NonDawg If you haven't seen "The Revenant" just know that is one Bad Man!! A really

The handling of Benghazi isn't hard to figure out, not sure why all these politicians are hesitant to just say it. The reason there was no rescue attempt is because that requires approval of the Commander in Chief. Obama was nowhere to be found, it's called 'off the grid'. He was off the grid for several hours, uncounted for, totally derelict in his duties as president. Once he surfaced, he didn't want to hear about it, he had the fund raiser in Vegas for which he left early on Air Force One. Couldn't let lives and the death of an Ambassador get in the way of partying in Vegas. It is a sorry, disgusting episode.
Cause it didn't happen the way you think nor the book or movie portrays any more than The Revenant did. There are several folks who could have acted on Benghazi way down the chain of command from both the president and the secretary. You've obviously never been in the service at a staff rank but if you were you'd realize nobody takes a dump without a contingency plan. That's what the Pentagon does: They plan for every eventuality unless there's a wild card in the deck. Stephens made a bad decision.... and others on the ground compounded it by allowing or assisting in putting a bunch of folks is harm's way. The person(s) to really hold accountable are a) the security folks at State for not having an adequate contingency plan to begin with before Stephens ever set foot in Libya or b) Ambassador Stephens for ignoring security briefings and going anyway and putting everyone's ass in a sling or c) whoever was on the ground NOT telling Stephens he was NOT going due to security concerns... period. Once they were waste deep in the crap it was too late. Hayul, Benghazi is close enough to the sea to get carrier CAP or even choppers for evac. The truth is there was no cavalry not because somebody failed to answer a phone call but because nobody planned in advance. Apparently. There is no smoking gun buried in a bunch of emails either. BTW - From what I can tell the ONE question unasked by all the committees on Benghazi is, "Show us the pre-operational contingency planning? What was the exit plan at every hour on the ground? Who was in command? What were the rules of engagement? Was there a wild card in the deck?" Get those documents with those answers and you'll have all the answers you could ever want. My money says there was no escape plan 'cause no-one anticipated Stephens going into Benghazi in the first place, were not advised of his intended in-country movements, he ignored the danger. OR maybe somebody was derelict in the planning stages. No Commander in Chief is involved down in the weeds.
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Cause it didn't happen the way you think nor the book or movie portrays any more than The Revenant did. There are several folks who could have acted on Benghazi way down the chain of command from both the president and the secretary. You've obviously never been in the service at a staff rank but if you were you'd realize nobody takes a dump without a contingency plan. That's what the Pentagon does: They plan for every eventuality unless there's a wild card in the deck. Stephens made a bad decision.... and others on the ground compounded it by allowing or assisting in putting a bunch of folks is harm's way. The person(s) to really hold accountable are a) the security folks at State for not having an adequate contingency plan to begin with before Stephens ever set foot in Libya or b) Ambassador Stephens for ignoring security briefings and going anyway and putting everyone's ass in a sling or c) whoever was on the ground NOT telling Stephens he was NOT going due to security concerns... period. Once they were waste deep in the crap it was too late. Hayul, Benghazi is close enough to the sea to get carrier CAP or even choppers for evac. The truth is there was no cavalry not because somebody failed to answer a phone call but because nobody planned in advance. Apparently. There is no smoking gun buried in a bunch of emails either. BTW - From what I can tell the ONE question unasked by all the committees on Benghazi is, "Show us the pre-operational contingency planning? What was the exit plan at every hour on the ground? Who was in command? What were the rules of engagement? Was there a wild card in the deck?" Get those documents with those answers and you'll have all the answers you could ever want. My money says there was no escape plan 'cause no-one anticipated Stephens going into Benghazi in the first place, were not advised of his intended in-country movements, he ignored the danger. OR maybe somebody was derelict in the planning stages. No Commander in Chief is involved down in the weeds.

That is an honest and informed post without a political agenda. That's not the way to get along around here, just kidding..sort of.
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The handling of Benghazi isn't hard to figure out, not sure why all these politicians are hesitant to just say it. The reason there was no rescue attempt is because that requires approval of the Commander in Chief. Obama was nowhere to be found, it's called 'off the grid'. He was off the grid for several hours, uncounted for, totally derelict in his duties as president. Once he surfaced, he didn't want to hear about it, he had the fund raiser in Vegas for which he left early on Air Force One. Couldn't let lives and the death of an Ambassador get in the way of partying in Vegas. It is a sorry, disgusting episode.

Yep, and yet these gutless Repubs haven't even tried to find out where the POS was. Probably blowing his body man Reggie Love.

13 hrs is a great movie. Anyone that see's it will be disgusted of the failure of American leadership and how they traded the lives on these 4 men for political gain...or protection
Cause it didn't happen the way you think nor the book or movie portrays any more than The Revenant did. There are several folks who could have acted on Benghazi way down the chain of command from both the president and the secretary. You've obviously never been in the service at a staff rank but if you were you'd realize nobody takes a dump without a contingency plan. That's what the Pentagon does: They plan for every eventuality unless there's a wild card in the deck. Stephens made a bad decision.... and others on the ground compounded it by allowing or assisting in putting a bunch of folks is harm's way. The person(s) to really hold accountable are a) the security folks at State for not having an adequate contingency plan to begin with before Stephens ever set foot in Libya or b) Ambassador Stephens for ignoring security briefings and going anyway and putting everyone's ass in a sling or c) whoever was on the ground NOT telling Stephens he was NOT going due to security concerns... period. Once they were waste deep in the crap it was too late. Hayul, Benghazi is close enough to the sea to get carrier CAP or even choppers for evac. The truth is there was no cavalry not because somebody failed to answer a phone call but because nobody planned in advance. Apparently. There is no smoking gun buried in a bunch of emails either. BTW - From what I can tell the ONE question unasked by all the committees on Benghazi is, "Show us the pre-operational contingency planning? What was the exit plan at every hour on the ground? Who was in command? What were the rules of engagement? Was there a wild card in the deck?" Get those documents with those answers and you'll have all the answers you could ever want. My money says there was no escape plan 'cause no-one anticipated Stephens going into Benghazi in the first place, were not advised of his intended in-country movements, he ignored the danger. OR maybe somebody was derelict in the planning stages. No Commander in Chief is involved down in the weeds.

So like Hillary and POSOTUS you think the men on the Ground are liars? And clearly don't pay attention to the news.....well outside of CNN and MSNBC I guess.
So like Hillary and POSOTUS you think the men on the Ground are liars? And clearly don't pay attention to the news.....well outside of CNN and MSNBC I guess.
No, I think that THEY belive what they're telling but they've little idea of anything outside their immediate field of vision. It's THEIR versikn told from THEIR perspective and it's misinformed to draw absolute conclusiins from it. Plus they are way down the chain of command structure to have direct knowledge of certain "facts" though others may have. The idea that POTUS or S Of S is in direct control of live fire combat events is laughable and totally naive. That's not how it's organised.... you leave the actual killing to others. Like I said it's all about the planning and logistics. Show me that prolly classified info and we'll have the answers. I'm not absolving anyone nor blaming anyone cause there's still allot of fog. We may never know. MY opinion is Stephens made a forked up decision (maybe cause of bad intel), nobody in Tripoli counter manded his bad idea, there was no exit plan or it was woefully ineffective, they got caught in a trap outgunned with no hope of rescue without many more being KIA/MIA, were overrun & killed. But I'm willing to changing my narrative if I see facts to the contrary and books /movies sure ain't facts no matter how good or realistic they are.
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No, I think that THEY belive what they're telling but they've little idea of anything outside their immediate field of vision. It's THEIR versikn told from THEIR perspective and it's misinformed to draw absolute conclusiins from it. Plus they are way down the chain of command structure to have direct knowledge of certain "facts" though others may have. The idea that POTUS or S Of S is in direct control of live fire combat events is laughable and totally naive. That's not how it's organised.... you leave the actual killing to others. Like I said it's all about the planning and logistics. Show me that prolly classified info and we'll have the answers. I'm not absolving anyone nor blaming anyone cause there's still allot of fog. We may never know. MY opinion is Stephens made a forked up decision (maybe cause of bad intel), nobody in Tripoli counter manded his bad idea, there was no exit plan or it was woefully ineffective, they got caught in a trap outgunned with no hope of rescue without many more being KIA/MIA, were overrun & killed. But I'm willing to changing my narrative if I see facts to the contrary and books /movies sure ain't facts no matter how good or realistic they are.
Testimony from SF commanders support their view . Stand down orders were issued. Do u truly believe the USA couldn't do ANYTHING? Do you know where POSOTUS was? No one could find him. If GWB, Reagan , Trump or Cruz had been in office, I'd bet you those men would be alive today
Testimony from SF commanders support their view . Stand down orders were issued. Do u truly believe the USA couldn't do ANYTHING? Do you know where POSOTUS was? No one could find him. If GWB, Reagan , Trump or Cruz had been in office, I'd bet you those men would be alive today

Bush was in a near complete state of shock on 9/11, He was useless the entire day. Reagan's response to the bombing of The Marine Barracks was to pull out of Lebanon.
A POTUS gets involved on a macro level, very rarely do They take command from the experts put in place to manage small scale responses. The killing of Bin Laden was a very rare exception.

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