Georgia is re-opening...

When Georgia spikes again , y’all can blame yourselves. Y’all wanted this .
When do you think we should start opening things back up? You are good telling everyone why would should not open, tell us when you think we should. Please don’t say when we have a vaccine. We are at least a year out before we can even talk about that. Not trying to start an argument, just like to hear your opinion.
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When do you think we should start opening things back up? You are good telling everyone why would should not open, tell us when you think we should. Please don’t say when we have a vaccine. We are at least a year out before we can even talk about that. Not trying to start an argument, just like to hear your opinion.

Don’t take him seriously. Just some friendly advice.
When Georgia spikes again , y’all can blame yourselves. Y’all wanted this .
Is your solution to stay completely closed until a vaccine?

This stance simply makes no sense. I realize you are old so stay in your house if you are scared.

Obviously it needs to be done correctly but if the first wave didn’t even come remotely close to overwhelming the health system what exactly are you so afraid of this time with people much more aware and cautious?
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I feel like im in the twilight least six flags isnt reopened. I voted for this guy....smh
Why? I’m struggling to find the reasoning on this new “stay at home forever” crowd.

Seriously, this isn't Ebola or the Walking Dead zombie virus. We did what we needed to do to slow it down, and we did, significantly. Now it's time to get back to work. We're going to have to live with Covid moving forward- just like the flu, pneumonia, and other deadly diseases- so we might as well get started now that the worst is behind us.
When do you think we should start opening things back up? You are good telling everyone why would should not open, tell us when you think we should. Please don’t say when we have a vaccine. We are at least a year out before we can even talk about that. Not trying to start an argument, just like to hear your opinion.

When people can stay in their dam house . Not go to wal mart to hang out or Lowe’s to hang out. Although those stores are cracking down .

when we have serval weeks of zero new cases . That’s when we can open up again . Like zero before we had our first case .
Seriously, this isn't Ebola or the Walking Dead zombie virus. We did what we needed to do to slow it down, and we did, significantly. Now it's time to get back to work. We're going to have to live with Covid moving forward- just like the flu, pneumonia, and other deadly diseases- so we might as well get started now that the worst is behind us.
Yep, how would the second wave be worse when everyone is far more aware and cautious? Especially when the first wave didn’t overwhelm the healthcare system in Georgia outside of Albany.
When do you think we should start opening things back up? You are good telling everyone why would should not open, tell us when you think we should. Please don’t say when we have a vaccine. We are at least a year out before we can even talk about that. Not trying to start an argument, just like to hear your opinion.
Fourth word in your post is the challenge for OCD! 65
When people can stay in their dam house . Not go to wal mart to hang out or Lowe’s to hang out. Although those stores are cracking down .

when we have serval weeks of zero new cases . That’s when we can open up again . Like zero before we had our first case .
Well then congratulations would be responsible for approximately this:
>100,000 suicides
>100,000 business failures
>50M people out of work
Large spikes in violent crime by at least a factor of 5
Monumental spikes in divorces and broken homes

I've been on here long enough to know your shtick but you really don't do yourself any favors with statements like that.
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Thank God.

When people can stay in their dam house . Not go to wal mart to hang out or Lowe’s to hang out. Although those stores are cracking down .

when we have serval weeks of zero new cases . That’s when we can open up again . Like zero before we had our first case .
You can’t be serious.
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what line of work you in?

sorry I meant working out all next week.. i am a sr systems engineer so I am working from home and doing international work. my wife though is unemployed and won't be back working til phase 2 i believe..
sorry I meant working out all next week.. i am a sr systems engineer so I am working from home and doing international work. my wife though is unemployed and won't be back working til phase 2 i believe..

ah, gotcha.

I imagine gyms will be busy
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Explain how it’s reckless to open in a controlled way with precautions?

Explain your reasoning and when/how you would open?
I would have waited till he at least lifted the shelter in place. If you aren’t smart enough to do that, I have little faith in you. That’s moronic. He left the shelter in place order in tact, but you can go bowling! This and his dumb comment at his press conference about not knowing it could be spread without showing symptoms says he lacks what is needed to be governor and I am not a Democrat and we voted for him. Not next time......

Now to answer your question. I would have waited till the second week of May and opened when we had more testing kits and with the precautionary measures in place. Testing is the key for the 2 countries that have a great handle on this.
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ah, gotcha.

I imagine gyms will be busy

the gym i go to will only allow 8 people per class and is offering less HIIT classes to give them more time between classes to sanitize everything. it's the one place I feel pretty safe.. they do a good job keeping everyone separated and everything clean.
When people can stay in their dam house . Not go to wal mart to hang out or Lowe’s to hang out. Although those stores are cracking down .

when we have serval weeks of zero new cases . That’s when we can open up again . Like zero before we had our first case .
You are just wrong. You are giving an unattainable standard.
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Most beautiful words ever posted. Great job by governor kemp. That is leadership

yep and i love guys who hate on Kemp. they hated kemp already and now whatever he does they hate him even more.. of all the governor's i think kemp has done a good job especially comparing him to gavin n and that moronic michigan governor.. oh please.. i have to agree great idea opening up now with restrictions.. the bottom line is the virus isn't going away and we can't hide in our homes anymore.. gotta get the economy going and got to get people back into their daily lives again.. also gyms being closed in the 1st place (small ones I am referring to was stupid in general). exercising and being healthy is a big help to those who do get sick.. also as we thought early on the mortality rate wasn't as high as some believed.. the key are those who are at high risk.. keep them separated as much as possible. there will be requirements for sure for reopening and the first thing i am doing is working out all next week and will be taking my wife to a movie.

also i think keeping bars closed is a good idea and his message regarding religious meetings was also appropriate.. my congregation will continue our zoom meetings for the foreseeable future.. i think a lot of churches will keep doing that as well. we will see a spike in cases when we first open, but then it will level off. I believe this is a good thing for our state as long as people follow the requirements.
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