muslim countries. Many Muslims also don't assimilate and expect the indigent culture to adjust to their demands. They believe in honor killings if a women doesnt show the proper amount of respect for their male masters. Heaven forbid to marry someone with another religion. Japanese also believe in killing their children if they shamed their parents.
As for crime, I gave a source that lists the crime committed by illegal immigrants. The % of hispanics in our prisons is much higher than the % in the general population.
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Okay, fine. I'm tired of the mud slinging anyway. Good for you.

Why do you believe in Open Borders? How is open borders good for the American citizen, the Civil Society, and our Sovereignty? We should just disregard the citizenry and the constitution?

What does the Constitution say about immigration?

I'm in favor of open borders for all countries. I believe in free trade, the free exchange of ideas, freedom of travel, and freedom to live and work wherever you want. I think it is a good thing for America because it will attract the best, brightest, and most ambitious people to our country.
What does the Constitution say about immigration?

I'm in favor of open borders for all countries. I believe in free trade, the free exchange of ideas, freedom of travel, and freedom to live and work wherever you want. I think it is a good thing for America because it will attract the best, brightest, and most ambitious people to our country.

Its says Congress SHALL MAKE LAWS. The best and brightest are waiting in line no breaking the law. The shitheads from the shitholes are breaking the law. Again, liberal feel good ideas without actually thinking. It will all be gum drops, rainbows and unicorns .......Bless ur heart

Its says Congress SHALL MAKE LAWS. The best and brightest are waiting in line no breaking the law. The shitheads from the shitholes are breaking the law. Again, liberal feel good ideas without actually thinking. It will all be gum drops, rainbows and unicorns .......Bless ur heart

Then let Congress make the law. I'm not in favor of current immigration laws, but then again, I don't bitch and moan about them either.
What does the Constitution say about immigration?

I'm in favor of open borders for all countries. I believe in free trade, the free exchange of ideas, freedom of travel, and freedom to live and work wherever you want. I think it is a good thing for America because it will attract the best, brightest, and most ambitious people to our country.

Congress shall make the Laws. Rolo is right, again.
The purpose of our immigration laws are to represent the interests of American people. It is not a God given right or anything in the Constitution that gives any one the right to come to this country illegally.

We are a nation of Citizens, and a nation of Laws. And we have processes. Millions of people waiting to come here legally, which are the best and brightest.

Open borders will have consequences, something Libs never worry about, especially if it doesn't effect their lives. It would bring lawlessness, a less educated population, less comprehension of the constitution and bill of rights, destruction of our welfare system, lower wages, higher corporate profits, disease, higher crime rates, increase in drug trafficking, etc. Just off the top of my head.

People are free now to exchange ideas (internet, e-mail, voip, etc), and are free to travel (with passport), and you can live and work wherever you want (just go thru the proper process).

Why punish the entire county and all citizens because you think it is the right thing to do? Why don't we start the experiment with a smaller country and see how that works first? Someplace like Germany, Iran, Japan? See how their citizens accept it before we try it on a country the size of the USA and a third world country south of our border?
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