The respose to immigration is insane.

I just call it based on facts! No more , no less! The Dems have been the problem for at least 50 years. Social engineering, class warfare, killing fetuses, grooming children, dumbing down the populace and stealing our hard earned wages. Just a few items.
Sadly you are 100% correct. The Dems are following the socialist/communist playbooks. Destroying us from the inside. If Biden wins I hope states start seceding. He can be president of the left coast and NE and all the libs in the south can move there. I’m fed up. If he wins THAT WILL be the end of democracy. Trying to arrest political opponents and put them in prison, take all their money, remove their names from the ballots, cheat in elections, bring in multiple millions and let them vote for the Dems. We will be forever under one party rule if Dems get their way. THAT IS THEIR PLAN. I will vote for Desantis to be President of Florida when we become our own nation.
That's why the last bill proposed should have been passed.
Was it perfect, heck no.
With congress (and the country) being so divided, both sides compromised more than they have in decades on this issue.
If Trump wins, he can do some things by EO that may or may not get tied up in the courts, but the dems will never give as much as they did on this last bill again....especially with Trump.
With divided government, you have to take the best you can get.
I wish the border was completely closed, but that's not going to happen.
In reality, neither side really wants this issue solved. Both sides use it as political talking points to thier base.
Trump WILL close it if he can get both senate and congress under republican control. He doesn’t care about the political BS games. He truly wants to save the country. How different the world would have been if Trump had won. How much better off everyone worldwide would be.
Biden's mistakes 3 years ago do not justify stupidity today. What about, what about! You are throwing curve balls.

Projecting doesn't work on me sir. The curve ball is yours. The timing of rhe bill was my point and you are well aware of it.

There is no need to install a smoke alarm, after your house is on fire.
Seriously, Clark????!

Yeah, those Venezuelan laborers and dishwasher are invaluable. Educated illegals are not coming here through the Darien gap.

Meanwhile, the ones that try to come here legally are turned away - these are the ones with skills we need. Unless you want more guys hanging out at the Chevron, waiting for a pickup to take them to a job site.
Im talking about legal immigration bro. If we shut down all immigration it includes the National Interest Waivers cases and the Extraordinary ability cases- think cures to cancer and high tech research.
Im talking about legal immigration bro. If we shut down all immigration it includes the National Interest Waivers cases and the Extraordinary ability cases- think cures to cancer and high tech research.
Nobody is talking about legal immigration in this thread and you never used the term "legal" in you post.
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Nobody is talking about legal immigration in this thread and you never useMy concern is about illegal immigration

I thought my OP was clear, but after rereading, maybe not.

Can anyone tell me how many legal immigrants come into the US in 2023 vs. illegal?
You say it isn't possible, but some warmer version of it absolutely is possible. The idea that we don't have the resources or man power to really beef things up and make it tough to get into the country is ridiculous. The problem is that Biden's goal here is to thread the needle politically. Ideally, that would have meant some kind of toothless legislation he could point to and say "see I am committed to the border." The problem isn't necessarily that he "wants" millions of illegals in the country. The problem is that his left-leaning base does, and generally views any tightening of actual enforcement down there as insensitive and counter to their beliefs. Utlimately, he wants sound-bites to satisfy the middle of the country, with actual policy that satisfies the left-leaning base.

Legislation would have solved this for him politically. It kind of passes the buck to congress and placates his base that they got something in return for it. The issue he has now is that he has to effectively become Trump in order to fix it. Executive orders that effectively reverse what he did when he "De-Trumped" the border. To any republican who talks shit about us not signing the border bill, this is why the whole thing was well played.
There will never be a border bill passed. The Dems control
Im talking about legal immigration bro. If we shut down all immigration it includes the National Interest Waivers cases and the Extraordinary ability cases- think cures to cancer and high tech research.
I think he’s referring to temporary shutdown the border until Trump can get the illegal mess straightened out. Nobody is talking about shutting down legal immigration.
So what is he going to do about those here illegally?
First, I would imagine Trump will offer joint fed/state/local LE cooperation to enforce federal immigration laws. I doubt you will be seeing a Trump admin suing AZ or Tex for enforcing federal immigration laws.

Next, Trump will begin rebuilding barriers that physically block easy entry points. My guess is this time around he would get more cooperation from congress slow the flow. By doing this, he can dedicate more LE time to actually hunting down illegals that are criminals or refuse to show up for their hearings.

Finally, he'll fire the asshats in the justice dept that refuse to enforce our laws. The game is pretty slick and both sides have played the blame the other side game and beg for new legislation game but the American voters need to send the message that the game is over. Most folks want a liberal immigration system but also want screening, monitoring, assimilation and ultimately self sufficiency. It really shouldn't be all that hard to figure out if both sides would start calling BS on their reps.
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First, I would imagine Trump will offer joint fed/state/local LE cooperation to enforce federal immigration laws. I doubt you will be seeing a Trump admin suing AZ or Tex for enforcing federal immigration laws.

Next, Trump will begin rebuilding barriers that physically block easy entry points. My guess is this time around he would get more cooperation from congress slow the flow. By doing this, he can dedicate more LE time to actually hunting down illegals that are criminals or refuse to show up for their hearings.

Finally, he'll fire the asshats in the justice dept that refuse to enforce our laws. The game is pretty slick and both sides have played the blame the other side game and beg for new legislation game but the American voters need to send the message that the game is over. Most folks want a liberal immigration system but also want screening, monitoring, assimilation and ultimately self sufficiency. It really shouldn't be all that hard to figure out if both sides would start calling BS on their reps.
I appreciate the answer. However, we're going to need to see a specific plan regarding those already here. Just saying we'll go after them doesn't do it. And where will the money cone from?

There are walls on part of the barrier and I read that they are breached at certain points, so that won't do it by itself. And the money for inforcement isn't there right now.

I agree with what you say most people want and Congress has avoided this for a long time. When I look at some in Congress from both parties, I wonder how we got here.
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So you are reinforcing you are part of the problem. This thread is about immigration and the post you responded to was basically about immigration and why nothing gets done so WTF does killing fetuses have to do with it.
Illegal immigration is just one of the many horrible things the dems have foisted upon the American citizens.
The issues I mentioned are connected by the the dems crimes on Us all, even you. When you look at their body of work , you realize they do not care about American citizens, other than the money we a provide to pay for their pet projects.
It wasn’t when he was president. Biden created the mess.

No logic in bashing a bill that has Ukrainian handout in it.

Just spend money paying for wall, surveillance network, prosecute illegals and deport, and fund border agent salaries.

You whine over a pork bill?
Hitler only wants Poland. None of our business
You are absolutely correct.

However, Trump was already president for four years and didn’t do much to stop it. Same with Bush, same with Reagan.

I don’t have any hope that any republicans will actually stop it.

And democrats encourage it.
You serious?