Georgia is re-opening...

Well then congratulations would be responsible for approximately this:
>100,000 suicides
>100,000 business failures
>50M people out of work
Large spikes in violent crime by at least a factor of 5
Monumental spikes in divorces and broken homes

I've been on here long enough to know your shtick but you really don't do yourself any favors with statements like that.

Well when the second wave comes and it’s worse than before . We surpass the bench Mark now . Don’t do no crying because people like you want to open things up ,
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Well when the second wave comes and it’s worse than before . We surpass the bench Mark now . Don’t do no crying because people like you want to open things up ,
I ask again, when and how would you open the economy back up. You sit here and talk about how everyone is doing everything wrong, but you have no idea what you would do. Monday morning quarterbacking.
Well when the second wave comes and it’s worse than before . We surpass the bench Mark now . Don’t do no crying because people like you want to open things up ,

just wait when the second wave hits and it’s worse .

Except people like Dr. Fauci have said a second wave won’t be as bad and will be able to be contained much faster. He’s said it multiple times.
Except people like Dr. Fauci have said a second wave won’t be as bad and will be able to be contained much faster. He’s said it multiple times.

I would assume that's based on meeting the guidelines set by the WH Task Force. I don't see where Georgia will be doing the testing that Dr. Fauci was contemplating so hopefully it won't be to bad.
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I would assume that's based on meeting the guidelines set by the WH Task Force. I don't see where Georgia will be doing the testing that Dr. Fauci was contemplating so hopefully it won't be to bad.

3 weeks ago we didn’t have the ventilator capability nor the hospital capacity needed. But we did and then some. Over the weekend the narrative is we don’t have the testing capability, but that is coming under control per the experts.

What will be the next fear mongering point to drive a narrative?

Did u happen to notice oil fell to -$37/B today? This is the kind of indicator that leads to world wars & global collapse. Without correction this is the end of the petro dollar & our way of life.

We have to move forward. The cure is becoming more threatening than the disease.
When is the right time to reopen? Some of us have been going into work every day during this entire crisis. You change your behavior, wear a mask social distance, and use common sense.

Hair/nail salons arent essential - need numbers to go lower. Especially for a state that was late to shelter and slow to test.
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Well when the second wave comes and it’s worse than before . We surpass the bench Mark now . Don’t do no crying because people like you want to open things up ,
Just keep ignoring the ramifications...
3 weeks ago we didn’t have the ventilator capability nor the hospital capacity needed. But we did and then some. Over the weekend the narrative is we don’t have the testing capability, but that is coming under control per the experts.

What will be the next fear mongering point to drive a narrative?

Did u happen to notice oil fell to -$37/B today? This is the kind of indicator that leads to world wars & global collapse. Without correction this is the end of the petro dollar & our way of life.

We have to move forward. The cure is becoming more threatening than the disease.
Oil collapsing is the very last thing anyone needs to be concerned with. Low oil prices are great for the consumer / fuel intensive industries and will help with an economic rebound not hinder it. Besides, oil falling a long way was going to happen anyway once Russia and Saudis failed to agree on sizable OPEC+ production cuts as there was already a glut. The oil companies didn't give one damn about the consumer when it was $100 / BBL and would raise pump prices the instant oil move higher in pricing. They NEVER move down as fast. Never. I have zero sympathy for the bastes. The quicker we all move to electric vehicles the better.
3 weeks ago we didn’t have the ventilator capability nor the hospital capacity needed. But we did and then some. Over the weekend the narrative is we don’t have the testing capability, but that is coming under control per the experts.

What will be the next fear mongering point to drive a narrative?

Did u happen to notice oil fell to -$37/B today? This is the kind of indicator that leads to world wars & global collapse. Without correction this is the end of the petro dollar & our way of life.

We have to move forward. The cure is becoming more threatening than the disease.

I didn't say don't do it. I'm saying that the second wave could be worse without meeting the guidelines - and, yes, they are just guidelines and not ironclad requirement.

And ventilators have nothing to do with it. Georgia would seem to have the hospital capacity and again it has nothing to do with what I said. I don't see that there is enough testing capacity, but we'll see so I'm not going to debate it.

I'm well aware of the oil market. It's a little misleading to say oil fell to that large negative value. As I'm sure you know it was for the May contract. Yes, oil production/price is a big problem right now that might not be solved by the decrease in production that is supposed to happen on May 1. But the June contract was +20 or something. While not good, it's more representative than today's pricing of the May contract.

You talk about fear mongering and then talk about the end of our way of life - I find that ironic.

I understand your points, but they are not relevant to the effect of not meeting the stated guidelines before proceeding.. And to make sure it's clear, I am not saying to not reopen the businesses as stated. I hope it goes well and other states can follow.
Oil collapsing is the very last thing anyone needs to be concerned with. Low oil prices are great for the consumer / fuel intensive industries and will help with an economic rebound not hinder it. Besides, oil falling a long way was going to happen anyway once Russia and Saudis failed to agree on sizable OPEC+ production cuts as there was already a glut. The oil companies didn't give one damn about the consumer when it was $100 / BBL and would raise pump prices the instant oil move higher in pricing. They NEVER move down as fast. Never. I have zero sympathy for the bastes. The quicker we all move to electric vehicles the better.

You’re usually much better than this Roy.

There’s a substantial difference in low oil prices & potential destabilization of our currency status.

20 million plus unemployed in our nation

Fed has booked over $6T

Stimulus in the trillions & counting.

Left unchecked economic conditions like this will make the rona threat look like child’s play

We bent the curve, we have guidance issued to move forward with checks in place, we’re moving forward.

Electric vehicles?
I didn't say don't do it. I'm saying that the second wave could be worse without meeting the guidelines - and, yes, they are just guidelines and not ironclad requirement.

And ventilators have nothing to do with it. Georgia would seem to have the hospital capacity and again it has nothing to do with what I said. I don't see that there is enough testing capacity, but we'll see so I'm not going to debate it.

I'm well aware of the oil market. It's a little misleading to say oil fell to that large negative value. As I'm sure you know it was for the May contract. Yes, oil production/price is a big problem right now that might not be solved by the decrease in production that is supposed to happen on May 1. But the June contract was +20 or something. While not good, it's more representative than today's pricing of the May contract.

You talk about fear mongering and then talk about the end of our way of life - I find that ironic.

I understand your points, but they are not relevant to the effect of not meeting the stated guidelines before proceeding.. And to make sure it's clear, I am not saying to not reopen the businesses as stated. I hope it goes well and other states can follow.

Notice I said “without correction”. And I stand by that and stand by the dangers true economic collapse leads to.
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Notice I said “without correction”. And I stand by that and stand by the dangers true economic collapse leads to.

I'll agree to that. Unfortunately, it's not a problem the US can solve by itself. There are a number of things we need to fix going forward.
You’re usually much better than this Roy.

There’s a substantial difference in low oil prices & potential destabilization of our currency status.

20 million plus unemployed in our nation

Fed has booked over $6T

Stimulus in the trillions & counting.

Left unchecked economic conditions like this will make the rona threat look like child’s play

We bent the curve, we have guidance issued to move forward with checks in place, we’re moving forward.

Electric vehicles?
Are you talking economics with Roy?
“Economics” is his specialty.
Remember that young prince’s “Councilor of War” in Braveheart? Expert, like that.
I’ll never get to see the wisdom, however, as Roy is muted on IGNORE.
Most beautiful words ever posted. Great job by governor kemp. That is leadership
It’s a terrible mistake. State is under testing. There will be another peak larger than the first in Georgia. Who needs to get a tattoo and how does one socially distance getting a haircut or massage??
The things he opened first are absurd! He said he thinks there is enough PPE. There won’t be. Georgia is in the bottom 10 states for testing per capita. This decision will mean football this fall will not happen. There will be another shutdown before summer is over in Georgia unless they just decide to let many people die. Glad I live in Florida. They are managing this epidemic much better than Georgia. Open businesses that can socially distance. Does he honestly think businesses will be compliant? Who will police that? If companies open and everyone gets infected and or die, will the companies have any legal issues? Or will Kemp and Georgia? Kemp it’s screwing this up for my home state. I’m a microbiology major and a doctor. This is my opinion based on the known data in Georgia
Is your solution to stay completely closed until a vaccine?

This stance simply makes no sense. I realize you are old so stay in your house if you are scared.

Obviously it needs to be done correctly but if the first wave didn’t even come remotely close to overwhelming the health system what exactly are you so afraid of this time with people much more aware and cautious?
If you think it did not overwhelm the health system ask any Health care worker in Albany GA. They will tell you differently. The mayor of Albany thinks kemp’s plan is a big mistake. He’s lived through it and he is correct. People will not social distance and if it just impacted them well fine but it does not. He is reopening things that do not need to reopen. Open the second wave of essential businesses first. A gym is a big germ pool under normal circumstances. Work out at home. Those muscles you build at the gym won’t help you much when you spend weeks on a ventilator. Good luck with that!
Hair/nail salons arent essential - need numbers to go lower. Especially for a state that was late to shelter and slow to test.
They are essential if you own a salon. I’m not OK with the government telling me what businesses are “essential” and what business are not. This was supposed to be a temporary thing but it has become an addiction.
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If you think it did not overwhelm the health system ask any Health care worker in Albany GA. They will tell you differently. The mayor of Albany thinks kemp’s plan is a big mistake. He’s lived through it and he is correct. People will not social distance and if it just impacted them well fine but it does not. He is reopening things that do not need to reopen. Open the second wave of essential businesses first. A gym is a big germ pool under normal circumstances. Work out at home. Those muscles you build at the gym won’t help you much when you spend weeks on a ventilator. Good luck with that!
I guess it comes down to whether you believe your health is more important to me than my ability to earn a living is important to you. Nobody’s mind is changing.
Hair/nail salons arent essential - need numbers to go lower. Especially for a state that was late to shelter and slow to test.

Tell that to the hair stylists who are running out of money to buy food, pay their bills, etc. That is the situation for a cousin of mine who cannot sit around any longer waiting for DOL to catch up to the backlog of unemployment claim requests. Her salon is opening back up, with distancing requirements in place between stations and only allowing the customers in who are actively getting worked on, so no waiting room, no bringing kids to the appointment, etc.

Anecdotally though, I know of several places that are allowed to re-open under this that are going to stay closed, which is a responsible option for them if they feel they can swing it from a business health standpoint.
If you think it did not overwhelm the health system ask any Health care worker in Albany GA. They will tell you differently. The mayor of Albany thinks kemp’s plan is a big mistake. He’s lived through it and he is correct. People will not social distance and if it just impacted them well fine but it does not. He is reopening things that do not need to reopen. Open the second wave of essential businesses first. A gym is a big germ pool under normal circumstances. Work out at home. Those muscles you build at the gym won’t help you much when you spend weeks on a ventilator. Good luck with that!
I clarified with (outside of Albany) in other posts. Either way, Albany is still a small city and should dictate how the rest of GA lives.

I agree on gyms and bowling alleys, I wouldn’t have opened those.

That said, I don’t follow the logic that the second wave will be bigger when 1. People are much more aware now than they were in early March and 2. There are still restrictions in place and 3. A large portion of the population is still quarantined. The potential for mass spread is significantly lower and the health system overall (since Albany represents a very small portion) wasn’t overwhelmed last time.

You seem to base your opinion on emotion rather than facts.
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If you think it did not overwhelm the health system ask any Health care worker in Albany GA. They will tell you differently. The mayor of Albany thinks kemp’s plan is a big mistake. He’s lived through it and he is correct. People will not social distance and if it just impacted them well fine but it does not. He is reopening things that do not need to reopen. Open the second wave of essential businesses first. A gym is a big germ pool under normal circumstances. Work out at home. Those muscles you build at the gym won’t help you much when you spend weeks on a ventilator. Good luck with that!
Your lack of faith in human beings to make rational decisions for themselves is alarming. Most people are social distancing and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. There are people functioning right now in work settings without mass spread (me for one). When is the right time to start a phased reopening? Previously we heard it was when we are on the downside of the curve. Now that we are on the downside of the curve, it isn’t good enough.

You will never be able to live life without risk. A few bad actors cannot shut down society for everyone else. If you continue to social distance and behave in a responsible manner, your chances of contracting the virus are low.

I run two large construction sites in Atlanta and we have been open throughout the shutdown. Each site averages between 150 and 190 workers a day. I have personally been on site every day throughout this crisis. Each site has had one case of a worker onsite contracting the virus. In both cases, we shutdown the site for two days and had an industrial hygienist clean the contaminated areas. After the two day period, everyone went back to work and we have had no additional cases. Everyone is wearing mask and we stringently enforce social distancing, although it isn’t hard to enforce because most people do it voluntarily. We don’t allow sick people on site and everyone wears masks.
Tell that to the hair stylists who are running out of money to buy food, pay their bills, etc. That is the situation for a cousin of mine who cannot sit around any longer waiting for DOL to catch up to the backlog of unemployment claim requests. Her salon is opening back up, with distancing requirements in place between stations and only allowing the customers in who are actively getting worked on, so no waiting room, no bringing kids to the appointment, etc.

Anecdotally though, I know of several places that are allowed to re-open under this that are going to stay closed, which is a responsible option for them if they feel they can swing it from a business health standpoint.

So its a responsible option to stay closed if you can afford it? just contradicted your previous points and admit this early reopening is irresponsible. But Ga knows what its doing opening up before any other state in the country - cause we have such great testing here compared to other states (not). Look at the numbers compared to other states testing or listen to the health officials/healthcare workers saying how foolish this is. Im all for reopening but this is way too fast and we havent had two weeks of reduced cases/hospitalizations.
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So its a responsible option to stay closed if you can afford it? just contradicted your previous points and admit this early reopening is irresponsible. But Ga knows what its doing opening up before any other state in the country - cause we have such great testing here compared to other states (not). Look at the numbers compared to other states testing or listen to the health officials/healthcare workers saying how foolish this is. Im all for reopening but this is way too fast and we havent had two weeks of reduced cases/hospitalizations.

It seems logical to me that the the longer we wait to re-open the less danger there is in doing so. But I say that as someone in an industry that is a little more insulated from downturns in the economy than others. There are other people out there who are struggling just to meet the basic necessities, and for them the calculation of going to work vs not becomes a lot easier.

My overall point though is that this is a complicated issue, not one that is black and white. We have to recognize this when we talk about the issue and stop implying that the people that want to keep things shut down are commies and that people who want/need to have things opened back up are heartless and trying to harm others.
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This whole thread is why we have the US Constitution to protect ME and my family from Left Wing loons. You folks stay home and stay safe, and shelter in place.

I will wash my hands, use hand sanitizer and avoid being trapped within a couple of feet of a stranger for more than 10 minutes at a time. I might wear a mask in public gatherings...and I will get on with life. Elderly & infirm should stay out of harm's way.

This is the flu, except less contagious and deadly.

This ill-advised shutdown of the economy was the worst self-inflicted gunshot wound to the chest in the history of Mankind. Very stupid bureaucrats have destroyed the economy with ZERO data to tell them it was wise to do. And illogical sycophants of authoritarianism have cheered them on the whole way, and continue to do so.
When do you think we should start opening things back up? You are good telling everyone why would should not open, tell us when you think we should. Please don’t say when we have a vaccine. We are at least a year out before we can even talk about that. Not trying to start an argument, just like to hear your opinion.
I'd say when your numbers are down. Not really sure what the point is in closing everything down if you are gonna open up when you are pretty much getting new cases almost as high as your peak. Honestly, either way it's mismanaged. Either he had no business shutting it down to begin with, or he has no business opening it back up. Nothing in the data suggests he should.
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Except people like Dr. Fauci have said a second wave won’t be as bad and will be able to be contained much faster. He’s said it multiple times.
He probably also assumed it would come in the fall because he thought governors would actually not open things back up until they saw numbers going downward.
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Bunch of hypocrites on this planet. All bent out of shape trying to save lives by staying home or complaining about reopening businesses but don't give a **** about abortions. 12.9 million so far this year.
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