Debate thoughts


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Aug 12, 2003
After watching the entire debate, here is my take on the performance of both candidates.

President Biden:
Did much worse than I expected. This debate was held on his terms. He had days of preparation. His camp has vowed and declared that Biden is razor sharp, and vehemently denied suggestions that he is having cognitive issues etc.

He looked weak
He sounded weak
Rambling, incoherent
Blank stares

On several occasions he answered, as if Trump were the incumbent. "I did x, but this guy got rid of it"

It was a disaster.

President Trump
Certainly looked sharper mentally. I think he demonstrated some self control. He clearly had the better night.

With that said, this was not the "greatest debate performance of all time" like Fox suggested.

Don't get me wrong, he had the better night. But it certainly wasn't perfect.

He never answered some questions.
He didn't articulate enough ideas.

I thought he missed several opportunities to give substantial responses to obvious mistakes by Biden. For example, Biden claimed Trump wanted to get rid of social security. All Trump had to say is "I was President for 4 years and social security is still here" ....Or...."You should know the President doesn't have the power to do that himself".

Finally, I actually thought the moderators did a great job. Good questions for both. They followed up. Gave appropriate time. I think they called it down the middle....and I didn't expect that.

Final grades
Biden: F
Trump: C+
After watching the entire debate, here is my take on the performance of both candidates.

President Biden:
Did much worse than I expected. This debate was held on his terms. He had days of preparation. His camp has vowed and declared that Biden is razor sharp, and vehemently denied suggestions that he is having cognitive issues etc.

He looked weak
He sounded weak
Rambling, incoherent
Blank stares

On several occasions he answered, as if Trump were the incumbent. "I did x, but this guy got rid of it"

It was a disaster.

President Trump
Certainly looked sharper mentally. I think he demonstrated some self control. He clearly had the better night.

With that said, this was not the "greatest debate performance of all time" like Fox suggested.

Don't get me wrong, he had the better night. But it certainly wasn't perfect.

He never answered some questions.
He didn't articulate enough ideas.

I thought he missed several opportunities to give substantial responses to obvious mistakes by Biden. For example, Biden claimed Trump wanted to get rid of social security. All Trump had to say is "I was President for 4 years and social security is still here" ....Or...."You should know the President doesn't have the power to do that himself".

Finally, I actually thought the moderators did a great job. Good questions for both. They followed up. Gave appropriate time. I think they called it down the middle....and I didn't expect that.

Final grades
Biden: F
Trump: C+
Could not agree more. In the end, America was the loser last night IMO.
Exactly. Our issue is the folks in Washington are simply too young to understand what the average Americans need. Maybe we should raise the mandatory age for office to around 87.
I've heard it said numerous times that boomers don't take millennials seriously in politics because they view them as still kids, and millennials are seeking office at far lower rates than past generations.

Which is why congress looks like hospice care
I think the debate did a few things last night.

First it showed Biden doesn't possess the mental capacity to run spray tan shop. He's not running the executive branch.

Next, any credible journo, commentator or pundit that has suggested that Trump is just anywhere close to being as mentally compromised as Biden is no longer credible. If it's your job to inform the American public, they should have been questioning Biden's ability a couple of yrs ago. Last night was a textbook case of invoking the 25th.

Imo, Biden lost the suburban women. They'll either vote for Trump or stay home.

Finally, I'd have to give Trump a B+ or A-. He stayed in control, didn't go nuclear when Biden got angry and insulting and appeared closer to a guy moderates could vote for this time around. It's wasn't a masterpiece debate performance but it accomplished the task and then some.
They got a lot right, but Founding Fathers should have also included Congressional term limits in Constitution.