That's CNN. That's a FOS network. Do better.why show up when there are so many lies
That's CNN. That's a FOS network. Do better.why show up when there are so many lies
The Milwaukee one is AI generated. ;-)
why are you so obsessed with crowd size?
Nope, fizzled.There's a larger pro Hamas crowd outside the United Center. You should be more concerned with that.
I don't watch the news on tv at all. Stopped watching Fox 4-5 years ago and never really watched News Max. So, as usual you are wrong.Only NewsMax!!! Amayerite?
And this:why show up when there are so many lies
Now, it won’t be easy. The other side knows it’s easier to play on people’s fears and cynicism. It always has been. They will tell you that government is inherently corrupt, that sacrifice and generosity are for suckers, and since the game is rigged it’s okay to take what you want and just look after your own. That’s the easy path.